Coraf Echo Special GA Benin 2010

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Monthly Bulletin of the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development


SPECIAL CORAF ECHO 2nd Science Week and 9nd GA 2010

Managing Post-harvest systems (plant, animal and fish products) to improve productivity, competitiveness of agricultural markets in West and Central Africa.» stakeholders and partners of CORAF/WECARD convened at the Hotel MARINA of Cotonou from 24th to 29th May 2010 for the 2nd Agriculture Science Week and the 9th General Assembly of the association. The debates focused on the following central theme: In this Special CORAF ECHO, we are bringing back memories of these meetings’ highlights through pictures and some summaries.



Monday 24th May 2010, the day for the partners’ parallel events

total of seven partner organisations contributed to to this day through presentations followed by discussions. The participants had the opportunity to learn of discovered the following organisations’ knowledge and experience

in the field of post-harvest management : the World Vegetable Center (AVRDC), the Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI), Bioversity International, Africa Rice, the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), the

Centre of International Cooperation in Agricutural Research for Development (CIRAD) and the African Biosafety Network (ABNET). The main themes that have been debated are listed below.

ABNE : q q

The ABNET - Network: what is the possible role in the post harvest strategy? The Transformation: NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA)

Special 2nd science week and 9th GA

AFRICA RICE q Rice productivity improvement through broadening of genetic diversity and strategic seed systems q Rice productivity and impact research at Africa Rice: Saving rice harvest and moving towards better livelihoods q Post harvest practices and the quality of rice in West Africa q How Partnership-based Research Is Revolutionizing the Rice Scenario in Africa

ASTI q Recent Developments in Public Agricultural Research in Ghana q Measuring and Analyzing Agricultural R&D Investment and Capacity Trends: General Observations q Update on agricultural research in Benin’s public sector q Recent Trends in Investments in Agriculture in Africa q Assessment of the agricultural research conducted by the private sector: the example of Senegal q Recent Trends in Agricultural R&D Investment and Capacity Levels in West and Central Africa


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA

AVRDC q BMGF Sub-Saharan Africa Vegetable Market Opportunity q An integrated value chain of onion and shallot in West Africa: strengths and weaknesses q A commodity system analysis to reduce post harvest losses of vegetables q Seed systems for horticultural products in West Africa q A Holistic System for Horticulture Production by Small Farmers q Urban and periurban horticulture: the lessons and perspectives of development of the market q A commodity system analysis to reduce post harvest losses of vegetables q Post harvest handling and marketing of African indigenous vegetables

FARA q q

Dissemination of New Agricultural Practices in Africa: DONATA RAILS : A Framework for Knowledge Management and Information Exchanges in Africa


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA



The contribution of agro-biodiversity in the nutrition and health of people in Africa: the example of Benin Neglected and underused species in Benin.


Monday 25th May 2010 Opening Ceremony

he opening ceremony was marked by various speeches. That of the Director General of INRAB, Dr Delphin KOUDANDE, who welcomed participants to Benin; that of the Chairman of CORAF/WECARD, Prof. Yusuf ABUBAKAR, who assessed the achievements since the 2008 General Assembly in Yaounde and presented the new challenges. Dr Traoré Salifou from ECOWAS, on behalf of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), welcomed the perfect collaboration

between CORAF/WECARD and the 4 RECs. Dr Monty Jones, the new president of the Global Forum of Agricultural Research, also the Executive Director of FARA, presented the GFAR and its axes of intervention for a global efficient agricultural research. The Chairman of the 2nd Science Week, Dr Papa Abdoulaye Seck, Director General of Africa Rice, gave highlights the relevance of the central theme of the 2nd Scientific Week before introducing Dr Geoffrey Mrema, the


Director of FAO Rural Infrastructures and Agro-industries, for his introductory presentation.

The Benin Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. François ABIOLA, officially opened of the 2nd Scientific Week. The Congolese Minister of Scientific Research, Dr Henri OSSEBI, actively participated in this first in CORAF/WECARD’s history

Special 2nd science week and 9th GA

Visit to the Stands

After the opening ceremony, the personalities and participants moved to the stands where the products of research were exhibited. Twenty eight exhibitors from Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso exhibited their products throughout the week. The West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP) was represented by 2 countries: Senegal and Mali which provided an opportunity for the audience to learn of the objectives and some results of the programme for the benefit of their populations.


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA

The parallel sessions

The sessions on the subthemes 1 and 2 were held in parallel and recorded fruitful conclusion. Each subtheme was introduced with a main presentation and 3 panelists shared their experiences through short presentations. Subtheme 1 : innovation systems for the improvement of the processing, packaging and labeling of crop, animal and fishery products q Trends in Processing, Packaging, and Labeling of Agricultural Products q Application of a technology for cheese production from Mauritania pure camel milk q Drying process q Fish traditional processing and technical innovations: the example of smoking ovens in Senegal Subtheme 2 : Policy options and an enabling institutional environment for the improvement of the processing and marketing of crops, animal and fishery products q Improving Africa’s agricultural competitiveness: political and institutional options q Regulation as guarantee agricultural products’ competitiveness and sustainability q Constraints and Challenges in Governance and Channel Choice in Tropical Agri-Food Chains: the Case of q Pineapple Supply Chains in Benin q Promoting value chains in the West and Central African agricultural sector, example of the mango sector (in Burkina Faso)


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA


Wednesday 26th May 2010 Parallel sessions

Parallel Sessions

The sessions on the subthemes 3 and 4 were held in parallel and recorded useful conclusions. Each subtheme was introduced by a main presentation after which 3 panelists shared their experiences through short presentations Subtheme 3: Strengthening the partnership between the key stakeholders (producers, processors, scientists, NGOs) to encourage collective actions that facilitate the reduction of post-harvest constraints q Post-harvest stakeholders and challenges in West and Central Africa : A partnership or treaty? q Development of a partnership aimed at promoting and valuing the cassava produced by the rural households of NKOLBIBANDA, CAMEROON. q IAR4D Approach for Strengthening Partnerships Among Stakeholders to Encourage Collective Actions towards Post-Harvest Issues q Collective management of forest businesses in Senegal: which partnership and communication strategy

Subtheme 4: Effective use of knowledge on post-harvest practices in the area of crops, livestoc and fish productions q Knowledge and postharvest for Development q Using video and radio to improve rice quality in Africa q Impact of the adoption of food processing technologies by rural women in Benin q Contribution to the improvement of post-harvest systems


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA

Discussion Panel with the Congolese Minister of Scientific Research and closure of the 2nd Science Week


fter three days of intense reflection, participants convened for the conclusions and recommendations of the Second West and Central Africa Agriculture Science Week . In order to achieve sustainable solutions to the issue on post-harvest losses, many recommendations were formulated targeted at Decisionmakers, Researchers, the Private Sector, NGOs and Producers. The participants were enlightened on the vision of the Congolese Minister of Scientific Research about the development of agricultural research during a panel dicussion involving him. Dr Henri OSSEBI recalled the constraints that slow down agricultural development in WCA before giving suggestions on Policy’ committment towards research scientists and their partners the sustainable development of agriculture in WCA. At the end of the discussions, the representative of the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Benin declared the Second West and Central Africa Agriculture Science Week closed.


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA

Press briefing with national and international organisations in Benin


he Chairman of CORAF/WECARD, Prof. Abubakar Yusuf; the chairman of the 2nd Science Week, Dr Papa Abdoulaye Seck; the Executive Director of CORAF/WECARD , Dr Paco Sérémé, and the Director-General of INRAB, Dr Delphin KOUDANDE, paricipated in a press briefing with around twenty journalists from the international (BBC, Africa N°1, PANA Press, APA News, Reuters) and the national press houses (ORTB, Golf TV, l’Aurore, le Jour, Matinal, Liberté, Fraternité, le Progrès, le Citoyen, la Nation….). They explained the main conclusions and recommendations of the 2nd Agriculture Science Week to the media and presented to them the solutions to reduce post-harvest losses.

The West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development’s Monthly Bulletin Director of publication Abubakar Yusufu

Director of Edition Paco Sérémé


Anatole Yékéminan Koné

Editing and Reading Committee Info / Com Department


Alassane DIA

On line publication Gorgui Alioune Mbow

A French version is available

CORAF/WECARD, BP 48 Dakar RP CP 18523, Sénégal Tél. : (221) 33 869 96 18 Fax : (221) 33 869 96 31 E-mail : Internet :


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA



Thursday 27th may 2010

he Benin day offered the Benin National Agricultural Research System the opportunity to present its results to the 2nd Agriculture Science Week’s participants. It was during this day that qualitative rice seeds were given to Benin producers in the framework of the development of rice-growing with the support of AFRICA RICE and the Japanese Embassy in Benin. This ceremony has been followed by visits to the Songhaï Centre in Porto Novo and to the historical city of Ouidah.


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA


The Gala evening

he Government of the Republic of Benin invited all the participants at a Gala dinner. where Benin’s cultural wealth through traditional dances was exposed. The highlight of this evening gala was the awards giving ceremony Best stands and posters and to the personalities that have supported in the development of CORAF/WECARD were awarded prices.. The 3 best exhibitors awarded by ECOBANK in Benin were : the CNRA in Côte d’Ivoire (the CFA Francs 500,000 1st prize), WAAPP Senegal (the CFA Francs 300, 000 2nd prize) and the SONGHAI Centre (the CFA Francs 200,000 3rd prize:) The best exhibitors of posters that have received an award and a mobile phone from Benin Libercom were : Eric Joël FOFIRI NZOSSIE from Cameroon; Blaise DONOU from Benin and DASSOU Anicet also from Benin. The 13 personalities that were granted awards for their contribution to the development of CORAF/WECARD were : Mrs Seynabou DIOP, Dr Demba Farba Mbaye, Dr Bouraima Osseni, Dr Chuks Ogbonnaya, Dr Eric Smailing, Dr Daniel Ngou Ngoupayou, Dr Marcel Nwalozie, Dr Dominique Hounkonnou, Dr Samba Ly, Dr Salomon Namkosserena, Dr Bino Témé, Dr Simon Zok, Mrs Elisabeth Atangana.


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA


DAY 5 & 6

Friday 28th and Saturday 29th May 2010 9th General Assembly Session

he managers of the 22 West and Central Africa countries’ National Agricultural Research Systems and their partners convened for CORAF/WECARD’s General Assembly’s 9th ordinary session on the 28th and 29th May, 2010. They reviewed and adopted the report of the Governing Board and CORAF/WECARD’s activity report; they also adopted CORAF/WECARD’s Governance manual and the Governing Board’s rules and procedures. The term of some Governing Board members were renewed. The 3rd Science Week and CORAF/WECARD’s 10th GA will be held in Chad in 2012..


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA


Meeting between CORAF/WECARD and CIRAD

he managers of CORAF/WECARD and CIRAD met to assess their partnership. They mostly discussed new areas for fruitful collaboration for the benefit of West and Central African populations. It is worth to note that CIRAD is CORAF/WECARD’s first technical partner through its role in setting up of the Association in 1987. A cooperation framework agreement was signed between the two organisations on 12th December, 2009 in Dakar.


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA


Special 2nd science week and 9th GA

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