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Article 43 Protective Vests
from FOP 1
Section 1. The parties take note of the City's past practice of issuing a maximum concealment protective vest to every certified officer when entering upon employment. The City agrees to continue this practice during the term of this Agreement. The vest currently issued shall include shock plates, and the officer may choose the new wraparound model. Since the vest is not considered a part of the uniform, and does not affect the officer's clothing allowance, the City retains the right to select a quality vest, meeting a minimum of "Class II or IIIA" specifications which is to be issued from time to time. An Officer may elect to upgrade the vest, which meets minimum department guidelines, at the officer’s expense. Officers that upgrade their vest may elect to keep the vest upon replacement or retirement.
Section 2. The wearing of the issued vest while on duty is mandatory, except as provided in General Order 43.
Section 3. It is agreed that all officers who are issued vests have an obligation to provide reasonable care and maintenance, for the vest and for body armor supplied to them. All officers will be required to have a serviceable vest for their use. If the vest becomes unserviceable, a new vest will be supplied at the cost of the City, unless, in the sole option of the Chief of Police or designee, the officer has not given the vest the reasonable care and maintenance required, in which event, the vest will be replaced at the cost of the officer.
Section 4. All protective vests shall be replaced within five (5) years of issue.