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CompetitiveSkills ForAChangingWorld
from Education 2023
Based in Belgrade, RBS is an international business school representing a branch of Italy’s RBS and Universidad International from Valencia. Through 16 modules, RBS offers students the opportunity to continue their education without taking a break in their careers
An essential characteristic of the RBS concept is the aspiration to bridge the gap between traditional academic education and the needs of the modern business world, while one of the most valuable benefits of its Executive MBA programme is networking and the potential for career development. Here RBS MBA Director Rajka Šinik Vulić tells us more about the programme.

Your school is known for its exceptionally high-quality and innovative Executive MBA programme. Could you tell us more about the programme, its modules and lecturers etc.? RBS Belgrade was built on the idea of bringing professional education to Serbia and the region. Bearing in mind that the world is facing a high-tech revolution, as well as huge geopolitical and natural challenges, it is more important than ever before for every manager to keep pace with changes and new trends, and to connect with relevant people. Through 16 modules, we offer our students the opportunity to continue their education without taking a break in their careers. An essential characteristic of our RBS concept is our aspiration to bridge the gap between traditional academic education and the needs of the modern business world, which is why we have brought in prestigious academic lecturers with internationally proven corporate experience.
Why do you believe that RBS is the right place for education, networking and exchanging ideas?
The executive MBA is a complex education programme aimed at educating managers who already have knowledge and work experience, but who want to improve their leadership and business skills. Specially designed programmes and expert lecturers with significant business careers ensure the quality of the Executive MBA programme. Through class work, students develop strategic ways of thinking and the ability to see the “big picture” when it comes to the managing of companies. MBA students have a fasttrack to career development. They increase their earning potential and are more likely to get higher positions or launch their own businesses. One of the most valuable benefits of the Executive MBA programme is networking, and the associated potential for career development.
Are your students people who will contribute directly to the development of the economy and society as a whole?
For decades, the MBA programme yielded better-trained managers who could respond quickly to company needs. Managers who completed their MBAs could find their place in various industries, while their responsibility was to make the right decisions, reduce costs or contribute to better company organisation. In the modern era, the decisions of executive-level managers are changing. The values upon which companies are built are changing, as are the expectations of employees in terms of salaries and benefits. MBA studies focus on developing leadership skills that are competitive on the market, but the MBA is much more than that. It is a route to business opportunities, higher incomes and networking. Managers who decide on an MBA are aware that companies expect knowledge, experience and strategic thinking. MBA programmes practise working in groups, so the students gain knowledge from lecturers, but also from their colleagues who hail from different industries.
Your students receive two diplomas after completing their education. Why two and what do they all enable?
RBS is a member of Planeta Formacion i Universidades, an international network created by De Agostini and the Planeta group. Based in Belgrade, RBS is an international business school, a branch of Italy’s RBS and Universidad International from Valencia. Our programme has Bologna accreditation and awards students 60 ECTS and a double degree.