Monthly Bulletin of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development
official signing of the agreement
n January 28th, 2011 in Dakar, CORAF/WECARD and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), on behalf of the Australian Agency for International Development (AUSAID), formalized their partnership through the signing of a 4-year agreement that aims to contribute to the improvement of the West and Central African populations’ living conditions in the framework of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme in Africa (CAADP). This partnership focuses on the development of improved farming systems, on the production and distribution of improved seeds and on animal health research in West and Central Africa. Combining African and Australian expertise in research, the six projects already developed are going to be implemented in the semi-arid and subhumid areas of ten West and Central African countries.p
The official signing of the convention between Paco Serémé representing CORAF/WECARD, and Dr Brian Keating representing CSIRO.
Integrated crop/livestock production systems :
finalization of the projects
ORAF/WECARD’s stakeholders and partners met on 27th and 28th January, 2011 in Dakar to finalize the projects on integrated crop/livestock production systems in the framework of the AusAID-CSIRO-CORAF/WECARD partnership. Following a call for concept notes based on the competitive fund mechanism, thirty-six concept notes were received and assessed. Four concept notes were eventually selected. During this workshop, the participants finalized the development of the projects based on the recommendations made in the concept notes before the final assessment of the projects by CORAF/WECARD’s Scientific and Technical Committee. The exchanges in plenary sessions and work groups facilitated the rewriting and the rewording of the concept notes so as to turn them into scientifically and technically relevant projects that comply with the conditions specified in the call for proposals for projects.p
The participants debating for relevant projects
technical discussions with WAAPP 1C countries in Washington
he representatives of WAAPP 1C countries met, from 24th to 28th January, 2011 in Washington, for technical discussions and negotiations with the World Bank in the framework of their funding of the programme’s implementation in countries. After 3 days of exchange, the PAD was reviewed with the contribution of the various delegations and of CORAF/WECARD. The global funding granted to WAAPP 1C is 83.9 million dollars by the World Bank and 17 million dollars by Japan.p
Development of seed systems in WCA :
a workshop for the finalization of the project
the project’s midterm post review regional workshop
aced with weak seed systems in West and Central Africa, a team comprising agricultural research and development stakeholders was set up for the development of a project proposal aimed at strengthening the capacity of seed systems. This project’s main stakeholders met, from 24th to 25th January 2011 in Dakar, to finalize the project proposal.
he national, subregional and regional focal points of the RAILS and DONATA components of the project for the Promotion of Science and Technology for Agricultural Development in Africa funded by AfDB convened from 24th to 28th January 2011 in Accra for the project’s midterm post review workshop. During one week, the participants shared and discussed the final recommendations of the PSTAD’s midterm review. They had a common understanding of the issues related to the project’s implementation, guidelines, procedures and processes.
The project’s stakeholders and partners have a common understanding of their activities
The aim of this commissioned project was to identify ways of strengthening producers’ capacity to assess the new varieties and improve the seed supply systems and the use of other agricultural inputs such as fertilizers by farmers.
During two days, the participants were given a common understanding of the principles, approaches, objectives, expected outcomes and mechanisms of the project’s implementation which is part of the AusAID-CSIRO-CORAF/WECARD partnership.
Capacity Strengthening : the Civil Society Agricultural Organizations strengthen their capacity
Thanks to the national and subregional presentations, the participants were informed on the implementation of practical cases of the RAILS and DONATA components for the better coordination of activities during the two years that remain before the end of PSTAD’s first phase. A funding of ten thousand American dollars is henceforth given to each country for RAILS activities. In parallel to this regional meeting, CORAF/WECARD organized a planning workshop of the PSTAD aimed at the RAILS and DONATA focal points in its zone. In the form of practical cases and in groups, the focal points were informed on the planning of their activities and a format was designed to enable them to develop their activities plans for the year 2011. It was recommended that RAILS and DONATA’s focal points work together in the countries where the two components exist. A regional roadmap for the year 2011 was developed.p
rom 19th to 20th January, 2011, CORAF/WECARD organized a capacity strengthening workshop for the Civil Society Organizations in Dakar.
More than 40 participants from NGOs, the private sector, producers’ organizations active in the agricultural sector participated in this workshop. Each group of stakeholders evaluated and determined its needs for institutional capacity strengthening that would allow it to actively work with agricultural research and development stakeholders.
Further to two days of exchange, around ten capacity strengthening projects were formulated by producers’ organizations, the private sector and agricultural NGOs.p
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Biosafety :
Ghana’s Members of Parliament sensitized
workshop for the sensitization of Ghana’s Members of Parliament was held, from 21st to 23rd January, 2011 in Koforidua, in Ghana, in the framework of the implementation of the Sabima project.
This meeting represented an opportunity to better inform Ghana’s Parliament Special Commission on Biotechnology and Biosafety, to assess the progress made in Ghana in the field of Biosafety and to convince Members of Parliament of the urgent need to adopt a law on Biosafety as in various countries of the subregion.
Monitoring-Evaluation :
a regional training worshop on the use of the Smart Toolkit
rom 24th to 28th January, 2011, in Dakar, the CTA and CORAF/WECARD organized a subregional workshop on the use of the Smart Toolkit for monitoring/evaluation.
This training aimed at the Francophone participants of the CORAF/WECARD zone represented an opportunity to strengthen the capacity of information specialists to enable them to assess information projects, products and services through the use of the Smart Toolkit. This training is in line with the framework of cooperation between CORAF/WECARD and
This meeting, in which 22 Members of Parliament and biotechnology experts participated, ended with a firm commitment from the Members of Parliament to pass a law on biosafety before the closure of the ongoing parliamentary session.
It must be recalled that the SABIMA project, which started in 2009 and which is managed by FARA, aims to strengthen the capacity of the countries involved or interested in the use of GMOs in agricultural production.p
dialogue on the implementation of high-level schools
rom 13th to 14th January 2011, the experts and partners of the initiative of adaptation to climate change in West Africa (WASCAL) discussed the implementation of high-level schools in West African universities and great schools to train climate change specialists. This was in Accra.
It was mainly about exchanging and discussing the concept and implementation of the modules and types of training to be delivered in high level schools. The main themes to be addressed in the courses, are among others : Climate change and Water, Climate change and the West African monsoon, Climate change and Economic Resources, Climate change and Biodiversity…
All the courses will be delivered in English and CORAF/WECARD will be involved in this great capacity strengthening initiative in the field of climate change in West Africa.p
Overview of the participants in the training workshop on the use of the Smart Toolkit
CTA aimed at strengthening the capacity of the region’s agricultural information stakeholders. Through presentations and group works, the participants were informed on the use of the Smart Toolkit so that they can use it in their respective institutions.p
USAID rice and cassava projects :
the activities related to biotechnology monitored on the spot
o ensure the good implementation of the technical aspects of the rice and cassava projects funded by USAID, the manager of CORAF/WECARD biotechnology and biosafety programme, Prof. Sangaré, visited Kumasi and Fumesoa, in Ghana, in order to monitor these projects. This was from 24th to 26th January, 2011. The exchanges between the various coordinators and the other stakeholders of the projects at the national level dealt with the evaluation of the progress made in these projects, the technical and financial difficulties encountered, the strategies for the development of new action plans and the function and role of CORAF/WECARD projects’ national correspondent.p
Promotion of the regional strategy for agriculture and value chains :
the experts meet in Addis Ababa
rom 24th to 26th January, 2011 a meeting on the development and promotion of the regional strategy for agriculture and the value chains of agricultural products in Africa was held in Addis Ababa. The experts finalized the concept note of the regional project for the development and promotion of the regional strategy for agriculture and the value chains of agricultural products.
The regional study on rice-livestock-meat value chains in West Africa will be conducted by ECOWAS with the involvement of various stakeholders like AFRICA RICE, CORAF/WECARD, ILRI, CILSS…
Meetings organized by CORAF/WECARD
24th - 25th February, 2011, Dakar. TMT research proposal assessment
23rd - 25th February, 2011, Dakar. PPAAO/WAAPP: Stakeholders’ needs assessment workshop in the framework of the implementation of the model of simulation of agricultural yields coupled with ICTs
The operational framework for the development of staple crops in WCA : assessment by stakeholders and partners
From 21st to 25th February, 2011, Bamako. Regional workshop on agricultural policy analysis From 20th to 28th February, 2011, Conakry. Support mission in Information and Communication Technologies to the NARS of Guinea From 14th to 18th February, 2011, Porto Novo, Benin. Annual workshop for the planning and review of commissioned projects
From 8th to 10th February, 2011, Lome. Review and planning meeting of the Building livelihood resilience From 3rd to 4th February, 2011, Dakar. Review workshop of the mechanisms for the dissemination of improved technology and innovations in the CORAF/WECARD area From 6th to 13rd February, 2011. Supervision mission of DONATA new countries
Meetings organized by partners
From 22nd to 26th February, 2011, Copenhagen. International workshop on Climate Change organized by FAO and EU
Agroforestry :
experts exchange in Niamey
The West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development’s Monthly Bulletin Director of publication Pr Yusuf ABUBAKAR
Director of Edition Paco Sérémé
Anatole Yékéminan Koné
Editing and Reading Committee Department Info/Com
Alassane DIA
Online publication
Gorgui Alioune Mbow
A French version is available
CORAF/WECARD, BP 48 Dakar RP CP 18523, Sénégal Tél. : (221) 33 869 96 18 Fax : (221) 33 869 96 31 E-mail : Internet :
groforestry, as the basis for food security and environmental resilience in Niger et in the Sahel : this was the theme around which agroforestry specialists gathered in Niamey for concrete solutions with a view to contribute to food security in the Sahel. This was from 13rd to 18th January, 2011.
At the end of one week of discussions, there was a consensus on the development of an ever-green agriculture as the basis for a strong approach for the extension of sustainable and diversified tree-based production systems at the national and regional level. The participants defined the components of the national and regional strategy focused on the integration of trees and livestock in cultivation systems and also on the development of appropriate markets.
ORAF/WECARD, CIRAD, CILSS, AFD, and IFAD, the stakeholders and partners of the intervention framework for the development of rain-fed staple crops in West and Central Africa met from 12th to 14th January, 2011 to assess the knowledge related to the implementation of this framework. This was in Montpellier. During three days, the participants assessed the knowledge and information gathered on the evolution of the production and consumption of staple crops in West and Central Africa. They were informed on the sector’s current practices, and above all, on the potential contribution of research.
Dr Paco Sérémé and Dr Harold-Roy Macauley represented CORAF/WECARD at this important meeting that facilitated discussions on the perspectives of the initiative for the development of staple crops in West and Central Africa. A Steering Committee of this framework comprising the main partners among whom CORAF/WECARD was set up for the monitoring of the implementation of this important initiative.p
Finally, the participants set up a regional platform for concerted research, capacity and development strengthening in the field of the sustainable management of lands and agroforestry within the Sahel countries.
CORAF/WECARD was represented at this meeting by Prof. Claude Adandédjan, the Chairman of CORAF/WECARD STC.p
Dr Harold R. M, DP du CORAF/WECARD