2 minute read

Synonymous With Quality And Speed

Twenty years of experience, commitment, education, organisation and innovation with just one goal - for every package entrusted to them to reach its destination. The key to City Express's success is the expertise and motivation of its staff, with a special emphasis on teamwork and a fighting spirit

Marko Čučurović talks to us about the Out of Home option, an ideal solution for a group of recipients that cannot be properly served by home delivery, but also about other trends in courier delivery, and explains what his company does to satisfy both clients and package recipients.


You were the first private courier company, the first to introduce software solutions for preparing shipments and generating reports... Always the first, always the best?

- Since 2007 we have been part of Austrian Post group, and since 2016 we have a new visual identity. We have a new logo that symbolises the strength of the parent company, shown by a postal horn and the speed of the highway. The regional recognition of our new visual identity was the basis for strengthening our position on the local market, and for harmonising the quality of services with the highest standards of the group.

Austrian Post has raised quality and introduced new services through a large investment in modernising all the company’s departments. With modern logistics software, electronic tracking of shipments, automation of package processing and constant investment in our staff, the level of service has been massively raised. That is why we can freely say that City Express is synonymous with quality and speed, the leader of the package delivery market in Serbia.

The API allows customers to quickly and easily integrate with our courier service, saving them both time and money

You are able to easily connect with clients and integrate software through API integration. Who is this service for?

- API integration allows customers to quickly and easily integrate with our courier service through software tools, allowing them to save time and money. In addition, API integration allows customers to avoid manual data entry, which reduces the risk of errors and speeds up order processing. It also allows clients to better track their shipments, giving them greater control over their business. In short, API integration can help customers improve their delivery processes and increase their customer satisfaction, which can lead to higher revenues and better business overall.

You continuously provide new benefits to clients, which is one of the reasons for their loyalty. Can you announce any new services?

- Our main focus is on establishing diversity in our Out of Home services, with emphasis on a strong network in large cities and strong residential areas with the support of our partners – petrol station chains, retail stores and outlets with a variety of content, opening our own Parcel Shop facilities and a network of parcel machines. This is how we became number one in network density.

Although they complement each other, Out of Home networks should be seen as a new market niche, as a new network to be served, constantly attracting new users. The main advantage of the Out of Home concept is the availability of the package to the recipient even after the end of the courier service’s working hours, with the possibility of being picked up at the desired time and location. This solution is not only what the recipient needs, but there is also a solid demand for it among senders, and the plan is to soon introduce payment of the fee and transport services by payment card.

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