2 minute read
Article 44 Death Benefits
from FOP 1
Section 1. Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance.
A. The City will provide each member with $75,000 basic life insurance with an additional $75,000 accidental death and dismemberment insurance. The foregoing policy satisfies the City’s obligations pursuant to FSS 112.91.
B. Payment from the policy must be made to the beneficiary designated by the employee in writing, signed by the employee and delivered to the City during the employee’s lifetime. If no such designation is made, then the payments must be paid to the employee’s surviving child or children and to the employee’s surviving spouse in equal portions, and if there is no surviving child or spouse, then to the employee’s parent or parents. If a beneficiary is not designated and there is no surviving child, spouse, or parent, then the sum must be paid to the employee’s estate.
C. Such payments are in addition to any workers’ compensation or retirement plan benefits and are exempt from the claims and demands of creditors of such law enforcement officer.
Section 2. Additional Statutory Benefits
A. The City recognizes FSS 112.91(2)(g) that provides that if a full-time law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty, as a result of an act of violence inflicted by another person while the officer is engaged in the performance of law enforcement duties or as a result of an assault against the officer under riot conditions shall pay the entire premium of the political subdivision’s health insurance plan for the employee’s surviving spouse until remarried, and for each dependent child of the employee until the child reaches the age of majority or until the end of the calendar year in which the child reaches the age of 25 if: (1) at the time of the employee’s death, the child is dependent upon the employee for support; and (2) the surviving child continues to be dependent for support, or the surviving child is a full-time or part-time student and is dependent for support.
B. Although not all benefits are payable by the City or enforceable through this CBA, additional statutory benefits may be found in FSS 112.19.
C. The State of Florida may offer certain educational benefits to the surviving spouse and children. Information on these benefits is contained in FSS 112.19(3). These
benefits are also addressed in the Florida Administrative Code (FAC), within the Department of Education's Rules, under FAC 6A-14.0306.
D. The State of Florida may offer additional benefits under the Emergency Responder Death Benefits, as provided for in FAC 2A-2.018.
E. The Federal Government may provide additional benefits under the Public Safety Officer Benefits Program. Additional information can be found at the following website: https://bja.ojp.gov/program/psob
Section 3. The City will provide an Honor Guard at a funeral service for any member of the Police Department who is killed or dies in the line of duty.
Section 4. The City shall compensate the Unit member's beneficiary for the total sick leave, annual leave, compensatory and other leave time at 100% within thirty (30) days of the death in the line of duty.
Section 5. For a complete description of pension benefits refer to City Ordinance Chapter 13 Article II Coral Springs Police Officer Pension Plan (13-9 Death Benefits). Additional definitions regarding eligibility can be found in Sections 112.18(1)(a). 112.181(2). Florida Statutes, as may be amended in the future, unless the contrary is shown by competent evidence.