grated agricultural research for development: Case of ORIPAFIB in Cameroon FONBAH C.1, KWA M.1, ZIMA G.1, ASIEDU E.2 1. CARBAP Njombé, Cameroon;
2 . CORAF/WECARD Senegal
n Cameroon, plantain is among the most important food crop and is a favourite staple (Desdoigts et al., 2005 ;Temple et al., 1996). About 90 % is produced by small scale farmers with production rate estimated at 2,175,434 tons per year (FAO, 2010), making Cameroon the 8th world producer, the 4th African producer and the 1st plantain producer in the CEMAC zone. These small scale farmers and actors are faced with numerous difficulties in improving the productivity and competitiveness of plantain. These difficulties among others are due to the lack of dialogue between the main stakeholders in the value chain. It was therefore necessary to bring these stakeholders together in an innovation platform as a tool for agricultural research for development. Thus the creation of « Organisation Inter-Professionnelle des Acteurs de la Filière Bananier Plantain » (ORIPAFIB)
9) 148 Common Initiative Groups (CIG) /Farmers’ organisations beneficiaries with Knowledge increased in improved technology (PIF, IPM, General: Productivity, competitiveness and markets for plantain sus- ISFM), tainably improved in Cameroon. 10) Appropriation of the IP and Plantain development by policy makers Specific: Innovative technologies in the plantain sector in Cameroon and traditional rulers enhanced for sustainability through the involvement promoted using Innovation Platform as a tool for Integrated Agricul- of 2 parliamentarians, 3 mayors and 4 traditional rulers in the IP. tural Research for Development.
Methodology The process used to put in place the IP include: - Identify two contrasting agro ecological zones representative of plantain production in Cameroon, - Mobilise, identify and characterise the stakeholders, - Define the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders and facilitators, chose action sites and put in place an action plan, -Carry out a base line survey to identify and classify the principal constraints in the plantain sector, -Carry out capacity building for stakeholders in various domains, -Carry out of various multi-disciplinary participatory evaluation trials of new technologies and innovations to meet the aspiration of the stakeholders, -Carry out regular monitoring and evaluation of the activities of the IP, -Share information and experiences within and outside the IP.
The IP in a meeting session with Dr ASIEDU of CORAF as guest of honour
Capacity building on PIF technique
Plant producers at work producing clean planting materials using the PIF technique
A 12 ha sole cropping plantain farm standing around Bafang
Data collection during monitoring and evaluation activities
Visit of CORAF plantain trial by banana and plantain geneticist from all over the world
Major outputs / outcomes The ORIPAFIB innovation platform established under the CORAF plantain project has achieved the following: 1) 1488 actors (57% men and 43% women) benefitted directly from the project. Of this, 45% are producers, 24%, plant producers using PIF technique 7% nursery operators, 11% processors, 10% traders, 0.9% extension agents, 0.5% researchers, 0.3% staff of agricultural colleges, 0.5% policy makers and 0.8% other stakeholders, 2) Indirect beneficiaries (labourers and spill-over beneficiaries) are estimated at more than 11 000 actors, 3) 290 000 PIF material worth 193 000 US$ was produced and marketed , 4) About 225 additional ha were planted in 2012/2013 giving an additional yield of 3000T, generating an income of 660 000US$ (i.e 2 950 US$/ha), 5) As a result of the improved management of farms, there was a 25% increase in the number of plants/ha, 72% increase in yield and a 106% increase in income, 6) About 40 new jobs were created on the PIF technology, Farm management; Processing; Marketing, etc., 7) Close to 2000 persons not involved in the project visited the on farm trials and other project activities, 8) The curriculum of Agricultural College improved with IP approach and plantain production technology, Références bibliographiques :
Conclusion The innovation platform established under the CORAF plantain project has brought together previously unlinked stakeholders into the plantain value chain resulting in significant increase in the availability of clean planting materials, increased productivity and competiveness of plantain, market efficiencies and increased income for a growing number of families, CIG and the target population
Acknowledgement We will like to acknowledge DFID through CORAF for funding this project. and members of ORIPAFIB for their collaboration in the Plantain project
1-FAO, AGRISTAT, 2010 2-Temple L., Temple, L.; Chataigner, J.; Kamajou, F., 1996 : Le 3-Desdoigts, E.; Kwa, M.; Fogain, R.; Temple, L.; Sama Lang, P.; Bikoï, A.;