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Global Diary Spread of “Serbia against violence” Protests

For the eighth consecutive week, more than 20,00 protesters marched through Belgrade on in a stand against the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) government. Protests also spread to other cities in Serbia, including the second-largest city of Novi Sad and the southern city of Nis. They have demanded the resignations of two government ministers and the revocation of broadcasting licenses for two TV networks that, they say, promote violence and glorify crime figures. They also demand more media freedom and more coverage of opposition groups by the public broadcaster as well as an end to attacks on journalists and opposition figures.

Titan Submersible Disaster

Mitsotakis wins Greek Election

Greek conservative leader Kyriakos, who has been sworn in as prime minister, is credited with successfully returning the Greek economy to stability and growth after a severe debt crisis and three international bailouts. Although many Greeks are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, voters chose to stick with the party promising lower taxes and improved public health. In May, his party fell just short of a majority in the 300-seat parliament and his decision to call an election in a bid to form a stable, single-party government was vindicated by the final result. Under Greek rules for a second election, the biggest party is awarded a bonus of between 20 and 50 seats. With more than 40% of the vote, New Democracy won all 50.

The dreadful saga of the missing Titanic submersible is finally drawing to a close. On Sunday, the vessel, called the Titan, was supposed to take five people on an hours-long, 3810 meter-deep journey to the wreckage of the Titanic, which rests at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Instead, less than two hours into the tour, the submersible lost contact with its support ship. At a press conference this afternoon, the U.S. Coast Guard announced that a remotely operated vehicle had encountered the debris of the Titan, which suggested that the passengers were killed in “a catastrophic implosion of the vessel.” Investigators from the US, Canada, France and the United Kingdom are working closely together on the probe of the accident, said US Coast Guard Rear Admiral John Mauger.


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