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Article 45 K-9
from FOP 1
Section 1. A bargaining unit member who is assigned as a K-9 Officer and is issued a canine, shall be allowed one (1) hour per on-duty workday to accommodate those activities necessary for caring for their canine. The rate of pay for this purpose shall be their base hourly rate at straight time.
Section 2. On off-duty days, a bargaining unit member who is assigned as a K-9 Officer and is issued a K-9 will be compensated with one (1) hour of pay per day at their base hourly rate at straight time. No compensation shall be provided for off-duty days where the canine is kenneled at the City’s expense.
Section 3. The City will provide funds reasonably sufficient to maintain canine equipment, supplies, and veterinary care.
Section 4. The Chief of Police reserves the right to suspend, modify, or remove the use of any given canine or K-9 Program.
Section 5. The City will contribute $2,000 annually to the Fraternal Order of Police K-9 Service Dog Fund. FOP will provide the City an annual accounting of this fund upon request of the City.