Coraf Echo N.30

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Monthly Bulletin of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development

Number 30 (DECEMBER 2011) End of the recruitment process of the new Executive Director (ED) : Dr Harold Roy-Macauley selected

Governing Board members and the staff of the ES. attended the seminars

he recruitment process of the new Executive Director of CORAF/WECARD, conducted by the international consulting firm, SRI, ended with the selection of Dr Harold RoyMacauley. The four shortlisted applicants were interviewed by the Governing Board at its second session for the year 2011 held from 28th November to 2nd December, 2011 in Dakar. Dr Harold Roy-Macauley will assume duties on 1st July, 2012 as soon as the General Assembly scheduled in May 2012 in Chad approves his selection.Ë


Dr Harold Roy-Macauley, New Executive Director of CORAF/WECARD

2nd session of the Governing Board for the year 2011:

Food Security in Africa :

the 2012 Workplan and Budget approved

the experts exchange in Addis Ababa

he Governing Board of CORAF/ WECARD held its second ordinary session for the year 2011 from 28th November to 2nd December, 2011 in Dakar.


During this meeting, the workplan and budget of the institution for the year 2012 was approved. Some of the conclusions and recommendations of the mid-term review of the 2008-2013 Operational Plan were also approved, and others were reformulated. The status of the preparations for the 3rd Science Week and the 10th General Assembly was also presented to the Board.Ë

The members of the Governing Board have faith in the future of their Association. They proved it through their massive participation in the last session of their Organ.

TRAINING : the national and regional coordinators of the Staple Crops programmes’projects trained on Monitoring and Evaluation rom the 14th to 18th November in Cotonou, the capacity in monitoring and evaluation techniques, and particularly in data collection, analysis and management of the national and regional coordinators of the Staple Crops programme’s projects funded by DFID were strengthened. These coordinators learned how to develop monitoring and evaluation plans and matrices for the monitoring of indicators.Ë


rom 1st to 4th November, specialists in agricultural productivity and food security issues convened in Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia, to discuss the relationship between capacity strengthening and food security in Africa. During workgroups and plenary sessions, the participants coming from all Africa and their partners from the International Organisations reviewed the constraints related to capacity strengthening, for the African elites, in the field of agricultural research and development. They made proposals for an increase in training opportunities, the only solution that allows for the filling of some organisations with a qualified staff likely to encourage agricultural development. Dr Sidi Sanyang, the Manager of CORAF/WECARD Capacity Strengthening Programme, represented his institution at this regional meeting.Ë


Competitive projects :

Competitive projects :

launch of three projects in Douala

three research-development projects launched in Dakar rom 22nd to 25th November, 2011, the stakeholders and partners of CORAF/WECARD convened to update the logical frameworks and develop the action plans and budgets of three competitive projects. Project titles : (i) Support to the sustainable improvement of the dairy sector’ productivity and competitiveness in West and Central Africa (AMPROLAIT) ; (ii) Introgression of the trypanotolerance genes of the Bos taurus cattle into the Sahelian zebu cattle of West Africa and (iii) Policies, Programmes and Strategies for the Management of Natural Resources based on Non Woody Forest Products: What works for small producers and the resource, the first project is coordinated by the Inter-States School of Veterinary Sciences and Medicine of Dakar, and the two others are coordinated by the Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research of Burkina Faso.


The Sypiex project will help improve halieutic production in the subregion.

rom 1st to 4th November, 2011, CORAF/ WECARD’s stakeholders and partners convened in Douala for the launch of the three competitive projects on livestock and natural resources management.


During one week, the participants were better explained CORAF/WECARD Strategic and Operational Plans, IAR4D paradigm and innovation, planning, monitoring and evaluation strategy systems, environmental and social policies, and administrative and financial procedures. The activities and the methodological approaches of each of the projects were refined and adopted; The workplan and budget were developed and adopted for each of the three projects. The three projects entitled : (i) Ecological intensification of family extensive fishery systems in West and Central Africa from the analysis of innovation processes: Extensive Fishery Systems (SyPiEx) ; (ii) The negative externalities of the intensification of cultivated soils in peri-urban areas: evaluation methods and tools and alternative practices, and (iii) Optimizing productivity and perennial intercrop diversity tradeofs in West and Central Africa cocoa farms are respectively coordinated by the Institute of Halieutic Sciences of the University of Douala; the Life and Earth Sciences Institute of the University of Ouagadougou and IRAD-Cameroon.

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The Senegalese Minister of Livestock, Mrs Oumou Khaïry Gueye Seck, honored with her presence the launch ceremony of the three competitive projects.

The logical frameworks of these three projects on the improvement of the dairy sector in West and Central Africa, on natural resource management and policy options were updated, and the monitoring and evaluation activities as well as procurement and financial management procedures were explained to these various projects’ regional and national coordinators from the 22th to 24th November. On 25th November, 2011, the Livestock Ministry of the Republic of Senegal officially launched the 3 competitive research-development projects funded through the CORAF/WECARD Multi-Donor Trust Fund.

Réunions organisées par le CORAF/WECARD 14th - 16th December, 2011, Accra. CORAF/WECARD-USAID West Africa Workshop on USAID Feed the Future Initiative (FTF). 12th - 16th December, 2011, Ouagadougou. Mission for the diagnosis of WAAPP Communication Systems in Burkina Faso. 9th – 12th December, 2011, Accra. Regional Workshop for the consolidation of WAAPP 2A country and regional reports. 8th – 10th December, 2011, Abuja. Diagnosis mission of WAAPP- Nigeria communication systems.


General Assembly (GA) 2012 : the preparations begin in N’Djamena rom 14th to 16th November, 2011, a mission of CORAF/WECARD Executive Secretariat stayed in N’Djamena in order to support Chad NARS in the preparations for the 3rd Science Week and the 10th General Assembly scheduled in May 2012 in Chad and which central theme is: ‘Strengthening the adaptive capacity of rural poor populations to climate change and variability in West and Central Africa’.


This mission composed of Prof. Sangaré Abdourahamane, the Manager of the Biotechnology and Biosecurity Programme, Dr Anatole KONE, the Manager of Information and Communication, Jean-Rostand Kamga Jiaidias, the Finance and Administration Director, and Mrs Binetou N’Dir, Administrative Assistant, benefited from the support of Dr Ibet OUTHMAN Issa, the Director General of ITRAD and Vice Chairman of CORAF/ WECARD and his close colleagues. At the end of this three-day mission, the following results were obtained: I The objectives of the 3rd Science Week and of the 10th General Assembly were understood by the Political, Technical and Sub-regional Authorities, I The foreseen partnerships between CORAF/WECARD and the CBLT, on the

The West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development’s Monthly Bulletin

The mission of CORAF/WECARD after its meeting with Chad Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Dr Djimé Adoum.

one hand, and CORAF/WECARD and the pan-African agency of the Great Green Wall, on the other hand, will be soon established, I The hotels and the other places that can host the events were identified. The preparations will be furthered in Chad and at the level of the Executive Secretariat for the effective participation of the agricultural scientific community and for the success of these events. Another mission is planned in N’Djamena at the end of March, 2012 in order to support Chad NARS in the preparations for the 3rd Science Week and the 10th General Assembly.

CORAF/WECARD-ECCAS COOPERATION : acceleration of the preparations for CAAPP

Director of publication Pr Yusuf ABUBAKAR

Director of Edition Paco Sérémé

Editor-in-Chief Anatole Yékéminan Koné

Editing and Reading Committee Department Info/Com

Layout Alassane DIA Online publication Gorgui Alioune Mbow

A French version is available CORAF/WECARD, BP 48 Dakar RP CP 18523, Sénégal Tél. : (221) 33 869 96 18 Fax : (221) 33 869 96 31 E-mail : Internet :

he Executive Director of CORAF/ WECARD paid a working visit to the headquarters of the Economic Commission of Central African States (ECCAS) for the operationalisation of the partnership between the two organisations signed in 2008. The preparations for the Central African Agricultural Productivity Program (CAAPP) involving Cameroon, Chad and Congo were retained as an entry point for the implementation of the partnership between CORAF/WECARD and ECCAS. A workshop will be organised in 2012 to sensitize these three countries, but also to draw a roadmap for the agreement between the two organisations.Ë




Dr Paco Sérémé exchanged with ECCAS managers for the operationalisation of the agreement with this regional institution.

2nd session of the Governing Board for the year 2011 : Highlights of the seminars of the candidates

GB meeting opening ceremony

SRI led all the process of the recruitment of the new ED

ES staff attended the seminars

Development partners participated in the interviews

Group photo after the opening session of the G.B. meeting.


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