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Article 9 Employee Organization Time Pool


Section 1. During the month of January, a bargaining unit member may voluntarily donate no less than one (1) hour or more than eight (8) hours of annual leave or compensatory time to a time pool. In July each year, an additional time pool deduction may be conducted, if elected by the FOP. The maximum hours a member may donate in any calendar year is eight (8). The time pool shall not exceed 1,600 hours on January 1 of any year for the Officer Unit and Supervisory Unit combined. The time pool will be used by the bargaining unit employees designated by Coral Springs Lodge #87, F.O.P., for union business activities which shall include meetings with City's management, attendance at formal conventions and seminars, union meetings, contract negotiations, grievance procedures, discipline procedures, arbitration procedures, use of force incidents, and other union business.

Section 2. The Union President, or designated representative of the union, desiring to use time from said pool for official union business shall submit a notice for approval at least 48 hours prior to the date of such use to the employee's immediate supervisor and to the Chief of Police or his/her designee. The 48-hour notice may be waived by the Chief of Police or his/her designee.

Section 3. Donations of time shall be authorized by the bargaining unit member who is so donating, on an appropriate form, with copies to the Union and the Human Resources Unit. Time drawn against the time pool shall be with the approval of the Union President or designated representative. A record of all time donated and drawn against said pool of time, shall be accurately kept by the Police Department and the Union.

Section 4. A union member shall be released from duty in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement only when the needs of the Police Department, as determined by the employee's immediate supervisor, have been met, but such release shall not be unreasonably denied. If the needs of the Police Department do not permit the release of the employee as requested, release of an alternate employee during the desired time may be requested.

Section 5. No individual employee, with the exception of the FOP President and FOP members holding a state-wide FOP position, shall be permitted to use more than 275 hours from the time pool in any calendar year. While using the time pool, the employee will remain reasonably available by telephone for consultation with the management of the Police Department or any F.O.P. member.

Section 6. Any accident incurred by an employee whose time is being paid for by the time pool shall not be considered to have been incurred in the course and scope of his/her employment by the City within the meaning of Chapter 440, Florida Statutes as amended, except for injuries sustained while acting in the line of duty.

Section 7. Pool time hours may only be used in situations where the officer is released from scheduled or assigned duty. Time taken off from work, and for which the

officer is paid from the pool, shall not count as time worked for overtime or premium pay purposes.

Section 8. The unused hours in the time pool as of December 31 of any year shall automatically be carried over, subject to the 1,600-hour limit.

Section 9. It is also understood that this Article's restrictions on the use of pool time are to be strictly observed, regardless of any contrary past practice or occurrence.

Section 10. The City agrees that the contract negotiating team members shall be allowed up to one hundred and twenty (120) hours of time off during working hours without loss of pay for the purpose of negotiating a labor contract or in preparation for negotiations with the City per contract. Any working time beyond one hundred and twenty (120) hours required for contract negotiating will be taken from the time pool.

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