Monthly Bulletin of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development
Number 27 (JULY 2011)
Mid-term review of the OP :
the activities launched in Dakar fter two and a half years of implementation of its 2008-2013 Operational Plan, the West and Central African Council for Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD) have conducted it’s external mid-term review of the Operational Plan.
Enterprise Development Service (EDS Ltd) a consultancy firm, were selected to carry out the evaluation and began operations July 4, 2011 for a month period. In 11 out of 22 countries, the EDS consultant team met the stakeholders and partners of CORAF/WECARD to make a brief assessment of the Operational Plan (OP) implementation achievements. This also means assessing the contribution of the OP to the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development in Africa (CAADP); assessing all changes resulting from the implementation of the institutional change process; reviewing the efficiency of resources (human, material and financial) deployed for the implementation of the OP; drawing lessons learned from the delivery of the OP and identifying necessary adjustments for the period 2011-2013.
In Dakar, consultants evaluators met with the Board’s OP mid-term monitoring and evaluation Committee; they equally had a meeting with the management team of the Executive Secretariat and programme managers.p EDS consultants and managers of CORAF/WECARD discussed the field work methodology
International Master of Tropical Biotechnologies (MIBioT) :
Memorandum of Understanding signed
n June 17, 2011 at the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, seven university presidents from the Universities of Abobo Adjamey (Ivory Coast), Abomey (Benin), Abdou Moumouni (Niger), Bamako (Mali), Nouakchcott (Mauritania), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), and UCAD (Senegal) and their partners from ECOWAS, CORAF/WECARD, CIRAD and IRD participated in the official signing of the Memorandum of Understanding governing the establishment of the International Master of Tropical Biotechnologies (MIBioT).
The establishment of MIBioT reflects a desire to promote biotechnology and biosafety ex-pertise available in West Africa. As a result, a group of African and French scientists, teachers and experts took the initiative to establish the MoU which peculiarity will lie in the use of Information and Communication Technology for Education—ICTE. Indeed, the MIBiOT Master will be a distance learning program to provide quality higher education to all African students anywhere in the sub-region. CORAF/WECARD runs a biotechnology and biosafety program and received support from ECOWAS worth 130,000 euros to establish Master 2, MIBioT Program.
The University Presidents and their partners signing the MIBioT MoU
The Research Institute for Development – IRD, an international institution represented in Senegal, was involved at the inception stage of the project, and will soon be joined by the “Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie.”
The first two registrations in the Master MIbBioT are scheduled for the academic year 2011-2012.p
Exchange platform on climate change :
Stakeholders and partners meet at a methodological workshop
Monitoring and Evaluation specialists review the result framework of WAAPP 1A and 1B countries
efore launching the activities of the Exchange Platform between Researchers and Policy Makers on Climate Change Adaptation in Africa, stakeholders and partners met at a methodological workshop on 29 and 30 June, 2011 in Saly Portudal, to review the logical framework and main activities, and to redefine actors in the platform. Two days of intensive discussions enabled participants to better understand the various aspects of the project and deliverables; the activities of the project were reviewed and the main partners were identified and informed of their responsibilities. More importantly, the project on the exchange platform between researchers and policy makers on climate change adaptation in Africa is coordinated across the continent by CORAF/WECARD and seeks to achieve the following results :
Establish and promote the knowledge and information system on climate change ;
n Establish and operationalise the research and development policies on climate change adaptation in Africa ;
n Develop an integrated approach to the implementation of policies, strategies and technologies on climate change ; n Strengthen the capacities of policy makers at national, regional and continental levels to support adaptation to climate change.
Project launched in Cotonou
he planning and launching workshop for the Integrated management of tick and emerging tick borne diseases (WECATiC), was held from June 20 to 23, 2011 in Cotonou.
The workshop involved participants from CIRDES, INERA, IRAD, IRD and CIRAD and the National Agricultural Research Services (NARS) of Benin, Burkina Faso and Cameroon. CORAF/WECARD was represented by members of the Technical Advisory Committee.
The Governing Board and the Executive. Dr Chris Prideaux represented CSIRO and Mr Samuel Sarpong (AusAID Program Manager, West Africa) also attended. The first three days of the workshop were used for all project parti-
cipants to gain a common understanding and endorse the goals, objectives, work plans and budgets for the project. The final day of the workshop was dedicated to the official launch of the project that included a press conference that was well attended by members of the media. WECATiC was developed under the AusAIDCSIRO-CORAF/WECARD Africa Food Security partnership and is expected to improve livestock production and productivity in Central and West Africa, by optimizing tick control. The WECATiC Project is a 3 year project that will enable the control of ticks and devise appropriate methods to combat the plague.p
o improve their Monitoring and Evaluation activities, M&E specialists of WAAPP 1A and 1B countries held a workshop from 27 to 30 June, 2011 in Thies.
For better visibility of the project, the related result framework was reviewed. The indicator monitoring matrix was developed with target values. However, the data collection, analysis and management mechanism is yet to be developed in all national coordinations. To this end, the support mission recommended monitoring and evaluation officers should harmonize data collection and management tools resulting from WAAPP activities. During the sub-regional workshop, participants were able to gain a better understanding of the result chain, indicators and the result framework performance assessment system; and to drive all monitoring and evaluation officers in national coordinations to harmonize their data collection and management systems under the project in order to produce a properly documented result framework.
Within four days, participants from various coordinations developed their program management and monitoring plan, the data collection and management tools and methods were harmonized and the WAAPP/ PPAAO reporting framework was equally improved.p
Ticks are a real threat to cattle and small ruminants
PPAAO/WAAPP : Capacity strengthening of communication focal points of WAAPP Mali at CORAF/WECARD Headquarters
rom 1 -11 June 2011, a mission comprising Mr. Bakary DIAKITE and Mr. Issa TRAORE, respectively, IT Manager of the National Agricultural Research Commission (CNRA) responsible for the setting up of the information system and Journalist of the “Institut d'Economie Rurale” (IER) communication manager for WAAPP/PPAAO Mali communication action plan, went to Dakar, Senegal for an exchange visit to the West and Central African Council for the Agricultural Research Development (CORAF/ WECARD) and the Regional Center of Studies for the Improvement and Adaptation to Drought (CERAAS) as part of the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP/PPAAO).
The Senegal? Mission was to visit the facilities of CORAF/WECARD and CERAAS computer network systems and interact with the various IT and information system officers in CORAF/WECARD and WAAPP Senegal in order to strengthen the capacity of the Malian team in the development of the IT system and the implementation of the communication plan.
The discussions focused on the characteristics of CORAF/WECARD and CERAAS computer networks facilities and the collection of tools to monitor, evaluate and manage IT systems and monitor the implementation of communication plans.
PPAAO/WAAPP : World Bank and Côte d'Ivoire sign Funding Agreement
n Abidjan-Plateau, on June 21, 2011 five agreements, two funding and one grant of approximately F CFA 18 billion were signed, for the implementation of the Côte d'Ivoire component of the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP).
Officials during the signing of the funding agreement between Côte d'Ivoire and the World Bank (from left to right : Dr Pierre Ackah, ED Firca, Dr Paco SEREME, ED CORAF, Sangafowa COULIBALY, Minister of Agriculture, Charles Koffi DIBY, Minister of Economy and Finances, Madani TALL, the World Bank)
The other three agreements cover the return to CORAF/WECARD, the management of funds in FIRCA, and the implementation of the program. The ceremony included the presence of the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Agriculture, the Country Representative of the World Bank and the Executive Director of CORAF/WECARD.
The grant agreement, signed for the funding of Côte d'Ivoire component, is insured for US$ 30 million by the World Bank resources and US$ 6 million by the Spanish Government as part of the Intervention Program fund, in response to the global food crisis (GFRP). These funds are expected to enable the implementation of activities for 300,000 producers and actors in the food production value chains, including at least 40% women.
Expressing his gratitude to the donors, the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. COULIBALY Mamadou Sangafowa said the signing ceremony is evidence of the commitment of the World Bank and the partners to support Côte d'Ivoire on the way out of crisis and recovery of its agriculture. Mr. Madani Tall, the World Bank Country Representative in Côte d'Ivoire, said the funding for the agricultural sector, as the main leverage of growth and social economic and development of the country, is also a symbol for the Bank which through its various operations, provided significant support to agricultural development in the country since 1969.
The Minister of Economy and Finance, Charles Diby Koffi, reaffirmed the commitment of the Ivorian Government to ensure an effective and transparent use of these funds.p
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Meetings organized by CORAF/WECARD
25 to 29 July 2011, Saly Portudal, Senegal. WAAPP/PPAAO, Stakeholders information sharing workshop on National Centers of Specialization, the mobility of researchers, the Regional Competitive Grant and the mechanisms for technology dissemination and adoption of member countries. 25 to 29 July 2011, Dakar. Exchange Mission between a CSIRO delegation and CORAF/WECARD as part of the Africa Food Security partnership between the two organizations.
19 to 22 July 2011, Cotonou. WAAPP/PPAAO Technical Workshop on Regional Review of WAAPP/PPAAO communication strategy and capacity strengthening of communication specialists from member countries. 19 to 20 July 2011, Conakry. Regional workshop to develop an action plan for implementation of CORAF/WECARD gender policy.
11 to 13 July 2011, Saly Portudal. Regional workshop on agricultural food products processing policies and strategies in West and Central Africa. 4 to 8 July 2011, Dakar. Launching of the mid-term review of CORAF/WECARD 2008-2013 Operational Plan.
Signing of the funding agreement between Côte d’Ivoire and the World Bank (pictures)
The West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development’s Monthly Bulletin
Madani TALL, from World bank during his speech
Director of publication Pr Yusuf ABUBAKAR
Director of Edition Paco Sérémé
Anatole Yékéminan Koné
Editing and Reading Committee Department Info/Com
Alassane DIA
Online publication
Charles Koffi DIBY greeting Madani TALL after the signing ceremony
Gorgui Alioune Mbow
A French version is available
CORAF/WECARD, BP 48 Dakar RP CP 18523, Sénégal Tél. : (221) 33 869 96 18 Fax : (221) 33 869 96 31 E-mail : Internet :
Dr Pierre Ackah from Firca congratulating the Minister Charles Koffi DIBY
Dr Paco Sérémé, CORAF ED signing the agreement