5 Tips To Improve Your Chances Of Obtaining A Favorable Child Custody Decision

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5 Tips To Improve Your Chances Of Obtaining A Favorable Child Custody Decision

If you are currently going through a divorce, you are probably worried about its outcome. Particularly, you are probably wondering how child custody rights and parent visitation plans will be determined in your divorce.


Be Positive And Fair Since Utah family courts prioritize the child’s best interests, they are inclined to award primary child custody rights to the parent who is more likely to ensure a loving and positive environment living with the child. Courts also consider which parent is more interested in frequent and positive contact with the child.

Continuity And Stability

This goes far beyond your family values. In order to have better chances of obtaining favorable child custody rights in a divorce, it is vital to maintain continuity and stability in a child’s environment and needs.



Health And Safety Concerns

Utah courts award child custody rights based on the child’s best interests. This means that the child’s health and safety plays a huge role when it comes to determining child custody in Salt Lake City and elsewhere in Utah.

Do Not Make Mistakes


This may sound quite generic and obvious, yet so many parents in Utah underestimate the importance of cleaning up their act during a divorce. You may want to avoid creating evidence that your spouse could use against you in court in order to take away your child.


Prepare For Your Spouse’s Arguments Against You

More likely than not, your child custody battle will get ugly. This means your spouse may bring up all kinds of arguments to hurt your chances of obtaining child custody rights. If there is anything unfavorable about you that your spouse may use against you in court, contact a Salt Lake City child custody attorney Emy Cordano at Emy A. Cordano, Attorney at Law. She will layout a personalized and effective plan for you to obtain child custody rights.

Contact Details 6465 S 3000 E, Suite 103 Salt Lake City, UT, 84121

801-804-5152 https://www.cor-law.com/contact-us/

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