Staple Crops Programme

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Staple Crops Programme Improving agro-processing systems in rice, sorghum/millet and cassava to enhance marketability in West Africa Objective To promote improved rice, sorghum/millet and cassava processing technologies to ensure food security, enhanced marketability and increased incomes

Constraints of Agro-Processors

Target countries Rice- Senegal, Mali, Liberia, Ghana and Nigeria; Sorghum/mille:-Senegal, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso and Nigeria Cassava- Ghana, Nigeria, Benin and Togo Strategy Mobilizing strengths, expertise and resources to build capacity & partnerships, develop and demonstrate improved technologies, and facilitate access to equipment, markets and micro-credit

B P 48 Dakar RP Sénégal

Expected output and outcomes Five hundred (500) processors, mainly women trained or reached out to; Prolonged yearly food security, marketability and increased incomes of targeted groups. Established networking in post-harvest systems

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