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Article 17 Take Home Vehicles
from FOP 1
Section 1. The parties acknowledge that the City has a current vehicle program under which certain unit employees are allowed limited off-duty use of a police department vehicle.
Section 2. Assignment of said vehicles shall be conducted within the guidelines of General Order 48. (Will also include new members who have successfully completed FTO program).
Section 3. The parties acknowledge that the use of take-home vehicles is limited to officers who live in Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County. Any unit member who is currently assigned a take home vehicle who moves outside Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County shall immediately forfeit the use of his/her take home vehicle. Any unit member who lives outside of Coral Springs or a contiguous City who is assigned a take home vehicle will be charged a monthly amount as follows (mileage calculated using Google Maps):
1. Distance from residence to Coral Springs Public Safety Building up to 15 miles - $25 2. Distance from residence to Coral Springs Public Safety Building between 16 and 29 miles - $45 3. Distance from residence to Coral Springs Public Safety Building between 30 and 44 miles - $70 4. Distance from residence to Coral Springs Public Safety Building over 44 miles - $100
It is the responsibility of the member to not only notify the Police Human Resources Unit of an address change but also notify the Police Human Resources Administrator via email proactively if an address change impacts the monthly charges listed above. No retroactive refunds will be made. No charges will be made while the take-home vehicle is not available for more than two weeks (ex. Light duty, FMLA, extended Leave of absence). Members who choose not to participate in the take home vehicle program will not be required to pay the above charges.
Section 4. Members living outside Coral Springs who are eligible for a take home vehicle will be authorized to use their vehicle:
1. To and from gym or other physical or mental wellness activity (within 5-mile radius of residence or within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Coral Springs). 2. To and from College/School 3. To and from teaching assignments (as a certified instructor) 4. For personal errands (when traveling in a direct route to and from work within 90 minutes of scheduled start/end time of shift)
5. For unmarked vehicles- members who are on call status for their primary assignment may use the unmarked vehicle for personal use in Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties, so that they may meet the mandatory one-hour response time if called out.
Section 5. A member assigned an unmarked take home vehicle may transport family members (spouse, child or stepchild who lives in member’s household) on the way to and from work during the period beginning one hour before and one hour after actual clock-in/clock-out time. Such transport of family members will only be allowed with the provision of an insurance rider expressly providing coverage for such transport and covering the City as an additional named insured. Such insurance must be provided by an insurance company A-rated or better by Am Best. It is the responsibility of the member to keep the insurance rider current and ensure such rider is on file with the Police Human Resources Unit and their component commander.
Section 6. Discipline as a result of violation of this Article may be mitigated by the removal of the take-home vehicle for a period of time as determined by the Chief of Police.