Interview Exclusive
Foto Vladislav Mitić
e must start this conversation from the issue of the relationship between globalisation and fragmentation, from the destroying of the freedoms and principles that form the basis of international relations and the winners and losers of that process, because without that we can’t understand what’s actually happening to us - says economist Miodrag Zec at the start of this interview for CorD Magazine. “When one observes the period of the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, it is evident that the world is exposed to terribly large changes, both in a production sense and an integrative sense, but also in terms of politics and values. The collapse of the East, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the unification of Europe and the geostrategic shuffling of cards leading to the establishing of a new global order. What was until recently a bipolar world transformed into the domination of a single superpower, and that is the United States. The driving idea of that entire period is globalisation, with the aim of separating places of consumption and places of production. The West relocated production to the East in the hope that it would thus ensure its eternal domination. That is the main idea of globalisation. And relations between countries began changing at the same time. The European Union became a new political entity; the East was totally on the defensive, with the Berlin Wall broken and Russia falling apart. Simultaneously, the transition to the new century saw the emergence of an entire array of technological changes, digitalisation and the rise of the software industry,” explains our interlocutor.
How did these changes reflect on us?
Now, in the 2020s, we are bearing witness to a great test of the sustainability of such changes. They can only be tested when there is some kind of political, economic or social upheaval. Just as
We Live In A Dangerously
Imbalanced World From apparently simple questions, like the interest rate citizens should borrow at during this juncture when inflationary movements are uncertain, to the way the world is confronting the current crisis and changing, we discussed the major topics of this century with economist Miodrag Zec 8