1 minute read
Article 5 Policies
from FOP 1
Section 1. It is agreed and understood that the City and the Police Department currently have written Rules and Regulations, General Orders, Special Orders, Accreditation Standards, Standard Operating Procedures and City Policies governing employment. Ten business days prior to any changes in Rules and Regulations, General Orders, Special Orders, Standard Operating Procedures and City Policies governing employment, the City will provide copies of such changes to the FOP Union President or his/her designee.
Section 2. Insofar as such Rules, Regulations, General Orders, Special Orders, Accreditation Standards, Standard Operating Procedures and City Policies deal with mandatorily bargainable subjects, they are approved and will remain in effect.
Section 3. The parties recognize that the City is free to amend, modify, revise, or eliminate such rules, regulations, orders, standards, procedures, and policies, or to formulate and implement new ones at its pleasure, to the extent that they deal with subjects which are not mandatorily bargainable.