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City of Coral Springs, Florida

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Fiduciary Funds

Fiduciary Funds

Notes to Financial Statements

Note 3. Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments (Continued) Pension and OPEB Funds

On September 30, 2022, the Pension and OPEB Trust funds had the following investments subject to credit risk as noted by their credit rating:

* The rating table above does not include U.S. Government Securities as these securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

** The City invested in the Florida Municipal Pension Trust Fund (FMPTF) to provide funding for other postemployment benefits offered by the City. The FMPTF is managed through the Florida Municipal Investment Trust, a Local Government Investment Pool. The Local Government Investment Pool is not rated.

*** The Police and Fire Pension Plans invest in Real Estate Commingled Funds and Limited Partnerships which are not rated.

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