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Article 7 Dues Deduction


Section 1. Any employee covered by this Agreement may authorize a payroll deduction for the purpose of paying F.O.P. dues. Such authorization becomes effective only upon receipt by the City of a fully executed Dues Deduction Form from any employee.

Section 2. The F.O.P. will initially notify the City as to the amount of dues. Such notification to the City will be from an official of the Union.

Section 3. Changes in Union membership dues will be similarly certified to the City at least 30 days prior to the effective date of that change.

Section 4. Dues shall be deducted bi-weekly and such money shall be remitted monthly to the Union via wire transfer.

Section 5. This Article covers regular dues, special assessments, or other deductions agreed to by both parties. The City is not required to deduct fines, fees or penalties.

Section 6. The authorizing employee reserves the right to revoke his/her authorization by notifying the City and the FOP in writing, at least 30 days in advance of such change.

Section 7. The City is authorized to deduct and retain $20.00 per hour as reimbursement for performing this dues deduction service.

Section 8. The City shall not be monetarily liable to the F.O.P. on account of any unintentional error in complying with this Article.

Section 9. The FOP shall provide the City’s payroll department with timely and accurate deduction authorization forms signed by the employees.

Section 10. All remittances are to be deemed correct unless the F.O.P. notifies the City within one week after receipt of same.

Section 11. In the event the City deducts from an employee's pay more than the authorization calls for, the employee must look to the F.O.P. and not the City for a refund or adjustment.

Section 12. If the City reasonably questions the continuing validity of an authorization for any reason, the F.O.P. shall provide a new authorization if the obligation to deduct is to continue.

Section 13. The F.O.P. will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless against any claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the City based on any payroll deductions of dues as provided for in this Article.

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