7 minute read
New gadgets, gizmos, and devices are constantly hitting the market, all promising to make our lives easier, more fun, or simply more hassle-free
GE Profile Smart Mixer
A high-tech kitchen helper, the GE Smart Mixer automatically weighs out the correct quantities of ingredients thanks to its inbuilt scale and talks users through recipes with step-by-step instructions. Sensors detect the texture and consistency of mixtures to enable the device to offer real-time suggestions while preparing snacks and meals. It also integrates with Google and Amazon Echo devices meaning it can be fully voice-controlled.
Ring Always Home Drone Camera
The latest addition to Ring’s suite of smart home security devices is an autonomous drone designed to patrol your property, enabling you to have eyes on places that static security cameras just won’t reach. As well as potentially alerting you to intruders, it could also come in handy for forgetful homeowners wanting to check that they didn’t leave the kitchen stove on or the windows open.

Timekettle Translation Earbuds
Timekettle has created what it says is the most powerful and sophisticated range of real-time, AI-powered translation earbuds in the world. Coming in a range of models aimed at professional, casual, and travel users, the WT2, M3, and WT2 Plus earbuds enable translation in a range of situations, from business meetings, short conversations while traveling, and phone calls.
Withings U-Scan
Did you know your urine contains more than 3,000 metabolites, which can be used to create an in-depth snapshot of our health, providing early warnings of a number of medical conditions as well as recommendations for diet and exercise? Smart device manufacturer Withings does, which is why it has created the U-Scan.
Meta Quest 3 and Meta Quest Pro
Meta scored a hit with its Quest 2 virtual reality (VR) headset, enabling it to introduce almost 15 million of us to its version of the metaverse. Of course, we’ve always known that this was only the beginning, and soon we will see the introduction of two new headsets that will enable even more immersive and interactive virtual experiences.

Apple Watch Ultra
Apple has been making consumer smart watches for a few years now, but late 2022 saw the introduction of a new model designed to compete with the high-end sports and luxury models recently introduced by competitors such as Garmin and Tag Heuer. The Apple Watch Ultra is encased in a titanium shell, making it more hard-wearing and durable than any previous Apple Watch.
Lots of us have discovered the fun as well as the opportunities to capture stunning photography and video footage offered by drones in recent years. The latest offering from the leaders in the field of consumer drone technology, DJI, is aimed at those who want to experience the thrills of first-person flying. The DJI Avata is designed to provide a fully immersive flying experience via a wide field-of-view headset that truly imparts the feeling of high-speed flight from the airborne drone to the user on the ground.

GoCycle G4
The G4 from GoCycle is among the first of a new wave of fully foldable electric bikes that can be converted into a more manageable form that’s easy to take onto public transport or even to pack away in a car for vacations or longer journeys.

51st FEST
until 5 March
This year’s edition of FEST will take place in the context of French film! About twenty French films and co-productions will be shown to the Belgrade audience, starting with the film “My Crime” by François Ozon, which will open the festival just a month after its premiere in France. During the ten days of the festival, the audience will be able to enjoy the latest films of Mia Hansen Love, Louis Garrel, Claire Dany, Rebecca Zlotovsky, Valerie Bruni Tedeschi, Leonore Seray, Rashid Bouchareb, Nicolas Bedos, Michael Hers, Mathieu
Vadpierre, Emily Atef, the Darden brothers and others... French actress Annabelle Langron will present the film “Mother and Son” by Leonor Seray, in which she plays, on March 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Hall of the Cultural Center.
Martovski Festival
28 March to 2 April 2023 - Belgrade Youth Center
The Martovski Festival - the 70th Belgrade Festival of Documentary and Short Films will be held from 28 March to 2 April 2023 at the Belgrade Youth Center, also the event organiser.

One of the oldest film festivals in Europe and the world will mark an extraordinary jubilee, marking 70 years since its foundation, which no film festival in Serbia and the former Yugoslavia has had until now. The Martovski festival will present to the audience a rich film program in several national competition categories: documentary film up to 50 and over 50 minutes, experimental film and video art, animated film and short feature film. All genres of short films will be represented in the international competition program. In addition to the competition, the Martovski Festival will have a traditional and diverse review film program divided into “World Panorama”, “Regional Panorama”, and “Domestic Panorama”. The audience can watch many film premieres and works by significant domestic and international authors. Numerous expert programs and panels for professionals and students, discussions with festival guests, master classes, book promotions and other accompanying programs are planned.
The Martovski Festival is traditionally a meeting place for filmmakers from the country and abroad, producers, distributors and representatives of renowned film festivals, journalists and critics, students and professionals. It is a place for the promotion of documentary, animated, short and experimental films, a platform for inspiration and the development of new ideas, as well as an opportunity for the local audience to watch exciting, carefully selected current titles, which they usually do not have the opportunity to see in the cinema offer. www.martovski.rs
Exhibition “Archiculture”
By Boris Podreka
Until 15 March - Museum of Applied Arts
The exhibition entitled “Archiculture” by the Italian-Slovenian architect Boris Podreka will be opened on 30 January in the Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade. Apart from the architectural solutions from the recently held exhibition in Vienna, works of applied art will also be presented at the exhibition. For the first time, the Serbian public will have the opportunity to see the artworks of Professor Podreka. The exhibition, which can be visited until 15 March 2023, is organised by the Museum of Applied Arts in cooperation with the Embassy of Austria in Belgrade, the Austrian Cultural Forum, the Embassy of Slovenia in Belgrade, the Embassy of Italy in Belgrade, the Italian Institute for Culture in Belgrade and Wiener Städtische osiguranje.
Boris Podreka, architect, anthropologist, critic and professor, was born in Belgrade on 30 January 1940. He completed his architecture and fine arts studies in Vienna, where he lives and works. The characteristics of its architecture come from continuous movement and discovery. In Athens, a city he got to know thanks to international competition, Podreka discovers the city and becomes an urbanist. Cities are spaces that are a part of it, and in turn, Podreka leaves a part of itself in the cities.
Decoding Talent: How AI and Big Data Can Solve Your Company’s People Puzzle
Eric Sydell 3361rsd
The typical hiring process is fraught with complexity, inefficiency, and bias and often shuts out the most talented candidates. Decoding Talent: How AI and Big Data Can Solve Your Company’s People Puzzle makes a case for using complex advanced technologies to move past these problems toward effortless optimal candidate decisions. AI experts Eric Sydell, Mike Hudy, and Michael Ashley explain why the traditional resume application is outdated, why hiring is complex, the cost of bad people decisions, how bias interferes in hiring practices, and how AI can address these problems.
Jean-Michel Basquiat: Of Symbols and Signs
Dieter Buchhart, Antonia Hoerschelmann 5872 rsd
Jean-Michel Basquiat’s symbolic, complex, and often emotionally charged work made a huge impact on the 1980s downtown New York City art scene. And though his all-too-brief career ended when he died at age 27, Basquiat left behind an enormous legacy in the number of works he produced and the messages he encoded around political, social, racial, and cultural issues. This exciting book shows how Basquiat used an intricate network of signs and symbols to challenge the very system that made him a darling of the art world.
The Ultimate Art Museum
Ferren Gipson
4414 rsd
Visit the world’s greatest museum without leaving your home through this imaginary art museum - a visually spectacular survey of world art for middle-grade readers, curated in collaboration with a global team of experts and educators. This imaginary art museum is an educational and inspiring experience without space and time constraints. Discover beautiful reproductions from pre-history to the present, arranged in easy-to-navigate, colour-coded wings, galleries, and rooms, each with an informative narrative guide.
Changemaker Playbook: The New Physics of Leadership in a World of Explosive Change
Henry De Sio 1295 rsd
Our one-leader-at-a-time past has given way to a present reality where everyone has the potential to lead in every aspect of life. We all have at our fingertips the tools of change that were once available to just a few - and The shift from one leader at a time to everyone leading in every moment has created a changemaker effect on society. Change is no longer linear and faster; it’s explosive and omnidirectional. The Changemaker Playbook will show you how to thrive in every aspect of today’s transformed societal landscape.
After Steve Tripp Mickle
2186 rsd
Steve Jobs called Jony Ive his “spiritual partner at Apple.” The London-born genius was the second-most powerful person at Apple and the creative force who most embodies Jobs’s spirit, the man who designed the products adopted by hundreds of millions the world over: the iPod, iPad, MacBook Air, the iMac G3, and the iPhone. In the wake of his close collaborator’s death, the chief designer wrestled with grief and initially threw himself into his work designing the new Apple headquarters and the Watch before losing his motivation in a company increasingly devoted more to margins than to inspiration.
Rick Pastoor 1700 rsd
The week just started, and already you’re playing catchup. At the end of another busy day, your to-do list is longer than it was this morning. Enter GRIP: the book for everyone who has too much to do. This fresh, nononsense guide brings clarity and direction to even the most hectic workweek. Using tools you know - like your calendar, to-do list, and email - Grip walks you through working smarter, thinking bigger, and clearing the way for what matters most. And Grip’s pick-and-choose structure makes it easy to dive in and apply what you like immediately.