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Sustainability Efforts in Coral Springs
Always put CLEAN & DRY recyclables in your blue cart:
Uncoated/Flattened Cardboard (No cardboard that held liquid)
Do NOT include in your mixed recycling cart:
Aluminum & Metal Cans Plastic Bottles, Caps SUSTAINABILITY (clean and dry) Aluminum & Metal Cans (clean and dry) and Containers (#1 & #2) Plastic Bottles, Caps and Containers (#1 & #2)
Plastic Bottles, Caps and Containers (#1 & #2) Mixed Paper and Newspaper (No shredded paper)
Aluminum & Metal Cans (clean and dry) Uncoated/Flattened Cardboard Glass Bottles, Jars (No cardboard that held liquid) and Containers
Do NOT include in your mixed recycling cart:
No Food Waste No Plastic Bags & Film (Recycle at your local grocery store) No Clothing & Textiles No Yard Waste & Wood
Plastic Bottles, Caps and Containers (#1 & #2) No Foam Cups & Containers Mixed Paper and Newspaper (No shredded paper)
Aluminum & Metal Cans (clean and dry) Mixed Paper and Newspaper (No shredded paper)
Do NOT include in your mixed recycling cart:
Uncoated/Flattened Cardboard Glass Bottles, Jars (No cardboard that held liquid) and Containers No Food Waste Uncoated/Flattened Cardboard Glass Bottles, Jars (No cardboard that held liquid) and Containers No Plastic Bags & Film (Recycle at your local grocery store)
Mixed Paper and Newspaper (No shredded paper)
Do NOT include in your mixed recycling cart:
No Foam Cups & Containers No Food Waste (No Styrofoam)
Uncoated/Flattened Cardboard Glass Bottles, Jars (No cardboard that held liquid) and Containers No Plastic Bags & Film (Recycle at your local grocery store)
Recycling contamination rate update Do NOT include in your mixed recycling cart: We put out the call to action for residents to recycle right and our residents heard the call! Since re-launching our recycling program, the city’s goal was to get contamination No Food Waste No Plastic Bags & Film (Recycle at your local grocery store) rates below 30% by June 2022. We are excited to announce that contamination rates during our most recent audit were 25%! Thank you to our community and mindful No Clothing & Textiles No Yard Waste & Wood No Wet/Coated recyclers for your efforts! As commodity Paper or Cardboard rates improve and recycling becomes more valuable, this is a benefit to the environment No Foam Cups & Containers (No Styrofoam) and our wallets.
No Foam Cups & Containers (No Styrofoam)
For more recycling DO’s and DONT’s visit: CoralSprings.org/Recycle
As a reminder, here is how you can help No Food Wasteby recycling right!
For more recycling DO’s and DONT’s visit: CoralSprings.org/Recycle
No Plastic Bags & Film No Clothing & Textiles
(Recycle at your local grocery store) No Clothing & Textiles
No Foam Cups & Containers No Yard Waste & Wood (No Styrofoam) No Yard Waste & Wood No Wet/Coated
Paper or Cardboard No Wet/Coated Paper or Cardboard
For more recycling DO’s and DONT’s visit: CoralSprings.org/Recycle For more recycling DO’s and DONT’s visit: CoralSprings.org/Recycle Create your own Local Emerald Award Winner naturescape!
No Clothing & Textiles No Yard Waste & Wood
No Wet/Coated Did you know you can provide Paper or Cardboarda pollinator environment for our local wildlife with just a For more recycling DO’s and DONT’s visit: CoralSprings.org/Recyclesmall garden space – or even no garden at all? Create a Pollinator Container!
Coral Springs resident, Pilar Londono-Cortes, has been awarded the 2022 Broward County NatureScape Emerald Award.
The award recognizes her Florida-friendly backyard – a gorgeous garden that utilizes sustainable, ecological practices and features native plant species. The naturescape is also designed for optimal water conservation and serves as a habitat for native and migratory wildlife. We are proud to have eco-conscious residents like Pilar in our community! 1. Use a large garden container and soil. 2. Plant up to 3-4 different types of pollinator plants (suggested plants include tropical sage, scorpion tail, and bushy asters). 3. Follow water and sunlight instructions. 4. Watch as bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other local pollinators visit your plants!
Autism Awareness Month
Let your true colors shine! Keep your eyes peeled around town for our Coral Springs Police Department Autism Awareness car. If you have a family member or are the caregiver for someone who has a cognitive delay and feel they could benefit from the Special Needs Database, please submit an online registration form. A member of the Coral Springs Police Department will contact you to verify information and obtain a photograph. The information obtained is utilized to better serve our special needs community and is not shared with outside entities.

CARES rates
Every year our Fire Department receives a summary from the Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES) with data on how many cardiac arrest patients we’ve saved. The data shows how our department performs compared to other agencies throughout Florida and the U.S. We’re pleased to report that our department’s survival rate is among the highest reported, with two important data points double the national average. This includes the Utstein Survival (cardiac arrest patients defibrillated with an AED) and Utstein Bystander Survival (cardiac arrest patients who received bystander intervention and were defibrillated by AED) which were 40% and 57%, respectively. This data highlights the incredible work of our firefighters and paramedics along with telecommunications professionals who often lead bystander CPR during a 911 call, which is paramount to survival.
Download the Pulse Poi nt a pp
Fire Inspector of the Year for 2021
Congratulations to Lieutenant Alicia Merritt for being named Florida Fire Chiefs Association 2021 Fire Inspector of the Year. A Lieutenant of the Community Risk Reduction Division, Merritt successfully navigated the challenges of the pandemic by completing all necessary annual inspections and permit inspections ahead of schedule. In addition, she volunteered to assist search and rescue teams at the Surfside Building Collapse by providing mental health peer support and organizing supply drops. Merritt was also recognized after a fire broke out at an apartment complex where she had recently, prior to the fire, ensured the installation of new smoke detectors during an inspection. Those same smoke alarms alerted sleeping victims in the middle of the night who escaped unharmed.

A l ic ia Merritt, Community Risk Reduction L i e u t e nan t