Conseil Ouest et Centre Africain pour la Recherche et le DĂŠveloppement Agricoles
West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development
Human Resources Management Manual
Version 1.2
7, Avenue Bourguiba, BP 48- cp18523- Dakar SENEGAL Tel 221 869 96 18 Fax 221 869 96 31 and
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 1
Contents Foreword ........................................................................................................................................ 9 List of acronyms ........................................................................................................................... 10 Definition of common terms ........................................................................................................ 11 I - Introduction to the HRM Manual .......................................................................................... 12 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 12 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 12 Purpose of the HRM manual ..................................................................................................................... 12 Applicability .................................................................................................................................................... 12 Sources of the HRM manual ..................................................................................................................... 12 Current practices and organisational norms ...................................................................................... 13 Senegalese Government legislation ...................................................................................................... 13 International best practices ..................................................................................................................... 13 Provisions of individual contracts ........................................................................................................... 13 Authority of the manual ............................................................................................................................. 13 Structure of the HRM manual .................................................................................................................. 13 Legal status of the HRM manual............................................................................................................. 14 Limitations and exceptions ....................................................................................................................... 14 Amendment and updating of the HRM manual ................................................................................. 14 Language of preparation ........................................................................................................................... 14 Dissemination of updates .......................................................................................................................... 14 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 15
II - Introduction to CORAF/ WECARD ..................................................................................... 16 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 16 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 16 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 16 History and membership ........................................................................................................................... 16 Legal status .................................................................................................................................................... 16 The Vision of CORAF/WECARD ................................................................................................................ 17 The Mission of CORAF/WECARD ............................................................................................................. 17 The Purpose of CORAF/WECARD ............................................................................................................ 17 Structure.......................................................................................................................................................... 17 The General Assembly ................................................................................................................................ 18 The Governing Board .................................................................................................................................. 18 Scientific and Technical Committee ...................................................................................................... 18 The Executive Secretariat ......................................................................................................................... 18 Unique nature of CORAF/ WECARD organisation ............................................................................. 19 CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 2
International organisation......................................................................................................................... 19 Programmatic nature of operations ...................................................................................................... 19 Respect for and observance of local laws and norms .................................................................... 19 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 20
III - Function of HRM in CORAF/WECARD ........................................................................... 21 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 21 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 21 Shared responsibility for HRM ................................................................................................................. 21 HR Functions of the Board ........................................................................................................................ 21 Human Resources and Administrative Matters Sub-Committee ................................................ 21 Executive Director ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Director Administration and Finance..................................................................................................... 22 Human Resources Officer .......................................................................................................................... 22 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 22
IV - HR planning in CORAF/WECARD .................................................................................... 23 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 23 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 23 Specific provisions, processes and procedure ......................................................... 23 HR planning described................................................................................................................................ 23 The human resource planning process ................................................................................................ 23 Staff assignment and redeployment ..................................................................................................... 24 Use of job descriptions ............................................................................................................................... 24 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 24
V - Staff recruitment and induction ............................................................................................ 25 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 25 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 25 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 25 Equal opportunity employment ............................................................................................................... 25 The recruitment procedure ....................................................................................................................... 25 Staff requisition............................................................................................................................................. 25 Authorization of recruitment .................................................................................................................... 26 Internal recruitment/ redeployment ..................................................................................................... 26 External recruitment and selection ....................................................................................................... 26 Letter of appointment ................................................................................................................................. 26 Employment pre-conditions ..................................................................................................................... 27 Issuance of HRM manual ........................................................................................................................... 27 Probationary period ..................................................................................................................................... 27 Induction of new staff................................................................................................................................. 27 CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 3
Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 27
VI - Employee records.................................................................................................................. 28 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 28 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 28 Pertinent Documents .................................................................................................................................. 28 Personnel Record Information Changes .............................................................................................. 29 Viewing Personnel File ................................................................................................................................ 29 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 29
VII - Training and development .................................................................................................. 30 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 30 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 30 Specific provisions, processes and provisions ......................................................... 30 Definition of training and development ............................................................................................... 30 Forms of training and development ...................................................................................................... 30 Education ......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Staff development........................................................................................................................................ 31 Training ............................................................................................................................................................ 31 Training needs assessment ...................................................................................................................... 31 Nature of support provided ...................................................................................................................... 31 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 31
VIII - Staff remuneration ............................................................................................................ 32 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 32 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 32 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 32 Basis of remuneration practices ............................................................................................................. 32 Salary scales .................................................................................................................................................. 32 Pay day............................................................................................................................................................. 33 Salary review and progression ................................................................................................................ 33 Advance Payments ...................................................................................................................................... 33 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 33
IX - Leave ..................................................................................................................................... 34 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 34 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 34 Specific provisions, processes and provisions ......................................................... 34 Leave granted at discretion of management ..................................................................................... 34 Annual leave entitlement .......................................................................................................................... 34 CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 4
Accrual of leave............................................................................................................................................. 34 Cash in lieu of leave .................................................................................................................................... 35 Sick leave entitlement ................................................................................................................................ 35 Maternity leave ............................................................................................................................................. 35 Hospitalisation during the period of leave .......................................................................................... 35 Vacation Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 35 Leave application forms ............................................................................................................................. 35 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 36
X - Staff benefits ........................................................................................................................... 37 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 37 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 37 Specific provisions, processes and procedure ......................................................... 37 Schedule of benefits .................................................................................................................................... 37 Relocation allowance ................................................................................................................................... 37 Terminal benefits.......................................................................................................................................... 37 Housing allowance/ Cost of living Allowance ..................................................................................... 38 Security (Guard) allowance ...................................................................................................................... 38 Education allowance .................................................................................................................................... 38 Home travel allowance ............................................................................................................................... 38 Pension/ retirement scheme .................................................................................................................... 38 Medical and travel insurance ................................................................................................................... 38 Accidental death & disability insurance ............................................................................................... 38 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 39
XI – Travels & Missions .............................................................................................................. 40 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 40 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 40 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 40 Authorisation of official travel ................................................................................................................. 40 Management of Missions, Seminars and Meetings .......................................................................... 40 Management of Missions ........................................................................................................................... 40 Declaration and adjustment of travel/mission expenses .............................................................. 41 Daily substance allowance ........................................................................................................................ 42 Travel insurance ........................................................................................................................................... 42 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 42
XII - Working hours, statutory holidays and overtime............................................................... 43 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 43 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 43 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 43 Working hours ............................................................................................................................................... 43 CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 5
Work Week ..................................................................................................................................................... 43 Starting and Ending Times ....................................................................................................................... 43 Overtime .......................................................................................................................................................... 43 Statutory Holidays ....................................................................................................................................... 44 Payment ........................................................................................................................................................... 44 Absence from duty ....................................................................................................................................... 44 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 44
XIII - General guidelines for behaviour ..................................................................................... 45 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 45 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 45 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 45 Communication ............................................................................................................................................. 45 Staff representative..................................................................................................................................... 45 Conflict of Interest ....................................................................................................................................... 45 Code of Business Conduct......................................................................................................................... 46 No smoking ..................................................................................................................................................... 46 13.7. Smoking is prohibited in the building and offices of CORAF/WECARD. ................. 46 Workplace Harassment .............................................................................................................................. 46 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 46
XIV - Performance assessment.................................................................................................... 47 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 47 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 47 Specific provisions, processes and provisions ......................................................... 47 Objectives of the performance assessment system ....................................................................... 47 Stages (or components) of performance assessment ................................................................... 48 Stage 1: Developing of individual work plans ................................................................................... 48 Stage 2: Formal performance assessment......................................................................................... 48 Stage 3: Implementation of performance assessment decisions .............................................. 48 Stage 4: Follow-up of performance assessment .............................................................................. 49 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 49
XV - Gender policy ....................................................................................................................... 50 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 50 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 50 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 50 Concept of Gender ....................................................................................................................................... 50 Purpose and aims of gender policy ....................................................................................................... 50 Policy guiding principles and key elements ........................................................................................ 51 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 52
XVI - HIV/AIDS policy ................................................................................................................ 53 CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 6
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 53 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 53 Specific provisions, processes and provisions ......................................................... 53 Legal basis of the policy ............................................................................................................................ 53 Rights of employees who are HIV-positive ........................................................................................ 53 Employment opportunities and termination of employment ....................................................... 53 HIV Testing ..................................................................................................................................................... 54 Confidentiality................................................................................................................................................ 54 Education and awareness ......................................................................................................................... 54 The promotion of employees' well-being ............................................................................................ 54 Work performance and reasonable accommodation ...................................................................... 54 Access to compensation and benefits .................................................................................................. 55 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 55
XVII - Workplace safety policy.................................................................................................... 56 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 56 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 56 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 56 CORAF/WECARD’s role on safety ........................................................................................................... 56 Employee/staff role for health and safety .......................................................................................... 57 Responsibilities of HRO .............................................................................................................................. 57 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 57
XVIII - Disciplinary and grievance procedure ........................................................................... 58 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 58 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 58 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 58 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................... 58 Disciplinary procedures .............................................................................................................................. 58 Examples of minor offences ..................................................................................................................... 59 Examples of serious offences .................................................................................................................. 59 Sanctions for offences ................................................................................................................................ 60 Stage 1- Verbal Warning ........................................................................................................................... 60 Stage 2- Written Warning ......................................................................................................................... 60 Stage 3 - Final Written Warning ............................................................................................................. 61 Stage 4 - Dismissal ..................................................................................................................................... 61 Right of appeal .............................................................................................................................................. 61 Grievance Procedures ................................................................................................................................. 61 Records ............................................................................................................................................................ 62 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 62
XIX - Termination of employment .............................................................................................. 63 CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 7
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 63 Summary/ policy statement ............................................................................................. 63 Specific provisions, processes and procedures ....................................................... 63 Types of termination covered .................................................................................................................. 63 Resignation notice ........................................................................................................................................ 63 Death of an employee ................................................................................................................................ 64 Termination for Cause ................................................................................................................................ 64 Rehire ............................................................................................................................................................... 64 Payments due Employee ........................................................................................................................... 64 Exit Interviews .............................................................................................................................................. 64 Authorisation ............................................................................................................................................. 65
XX - Whistleblower Protection .................................................................................................... 66
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 8
Foreword In order to respond to the numerous challenges facing agriculture in West and Central Africa, CORAF/WECARD in 2006, adopted a 10-year Strategic Plan (20072016), supported by a 5-year Operational Plan (2008-2013). The preparation of the Strategic and Operational Plans was accompanied by the implementation of an institutional reform program aimed at strengthening the institution’s governance bodies, the implementation process of programs which follow the new IAR4D paradigm, the appropriation of the vision and programs by the different stakeholders in Agricultural Research and Development in West and Central Africa and finally, increase the coherence between the different initiatives operated by CORAF/WECARD. To ensure the effective implementation of its programmes and the coordination of the sub-regional cooperation, the Executive Secretariat of CORAF/WECARD needs competent, honest, committed and motivated human resource. The staff statutes drafted in 2003 and 2004 proved to be inadequate in organizing the Human Resource Management (HRM) to fit into this new context. As an international institution, CORAF/ WECARD operates in an increasingly complex and challenging employment environmental which necessitate the adoption and use of modern HRM practices. This Human Resources Management manual has therefore been prepared to integrate not only the growth of its mandate as a coordinating institution for Agricultural Research and Development in West and Central Africa, but also its relations with the Senegalese authorities who host its headquarters in Dakar. It is in conformity with international standards established by FAO and with conditions of the Employment Code in force in Senegal. The CORAF/WECARD executive staff and representatives of various programmes and departments were interviewed to obtain their views and input into document and these have been incorporated into this manual. Each one of us has a role to play in meeting the challenge of improving our HRM practices and maintaining a dynamic and progressive approach to managing people. This HRM manual not only encapsulates the vision and principles of how we intend to manage people in the future, but it also provides a practical tool to assist us all in realizing that vision. CORAF/WECARD is a unique and wonderful organisation to work for and people are our most precious assets. We hope management and staff will make the most of this manual to upgrade the value of our "assets" and uphold the high reputation of our service delivery to stakeholders. CORAF/WECARD is committed to providing its staff with a professional working environment with opportunities for personal growth and development.
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 9
List of acronyms CORAF/WECARD
West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development
Director of Finance and Administration
Daily Subsistence Allowance
Executive Director
Executive Secretariat
Food and Agriculture Organization
General Assembly
Governing Board
Human Immuno deficiency Virus / Acquired Immuno deficiency Syndrome
Human Resource
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Officer
Integrated Agricultural Research for Development / Recherche Agricole Intégrée pour le Développement
National Agricultural Research System
Scientific and Technical Committee
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 10
Definition of common terms Locally recruited staff Internationally recruited staff Human resources management Recruitment
Local versus international conditions of service Staff categories
Human Resource Management is a strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organisation’s most valued asset – the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of its goals.
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 11
I - Introduction to the HRM Manual Purpose 1.1.
To outline the concept and principles of the HRM manual including its, background, context, purpose, objectives and other subsidiary and administrative issues.
Summary/ policy statement 1.2.
The main purpose of the HRM manual is to provide CORAF/WECARD with a mechanism for implementing consistent policies and practices that guide the management of human resources in the institution.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures Purpose of the HRM manual 1.3.
The main purpose of the HRM manual is to provide CORAF/ WECARD with the capacity and mechanism to develop and implement consistent policies and practices that guide the management of human resources in the institution. Having a consistent policy applied fairly and transparently to all employees helps to motivate and to resolve disputes concerning entitlement. The manual serves the interests of both CORAF/ WECARD as an employer (by providing guidelines to facilitate consistent and equitable decision making) and those of its staff members (by clarifying their entitlements and reducing managerial discretion).
Applicability 1.4.
The provisions of this manual will only apply to staff employed on a full time basis or on fixed contract
Sources of the HRM manual 1.5.
The contents of the HRM manual have been derived from several sources which are briefly described below.
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 12
Current practices and organisational norms 1.6.
Since its establishment, CORAF/ WECARD has developed its own unique HRM policies and practices and these provide the base upon which the manual is designed and developed.
Senegalese Government legislation 1.7.
CORAF/ WECARD Executive Secretariat is hosted by the Senegalese government and thus it operates under the laws and regulations of the country. The country agreement is the main legal instrument under which the organisation operates.
International best practices 1.8.
The manual also incorporates HRM international best practices as established or gained through knowledge of policies, customs and practices in other organisations as established specific research studies and from knowledge and experience of CORAF/ WECARD staff and associates.
Provisions of individual contracts 1.9.
The HRM manual also draws on the provisions of individual contracts of employees of CORAF/ WECARD and while respecting the sanctity of individual contracts it seeks to ensure that the provisions of these contracts are consistent, fair and equitable.
Authority of the manual 1.10. The HRM manual is issued under the authority of the Board of Directors of CORAF/WECARD. Therefore any revisions or amendments of the manual should be approved by resolution of the Board. The Executive Director will endorse by signature for and on behalf of the Board all policies and provisions of the HRM manual and any changes and amendments to the manual. Structure of the HRM manual 1.11. The manual is structured so as to provide clear and succinct guidelines on the main policy elements or aspects of HRM in CORAF/WECARD. Each policy is provided with a title, purpose and description followed by detailed statements of processes, procedures and provisions. These statements are clearly headed and numbered for ease of reference.
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 13
Legal status of the HRM manual 1.12. As an accompaniment to employee contracts, the HRM manual has an implicit legal status in addition to its function as an administrative tool. However in the event of a conflict between the provisions of the manual and any Senegalese government laws and regulations the provisions of the law shall take precedence over the provisions of the HRM manual. Limitations and exceptions 1.13. The HRM manual provides guidelines on the handling of specific and common HRM issues but it does not cover every situation and eventuality that can and will arise in an institution. The Executive Director of CORAF/WECARD working in conjunction with the management team shall review any new situations and shall exercise their management discretion on resolving such situations on a case by case basis. Amendment and updating of the HRM manual 1.14. The HRM manual is subject to regular review, amendment and revision and any member of CORAF/WECARD management and staff or Board Member may propose changes to the manual. The Personnel Sub-Committee will be responsible for consultation with staff and Board Members. Changes recommended by the Personnel Committee shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. Language of preparation 1.15. The HRM manual has been prepared in the English language and translated into French and is disseminated in both languages. Where there are differences in meanings and interpretations between the two language versions or in the event of any conflict of interpretation of the provisions, the closest meaning or interpretation in the English version will be regarded as providing the original intent of the provision in contention. Dissemination of updates 1.16. Every employee of CORAF/ WECARD is entitled to a copy of the HRM manual for his or her personal use and reference. Hard and electronic copies of the HRM manual and any updates of the manual shall be distributed to all serving and new employees and a copy shall be available on the restricted area of the website of the institution. The HR Officer shall be responsible for maintaining the manual up to date and for interpreting, administering and disseminating its provisions.
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 14
Authorisation Date of Board Approval/ Authorisation: …………………………………………….. Date of Issue:
………………………………………………. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 15
II - Introduction to CORAF/ WECARD Purpose 2.1.
To outline the history, vision, mission, structure and legal status of CORAF/WECARD and to highlight the organisation’s uniqueness as an international employer.
Summary/ policy statement 2.2.
CORAF/WECARD is a non-profit public international agricultural research and development association and was established in accordance with public international law. The organisation has several features and aspects which make it a unique organisation to work for and these include its multi-national and multi-cultural workforce, the programmatic nature of its funding and operations and its legal obligations to the host country which result in compulsory disparities in the way its staff are treated.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures History and membership 2.3.
The Conseil Ouest et Centre Africain pour la Recherche et le Développement Agricoles/West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development [CORAF/WECARD] was established in 1987 as conference for African and French Agronomic Research Directors. In 1995 it widened its coverage to include English and Portuguese speaking countries of West and Central Africa. It comprises 22 member states including Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Côte D’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. In addition to these member states, representatives of the private sector, non-governmental organizations and civil societies can also become members of CORAF/WECARD.
Legal status
CORAF/WECARD is a non-profit public international agricultural research and development association and was established in accordance with public international law. CORAF/WECARD possesses full legal authority under public
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 16
international law and under the national laws of Senegal, the country hosting its headquarters. The Vision of CORAF/WECARD
The vision of CORAF/WECARD is to strive for: “Sustainable reduction in poverty and food security in the West and Central Africa sub-region through an increase in agriculture-led economic growth and sustainable improvement of key aspects of the agricultural research system “
The Mission of CORAF/WECARD
The mission of CORAF/WECARD is to achieve: “Sustainable improvements to the competitiveness, productivity and markets of the agricultural system in West and Central Africa by meeting the key demands of the sub-regional research system as expressed by target groups”
The Purpose of CORAF/WECARD
CORAF/WECARD is mandated to implement the West and Central Africa subregional agricultural research policies defined by the national governments of the countries whose institutions are members of the Association. Its research and development objectives are to promote cooperation, consultation, and information exchange between member institutions and development partners; define joint sub-regional and regional research objectives and priorities; and to develop joint research programs in order to strengthen complementary activities of CORAF/WECARD and its partners.
Four hierarchical bodies are responsible for the vision and objectives of CORAF/WECARD through operational units and these are briefly described below.
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 17
The General Assembly
The General Assembly (GA) is the supreme authority of CORAF/WECARD and is sovereign on all matters concerning the life of the association. It is composed of representatives of its national agricultural research systems (NARS), regional and international institutions in the sub-region, intergovernmental organisations in agriculture, regional economic communities of West and Central Africa and development partners.
The Governing Board
2.10. The Governing Board (GA) is responsible for controlling and monitoring the implementation of the guidelines and decisions of the GA by the Secretariat. More specifically, they recommend the appointment of the Executive Director, supervise the activities of the executive secretariat, examine and approve the annual programmes and budgets and recommend for approval and ratification of the same by the GA. Scientific and Technical Committee
2.11. The Scientific and Technical Committee (STC) is a consultative organ of the GB and is composed of twelve members who are chosen on the basis of their expertise, experience and reputation in agricultural research for development and capacity strengthening. THE STC is responsible for reviewing and advising the GB on matters of scientific quality and relevance of research proposals, assisting with organizing and coordinating scientific meetings and evaluation of related activities. The Executive Secretariat
2.13. Based in Dakar, Senegal and headed by the Executive Director (ED) the Executive Secretariat (ES) is responsible for ensuring the coordination and implementation of CORAF/WECARD’s strategic and operational plans including monitoring, evaluation, financial and administrative management. The ES serves as the focal point for development partners and other stakeholders and undertakes and coordinates the sharing and exchange of information between the member countries and agricultural research institutions.
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Unique nature of CORAF/ WECARD organisation
2.14. In many respects, CORAF/WECARD is an organisation that has several features and aspects which make it a unique organisation to work for and three of these are highlighted and briefly discussed below. International organisation
2.15. Although based in Senegal and subject to the laws and regulations of that country, CORAF/WECARD is an international organisation established under international statute and protocols. Staff of the organization are recruited from across the region and this contributes to a truly multi-national and multi-cultural dimension and perspective to the organisation’s operations and working environment. Programmatic nature of operations 2.16. The activities of CORAF/WECARD are funded by its members and development partners based on specific and time-bound strategic and operational plans. Consequently the future funding of the organisation is not guaranteed and this necessitates that the organisation cannot take long term commitments and positions including the employment of staff on permanent contracts and, instead, only offers fixed term contracts. While this presents a level of job insecurity to staff, this is more than offset by the more generous and competitive remuneration and benefits provided to staff and the challenging and exciting work environment. Respect for and observance of local laws and norms 2.17. Although it is an international organisation, CORAF/WECARD also employs local Senegalese staff and it is obliged to observe the host country’s laws and norms in respect to its dealings with its local staff. These laws include the requirement that locally employed staff discharge their obligations for payment of taxes and other statutory deductions. Recognising that this observance of local laws may sometimes create disparities in the way staff are rewarded, CORAF/WECARD is constantly engaging with government officials to seek improvements in the country agreement which will lead to more favourable and equitable conditions of service for its locally recruited staff.
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 19
Authorisation Date of Board Approval/ Authorisation: …………………………………………….. Date of Issue:
………………………………………………. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 20
III - Function of HRM in CORAF/WECARD Purpose 3.1.
To outline the functions of and responsibilities for HRM in CORAF/WECARD including the specification of responsibilities for formulation, authorisation, implementation and administration of HRM policies and procedures.
Summary/ policy statement 3.2.
The HRM function is a shared responsibility of the CORAF/WECARD Board of Directors and the Executive Director. The Board is responsible for enunciating and approving policies while the Executive Director and directors are responsible for the formulation and development of policies. Daily administration of HRM is the responsibility of the Human Resources Officer under the supervision of the Director Finance and Administration.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures Shared responsibility for HRM 3.3. Human resources administration in CORAF/WECARD is a shared responsibility of the Governing Board, the Executive Director, the Director, Administration and Finance and the Human Resources Officer. HR Functions of the Board 3.4. The GB recognises that the mission and vision of CORAF/WECARD will be achieved by adopting and implementing best practices in HRM. The organisation relies upon a committed and caring staff and must continue to attract and retain the highest calibre of individuals through appropriate and effective HR policies. The role of the GB is to consider and approve HRM policies of the organization and to oversee their effective implementation by the ED and the ES management team. Human Resources and Administrative Matters Sub-Committee 3.5. The GB has an HR and Administrative Matters sub-committee which provides oversight to HRM functions in CORAF/WECARD and this sub-committee is responsible for overseeing and ensuring implementation of best practices in HRM and providing professional advice to the Governing Board on the organization’s HRM and administrative systems. Executive Director CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 21
3.6. The ED exercises the delegated authority of the GB for implementation of the HRM policies and procedures. As the chief executive of the organization the ED is also responsible for development and formulation of HRM policies based on experiences and events on the ground and makes recommendations for their adoption or approval by the GB. Director Administration and Finance 3.7. The Director Finance and Administration (DFA) has responsibility for providing day to day supervision and oversight in the implementation of HRM policies and procedures. The DFA supervises the Human Resources Officer in the daily execution of HRM activities. Human Resources Officer 3.8. A position of Human Resources Officer (HRO) has been established to serve the purpose of implementation and administration of HRM on a daily basis. The is the first port of call in CORAF/WECARD on all matters relating to HRM and is responsible for the daily execution of all aspects of this manual and for ensuring that its provisions are widely communicated and explained to staff and that it is maintained up to date.
Authorisation Date of Board Approval/ Authorisation: …………………………………………….. Date of Issue:
………………………………………………. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 22
IV - HR planning in CORAF/WECARD Purpose 4.1.
To outline the policies and procedure for ensuring CORAF/WECARD has he required number of staff to carry out its given mandate at any time.
Summary/ policy statement 4.2.
CORAF/WECARD will use systematic HR planning to ensure that it has the right number of qualified people doing the right jobs at the right time and to match and effectively deploy available resources to meet the organisation’s strategic and operational plans.
Specific provisions, processes and procedure HR planning described
HR planning is the process by which CORAF/WECARD ensures that it has the right number of qualified people doing the right jobs at the right time. HR planning is a systematic way of matching identifying the numbers and skills required for the effective implementation of the organisation’s strategic and operational plans and for effectively deploying available human resources to meet the organisation’s current and future needs
The human resource planning process 4.4.
Human resource planning consists of six basic steps: i. Reviewing the organisational objectives and strategies as laid down in the strategic and operations plans. ii. Determine the impact of the organisation’s objectives on specific organisational units. For this purpose the cascade approach can be used, whereby the organisation’s long term strategies are translated into the shorter term performance objectives and time schedules per division and department. iii. Define the skills, expertise and total number of employees (demand for human resources) required to achieve the organization and department
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objectives using objective tools such as statistical methods and managerial estimates, etc. iv. Conduct an analysis of the organisation’s current human resources by undertaking a skills inventory to establish the number of current employees in terms of their different competencies, skills, training levels, qualifications, work experience etc. v. Determine the additional (net) human resource requirements in light of the organisation’s current human resources. vi. Develop action plans to meet the anticipated human resource needs: these may include internal redeployment of staff, external recruitment, staff development and other training programs and designing compensation packages to attract and retain quality staff, etc. Staff assignment and redeployment 4.5.
The staffing levels in CORAF/WECARD are determined through the structured approach described above and are constantly reviewed and revised as necessary. However due to the cyclic nature of programme work there will be periods of extreme work pressure for some or all categories of staff and additional resources may be recruited on short-term contracts to provide additional support and relieve such pressure. Staff may also be temporarily reassigned to alleviate work pressure in other areas.
Use of job descriptions 4.6.
Each position in CORAF/WECARD will have a job description which is prepared by the personnel officer and regularly updated in consultation with the job holder and his/ her line manager or supervisor. Job descriptions provide a picture of the job at any given time but it is not a comprehensive document nor does it reflect every activity which the job holder is required to perform. Job holders are therefore required to undertake any lawful duties assigned by those in authority over them.
Authorisation Date of Board Approval/ Authorisation: …………………………………………….. Date of Issue:
………………………………………………. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 24
V - Staff recruitment and induction Purpose 5.1.
To outline the policy and procedures for recruitment of staff to ensure the organisation is able to achieve its objectives and deliver its mandate.
Summary/ policy statement 5.2.
CORAF/WECARD is an equal opportunity employer is committed to following internationally established labour standards and practices in all respects and to provide a fair work environment. Recruitment and induction is undertaken following clearly established and professional policies and procedures.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures Equal opportunity employment 5.3.
CORAF/WECARD provides equal opportunities for employment and advancement to all, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religious, sexual orientation, age, political opinions, marital status, or other protected status. The organization is committed to following internationally established labour standards and practices in all respects and to provide a fair work environment. Recruitment shall also take into consideration other relevant policies such as the gender policy (see p 50) and HIV/AIDS policy (see p 53).
The recruitment procedure Staff requisition 5.4.
Recruitment will only be done on the basis of a written requisition for recruitment of staff which is be submitted to the HRO to initiate the recruitment process. The requisition will normally include all pertinent information about the job including job description / job profile of the proposed staff, the name of the project/ station/ department where the staff is to be deployed, the estimated salary and whether there is a provision in the project and any other relevant information to justify the recruitment.
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Authorization of recruitment 5.5.
For all positions already on the establishment (i.e. those for which GB approval is already granted) the ED will authorize the staff requisition otherwise the authorization of the GB (through the HR and Administration Sub-committee) will be required.
Internal recruitment/ redeployment 5.6.
In all instances and wherever practicable without being compulsory, consideration will first be given to filling positions internally by existing and interested CORAF/WECARD staff. In case of internal recruitment, selection will be based on merit, suitability for the position and candidate’s potential for further advancement. Members of the staff are authorized to apply to position advertised in conformity with established procedures
External recruitment and selection 5.7.
If there are no suitable internal candidates, external recruitment will be undertaken. This will involve advertising the vacancies on the CORAF/WECARD website and in other national and regional media, receiving and processing applications, setting up a recruitment interview panels, interviewing and selecting successful candidates and submitting recommendation to the ED and GB.
5.7. Except for the position of Executive Director whose recruitment is handled by the Governing Board, all other positions at the Executive Secretariat are managed by the Executive Director. He is in charge of filling vacancies by advertising them on CORAF/WECARD website and on other national or regional media. The selection process fill be finalized by an interview with an appropriate panel and the final decision of the Executive Director. CORAF/WECARD Executive Secretariat can hire a specialized firm or select resource persons to conduct part or the whole recruitment process. Letter of appointment 5.8.
Successful candidates are issued with a letter of appointment or contract detailing the terms and conditions of their employment with CORAF/WECARD. The candidates are required to sign and return to the organization a copy of the letter of appointment or contract and this will be held o the file of the employee.
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Employment pre-conditions 5.9.
Offers of employment may be subject to specified pre-conditions such as reference checks, police clearance, medical examination, etc. Successful candidates will be advised of any such pre-conditions as will be applicable to them and they are responsible for ensuring these are fulfilled as quickly as possible or within any specified deadlines.
Issuance of HRM manual 5.10. All new employees shall be given an up-to-date copy of this MRM Manual for their information they shall be required to acknowledge in writing having received, read, understood and accepted the provisions of the Manual. However the HRM should be treated as confidential and should not be shared or discussed with outsiders who are not concerned with matters of the organization. Probationary period 5.11
New employees of the organization are hired on a probationary period in conformity with the Labour laws. During this period, the employee will benefit from all rights and advantages related to his position. At the completion of the period, the performance of the employee will be assessed by his supervisor. Satisfactory performance is subject to confirmation of employment whereas unsatisfactory performance may result in termination of employment.
Induction of new staff 5.12. All new staff joining CORAF/WECARD is provided an induction programme to enable them to adjust and assimilate to the organization. The induction programme includes introduction to other staff and departments and spending time in other work units to full appreciate their work. In addition new staff are to be fully briefed on the goals, objectives, mission, vision, practices, policies and strategies of the organization.
Authorisation Date of Board Approval/ Authorisation: …………………………………………….. Date of Issue:
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VI - Employee records Purpose 6.1.
To outline the records to be maintained in respect of each employee, confidentiality and the rights of access to...
Summary/ policy statement 6.2.
CORAF/WECARD shall maintain a confidential personnel file for each employee. The file for each employee shall be established at the date of employment, continuously maintained throughout the employment period and permanently retained by the organization for seven years after termination. Employees shall have the right to access and view their personnel files.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures Pertinent Documents 6.3.
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv.
Each employee's individual personnel file shall contain all pertinent documents relating to the employee's status and job performance. The employee's file shall include the following pertinent documents whenever applicable: The employee's application Letters of reference from previous employers Correspondence with reference to the applicant Letter of appointment Evaluations of performance Copies of communications pertaining to performance Copies of communications pertaining to resignation or termination Salary history Medical examination report Criminal/police record check report Attendance records Travel Leave accrual and usage Certified copies of degrees and work certificates Other documents relating to the employee.
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Personnel Record Information Changes 6.4.
All staff are expected to promptly inform the HRO of any changes to their personal circumstance and of any developments that have a significant effect on their personnel record. This includes change of residential address and
telephone number, email addresses and other contact details, whom to notify in case of emergency and how to reach them, number of children, etc. Viewing Personnel File
All employees may have access to view their personnel file upon request to the DFA. Employees shall have access to the file within 24 hours of this request, and will view their file in the presence of the DFA or the HRO.
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VII - Training and development Purpose 7.1.
To outline the policy and procedures for training and development in CORAF/WECARD and to highlight the various trainings available and how employees can seek to be benefit from training and development.
Summary/ policy statement 7.2.
The CORAF/WECARD recognizes that it is important for its employees to be provided with training opportunities and programmes in order to improve their job knowledge, skill and future performance. Proper training results in increased productivity, improvement in employee morale, reduces on employee supervision, provides opportunity for personal growth and contributes to organizational stability
Specific provisions, processes and provisions Definition of training and development 7.3.
Training and development encompasses all the activities related to the development of human resources in CORAF/WECARD at the individual as well as the collective level. Training and development can also be defined as the integrated use of education, training and development, organization development and career development to improve individual, group and organizational effectiveness.
Forms of training and development
Education 7.4.
Education refers to a planned learning intervention intended to help individuals qualify for advancement and its emphasis is on individual career preparation. CORAF/WECARD will support staff who wish to improve their educational credentials to enable them to be considered for advanced levels of responsibility in their careers.
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Staff development 7.5.
CORAF/WECARD will support activities and initiatives which are aimed at stimulating new ideas and insights through planned learning that is not necessarily job related. This provides individual opportunities to grow so that the organization has employees who are capable of working smarter rather than harder because of increased experience and knowledge from which they can creatively draw. Examples of developmental activities will include participating in projects not directly related to one’s job and attending conferences, locally and abroad, etc.
Training 7.6.
Training refers to a short term, planned learning intervention that is intended to establish or improve a match between current job requirements and the knowledge, skills and attitude of the individual. CORAF/WECARD shall provide staff with training to enable them to acquire the required knowledge and skills to meet the minimum requirements of the jobs and to improve their work performance.
Training needs assessment 7.7.
The nature of training and development interventions will be dictated by training needs assessment which will be conducted during periodic strategic and operational planning and in the course of annual employee performance assessment. The training needs assessment helps to gather information about the knowledge and skills that are needed to improve the performance of individuals and ultimately of the organization as a whole.
Nature of support provided 7.8.
CORAF/WECARD shall grant to staff paid leave and, as appropriate or within budget provision, expenses for attending conferences, institutes and courses which are considered as mutually beneficial to both organization and the staff concerned upon written authorization of the Executive Director.
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VIII - Staff remuneration Purpose 8.1.
To outline the policy for remuneration and administration of rewards.
Summary/ policy statement 8.2.
The performance of CORAF/WECARD depends on the quality and commitment of its staff and the organization’s remuneration policy is aimed at assisting CORAF/WECARD to attract and retain staff capable of meeting the institution’s human resources needs. The main principle is to ensure staff are paid fairly and are treated consistently in relation to one another.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures Basis of remuneration practices 8.3.
CORAF/WECARD seeks to provide fair consideration, remuneration, reward and incentive to all staff undertaking and contributing to the organization’s objectives and mandates. This will be achieved through development and adoption of appropriate remuneration, reward and incentive mechanisms and frameworks that are guided by internal and external fairness, and equity; the competitive environments within which the organization operates; and alignment with CORAF/WECARD’s corporate objectives.
Salary scales
Given the international nature of the organization, CORAF/WECARD has adopted the pay scales of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to provide the basis for remuneration of staff in the organization. Job positions in CORAF/WECARD are appropriately slotted into the salary structure and the starting salary for each employee is negotiated individually based on their qualification and the experience which they bring into the organization. Staff should contact HRO to view the current pay scales or to discuss any matter concerning their salaries.
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Pay day 8.5.
Salaries will normally be paid in the last week of the month (from 25th to 30th of each month). Where payment of salaries is likely to be delayed beyond this period due to cash flow or other operational constraints, the DFA will notify the staff in writing in good time so that staff are not left in suspense.
Salary review and progression 8.6.
The frequency of salary review is generally set out in the contract of each employee but pay increment will normally be considered after the completion of each year or contract and will, in cases, be based on the review of the employee’s performance as per annual performance assessment. Salary increase to the next step shall be effective on the anniversary date of the staff’s employment. All salary increases are, however, dependent on the CORAF/WECARD's financial capability.
Advance Payments 8.7.
Advances on salary will not normally be paid by CORAF/WECARD other than in exceptional circumstances and in consultation with the Executive Director. In such a case, this amount will be repayable to the organization in terms set out by the Executive Director, and agreed to in writing by the organization and the employee concerned. This clause does not refer to payment of earned vacation pay in advance of vacation being taken.
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CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 33
IX - Leave Purpose 9.1.
To specify entitlements, conditions and procedures for paid vacation and other forms of leave which are provided by CORAF/WECARD.
Summary/ policy statement 9.2.
CORAF/WECARD recognise that appropriate leave is necessary for the health and well being of employees and special circumstances that may arise from time to time. Leave should be taken by mutual arrangement in accordance with the relevant provisions of the policy.
Specific provisions, processes and provisions Leave granted at discretion of management 9.3.
The employee is entitled to a paid annual leave. The order and dates of leave are fixed by the employer. He can in no way hinder a staff to take his leave. If an employee cannot take his leave at the desired period, he is to receive a notification from the administration with proposition of another date.
Annual leave entitlement 9.4.
The number of days of earned leave is based on the employee’s category. Internationally recruited staff are entitled to 30 working days for every year of completed service. Staff on local conditions of service are entitled to 24 working days for each year of completed service.
Accrual of leave 9.5.
All leave earned should be taken before the end of the following year as staff will not be allowed to accumulate leave balances in excess of one year’s entitlement (i.e. 30 days for internationally recruited staff and 24 days for locally recruited staff). Leave accrued in excess of these days will be forfeited except in those cases where inability to take leave has been due to the requirements of CORAF/WECARD and has been approved by the Executive Director.
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Cash in lieu of leave 9.6.
Staff of CORAF/WECARD are entitled to payment of cash in lieu of earned leave up to a maximum of ten (10) days per annum. Cash in lieu can only be taken in conjunction with paid annual leave and the number of days to be cashed in will not be more than the days of leave being taken.
Sick leave entitlement 9.7.
Staff of CORAF/WECARD are entitled to an aggregate of 44 working days of paid sick leave in a year. An additional 88 working days are granted on half pay. Further periods of absences on sick leave may be granted without pay at the discretion of the Executive Director. All periods of absence on sick leave must be supported by a medical certificate issued by a doctor. Sick leave cannot be accrued.
Maternity leave 9.8. CORAF/WECARD staff are entitled to 98 days (14 weeks) paid maternity leave. Staff must complete one year of service before they can qualify to maternity benefits. For locally recruited staff maternity benefits are paid by national social security of Senegal while those for internally recruited staff are paid by CORAF/WECARD. Maternity leave without pay in addition to that specified above may be approved by the Executive Director. Hospitalisation during the period of leave 9.9.
Should an employee produce a medical certificate showing that s/he was admitted to as an "in-patient" during the course of a vacation leave, the employee shall be considered to be on "sick leave" for the period of the hospital stay. As a result, vacation time not taken due to such a stay in hospital shall be taken at a mutually agreeable later time.
Vacation Schedule 9.10. To ensure minimum disruption to normal operations of CORAF/WECARD, employees must consult with their managers or supervisor to determine their vacation schedule. Leave application forms
9.11. All leave absences should be applied for using the prescribed leave application forms to be obtained from the HRO. Leave applications must be endorsed by the DFA and the ED.
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Authorisation Date of Board Approval/ Authorisation: …………………………………………….. Date of Issue:
………………………………………………. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 36
X - Staff benefits Purpose 10.1. To outline the range and nature of benefits which are available to CORAF/WECARD staff and their immediate dependents.
Summary/ policy statement 10.2. CORAF/WECARD reserve the absolute right to modify or change, and to abolish or consolidate any of the benefits on offer or any part of the benefits as deemed appropriate and in the best economic and other interests of the organization and the generality of its staff. CORAF/WECARD will attempt to provide benefits that offer the best value to its staff at a reasonable cost to the organization and to its employees.
Specific provisions, processes and procedure Schedule of benefits 10.3. The benefits which are offered by CORAF/WECARD are listed below together with a short description of the benefits. The monetary value of the benefits is subject to change from time to time and they have therefore not been included in this HRM manual. Employees should consult the HRO and the DFA for monetary value and other details pertaining to each benefit. Relocation allowance 10.4. This is payable to internationally recruited staff upon joining CORAF/WECARD. The amount paid is based on the level of the officer. In addition to the allowance staff, are entitled to an economy ticket for self and family and to paid accommodation in Senegal for one month. Terminal benefits 10.5. On leaving internationally recruited professional staff are entitled to an economy ticket for self and family. Locally recruited staff are paid in accordance with Senegalese labour legislation.
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Housing allowance/ Cost of living Allowance 10.6. A housing allowance is paid to all categories of staff. The HRO will advise on the amount of entitlement for each category of staff. Security (Guard) allowance 10.7. Security guards will be provided to A Grade Staff. Payment modalities of this contribution will be fixed by the Executive Director. Education allowance 10.8. All staff are entitled to an education allowance to subsidize the payment of school fees. The allowance is paid for each dependent child up to three children older than 3 years and will cover fees of up to tertiary education (under graduate degree) and up to the age of 25 years. Home travel allowance 10.9. Internationally recruited staff are entitled to an economy ticket for self and family once every two years. Pension/ retirement scheme 10.10.On completion of contract and leaving CORAF/WECARD, internationally recruited staff are paid a gratuity which is calculated to 13% of annual salary for each completed year. The Senegalese staff and the locally recruited staff are paid in accordance with the Senegalese labour legislation. Medical and travel insurance 10.11.CORAF/WECARD subscribe to an international medical insurance scheme for which the organization contributes 80% of the subscription while 20% is paid by staff. The scheme includes travel insurance for staff. Accidental death & disability insurance 10.12.All staff are covered under a group insurance policy. CORAF/WECARD pays the full premium for the insurance policy. Various benefits are payable on the death of an employee or in the event of disability. HRO will provide details of the benefits.
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Authorisation Date of Board Approval/ Authorisation: …………………………………………….. Date of Issue:
………………………………………………. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 39
XI – Travels & Missions Purpose 11.1. To outline CORAF/WECARD’s staff travel and expense policy in order to safeguard the resources organisation.
Summary/ policy statement 11.2. CORAF/WECARD is committed to providing policies that support employees in performing at their best in the office and while traveling on business and to mitigate the impacts of travel on employees, and support them in integrating and managing their work and personal live. CORAF/WECARD assumes that employees will use their best judgment when traveling or spending money in support of organisation’s operations.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures Authorisation of official travel
11.3. All official travel is subject to the prior approval of the ED and no reimbursement may be made for unauthorised journeys or unauthorised extension of travel periods. Management of Missions, Seminars and Meetings Management of Missions 11.4. The employee who is scheduled to travel shall submit a completed and signed application to the ED. The mission form shall bear the following information: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix.
Missionary’s identity Management of Department Mission purpose Objective of the mission Funding source Place Duration Means of transportation Budget code
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11.5. After the authorization of the mission by ED, the employee shall have the mission mandate issued and start then the travel or trip organizational procedure (flight plan, order and purchase of air ticket, travel expenses). A travel itinerary shall be produced and submitted to the ED for approval and signature. Travel itinerary will include: i. ii. iii. iv.
The date of departure and end of the mission The purpose of the mission The area visited The registration number of the official car used and the surname and given names of the driver for missions inside the country or up countries. v. For travel abroad, the flight plan shall complete the mission statement.
11.6. Any person going in mission shall have the mission statement signed at the entry and exit of the territory. As for missions inside Senegal, the mission statement shall be signed at the entry and exit of the visited region. 11.7. Allowances and expenses regarding travels/missions shall be due to any official who visited the regions or abroad, on the basis of a mission statement duly signed by the ED. 11.8. These travel/mission allowances and expenses (including travel allowances and per diems) for the duration of the mission shall be based on the daily rate fixed by a memorandum of Chairman of the Board, which sets the mode of travel and allowances. 11.9. An advance equal to 80% (eighty percent) of the amount of travel/mission allowances and expenses so determined shall be paid to the person concerned. Declaration and adjustment of travel/mission expenses 11.10.On return to office, the employee shall prepare a declaration of expenses which shall be supported by: i. all supporting documents for expenses incurred during the mission, ii. the per diem sheet issued based on the number of days spent on the mission, iii. the mission statement and travel documents. 11.11.In that declaration of expenses, the advance of funds received shall be justified for any adjustments (payment or reimbursement of the remaining balance owed by CORAF/WECARD). The adjustment shall be made no later than eight days after returning from mission.
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Daily substance allowance
11.12.Daily subsistence allowance (DSA) shall be paid at the rate to be established from time to time. The HRO will advise of the current applicable rates. Travel insurance 11.13.Staff travelling on CORAF/WECARD business will be covered by the organisation’s travel insurance.
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CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 42
XII - Working hours, statutory holidays and overtime Purpose 12.1. To specify the working hours in CORAF/WECARD, the public holidays observed and to establish rules governing hours of work
Summary/ policy statement 12.2. CORAF/WCARD strives to provide an environment where staff efforts towards the objectives of the organization are recognized and appreciated through flexible working arrangements which eliminate or minimize the payment of additional costs for work performed beyond regular working hours. It also strives to apply regulations and policies that ensure the sound and efficient management of its human resources.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures Working hours 12.3. The normal working hours observed are 8.30 am to 5.30 pm Monday through Friday with a daily lunch break of one hour normally between 1.30pm to 3.00pm. Work Week 12.4. The work week for full-time employees exclusive of the one hour lunch meal periods will be 40 hours. Starting and Ending Times 12.5. Starting and ending times shall be set by the employer and may be extended beyond the official office hours. Overtime 12.6. CORAF/WECARD does not pay overtime under any circumstances but will recognize time worked in excess of the normal office hours through time off in lieu. Certain categories of staff for which overtime working is a regular feature (e.g. drivers) may be paid an allowance to be set by the ED from time to time. CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 43
Statutory Holidays 12.7. CORAF/WECARD recognizes the following as paid holidays: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
New Year's Day (January 1) Public Holiday granted by the Government National Holiday (4 April – Independence Day) Easter Monday Maouloud Labour Day Aïd El Fitr Aïd El Kébir Ascension Day Whit Monday Assumption All Saints’ Day Christmas Day
Payment 12.8. Employees will be paid their regular salary when a statutory holiday falls on their regular work day. When the statutory holiday falls on an employee's regular day off, the employee shall be granted another day off with pay. Absence from duty 12.9. Every employee shall inform his/her manager or the HRO, as soon as possible, of his/her inability to report for work because of illness, injury, or other legitimate reason. The employee shall inform the employer of the date of return to duty in advance of that date and any special requirements and / or equipment required. The employee should keep the employer informed of his / her health status and of the expected date of return to work.
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XIII - General guidelines for behaviour Purpose 13.1. To spell out the guidelines for appropriate behaviour in the workplace which contributes to a good working environment for the achievement of CORAF/WECARD goals.
Summary/ policy statement 13.2. All employees of CORAF/WECARD are expected to conduct themselves in a professional, respectful and responsible manner and the organization seeks to create an environment which enables people to feel respected, wanted and welcomed.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures Communication 13.3. CORAF/WECARD is committed to having effective communications in the organization. It is recognized that there are strong links between good communications and success and it is the ongoing aim of the organization to continuously improve communications, thus assisting staff to understand the organization’s objectives and reasons behind them. The organization has a policy of openness and the ED and other directors regularly meet employees on an informal and formal basis to pass on information about current issues, respond to queries and receive feedback. Staff representative 13.4. CORAF/WECARD recognizes the right of employees if they so wish to be represented by elected representatives in order to engage in interaction with and/ or to facilitate communications with management. Similarly the organization also recognizes the right of employees to choose not to belong to any staff association. Conflict of Interest 13.5. No employee shall engage in outside employment, consulting or other activities which may create a conflict of interest and/or interfere with the efficient performance of the employee's duties and responsibilities. No employee may accept monies, commissions, referral fees or kickbacks or inkind services or products for referring clients to a 3rd party. CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 45
Code of Business Conduct 13.6. Employees shall not personally accept gifts, money or gratuities of any kind or in any form from persons directly or indirectly receiving benefits or services, or from persons otherwise in a position to benefit from an employee's action. Such "gifts, monies, gratuities and in-kind services and products" will be promptly reported to the employee's supervisor and the Executive Director. No smoking 13.7. Smoking is prohibited in the building and offices of CORAF/WECARD. Workplace Harassment 13.8. CORAF/WECARD seeks to provide a collegial work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. The Organization will not tolerate harassment, intimidation or interference of any kind, whether sexual or based on religion, political affiliation or preference, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or other.
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XIV - Performance assessment Purpose 14.1. To outline the policy and procedures for performance assessment in CORAF/WECARD.
Summary/ policy statement 14.2. CORAF/WECARD’s staff performance management system is aimed at assisting individuals and the organization to improve performance by providing a clear basis for the development of individual accountabilities, reviewing performance and determining training and skills development needs as well as promoting excellence. An effective staff performance management system is critical to ensuring that the organization meets its obligations and future challenges.
Specific provisions, processes and provisions Objectives of the performance assessment system 14.3. CORAF/WECARD operates an annual performance assessment system. The purposes and objectives of the system include: i. ii. iii.
iv. v. vi.
vii. viii. ix.
maximizing the performance and contribution of staff in order to improve the organization’s efficiency; fostering a culture that encourages excellence of performance; ensuring staff are aware of their key tasks and how they relate to organizational goals, supervisors expectations and how their performance will be measured; promoting open and constructive communication to identify job related strengths and weaknesses; acknowledge accomplishments and improve work performance; promoting a results-orientated work outlook that will identify poor, satisfactory and outstanding performance and initiate appropriate action, including rewards and sanctions; identifying staff development needs and implement appropriate action; ensuring that job descriptions are realistic, appropriate, relevant, clearly defined; and developing ways in which staff might enhance their performance and further develop skills/competencies.
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Stages (or components) of performance assessment
Stage 1: Developing of individual work plans 14.4. Each department or programme has its own annual performance management cycle and all staff in the team will undergo each stage of the cycle at approximately the same time. Assessment will be done on the basis of individual work plans and performance targets which will have been set in consultation between the manager and the staff. Before the initial meeting to discuss and develop the performance agreement with the supervisor, the staff member fills in relevant details on the performance management form and develops a draft work plan for discussion. Stage 2: Formal performance assessment 14.5. This takes place once every year. The supervisor and staff member agree on an appropriate time and place for the performance assessment ensuring that sufficient time has been set aside for both the preparation and the subsequent discussions. The staff member should prepare by drafting a list of achievements against each of the major goals/tasks. Any relevant information the supervisor and staff member wish to discuss in the meeting or include in the annual performance review, such as feedback from relevant staff or external contacts, or other written information such as statistics, should be gathered by the supervisor and staff member before the meeting. During the assessment, results of major goals/tasks are agreed upon and noted on the annual performance review form and comments on external factors affecting outcomes or performance are also noted. Thereafter the performance management form is signed by the employee and the manager.
Stage 3: Implementation of performance assessment decisions
14.6. The implications and results of the annual performance review should be carefully considered. If performance is satisfactory or above expectations, the manager may recommend appropriate performance rewards such as a salary increase as per pay scales or approval of confirmation of appointment or extension of contract as appropriate. If performance is unsatisfactory or below standard, the manager and staff member shall discuss options for improvement. Appropriate training and development is considered and the training development plan is prepared or revised. The performance management form is then endorsed as appropriate relevant decisions and strategies flowing from the performance review are transferred to the following year’s work plan.
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Stage 4: Follow-up of performance assessment 14.7. This should normally take place approximately six months after the formal performance assessment. Sufficient time should be set aside for preparation and to allow for full discussions. The purpose of the review meeting is to discuss the progress against the goals set at the formal annual performance assessment. Progress review may be timed to coincide with an informal supervision meeting.
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XV - Gender policy Purpose 15.1. To outline the gender policy of CORAF/WECARD
Summary/ policy statement 15.2. CORAF/WECARD is committed to enhancing gender equality through improving the responsiveness and sensitivity to gender issues in the organization and by coordinating the active cooperation of both women and men and providing opportunities for them to contribute, and benefit equitably, from the developments and opportunities which the organization offers.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures Concept of Gender 15.3. The term gender refers to culturally-based expectations of the roles and behaviour of males and females. The term distinguishes the sociallyconstructed from the biologically-determined aspects of being male and female. Unlike the biology of sex, gender roles and behaviour can change historically, sometimes relatively quickly, even if aspects of these roles originated in the biological differences between the sexes. Religious or cultural traditions that define and justify distinct roles and expected behaviour of males and females are strongly cherished and socially enforced, this means that making changes to gender systems is difficult and often contested.
Purpose and aims of gender policy
15.4. The policy is developed for the purpose of including gender equality in every strategy, programme and plan concerning agricultural research to support the full achievement of CORAF/WECARD’s development objectives. As an organisation that coordinates regional agriculture research in West and
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Central Africa, and which strives to promote gender equality in the region, CORAF/WECARD’s Gender policy aims to: i. Incorporate current thinking on gender and development issues ii. Increase the number of project components directly benefiting women, iii. Introduce institutional mechanisms geared towards improving the status of women
15.5. In addition the Gender Policy also performs the following functions: i. Provides the appropriate policy framework for successful and practices
ii. Places direct emphasis on gender mainstreaming iii. Formulates procedures/strategy coordination programmes
iv. Assists member countries in building more effective operational approaches in agriculture research integrating gender issues v. Provides the scope for addressing some of the new and emerging issues for women in the region vi. Introduces new institutional mechanisms for improving and increasing performance and activities targeted at improving the status of women.
Policy guiding principles and key elements
15.6. The gender policy provides a basis for gender mainstreaming and a holistic approach to agricultural research coordination in West and Central Africa. It also provides a framework for national agricultural research development institutions in West and Central Africa.
15.7. The following CORAF/WECARD principles underpin the process of overcoming constraints faced in gender mainstreaming: i. The gender policy shall be grounded on a strong foundation complying with national, regional and international requirements. ii. Gender mainstreaming as a process towards achieving gender equality shall be a mandate and all shall comply. iii. The process towards gender equality targets both men and women, with special focus on women in order to adjust the balance to equitable human and socio-economic development. CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 51
iv. Gender equality empowers women and ensures that men and women are equal partners in development and together influence the direction of social and economic changes that affect their lives. v. The correlation between gender equality and socio/economic development is high. One without the other will not be achieving the standard stipulated in the national goals of improved quality of life for all men, women and children. vi. Since changing attitudes and practice is a long process, gender mainstreaming is a learning platform where theories and practice synergise to further enhance implementation.
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XVI - HIV/AIDS policy Purpose 16.1. To outline the policy and other provisions for dealing with HIV/AIDS in CORAF/WECARD
Summary/ policy statement 16.2. The CORAF/WECARD undertakes to ensure a consistent and equitable approach to the prevention of HIV/AIDS among employees and their families, and to the management of the consequences of HIV/AIDS, including the care and support of employees living with HIV/AIDS.
Specific provisions, processes and provisions Legal basis of the policy 16.3. The policy has been developed and will be implemented in consultation with employees at all levels. It is in compliance with existing laws regarding HIV/AIDS in Senegal and is consistent with the ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work. Rights of employees who are HIV-positive
16.4. HIV-positive employees will be protected against discrimination, victimisation or harassment. Normal disciplinary and grievance procedures shall apply equally to all employees, as will the provision of information and education about HIV and AIDS. Employment opportunities and termination of employment 16.5. No employee should suffer adverse consequences, whether dismissal or denial of appropriate alternative employment opportunities, merely on the basis of HIV infection.
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HIV Testing 16.6. CORAF/WECARD does not require HIV testing as a prerequisite for recruitment, access to training or promotion. However, the organisation promotes and facilitates access to voluntary confidential testing with counselling (VCT) for all employees. Confidentiality 16.7. CORAF/WECARD recognise the sensitive issues that surround HIV/AIDS and undertakes to handle matters in a discreet and private manner. Where an employee with HIV has revealed his or her status to management, the organisation will keep the identity of such person confidential. However in line with the organisation philosophy on the virus, the employee will be encouraged to be open about his or her HIV status. Education and awareness 16.8. Appropriate awareness and education programmes will be conducted to inform employees of CORAF/WECARD about AIDS and HIV which will enable them to protect themselves and others against infection by HIV. Some of these will include the families of employees and the local community. Training on HIV/AIDS shall be arranged as appropriate reasonable time off will be given for participation in such education and training. The promotion of employees' well-being 16.9. CORAF/WECARD will treat employees who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS with empathy and care. The Organization will provide all reasonable assistance which may include counselling, time off, sick leave, family responsibility leave, and information regarding the virus and its effect. Work performance and reasonable accommodation 16.10.It is the policy of the CORAF/WECARD to respond to the changing health status of employees by making reasonable accommodation in the workplace for those infected with HIV. Employees may continue to work as long as they are able to perform their duties safely and in accordance with accepted performance standards. If an employee with AIDS is unable to perform his or her tasks adequately, the manager or supervisor must resolve the problem according to the organization’s normal procedure on poor performance or ill health.
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Access to compensation and benefits 16.11.Employees living with HIV/AIDS will be treated no less favourably than staff with any other serious illness/condition in terms of statutory and organisation benefits, workplace compensation, where appropriate, and other available services.
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XVII - Workplace safety policy Purpose 17.1. To outline CORAF/WECARD’s policy on the health, safety and welfare at work of all its staff.
Summary/ policy statement 17.2. Safety is the responsibility of everyone in CORAF/WECARD and all personnel should take reasonable care of themselves and of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. It is the duty of the management of CORAF/WECARD to take every opportunity to reinforce the safety message, enforce safety rules and procedures, and encourage safe working practices and to ensure that duties and responsibilities are properly defined and adopted.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures CORAF/WECARD’s role on safety 17.3. The role of CORAF/WECARD in health and safety is: i. ii.
to provide and maintain plant and systems of work that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health; to make arrangements for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, safety and absence of risks to health in connection with use, handling, storage and transport of any articles and substances; to provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of its employees; so far as is reasonably practicable as regards any place or work under the organization’s control to maintain it in a condition that is safe and without risk to health and to provide and maintain means of access to and exit from it that are safe and without such risks; and to provide and maintain a working environment for its employees that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe, without risks to health, and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work.
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Employee/staff role for health and safety 17.4. Each member of staff has the duty to make a positive contribution to the health and safety of themselves and other people affected by their actions. To achieve this each member of staff must: i. Be constantly vigilant to ensure the maintenance of a healthy and safe working environment, whenever applicable to them or to matters within their control. ii. Adhere to procedures agreed on their behalf for securing safe working, for example by using protective clothing and equipment provided where necessary. iii. Take such urgent action as may be necessary to avoid an accident or the creation of unsafe conditions, which may lead to an accident or threat to health. iv. Report as appropriate, accidents and incidents that have led to, or may lead to injury, and co-operate in the investigation of accidents with the object of introducing measures to prevent a recurrence. v. Report any unsafe or unhealthy practices, procedures or conditions. vi. Avoid, or refuse to undertake, any action that would cause an accident or create a hazardous condition. Responsibilities of HRO
17.5. The HRO will be responsible for implementation of the health and safety policy and, in this regard, will monitor staff and their actions to ensure that the safety programme is being implemented correctly and to measure its effectiveness. Regular checks of the work area will help attain and maintain a good standard of housekeeping. These checks will be carried out randomly in order to obtain an accurate picture of the hazard potential of the work place and to take prompt action in respect of identified hazards.
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XVIII - Disciplinary and grievance procedure Purpose 18.1. To set out the minimum requirements for handling matters of discipline and grievances in CORAF/WECARD and to address the expectation that disciplinary action and staff grievances are reported, recorded and responded to in accordance with defined procedures.
Summary/ policy statement 18.2. CORAF/WECARD is committed to promoting orderly employment relations as well as fairness and consistency in the treatment of individuals on matters of discipline and grievances at work. CORAF/WECARD will act responsibly and respect the laws and regulations, traditions and cultures of the countries within which it operates.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures Definitions 18.3. Disciplinary issues arise when problems of conduct or capability are identified and management seeks to address them through well-recognized procedures. In contrast, grievances are raised by individuals bringing to management’s attention concerns or complaints about their working environment, terms and conditions and work place relationships and management seeks to address them through well-recognized procedures. Disciplinary procedures 18.4. Disciplinary procedures will not be viewed primarily as a means of imposing sanctions. Rather they will be seen as a way of helping and encouraging improvement amongst employees whose conduct or standard of work is unsatisfactory. When applying Company disciplinary procedures CORAF/WECARD managers will have regard to the requirements of natural justice. This means that employees should be informed in advance of any disciplinary hearing of the allegations that are being made against them together with the supporting evidence and be given the opportunity of challenging the allegations and the evidence before decisions are reached.
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18.5. Employees will also be given the right of appeal against any decisions taken. CORAF/WECARD disciplinary procedures will: i. ii. iii. iv. v.
be in writing specify to whom they apply be non-discriminatory provide for matters to be dealt with without undue delay provide for proceedings, witness statements and records to be kept confidential indicate the disciplinary actions that may be taken specify the levels of management that have the authority to take various forms of disciplinary action provide for employees to be informed of the complaints against them and where possible all relevant evidence before any hearing provide employees with the right to be accompanied ensure that, except for gross misconduct, no employee is dismissed for a first breach of discipline ensure that disciplinary action is not taken until the case has been carefully investigated ensure that employees are given an explanation for any penalty imposed provide a right to appeal – normally to a more senior manager – and specify the procedure to be followed.
vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii.
Examples of minor offences 18.6. The following list provides examples of offences which normally warrant disciplinary action: i. ii. iii. iv.
Failure or neglect to perform assigned duties, Inappropriate or unsuitable job performance, Inability to perform assigned duties, Failure to act in a courteous or appropriate manner toward the public or other employees, Excessive or unauthorized absences or tardiness, or Failure to appropriately inform the organization of absences or expected tardiness.
v. vi.
Examples of serious offences 18.7. The following list provides examples of offences which are normally regarded as serious misconduct and may lead to disciplinary action commencing beyond verbal warnings. i. ii.
Insubordination, which includes unwillingness to perform assigned duties; Falsification of the employment application, time records or other organizational records;
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iii. iv. v. vi. vii.
viii. ix. x. xi. xii.
Any act which serves to defame or malign the reputation of the organization; Dishonesty on the job; Imperiling the safety of other employees or the public, or possession of a deadly weapon on organization property ; Negligent destruction of the organization’s property; Drug abuse, or the influence thereof, or unauthorized use or consumption thereof, while on the job or on the organization’s property; Alcohol abuse, or the influence thereof, or unauthorized consumption of, while on the job or on the organization’s property; Incarceration in jail following a conviction by a court of law which results in missing at least five consecutive working days; Job abandonment; Fighting, physical assault, physical violence or the threat of physical violence while on the job; or Other misconduct while on the job or on the organization’s property.
Sanctions for offences 18.8. While in the case of minor offences disciplinary action will normally be progressive beginning with verbal warnings and culminating in dismissal. For serious offenses more severe action including dismissal may be taken even for a first offence. There are mainly four stages of disciplinary action and these are described below. Stage 1- Verbal Warning 18.9. If conduct or performance does not meet acceptable standards, the staff member will normally be given a formal verbal warning. He/She will be advised of the reason of the warning and that it is the first stage of the disciplinary procedure. The warning will be confirmed in writing to the employee and recorded in the employee’s file as a verbal warning. Stage 2- Written Warning 18.10.If the offence is a serious one, and if a further offence occurs or if the required improvement does not take place a written warning will be issued. He/She will be warned that action under Stage 3 will be considered if there is no satisfactory improvement.
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Stage 3 - Final Written Warning 18.11.If there is still a failure to improve, and conduct or performance is still unsatisfactory, or if the conduct is sufficiently serious to warrant it, a Final Written Warning will normally be given to the employee. This will give details of the complaint, and will warn that dismissal will result if there is no satisfactory improvement, or if there is any recurrence or other serious misconduct. Deferment of an increment and/or demotion may also accompany this step. 18.12.All warnings comprehended in stages 1-3 above will be removed from personal files at the relevant expiry date Stage 4 - Dismissal 18.13.If the conduct or performance is still unsatisfactory and the staff member fails to reach the prescribed standards or if further serious misconduct occurs, then dismissal will result. The staff member will be provided, as soon as reasonably practicable, with written reasons for dismissal and the date on which the employment will terminate. Right of appeal 18.14.Staff have a right of appeal against any disciplinary action taken against them except for verbal warnings. An appeal must be lodged with the appropriate department head within 5 working days of the finding of the disciplinary hearing being notified. Disciplinary action will not be implemented before the finalization of the appeal process. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the next higher level of the official who handled the initial disciplinary case. Grievance Procedures
18.15.It is in everyone’s best interests to ensure that employees’ grievances are dealt with quickly and fairly and at the lowest level possible within the organization at which the matter can be resolved. CORAF/WECARD Grievance procedures will be simple, set down in writing and timely in operation. They will also provide for grievance proceedings and records to be kept confidential. 18.16.CORAF/WECARD managers recognize that it is good practice for individuals to be accompanied at grievance hearings if the person raising a grievance so chooses. Most routine complaints and grievances are best resolved informally in discussion with the employees’ immediate line manager. Where a CORAF/WECARD Human Resources Management Manual 61
grievance cannot be resolved informally it will be dealt with under the formal grievance procedure. The number of stages contained in the procedure will depend on the size of the organization, its management structure and the resources available. CORAF/WECARD grievance procedures will: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix.
be in writing specify to whom they apply be non-discriminatory provide for matters to be dealt with without undue delay in circumstances where the grievance is against the immediate line manager provide for the matter to be raised with a more senior manager provide for proceedings, witness statements and records to be kept confidential provide the right for an employee raising a grievance to be accompanied provide for the outcome of a formal grievance to be notified to the employee raising the grievance in writing in circumstances where a grievance may apply to more than one person and where a trade union is recognized it may be appropriate for the problem to be resolved through collective agreements between the trade union(s) and local management provide a right to appeal – normally to a more senior manager – and specify the procedure to be followed.
18.17.In order for discipline and grievance procedures to be effective it is essential that all employees are aware of them and understand them. All CORAF/WECARD supervisors, managers and employee representatives will be trained in their use. Records 18.18.Records will be kept detailing the nature of disciplinary and grievance proceedings, management’s response, and any action taken and the reasons for it. These records will be kept confidential in accordance with any relevant statutory requirements. Copies of any meeting records should be given to the individual concerned although in certain circumstances some information may be withheld, for example to protect a witness.
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XIX - Termination of employment Purpose 19.1. To provide for a consistent to the handling of employment termination and other than for cases of disciplinary action and to offer the opportunity for staff exiting CORAF/WECARD to give feedback on their experiences with the organization.
Summary/ policy statement 19.2. Consistent with the needs of its operations and its legislative and other legal obligations, CORAF/WECARD seeks to have suitable internal advisory and support mechanisms in place to ensure the processes for cessation of employment are clearly defined and accessible and to enable staff to be aware of their rights and obligations in matters relating to the termination of employment and to ensure that any action taken is fair and consistent.
Specific provisions, processes and procedures Types of termination covered 19.3. This policy sets out CORAF/WECARD’s policy in relation to the termination of employment other than by dismissal as a result of disciplinary action. The following terminations are provided for: I. II. III. IV.
Resignation Death End of a term appointment Completion of a specific work assignment or termination of external funding V. Termination of probationary appointment VI. Dismissal
Resignation notice 19.4. All employees wishing to leave the organization are required to give adequate written notice of intention to leave CORAF/WECARD’s employment. Except where different terms are provided under specific individual contracts, the general notice period for internationally recruited staff will be three (03) months while for other members of the staff it will be one (01) month. Written notice is to be given to the Executive Director.
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Death of an employee 19.5. The HRO should be notified immediately in the event of a death of an employee of CORAF/WECARD. Upon being notified of the death of an employee, the HRO shall contact the surviving spouse or partner, if applicable, or appropriate family member. Arrangements will then be made with the appropriate person to ensure that applicable benefits are properly processed. Termination for Cause 19.6. The termination of an employee for cause by CORAF/WECARD is generally the result of an individual's inability to attain the required level of performance in the job, failure to comply with required policies and procedures or standards of professional behavior applicable to employment, or repeated failure to perform required duties. Any termination must be approved by the Executive Director and must be in accordance with established policies and procedures. Rehire 19.7. Employees who leave CORAF/WECARD in good standing and later wish to return are eligible for consideration for rehire provided an appropriate position is available. A previous employee who is rehired will be given credit for prior service for purposes of vacation eligibility and other pertinent benefits if no more than two years have elapsed between termination and rehire. Payments due Employee 19.8. Upon termination, CORAF/WECARD shall pay the employee for any outstanding salary earned, vacation earned but not taken and any other monies owing. Likewise, vacation taken but not earned, will be deducted from the last pay. Exit Interviews 19.9. The organization recognizes that exist interviews are an important part of organizational development and will conduct exit interviews with all staff prior to their departure. The purpose of the exit interview is to gather information on how the organization may improve itself based in feedback from the departing employee. All information exchanged in the exit interview will remain confidential.
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XX - Whistleblower Protection CORAF/WSECARD employees are expected to maintain a professional demeanour in the office and conduct themselves with the highest degree of ethical standards. In the event a staff member or members has credible evidence of any improper use of CORAF/WECARD funds, he/she/they are encouraged to report the matter as indicated below. Reports may be filed anonymously or signed via the following: Written communication to the Management Team and the Personnel Office. Regarding a complaint against any of the individuals listed above, written communication to the President and CEO with a copy to the Director, Operations Division. There will be no recourse or retaliatory action taken against the individual(s) making the report unless the report is determined to be based upon false allegations that are purposefully made to defame the character of the accused. The matter will be addressed and every effort will be made to protect the identity of the staff member(s) reporting the incident.
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