Copy & Art Training Individual Assignments Lecture
Simon Palser Guido Crolla Iriana Werleman 418645
Jasmien Nanhekhan 447984 1
Contents Layouts .........................................................................................................................................................3 Headlines......................................................................................................................................................4 Storyboard....................................................................................................................................................7 Creative Brief..............................................................................................................................................10 Joined brands .............................................................................................................................................14 Typography.................................................................................................................................................16
Layouts This is the improved version of the L’Oreal add of another group from our class. Since we had an intensive discussion during the workshop about this specific add we wanted to improve this add. Before:
Headline: Cream your way to the cone
Headline: Fly away with Calve
Headline: Color your soup to your pride
Storyboard Scene 1: Image: A wall with caveman paintings. Framing:CU. Camara: static movement: ><. Change of scenes: hard cut .SFX: no sfx. Music: the singing of the jeopardy begins Scene 2: Image: Caveman is drawing something on the wall. Framing: medium angle. Camera: static –movement: <>. Change of scenes: hard cut. SFX: Scratching of his wooden tool on the wall. Scene 3: Image: The Caveman is crafting, a beginning to draw something, but he doesn’t know what exactly what he’s drawing. Framing: ECU. Camera: static . Change of scene: Hard cut. SFX: the sound of the crafting and his grunning (the sound that a caveman makes). Scene 4: Image: Caveman is thinking;“what the hell I’m crafting?”. Framing: CU. Change of scenes: Hard cut. Camera: Static. SFX: the sound that he asks something to himself, but grunning. Scene 5: Image: The Caveman continues crafting. Framing: CU. Camera: Static movements><. Change of scene: Hard cut. SFX: the sound of his crafting. 7
Scene 6: Image: He begins to draw a bicycle on the wall. Framing: CU. Camera><. Change of scene: Hard cut. SFX: the sound of his crafting Scene 7: Image: He’s thinking: ‘what the hell I just painted and what of sort of thing it is’. Framing: medium angle. Camera static movement. Change of scene: Hard but. SFX: Scratching of his head. Scene 8:
Image: The Caveman is trying to figure out what kind of function this thing he just painted on the wall has. Framing: Medium angle. Camera movement static. Change of scene: Hard cut. SFX: He makes noise with his foot, scratching it on the floor.
Scene 9: Image: While the caveman was figuring out what more can be added to his new device, his companion tolled a wheel to him. Framing: Medium Angel. Camera: static movements. SFX: The rolling of the wheel and at the same time the crafting on the wall. While he is grunning. Scene 10: Image: The caveman companion gives him a sign that he can use the wheel of his device that he drawing on the wall. Framing: CU. Camera static movements. SFX: the sound that the Caveman’s companion giving the caveman a sign, but in the grunning kind of way. Scene 11: Image: The Caveman adds the wheel to his painting on the wall. Framing: CU. Camara static movements, zoom in. Change odd scene: Hard cut. SFX: the sound of his crafting 8
Scene 12: Image: The Cavemen is victorious, because he finished his painting. Framing: Medium angle. Camera: Static movements. Change of scene: Hard cut. SFX: “yeeaaahhh”; but in a Caveman style/sound. Scene13: Image: the bicycle of Batavus. Framing: Medium Angle. Freeze. Text: BATAVUS OERDEGELIJK!!. Music: Music stops. SFX: a sound like “pinggg”
Creative Brief
Who are the ads talking to? Fast or busy persons What do they want the audience to think or do? Butter, which you can or should use as an everyday product that you can add fast to or on everything. What is the proposition? What is offered? Butter that you can use on everything every time What are the objectives? Introduction What is the tone of voice? Simple and easy
Who are the ads talking to? Housemothers What do they want the audience to think or do? Use Ariel whenever they have to wash out stains out the clothes What is the proposition? What is offered? A washing powder that will help you with your laundry to get the stains out the clothes What are the objectives? Convincing What is the tone of voice? Strong/Practical product that will help you doing your laundry
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Who are the ads talking to? People/Housewives that want a strong notorious soup What do they want the audience to think or do? To know that their soup is so nutritious (strong) that it can bend a spoon or break a pan What is the proposition? What is offered? A soup, which is strong (nutritious) What are the objectives? Promotion/Convincing What is the tone of voice? Strong/Simple
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Who are the ads talking to? People who want to live healthy, but still want to enjoy “fat” products, but also lose weight What do they want the audience to think or do? That Hellman is so low of fat that it actually makes you lose weight. What is the proposition? What is offered? A low fat mayonnaise What are the objectives? Brand recognition What is the tone of voice? Light/slim
Joined brands Possible joint partners:
1. Capri-Sun and V&D (school campus) Promotional idea: V&D annual School campus attracts students of all ages all around the Netherlands. Therefore a joined promotion between these two brands will be great, since it has the same target audience. The promotion can be; buy certain amount of school supply at the school campus you can get a package of all the CapriSun products. This not only promotes Capri-Sun by showing the costumers all the product of Capri-Sun, but also is also encourage the costumers of V&D to buy more just to receive the package. Timing: July till August
2. Mc Donald and Starbucks Promotional idea: In the winter when it is freezing and everyone is cold, people are searching for a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate. Starbucks is known for its famous its various kind of Coffee, but is not available everywhere in the Netherlands like the Mc Donald food chain. By joining these two brands together, it will make it possible that Starbucks coffee will be available in every Mc Donald in the Netherlands. This will benefits not only Starbucks, but also the sales of Mc Donald since the chance to buy products of Mc Donald self is higher, and you are attracting two different target audiences. Timing: Beginning of November till January
3. Jonny Walker and Coca Cola> New Alcoholic Drink Promotional idea: People who are drinking Whisky Coke have to mix the coke and whisky to created the drink. Therefore, by joining these two brands, both Coca Cola and Jonny Walker will develop a new product with where the end result will be a ‘Ready-to-go’ whisky coke. To promote this new drink, it should be promoted in nightclubs, with exotic looking females. Timing: Summer
4. Beats by Dr.Dre and Jordan sneakers Promotional idea: Beats headphones you can relate it with music and Jordan is famous for its sneakers. These two brands can be joined together to make an all star basketball game. These two brands are endorsed and worn by celebrities, so this event will be packed with celebrities. All basketball players need to wear Jordan sneakers and through the whole event there will be hot music to entertain the audience. This will encourage people to buy Beats’ headphones and Jordan sneakers because they will see their favorite celebrity wearing these products and of course they want to be as cool as the celebrities. Timing: April till the end of the summer
5. Xbox and Redbull Promotional idea: Redbull sponsors a lot of sport events; at on of these events, the two brands can join together to approach their target audience that are similar. The event; e.g a skating event can be a combination to promote a new Xbox game of skates and the costumers can play with the Xbox. It can also be a tournament of both skating event sponsor by Redbull and a tournament of Xbox x-games. Timing: In the summer (July)
Typography Print
Dát is nou het Zwitserleven gevoel. Poster
Rotterdam durft. Billboard
Je bent een rund als je met vuurwerk stunt. Poster
Mona. De zuivelste verwenners. Online/Print
Bloemen houden van mensen. Print
Lipton. Tea can do that. Online
ABN AMRO. Maakt meer mogelijk. Print
INHolland brengt je op ideeën.