Coraf Echo N10

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Monthly Bulletin of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development

Number 10 (OCTOBER 2009)



a partnership in sight for livestock development

r Carlos SERE, the Director General of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and Dr Abdou FALL, one of his colleagues, were recently the hosts of Dr Paco SEREME and his colleagues. The discussions between the two parties focused on livestock development in West and Central Africa. The Director of ILRI revealed that the organisation he leads is extending its activities in West and Central Africa. He therefore hopes to achieve this objective with CORAF/WECARD through the implementation of research and development projects. The Executive Director of CORAF/WECARD welcomed this initiative from ILRI and then presented CORAF/WECARD and its activities in the framework of livestock development in West and Central Africa. He stressed that henceforth, all livestock activities will be coordinated by the Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture programme of CORAF/WECARD whose manager took office on 15th July, 2009. In order to transform these good intentions into concrete actions, ILRI and CORAF/WECARD have decided to sign a partnership agreement for the development of livestock in West and Central Africa.p

ILRI and CORAF/WECARD’s managers working for a fruitful partnership.

Afrique call 2010 :


an information day in Dakar

Find opportunities for agricultural research in Africa », this was the keymessage of the information day on the Africa Call 2010 organized by CORAF/WECARD and the ECD at the Headquarters of the European Commission Delegation (DCE), in Dakar. This took place on Friday 18th September, 2009. The information day was an opportunity to give an insight of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). In fact, it is the main tool of the European Commission for the funding of scientific research and technological development for the 2007 – 2013 period. Dr Harold Roy-Macauley, on behalf of CORAF/WECARD, and Stéphane Halgand, on behalf of the DCE, explained the way relevant research projects are identified, the action lines that are opened, how to draft a budget. The delegates of training and research organisations, governmental agencies,

Stakeholders and partners assembled for more research opportunities in West and Central Africa.

public services and journalists asked a lot of questions to obtain more information on the FP7 priority projects and themes presented in a video interview by the European Commissioner for Research and Science.

CORAF/WECARD promised, in view of the interest shown by the audience, to organize an awarness and sensitization meeting, as soon as possible, on the contents of the seventh framework programme and the opportunities offered to African scientists.p




CORAF/WECARD trains on result oriented management

he capacities of the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP)’s stakeholders and partners were strengthened in the framework of a training session on result oriented management organized by CORAF/WECARD. This took place from 14th to 19th September in Bamako. This training session, recommended by the World Bank, represented an opportunity for the trainer, Dr Ndiaga Mbaye, to make the trainees be more familiar with the mechanisms and tools of result-oriented management. The attendants also discovered the mechanisms of fund allocation and accountability in the result-chain. The training session allowed the joint committees to share information on CAADP’s management activities. It was also decided to hold feedback workshops of this training session in the three countries (Mali, Senegal and Ghana).p



the document of the theme 6-group validated

ithin the framework of the Regional Programme for Agricultural Investment (PRIA), the ROPPA and the rural Hub, the two co-leaders of the theme 6 group on « PRIA’s institutional strengthening » presented their document for approval. This took place from 31st August to 1st September 2009 in Abuja, in Nigeria. At the end of the presentation of this study’s synthesis, the workshop participants made some observations on the form and the content of the document. Although the document was validated and the workshop recommended the inclusion of various suggestions made during the two-day workshop.p


SCARDA : 2nd meeting of the extended management staff

uring the April 2009 workshop for the SCARDA (Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Research and Development in Africa) communication and management strategies held in Accra, an extended management staff was established in order to help improve management challenges, raise the level of the programme’s implementation and ensure smooth implementation. This management met for the second time in Nairobi, Kenya, from 20th to 23rd September, 2009. Members assessed the activities implemented by each Subregional Organisation (SRO). They reviewed the quarterly workplan and the funding modalities before updating the state of implementation of the last Programme’s mid-term review. One of the main lessons of this meeting was the information on the new mechanism of fund release for SCARDA’s activities. From now on, when a workplan is approved by FARA and upon its request, the University of Greenwich, which disburses fund on behalf of DFID, will directly put the funds at the SROs’ disposal.p



the project document approved

fter the Dakar workshop that recommended the review of the first draft of the Agricultural Information System (AGRIS)’s presentation document, the consultants made further studies to finalize the project document. This document was validated from 27th to 29th August, 2009 in Abuja. The synthesis presented by the consultants shows that AGRIS aims to establish a strategic vision bringing together ongoing initiatives in the subregion and that at the same time serve as a receptacle for future interventions. This system will also facilitate the promotion of the development of agricultural and agrifood products in Sahel and West Africa. The results of this study have also been reviewed and approved. The AGRIS system that is in line with PRIA’s framework should be operational soon.p

Read CORAF ECHO the online bulletin of CORAF/ WECARD. For any information to share, Please contact

PNIA Niger :

PNDADS Sierra Leone :

all the stakeholders are sensitized

a roundtable to launch it


he Niger roundtable on the National Agricultural Investment Programme (PNIA) in the framework of the implementation of the ECOWAS Common Agricultural Policy was held from 29th to 30th Septem-ber, 2009 in Niger. This meeting aimed to sensitize all the stakeholders to support the coordinated implementation of national priorities in the framework of a partnership with sound commitments and substantial financial resources that would allow Niger to increase agricultural investment and achieve a growth of at least 6%. The delegates of the Nigerien Government, farmer organisations, the private sector and financial and technical partners as well participated in the work.

During the two-days meeting, they shared informationon the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme in Africa (CAADP), the strategic options for agricultural growth and the long-term funding methods for agricultural growth. At the end of the meeting, the participants pledge their commitment to the appropriate strategies to support coordination and management and to facilitate dialogue among agricultural research stakeholders. They also decided to con-duct annual reviews in order to assess the implementation of the Rural Development Strategy Action Plan (SDR). CORAF/WECARD was represented in this meeting by Dr Mama Vincent, the Monitor ing and Evaluation Manager.p



the phase 2 of the cross-border livestock market project validated during a workshop

he stakeholders and partners of the livestock sector met in order to validate the study report of the second phase of the cross-border livestock market project (PMF2). This took place in a workshop held in Lomé from 5th to 11th September. Since the years 90, the Comité InterÉtats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse au Sahel (CILSS) has committed itself to conduct research on collective food safety for Sahel countries. The « improvement of the standing livestock’s commercialisation and regional trade in West Africa », commonly called the « crossborder market project-PMF-1 », is among the initiatives taken in favour of the livestock and meat sector. The CILSS and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) jointly implemented this project in some Sahelian and West Africa countries from 1999 to 2004, and the results have been positively appreciated by its beneficiaries. In order to strengthen and to expand the PMF-I’s gains, the CILSS commissioned a study that produced a 2 volume-report : the inventory of the livestock and meat sector and the PMF II project framework document that have been validated. Recommendations have also been made for more involvement from Nigeria

in the definition of the stakeholders’ role and responsibilities and in the project’s funding strategy. Dr Hamadé Kagoné, CORAF/WECARD’s Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme Manager participated in the work.

Within the framework of the implementation of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), a roundtable for the launching of the National Plan for sustainable agricultural development in Sierra Leone for the period 2010 – 2030 took place from 17th to 18th September, 2009 in Freetown. This roundtable aimed to validate and sign this Plan that would facilitate the implementation of the CAADP in Sierra Leone. This plan aims, among others, to increase agricultural productivity in Sierra Leone, to promote commercial agriculture, to improve agricultural research and to provide support and advice. Dr Abdulai Jalloh, the Natural Resource Management Programme Manager, participated in the work shop on behalf of CORAF/ WECARD.

Regional programme to control fruit flies :


donors sensitized

n the light of enormous the damage caused by fruit flies in the plantations of tropical fruits in West Africa, in 2007, ECOWAS commissioned a survey in 8 countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali and Senegal) to assess the extent of the damages caused by this fly. In addition to the assessment of the losses caused by the new fly, the consultants, in charge of the study, also proposed a Regional Action Plan to control this rest. The implementation of this plan however requires the support of bilateral and multilateral donors. This is the rational behind the Bamako workshop convened with the view of to presenting the regional programme to control fruit flies and the required budget to potential donors and discussing with them. This took place from 29th to 30th September, 2009.


At the end of the workshop, participants resolved to present the regional Action Plan at the next ECOWAS Council of Ministers scheduled for October 2009 in Yamoussoukro, in Côte d’Ivoire. They also decided to write a document entitled the « Déclaration de Bamako sur le Plan d’actions de lutte contre la mouche de fruit pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest ». Although, The budget, required for the Programme’s implementation, is not yet available but some donors have promised to contribute to the funding of the plan as soon as it is adopted. Dr Mbène Faye, CORAF/WECARD’s Policy, Market and Trade Programme manager, has been selected to participate in the Pilot Committee for the control of fruit flies in West Africa.p

Executive Secretariat :


At the end of his mandate, Marcel hands over the power to Harold

he handing-over from Dr Marcel Nwalozie, the Director of Programmes of CORAF/WECARD, at the end of his mandate, to his successor, Dr Harold Roy-Macauley, was held in the conference room of CORAF/WECARD’s Executive Secretariat. The Executive Director chaired this emotionful ceremony attended by all the Executive Secretariat’s staff. This took place on 7th August.

This ceremony provided an opportunity to pay tribute to the first Director of Programmes, Dr Marcel Nwalozie, who joined the Executive Secretariat in October 1997. Dr Paco Sérémé praised the good work he had done for the past twelve years which has not only position the organisation at a high level, but has also contributed to the development of agricultural research in West and Central Africa.

After to the Executive Director, Marcel Nwalozie briefly recalled the main activities he had carried out. He encouraged his successor to pursue the mission of agricultural research for development in West and Central Africa. The incoming Director of Programmes Dr Harold Macauley acknowledged and stressed that Dr Marcel Nwalozie will remain his resource person in carrying out his new mission, which he briefly presented to the staff. The ceremony ended with the official handing over of the letter of mission to the new Director of Programmes, Dr Harold Roy-Macauley.

In the evening, the staff of the Executive Secretariat met for a cocktail in honour of Marcel.p

The West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development’s Monthly Bulletin Director of publication Simon Zok

Director of Edition Paco Sérémé


Anatole Yékéminan Koné

Editing and Reading Committee Julienne Kuiseu Ernest Assah Asiedu


Alassane DIA

On line publication Gorgui Alioune Mbow

A French version is available

CORAF/WECARD, BP 48 Dakar RP CP 18523, Sénégal Tél. : (221) 33 869 96 18 Fax : (221) 33 869 96 31 E-mail : Internet :

The new Director of Programmes , Dr Harold-Roy Macauley (at the centre) holding his letter of mission to the great joy of Dr Marcel Nwalozie (on the left) and Dr Paco Sérémé ( on the right).

West and Central Africa : reflections aiming at ensuring food security through food crops


n the context of rainfed food crops development regional partners convened a technical workshop from 8th to 10th September in Ouagadougou to develop an operationnal framework for project implementation. The initiative is being supported by the French Development Agency (AFD) , the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), CORAF/WECARD .

This meeting dealt with the improvement of food security and increase in livelihoods through the development of rainfed food crops in West and Central Africa.

This workshop aimed to assess research on rainfed food crops and to identify the main constraints and the progress margins. The participants coming from CORAF/

WECARD partner institutions shared their experiences in on the issues of staple crops in West and Central Africa and on the contribution of research to the improvement of this agricultural sector. They also made some suggestions to the scientists and to the other stakeholders of the agricultural sector for the increase of investments in favor of the food crops sector that is essential to ensure food security.p


28th September - 2nd October, 2009, Freetown, Sierra Leone. Workshop of the Mano River Union’s technical Natural Resource Management staff.

29th September – 2nd October, 2009, Accra. Assessment meeting of the SCARDAProgramme aimed at CORAF/WECARD’s stakeholders only. 29th September – 3rd October 2009, Nairobi, Kenya. Workshop for the validation of ASARECA’s Livestock and Fisheries Programme’s 2009-2016 Strategic Plan.

4th - 9th October 2009, Montpellier, France. CORAF/WECARD’s participation in CIBA. 11th – 13th October 2009, Dakar. Retreat of CORAF/WECARD’s staff to reflect on the 2010 Workplan and budget.

14th – 15th October 2009, Dakar. Working session of CORAF/WECARD’s Information and Communication Unit with WAAPP’s coordinator in Senegal. 14th - 15th October 2009, Dakar. Working session with the AusAID delegation.

14th – 16th October 2009, Dakar. Exchanges with CIRAD’ delegation and signing of a cooperation framework agreement. 20th – 23rd October 2009, Dakar. 7th ordinary session of CORAF/WECARD’s Scientific and Technical Committee

20th – 25th October 2009, Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire. Meetings of ECOWAS experts, ministers, partners and Heads of States in the framework of the Regional Programme for Agricultural Investment (PRIA).

26th – 30th October 2009, Kumasi, Ghana. Meeting of WAAPP’s Pilot Committee 26th - 30th October, 2009, Dakar. The CTA/The University of Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) regional training on 2.0 tools for collaborative research. 26th – 30th October 2009, Accra. Meeting and retreat of FARA’s Governing Board.

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