Monthly Bulletin of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development
Number 26 (MAY - JUNE 2010) First Governing Board Session 2011 : Audit report 2010 approved
ollowing their last meeting in December 2010 in Dakar, the members of CORAF/WECARD Governing Board convened from 25 to 27 May, 2011 in Ndjamena for the first GB Session of 2011.
During three days, they reviewed and approved Fiscal Year 2010 Financial Statements, considered the Executive Director's report, the summary of the Executive Secretariat's reflection on the implementation of the Operational Plan 2008-2013. The Governing Board members were enlightened on CORAF/WECARD's activities on climate change; they were equally informed of the establishment of the Multi-Donor Trust Fund and the launch of activities in July 2011. The Board approved the firms selected to carry out the mid-term assessment of the operational plan and the recruitment of new Executive Director. With the adoption of the concept note of the 3rd Science Week, the Governing Board officially launched the organization's 10th General Assembly and 3rd Science Week to be held in May 2012 in Chad.â?? Board members meet with development partners on the life and future of CORAF/WECARD
Ausaid-CSIRO-CORAF/WECARD Partnership : a project on the integrated crop-small ruminant production systems launched
s part of the partnership between the Australian Government and CORAF/WECARD, the regional project on the integrated crop-small ruminant production systems was launched in Accra, Ghana from 18 to 21 April 2011.
The Ghanaian Minister of Environment, Science and Technology, the Australian Ambassador to Ghana, the Executive Director of CORAF/WECARD, the Representative of CORAF/WECARD Board Chair and the stakeholders and partners of agricultural research in Ghana, Benin, Mali and the Gambia took part in the official launching of this sub-regional project. The proceedings focused on the approach of the integrated agricultural research for development, and on the Australian guidelines on social ethics in the implementation of research activities. They were instrumental in fine-tuning the logical framework and developing the Work Plan and Annual Budget and the Monitoring-Evaluation system. Stakeholders and partners were trained on the administrative and financial procedures for a successful implementation of the project.â??
The regional and national coordinators had a common understanding of how project activities should be carried out.
Senegal NCS outlines its activities
Focal points of CORAF/WECARD Zone trained on the use of eRAILS Platform
s part of the relaunch of its activities, the National Center of Specialization (NCOS) of Senegal hosted a workshop to reshape its activities, bringing together all WAAPP stakeholders and partners from Senegal, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana; the workshop was held from 27 to 28 April 2011 in Saly Portudal, Senegal. Following a World Bank implementation Support Mission in WAAPP 1A countries, a lack of project was reported in NCOSs, which affects the achievement of indicators. A subsequent recommendation was made to identify new projects that will contribute to achieving the NCOS objectives. The Senegal NCOS organized the workshop in this regard to inform participants and discuss with them on the progress of ongoing projects. The two-day workshop identified new research priorities and activities in the areas of strategic research and adaptive research for the period May 2011 and June 2012. Dr. Ousmane Ndoye, Non-Food Crop Program Manager represented CORAF/WECARD at the meeting. ❐
rom 5 to 8 April 2011 in Ouagadougou, the focal of CORAF/WECARD Zone were trained on the use of eRAILS Platform and Web 2.0 tools. The training was aimed at strengthening the capacities of a group of prospective trainers on the sharing of their knowledge in the content management of an eRAILS platform within their networks, communities of practice or any other group in relation to their national mandate. The learners had common understanding of training objectives, expectations and outcomes before their introduction to the platform through demonstrations as users and administrators. Dgroup creation techniques for the sharing of knowledge at national level were explained.
Agricultural information would be better disseminated to result research end users
More importantly, the PSTAD Project "Promotion of Science and Technology for Agricultural Development in Africa" aims at strengthening capacities for the management of NARS research results, and developing channels for the dissemination of improved technologies and good agricultural practices across the continent. AfDB-funded project PSTAD is coordinated at regional level by FARA, and at sub-regional level by the Sub-Regional Organizations (SROs). Regarding the RAILS component, concerns were raised on the proper use and content management of eRAILS platform developed in 2009. To this end, FARA’s RAILS Team, SROs and national partners engaged in strengthening individuals’ capacities to effective use of the platform in order to carry out their main activities including training of trainers in the use and management of eRAILS platform, for national focal points.❐ Senegal NCS, is in charge of dry cereals
Ausaid-CSIRO-CORAF/WECARD Partnership : three projects on integrated crop-livestock production systems launched
ORAF/WECARD actors and partners were invited to a regional planning and inception workshop on three research-development projects targeting integrated croplivestock production systems, in Ouagadougou from 11 to 14 April, 2011. An integrated cereal-livestock system for sustainable lands and the improved living conditions of poor farmers in the Sahel; sustainable intensification of integrated crop-livestock systems to enhance agricultural productivity, food security and environmental protection in West and Central Africa; the option for ecological intensification and risk management in integrated agro-silvo-pastoral systems in West Africa to boost food security falls into three projects to be coordinated respectively by INRAN Niger, APESS through its regional office based in Burkina Faso and INERA Burkina Faso. The official launching of these projects was made by Prof. Gnissa Konate, Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation in Burkina Faso. Before the launch, project coordinators
With such projects, innovative technologies will be developed to improve crop-livestock production systems
and relevant others authors planned the activities over the three-year duration of the projects and developed roadmaps for an effective implementation of activities.❐
Mali NCS Researchers Visited Senegal
Mali hosted the 2nd Ordinary Session of the National Steering Committee
rom 2 to 6 May, 2011, five researchers from the National Center of Specialization of Mali visited Senegal as part of scientific exchanges between the NCOSs. The Malian delegation led by Dr. Gaoussou Traore, Head of NCS of Mali, had fruitful discussions with WAAPP stakeholders and partners in Senegal. Malians showed keen interest in Nematology as an area of research. A Senegalese researcher will soon make a scientific trip to Mali to strengthen the capacity of a Malian nematologist. Visits were made to the Senegalese Institute of Agricultural Research (ISRA), the Africa Rice Regional Centre in Saint Louis, and the headquarters of CORAF/WECARD.❐
ithin the framework of its activities, the Malian National Coordination under the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program held its second NSC ordinary session on May 9, 2011 in Bamako.
To ensure proper operation of WAAPP in Mali, the Minister of Agriculture signed two orders establishing the National Steering Committee and appointing members of the Committee. May 9 was the first-of-kind meeting where members could know each other and take stock of the Implementation of WAAPP in Mali. The National Steering Committee of Mali comprises 13 members, 12 among whom reported attending. The participants, during a one-day meeting, reviewed the recommendations of the first NCOS session, and took stock of the technical and financial implementation of the Work Program for 2010 before reading the main activities of the current year’s Work Program. The proceedings ended on NSC members’ satisfaction over a good implementation of WAAP in Mali. However, they were unanimous the low disbursement rate remained the main problem.❐
Consequently, NSC members recommended better visibility of WAAPP activities and a better dissemination of existing technologies. CORAF/WECARD was represented by Dr. Vincent Mama, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager.❐
Cooperation : Discussions around the USAID’s "Feed the Future" Strategy
he U.S. Agency for International Development in the West Africa region (USAID / WA) invited its partners to a workshop to define a roadmap for its new strategy termed "Feed the Future," in Accra on May 31, 2001.
As a reminder, the main results to be achieved under this strategy include: sustainable improvement of agricultural productivity, increased regional commodities market, capacity building of key actors in agriculture.
The West Africa region is facing enormous difficulties in achieving the Millennium Development Goals as regards poverty reduction. To achieve this and according to USAID experts, the private and public investments should be increased to strengthen processing of food products and facilitate access to markets. In this context, USAID has developed the strategy "Feed the Future" aiming to support West African countries to achieve the first millennium goal.
Dr. Harold Roy-Macauley, Program Director of CORAF/WECARD took part in the proceedings.
Participants were enlightened on the origins and pillars of this new strategy. CORAF/WECARD was identified as a key partner to assisting in implementing the strategy.
PLM Project : Activity Monitoring Mission
CORAF/WECARD‘s mission comprising Dr. Joseph Mama and Hamade Kagoné made a visit relative to activities achieved under the Project on strengthening livelihoods resilience to reduce poverty in semi-arid West Africa. This took place in Lome and Bamako from 23 to 28May, 2011. The mission was to assess project achievements with a view to improving the performances of National Coordinations. The mission reviewed the various achievements and their contributions to the project results; it analyzed the level of achievement of planned activities and the level of participation of the different actors. Consideration for the IAR4D approach, environment and gender was also assessed. After visiting the town of Farankan in Mali and two platforms of VO prefecture in Togo, recommendations have been made to improve the quality of the project.❐
Dr Harold Roy-Macauley, Directeur des Programmes du CORAF/WECARD a pris part aux travaux.❐
“Feed the Future” a promising initiative for agricultural development
Climate Change : CORAF/WECARD and IFPRI assessing studies Reports
s part of the review of study reports on the vulnerability of agriculture to climate change, conducted in 12 West African countries, a working session to finalize these reports was held between CORAF/WECARD and IFPRI in Nairobi, Kenya.
CORAF/WECARD showed strong commitment in developing the Mega climate change Program of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. To get an accurate picture of agricultural vulnerability of in West Africa, CORAF/WECARD and IFPRI
were tasked with conducting studies in 12 West African countries. These studies now over, the reports are to finalize and transmit to countries to provide guidance on climate change issues. After evaluating these reports, eleven out of twelve country reports have proven satisfactory and could be edited and published. Dr. Abdulai Jalloh, Program Manager, Natural Resource Management is responsible for these studies at CORAF/WECARD.❐
Seed policy : Brainstorming during a workshop
rom 5 to 6 May 2011 in Cotonou-Benin, ECOWAS organized a regional workshop on seed policy in West Africa to raise awareness among decision makers in the development of seed policies in the different countries.
During the 60th regular session of the ECOWAS’ Council of Agriculture Ministers held in May 2008, countries were recommended among other to establish frameworks for producing and distributing foundation seeds of agricultural development. In Cotonou, the workshop provided the opportunity to check the status of implementation for this recommendation and share the experiences of countries that have this policy in place. Dr. Ernest Asiedu, the Staple Crop Program Manager represented CORAF/WECARD at this meeting.❐
Good seed system means sustainable agriculture
Non-staple crops :
Cross-border trades at the heart of debates
Making an update with the team of consultants to conduct the baseline survey
arket Information Systems experts from West Africa met from 16 to 18 May 2011 in Niamey to take stock of the regional cross-border flow monitoring. From the 80's, some countries in the West Africa region established Market Information Systems (MIS). These have been collecting and processing weekly information on prices and quantities of agricultural commodities (millet, sorghum, maize, rice, cassava, yams, groundnuts, cowpeas, etc.) from nearly 600 markets. However, a substantial number of relevant information deemed crucial for food security and poverty alleviation, such as cross-border trade remain inaccessible to the MIS. To fill this gap, CILSS, in cooperation with the national MIS, took the initiative to establish a regional cross-border flow monitoring mechanism. Following the validation of the baseline document and tools (interviewer manual, log sheets), a follow-up test was conducted in 2009 in Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Côte d'Ivoire.
The West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development’s Monthly Bulletin Director of publication Pr Yusuf ABUBAKAR
Director of Edition Paco Sérémé
Editor-in-Chief Anatole Yékéminan Koné
Editing and Reading Committee Department Info/Com
Layout Alassane DIA Online publication Gorgui Alioune Mbow
During the Niamey workshop, the follow-up test results were released and discussions followed on existing constraints. The experts pledged to improve the existing system. Mika Ndongo, a CORAF/WECARD Program Assistant, represented the organization at the meeting.❐
s part of the baseline survey on the non-staple crop program which is aimed at giving a situational analysis on these crops and identifying priorities, a team of consultants conducted field missions in selected countries of the subregion. Program Manager, Dr Ousmane Ndoye held a working session with them for an update from 18 to 20 May, 2011 in Ouagadougou. Discussions focused on data collected in the countries visited namely Cameroon, Chad, Mali, Senegal, Ghana and Benin. The remaining work was assessed with consultants. It appears from this session that the missions are well conducted as a whole despite some difficulties as part of the information at the NARSs was not forwarded by the NARIs.❐
Meetings organized by CORAF/WECARD 29 to 30 June 2011, Dakar. Demonstration workshop on the tool designed under the EarthAudit Agricultural Yield Project 27 to 30 June 2011, Thies, Senegal. Monitoring and evaluation workshop on the operationalization of the result framework for PPAAO/WAAPP 1-A and 1-B 27 to 29 June 2011, Dakar. Methodological Workshop on Climate Change under the CRDI-CORAF/WECARD Partnership 20 to 22 June 2011, Cotonou. Planning and inception workshop on the project on the integrated control of ticks and emerging transmissible diseases in West and Central Africa 15 to 17 June 2011, Cotonou. Validation workshop on Project Research Methodologies under the Ausaid-CSIRO-CORAF/WECARD Partnership 1 to June 10, 2011, Dakar. PPAAO/WAAPP: exchange visits of the in charge of Mali WAAPP Information and Communication Team at CORAF/WECARD headquarters
A French version is available CORAF/WECARD, BP 48 Dakar RP CP 18523, Sénégal Tél. : (221) 33 869 96 18 Fax : (221) 33 869 96 31 E-mail : Internet :
Meetings organized by Partners 8 to 10 June 2011, Dakar. Annual Review of the Growth and Agricultural Development Policy (AGRODEP) organized by IFPRI