1 minute read
Despite the setbacks prompted by the pandemic, there is great energy among Italian and Serbian companies to make it up for the times when they were less active and to launch new business endeavours
Italian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce President Annino De Venezia is certainly very busy these days. There are new Italian companies looking to enter the Serbian market, but also Serbian companies wanting to present themselves to the Italian market. On top of that, De Venezia - as the association’s new president - wants to meet its members and let them know what the CCIS can do for them.
What are the Chamber’s most important initiatives that you, as the new president, intend to pursue for the benefit of members and the Italian-Serbian business community as a whole?
My personal task is to provide all possible support to both Serbian and Italian Companies interested in sharing business in either Serbia or Italy. We never forget that Serbia is a strategic location for Italian business. How can I do this? Firstly, by understanding their needs. I wish to visit all our associates to catch up on their needs and expectations. My intention is also to acquaint them with our most relevant activities aimed at our associates. I think that our members are not always fully aware of the ways we can support them. There needs to be constant dialogue between the Chamber and its members, so that the Chamber can implement targeted