Monthly Bulletin of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development
Number 8 et 9 (AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2009) Change Management :
CORAF/WECARD develops sensitization plans for NARS
he sensitization process of NARS, in line with the Change Management process, is ongoing. Between 6th and 8th July, in Saly Portudal, the Change Management team assembled NARS training managers in order to develop sensitization plans with them on the current research paradigm. About twenty participants from the ten countries of the CORAF/WECARD region participated in a workshop where they interacted with the CORAF /WECARD’s Change Management team. As an introduction, the trainers, John Sutherland and Karen Iles, from the IDLGroup consulting firm, explained the origins and the characteristics of CORAF/WECARD’s Strategic and Operational plans and the rational of the Change Management process. Through plenary sessions and group works, the participants identified the learning needs to promote national and sub regional sensitization plans on Change Management. Finally, plans aimed at strengthening the capacities of the sensitization facilitators were developed.p
learners and trainers together for the implementation of the sensitization plans.
a roadmap to make cooperation work
the members convened in an extraordinary session
pon the invitation of the Rural Development, Natural Resources and Environment Commissioner of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), a working session was convened with a CORAF/WECARD delegation led by its Executive Director on 24th July, 2009 in Ouagadougou. This meeting mainly aimed to develop a strategy for the implementation of the WAEMU Agricultural Policy and CORAF/WECARD’s Operational plan the Union’s member states. After more than a half day of discussions, the two parties arrived at identification of WAEMU’s agricultu-
ral research priorities; they developed an action plan for collaborative programmes and planned to hold a workshop aimed at validating identified priorities. The research priorities are connected with the following sectors : Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture ; Policy and Market, Natural Resource Management, Staple Crops and Capacity Strengthening. Studies are to be conducted soon in order to identify the priorities in these sectors. The implementation of the research priorities selected will take place during the period 2010-2012.p
he Scientific and Technical Committee (STC), a consultative body of the Governing Board for scientific and technical areas, convened for its 2nd extraordinary session on 13th July, 2009 in Dakar. Members identified themes the sub-themes for the 2nd Agricultural Scientific Week and the 9th General Assembly scheduled for May 2010 in Cotonou, Benin. The STC finalized the calls for new members and prepared assessment plan of the Staple Crops and biotechnology programmes’ commissioned projects funded by the USAID.p
exchanges on climate change
meeting of the African agricultural information experts
r. Stephen Yeo, the Director General of the British Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), in company of Dr. Michael Bassey, an independent consultant, held a working session with the Directorate of Programmes and the Department of Communication on 2nd July, 2009. Discussions dealt with the measures taken by CORAF/WECARD in managing the issues of adaptation to climate change, a problem in which DFID and IDRC are particularly interested. The working session was mainly about finding the ways and means to help CORAF/WECARD manage, in the best possible, this issue through its natural resource management programme and to develop communication strategies to sensitize and train agricultural stakeholders on this issue. CORAF/WECARD is ready and is equipped for the management of this issue through a project it intends to implement very soon.p
ECOWAS, the Common Agricultural Policy :
meeting of the Studies coordination committee
pon the invitation of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Coordination Committee for the studies related to the Common Agricultural Policy tools met in Dakar from 17th to 20th July, 2009 in to monitor the finalization of the various studies on the six thematic areas.
The forty participants from ECOWAS sister international institutions, from the 15 ECOWAS countries and the delegates of the leading institutions on these themes, discussed the improvements needed to be made in the coordination of ongoing studies with regard to complementarity and the rationalization of human and financial resources. The participants agreed on a set of relevant tools put forward to improve ongoing studies. Above all, they drafted a new agenda for the finalization of these studies. Dr Mama Vincent, the monitoring and evaluation officer and Dr Remi Cole, the advisor to the Executive Director, represented CORAF/WECARD at these discussions that allowed them to share with the other participants the dynamics that is ongoing within the Regional Agricultural Investment Programme (PRIA).p
he experts of agricultural information and their international partners met from 14th to 17th July 2009 in Accra within the framework of the 2nd Conference of the African Chapter of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists (IAALD). The main theme of this meeting was : towards a free access to agricultural information and to knowledge on agricultural sciences and technologies in Africa. More than 200 delegates from Africa and the other continents attended this meeting. It succeeded in making agricultural information experts commit themselves in initiatives related to the free access to the information and the knowledge on agricultural sciences and technologies produced in public research and academic intitutions in Africa. On the part of CORAF/WECARD, this meeting presented an opportunity to discover new initiatives in the field of agricultural information management. CORAF/WECARD has been invited to participate in the 13th IAALD World Congress that is scheduled to take place from 26th to 29th April, 2010 in Montpellier, in France.p
the focal points share their experiences in Accra
he focal points of the Regional Agricultural Information Learning System (RAILS) met from 12th to 13th July 2009 in Accra at the FARA headquarters to share their experiences in connection with the free access to agricultural information and knowledge. During two days about thirty focal points presented, discussed and shared several approaches of agricultural information management and diffusion. They particularly got familiar with the use of the RAILS, a system set up in the framework of the RAILS project to share agricultural information throughout Africa and the World. Some of the following issues were addressed during the workshop : the conduct of advocacy activities for an increase in investments in ICT infrastructures, the strengthening of stakeholders’ individual and institutional capacities, the facilitation of agricultural information gathering and management and finally the extension of the RAILS network. Dr Anatole KONE, CORAF/WECARD’s information and communication manager, was among the presenters. He presented CORAF/WECARD and its main functions and highlighted on the activities related to agricultural information management and sharing.p
Cameroun : setting up of a poultry sector inter-profession in the CEMAC region
he Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa’s countries, gathered in Douala on 30th July 2009 and decided to create the poultry sector interprofession of Central Africa.
This professional organisation was established to improve the organization of the poultry sector aimed at the sub regional market coverage.
GA 2010 :
the preparations are progressing in Cotonou
mission that comprised the Administration and Finance Director and the Information and Communication Manager of CORAF/WECARD visited Cotonou from 3rd to 5th August, 2009, for the preparations of the 2nd Scientific Week and for the 9th General Assembly scheduled for May 2010. The main aim of this mission was to assist the Local Organisation Committee, headed by the National Agricultural Research Institute of Benin (INRAB) in the material organisation of these events. Some hotels and areas likely to host such events were visited with the view to make selection.
It also provides a forum for dialogue between specialized institutions and the operators with the view of strengthening the capacities of the stakeholders in this production sector. This new organization will serve as a framework for the protection of the operators’ interests and for the control of major poultry-related illnesses.
Besides CEMAC countries, two West African States, Burkina Faso and Mali, have been invited to Douala to share their expertise. According to the FAO records, the Central Africa has 67 million chickens which represents the ratio of 6.658 chickens/man.
Biotechnology : trainers and regulators at school
A workshop on Biotechology and Biosafety capacity building for trainers and regulatory agents was held from 8th to 10th July 2009 at the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar. Organised by the West African Biosafety Network (WABNet) with the technical and financial support of various partners, this workshop aimed to strengthen the capacities of regulatory agents, scientists and students in the field of agricultural biotechnology and biosafety ; to facilitate the interactions between the regulatory agents and the scientists in order to better understand the role of each of them in the implementation of genetic engineering tools for the improvement of food security and to help in taking scientific decisions in the regulatory field. This workshop represented the opportunity to implement a platform for information sharing in the field of food security and environmental biosafety. The manager of the Biotechnology and Biosafety programme participated in these works on behalf of CORAF/WECARD.p
A view of the Head Office of INRAB where the working sessions between the Local Organization Committee and CORAF/WECARD’s delegation took place.
The role of each subcommittee was defined and partnerships are currently being built with commercial organisations in Benin. In this regard, CORAF/WECARD’s Executive Secretariat and the INRAB often exchange information in order to ensure success in the organization of the 2nd Scientific Week and the 9th General Assembly.p
SCARDA Project : exchange meeting in Niamey On 16th and 17th July 2009, CORAF/WECARD’s project, Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Research and Development in Africa (SCARDA) acting coordinator, Dr Samba LY and Dr Hans Dobson, representing the Natural Resource Institute (NRI), a SCARDA’s scientific sister organisation, held a working session, in Niamey, with the managers of the Leading Service Provider (LSP), the Agrhymet Centre, for the CORAF/WECARD region.
The main objective of this meeting was to hold a discussion with the LSP on the implementation of the July 2009 – 2010 workplan of the SCARDA project. During two days, discussions dealt with the state of implementation of the SCARDA project from the December 2008 - June 2009
period during which training curricula in Master and activities related to change management, monitoring, evaluation and planning were conducted.
The June 2009 – June 2010 workplan of the project and the project’s new mechanisms for management and coordination set up by the Forum of Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), was also reviewed. The parties agreed on similar measures for the effective implementation of this plan before taking stock of the various provisions of service.
They finally agreed on the urgent measures to be taken in order to speed up the selection of the mentors that should assist the focal institutions in implementing their activities related to the change management process.p
Relations with medias :
CORAF/WECARD launches the activities of an exchange tribune with the media professionals
ore than 40 media professionals and journalists from the national press houses of Senegal as well as the international press based in Senegal. The first press meeting with CORAF/WECARD experts of which aimed at briefing an discussions on issues related to agricultural research and development. This meeting took place on 30th July, 2009 at CORAF/WECARD secretariat. The press, ( print, audiovisual and electronic), plays a central role in Africa’s agricultural development. It must however be acknowledged that it devotes a little time to agriculture which is the key sector in the socio-economic development of subSaharan African countries since it provides 34% of the GDP, 40% of the exports and 70% of the jobs. According to a 2007 Panos Institute study, in West Africa, only 4% of the media columns or programmes are devoted to agriculture.
Monthly Bulletin of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development
Director of Publication Simon Zok
Director of the newsroom Paco Sérémé
Anatole Yékéminan Koné
Julienne Kuiseu Ernest Assah Asiedu
Alassane DIA
On line Gorgui Alioune Mbow
French version available
CORAF/WECARD, BP 48 Dakar RP CP 18523, Sénégal Tél. : (221) 33 869 96 18 Fax : (221) 33 869 96 31 E-mail : Internet :
the media professionals and CORAF/WECARD experts committed themselves to regularly meetings information sharing.
Some of the main reasons put forward are that : media men rarely go to the field and there exist a few journalists specialize in agriculture. CORAF/WECARD aims to improve this situation through the implementation of a learning and exchange tribune on agricultural issues targeted at journalists. This tribune was officially launched on 30th July 2009. As an introduction to this event, Dr Anatole KONE, CORAF/WECARD’s Information and Communication Manager, explained the rationale and the objectives of such a forum to the audience which can be summed as follows: participating in improving agricultural information dissemination through regular interactions with the media and strengthening of their capacities in agricultural information. Dr Paco Sérémé, the Executive Director of CORAF/WECARD, took the opportunity of the launching to provide the journalists with more information on CORAF/WECARD’s responses to agricultural challenges in West and Central Africa. He introduced them to CORAF/WECARD’s activities, history and goals with respect to the new world order. The journalists, thus learned that CORAF/WECARD has answers to most agricultural challenges in West and Central Africa through its Strategic and Operational plans. The journalists, welcomed CORAF/-
WECARD’s initiative to regularly halfyearly exchange with them on important issues related to agriculture. The next of such meetings will be held in January 2010 to discuss other topics.
10th August, 2009, Dakar. Working session between the Director General of the International Livelihood Research Institute and the Executive Director of CORAF/WECARD and his colleagues. 30th August – 4th September, 2009, Nairobi, Kenya. Conference on the seed industry followed by the meeting of the Vegetable and Seed System Selection Programme’s Consultative Board. 31th August - 1st September, 2009, Abuja, Nigeria. Meeting of the Validation Committee of the provisional proposals emanating from the studies on the ECOWAS Common Agricultural tools of the Policy. 8th – 10th September, 2009, Ouagadou-gou, Burkina Faso. Workshop on the preparatory phase of the Operational Framework for the development of a project on staple crops in West and Central Africa. 29th – 30th September 2009, Bamako, Mali. Regional workshop on the strategies related to fruit fly management organised by ECOWAS.