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With revenues of over 105 million euros, more than 45,000 TEUs and 88,000 cubic metresofgoodstransportedinLCLconsoleslastyear,WTOcarefullykeepsitsplace amongthemostsuccessfulfirmsinitsindustry indicator for us still remains the main focus of our company's activities, LCL consoles, in which we transported more than 88,000 cubic metres of goods last year. This is the strongest indicator of our company's growth. of work in the company. With energy, more staff, and new, much more modern and larger offices, our team is more than ready to respond to any client request.

But however proud we are of these results, the most important for us are our people, and that's why we are happy to point out that we have almost 250 employees currently working in our offices in 12 countries, which makes WTO one of the most successful companies in the industry.
■ Speaking of customers, are their needs, desires and expectations changing? How do you keep track of developments in your business?
Mr Gavrilović speaks to CorD Magazine about the fantastic business results from last year, the representative offices that were opened in accordance with the Vision 2030 strategy, the planned opening of an office in America, attitudes towards clients and staff
■ When we last spoke, you shared some of your plans for the coming period. Are you satisfied with how they have turned out?
- WTO Currently has more than 20 offices and representative offices in 12 countries, but it also has ambitious plans to expand. In accordance with our group's Vision 2030 strategy, we successfully opened a representative office in Albania in 2023, which was planned for this year, in addition to another office in Romania, more precisely in Constanta. Open- ing an office in America is a big and demanding undertaking that remains our main priority for the coming period and we will work on it wholeheartedly, with the aim of realising our strategy and meeting the needs of our current and future clients.
■ We can see that implementation of your plans is proceeding as it should. Do the numbers show this when you draw the line under the previous year? Do you have reason to be satisfied?
- You are right... The numbers are clear and show that we have good reason to be satisfied and proud of what we have achieved. In fact, the group's results are more than impressive. With revenues of over 105 million euros and more than 45,000 TEUs transported, our targets for last year were successfully achieved. A more important
■ Do you expect the results of the Belgrade office to be even better after the changes in management?
- Following a decision by WTO's owner, there was a change in

- We recently returned from the logistics fair in Munich, where we had a stand. Here, clients and partners could talk with the owners of the company and with each country manager where the group has a representative office. Among others our stand hosted Mr Lars Jensen, one of the top experts in container transport. Talking with him about current topics the general director and sector manager, so that both managerial lines are staffed with people who acquired their freight forwarding trade at WTO and have proven themselves through many years was an important experience for each of us. That's why I think that such gatherings are extremely important for our business and in general for the development of the industry.