COMMUNICATIONS Important Supporter Of The Serbian Economy
CONTENTS Tough & Inspiring Times
Tamara Daltroff, Director General at EACA
International Award As The Additional Incentive
Mirko Mandić, SVA
A Good Idea & Freedom Bring Results
Employer Branding In Its Full Breadth And Complexity
The Only Constant Is Change
We Convert Risk Into Opportunity Sonja Marić, Uniqa osiguranje (Insurance)
Sandra Lazarević, Banca Intesa
Digital Breaks All Boundaries
We Live In A Digital World
Our Clients Dictate The Challenges
We Have Given Shopping A New Dimension
Holistic Approach To Communications Natalija Racković, V+O Communication
Brands Learn From Fails, Like People
Integration Of All Marketing Technologies
Advertising trends in 2020 and beyond
Challenges Are An Opportunity, Not A Problem
Snežana Petrović, Lafarge Serbia
The Future Is Digital
Jovana Vukotić, Siemens
Aleksandra Kožul, Novaston Marketing Consultancy
DNA Communications
Anja Vujnović, Jubmes Bank
Online Education Is A Priority Jelena Bauder, Bauder Medical
Mirko Grujičić, Fujitsu Eastern Europe, Russia and Africa
Maja Anđelić, I&F Grupa
On Top Of The Game
Branka Petronijević, Crowne Plaza
Sonja Ćetković, Poslovi.Infostud
I&F McCann Grupa
Entire Society Is Behaving Like The Slowly Boiling Frog
Nevena Kurtović, Fussion Communications
Marina Grihović, Headline and Dkit
The Science Behind Creative Ideas
Doing Business The Right Way Jelena Trninić, The Coca-Cola Company Serbia
Jasna Dugalić, Direct Media Serbia
Humour Is At The Heart Of Successful Campaigns
Ana Laušević, Arriva Group, Serbia
Tamara Bekčić, Chapter 4 in Serbia
A New Era Has Begun
We Are Mobility Partner Of Choice
Authenticity Appreciated
Mirjana Višnjić, We Media Agency
Tough & Inspiring Times
Brexit, European Parliament elections and a new set-up of the European Commission, as well as the emergence of new players on the market and data protection issues will impact on the work of agencies in 2019, while local ones will also have domestic challenges to deal with
e are going through a truly exceptional year,” says Tamara Daltroff, Director General at EACA, in this interview at the start of 2019. Topics such as ePrivacy, new approaches to marketing, and the tough political agenda in the EU all came up in this engrossing conversation. 4
What are the new sources of growth? What Does the industry have an adequate talent are the challenges of cross-device marketing? pool for the new era? Which skills are in the - The new European Data Protection Rules highest demand? (“GDPR”) are still impacting companies with - Ad agencies have to compete for talent with business models based on processing the many of today’s richest, fastest-growing and data of EU citizens. Some of these businesses high-profile companies. Brands such as Google, had to change, or are still in the process of Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are looking substantially changing, their business models for people who can make sense of data and and data collection processes. The result guide the development of marketing strategy was another “cookie wave” requiring users and content – very similar to the skills required (consumers) to give repeated, granular – and for a job in advertising. These companies are often annoying – consent. grabbing all the headlines, because of the One of the big challenges will be to improve high return on marketing investment their the consumer experience during the browsing precision targeting can yield, and this helps journey, which obviously will include seeing ads. them attract the best talent. Business models and data collection methods There is no shortage of advertising professionals who are passionthat respect consumer ate about the industry choices and privacy are It remains to be seen and the value it can prolikely to pay off, as conwhich emerging sumers become increasvide. In the commercial technologies, such as ingly knowledgeable sector, advertising at augmented reality, and privacy-conscious. its best provides social If consumers see that value by creating experiartificial intelligence, ences that people find their choices are being and visual and voice emotionally powerful respected regarding search, will become and that connect them what type of ads they a sensible basis for with brands that have want to see, they are investment values and purposes in more likely to respond which they believe. positively. This will become even more important as advertising From an academic standpoint, we know increasingly happens across user’s devices. that universities are constantly evolving their The importance of the “duopoly” (Facecommunications curricula, so that students book and Google) now heralded to turn into leave their courses well equipped for careers the “triopoly”, with the rapid expansion of in advertising. If there is one skill that is more Amazon on the advertising market, is unlikely important for ad agency professionals to to change. As they fine-tune and innovate master than ever before, it’s the ability to their ad services, there will also be more collaborate well with people with different opportunities for agencies. However, the big specialisations, personalities, working styles platforms are increasingly under legislative and agendas. scrutiny and are likely to continue being the targets of data protection agencies in 2019. Does globalisation wipe out local advertising
companies or give them the ability to find new niches? - Local communications agencies are ideally placed to target local audiences, as they know their language and culture well. Even big international campaigns are often adjusted to the local context. This might be the result of market research into local specificities or, in some cases, also due to rules (e.g. on labelling or information requirements) that vary from market to market. At the global level, we also perceive another trend, namely that of big management consultancies acquiring agencies and design studios. There are different views among agencies regarding whether this is a real threat to the industry or a currently perplexed regarding the possible phenomenon that can be dealt with. Agencies can consequences of the upcoming arrangement, usually rely on strong ties with advertisers and what steps they should take and whether or media, and they are the powerhouses of creativnot there could still be a transitional period. ity – something that consultancies might lack. We are going to see Brexit’s impacts on One important issue, however, is the potential online advertising, namely, in cross-border conflict of interest among data flows and the processing and storage of consultancies performing The success of local data. Agencies may media audits now moving agencies is highly have to conclude standinto the advertising space dependent on a ard contractual clauses and providing the same while waiting for the type of services that they healthy local media European Commission have audited – with all the market. Agencies to declare that the UK inside knowledge that are likely to suffer as provides adequate data comes along with it. the region's media protection. Impacts will companies struggle to also be seen on speWhat are the potential set up new business cific sectors that are political changes in Eumodels to adjust to the rope and their impact relevant to agencies, digital era on agencies? such as travel, tourism, - The year 2019 will be consumer goods, food marked by a series of significant developments and vehicles. The developments could have in Europe. Firstly, the UK is scheduled to leave an impact on consumer confidence. the European Union on 29th March 2019. After As a consequence of Brexit, UK-based nearly two years of negotiations, it appears that agencies will have to re-evaluate work contracts with their employees of EU-origin the separation is going to take the form of ‘Hard and vice versa. Any business travel between Brexit’, which means that the country will quit the the two may become more burdensome. We EU Internal Market and Customs Union, and in have already seen, and are likely to see more the case of ‘no-deal Brexit’, this will happen very and more, UK-based offices relocating or suddenly, overnight, potentially creating chaos. registering in the EU in order to stay within Agencies on both sides of the Channel are
its jurisdiction. Agencies will need to find ways to continue conducting their business. Another upcoming political change will be the European Parliament elections of May 2019 and the new composition of the Parliament. At this point in time, it is difficult to predict the final outcome, but there is a fear of an increase in the number of populist politicians and the future guarantees of business-friendly legislation. In addition, there are a few legislative files that the current legislature will not have a chance to adopt and that will be passed on to the new Parliament, which will decide on their continuity. Among such files is the ePrivacy Regulation, a highly relevant piece of legislation for advertising agencies working on online campaigns, which will specify the General Data Protection Regulation. If it gets out of control, this regulation could have grave implications for targeted advertising. Finally, the European elections will also mean a new set-up of the European Commission. It remains to be seen which direction it will take in terms of trade with the U.S., China and the U.K.; regulating new technology (artificial intelligence, connected driving, U.S. big tech) and of course the EU’s neighbourhood policy with countries like Serbia. COMMUNICATIONS
We Are Mobility Partner Of Choice
Arriva, one of the biggest transport companies in Europe, provides transport services of the highest quality in 14 European countries, and in Serbia has been the first choice for travel since 2013
ur company follows the trends, and that's why it's important to us to offer our customers simple and quick solutions – to choose their own route, line, price etc., sitting in their own home with the help of just three clicks. That's what we will strive for in the future. How challenging was it to raise awareness among customers of a foreign brand that was hitherto unknown to a large number of people on our market? - Since the launch of our operations in Serbia in 2013, it was a great challenge for us to build a reputation, raise brand awareness and gain the trust of our customers. We wanted to send the 6
- The organisation of safe, reliable and comfortable travel is our priority, but we also direct equal attention to the development of the local communities in which we operate. Our aspirations were also recognised at the end of last November by the award commission of the Braničevo District Regional Chamber of Commerce, which decided to present an award to us for our special contribution to the development of the economy and the region in the service sector. This is an indicator that our contribution and our communication with users have gone in a good direction. Arriva, as a company, is constantly focused How do you justify the trust of your customon developing technological advancements and innovations, and I would like to single out ers? How does one even acquire the loyalty of the Arriva Click project, travellers? launched in London. This - The traveller today exArriva's main values are is an on-demand way of pects the journey to be safety, satisfying the travelling with the possafe and the transport needs of all users, care vehicle to be comfortsibility of registering and selecting initial and final able and clean. Also tesfor the environment, destinations, and which, I tifying to this is market continuous investment believe, will be increasingly research that we conin employees and the common. Our goal is to ducted in cooperation growth of the company impose ourselves in the with colleagues from segment of digitalisation the Faculty of Transport as both educators and innovators. Engineering in Belgrade. On the basis of that research, we concluded that the organisation How important in communicating with your of the traveller's time is crucial. customers is it to keep pace with modern trends? And as it is much more difficult to anticipate - Digital communications must be directed not future situations in the transport industry, including only towards the millennials, but also towards those that could potentially become crises, Arriva other age categories. Thanks to communication leads the way as a system in standardisation and via social networking, we managed to accelerate procedural policy. Predicting means preserving an online ticket sales. However, blindly following acquired image, so the rules that determine and trends, such as the use of various applications, may anticipate behaviour in crisis situations must be not necessarily be a good thing, because properly an imperative. It is crucial to delegate tasks well, to valuing implemented activities and relying on valid rely on IT infrastructure support, but also respond data is crucial. It is important for us to build an responsibly, effectively and calmly. image and impose ourselves as an initiator and innovator, and not to create campaigns that will What are your company's further plans? Can generate viral content at all costs. we expect some new project? public a message stating that Arriva has a longterm commitment to the Serbian market through the establishment of the highest standards of passenger transport and customer care, which we continue to strive towards. Moreover, our goal was also to impose ourselves as an innovator in the service segment, using in the process the messages of the Arriva strategy Mobility Partner of Choice, which state that we want to have the best employees, a bigger and better Arriva, strong foundations, and that we are the first choice for our customers.
On Top Of The Game Banca Intesa is the largest bank in Serbia. It has built its leadership on product quality and innovation, toplevel service and a business model centred around customer satisfaction
e wish to provide our clients with a customer experience that fully meets the demands of the digital age, as well as maintaining our leadership position on a highly competitive market.
You have started an all-embracing process of digital transformation in which you plan to inject over 65 million euros by year's end 2021. Are clients becoming more demanding? - Consumers in general are growing increasingly sophisticated in their demands and their experience is becoming more global, enabling them to compare the quality of products and services regardless of their geographic, societal or cultural environment. Once you experience personalised and timely service, 8
nearly 12,000 on Twitter, almost 10,000 on you are no longer prepared to compromise. LinkedIn, 4,000 on Instagram and 3,000 on It is exactly this trend that inspired Banca YouTube, we gather the largest online comIntesa to kick-start the modernisation of its entire banking platform in a move that will lay munity in the Serbian banking sector. the foundations to build a strong and innovative bank for the future. In this way, we wish to Banca Intesa is the largest bank in Serbia. provide our clients with a customer experience What do you think has been the key to your that fully meets the demands of the digital success – continuity, choice of communicaage, as well as maintaining our leadership tion channels or budget? position on a highly competitive market. Due - Banca Intesa has built its leadership on to such an approach, we have become the first product quality and innovation, top-level bank on the market to enable disbursement service and a business model that centres of cash loans and current account overdrafts around customer satisfaction. via online applications When it comes to with simple mobile tocommunications, we Despite the ongoing strive to always be creaken verification. trend of budget In parallel with the tive and new, but above downsizing for digitalisation process, all efficient, bearing in traditional advertising we have launched a mind the rise in cusin all industries, major network transtomer demands, on the our communication one hand, and resource formation programme channels are becoming limitations, on the other. that seeks to improve more intricate and Given that customers no our service model and diverse than ever longer have the time or ultimately advance the patience to watch and customer experience. listen to content that is not in their specific focus, we are aware that all messages we creTo what extent does your communication strategy rely on social media and digital ate must be personalised and customised for channels? each client segment, as well as being adjusted - Due to innovative and non-standard formats, to the specific communication channel. digital communication channels have become Despite the ongoing trend of budget an integral part of nearly every campaign of downsizing for traditional advertising in all our bank. The growing complexity and number industries, our communication channels are of digital channels allow us to make a precise becoming more intricate and diverse than segmentation of different target groups ever. Like all other industries, banking is and create concise personalised messages witnessing a shift from analogue to digital tailored to each segment. communication channels, enabling us to be Aside from holding a top market spot in even more resourceful and creative in the terms of key performance indicators, we also ways we reach our target groups, while belead in terms of social media communication. ing highly effective and always remaining on With over 230,000 followers on Facebook, top of the game.
“Bauder Medical” has organised many major business events, such as conferences, symposiums, congresses, expert meetings and seminars, and has many thousands of satisfied users
Online Education Is A Priority
e have developed a great online platform for learning,, which deals with education in the world of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, public health and management, says Jelena Bauder, speaking for CorD We live in times that require lifelong learning, refinement and exchange of experiences. Was that one of the reasons you started organising meetings, conferences, congresses etc.? - Through conversations and business meetings with a large number of people and companies from the world of medicine and pharmacy, we simply realised that it is very important for the business of any company to ensure that professional knowledge is continuously refreshed and improved. As such, we came up with the idea of facilitating the business of our customers/users by utilising the “turnkey” principle. We have achieved the ISO standard for delivering quality, and the events we arranged for our clients will always be uniquely organised and different from every previous event. When we say “turnkey” we are also thinking of marketing in terms of electronic, printed and mobile advertising. How do you get to know the public with your services, actions and the latest achievements and knowhow in the medical field? - More and more companies are prioritising online education and organisation, as well as electronic publishing. The creation of a brand event is a process that lasts a long period of time and provides clients/customers with a good position on the market. We create content and make plans on how clients transmit the message they want to the end user of their services. The content of advertising campaigns is realised on all channels, so that we crate a link of users to different segments, equally effective and efficient.
Milena Avramović Bjelica and Tamara Bekčić
The success we've achieved is based on the effort of every team member and the trust we've built up with our clients, both of which we are particularly proud. We're satisfied with what we have achieved, but we're striving for even better results
his was a turbulent year in which we still managed to push the limits, says Tamara Bekčić.
Judging by the prestigious international PRO PR Award that you received for your contribution to the profession, you have had a good and successful year. How difficult was it? - In addition to being filed with challenges, 2018 was also an excellent year for Chapter 4, with growth in turnover and profits, with which we surpassed our plans, consolidated our position with our clients and in the market, and achieved even better positioning within the Chapter 4 CEE group. The international PRO PR Award arrived 10
International Award As The Additional Incentive
at the right time, giving us additional tailwind and incentive from the very beginning of the year. I'm extremely honoured and grateful to the international jury for this recognition, but also to the organiser of the PRO.PR Awards, Danijel Koletić, who invests ongoing efforts to advance the visibility of colleagues and the importance of our profession.
plan, communication training for management, corporate social responsibility, or the organisation of an important event. I would also like to highlight the strong regional presence of Chapter 4 as a group, that is our local agencies, in markets across CEE, with outstanding knowledge of communication, business and socio-economic conditions.
How hard is it to entice and acquire a new Can creativity and innovation compensate client today? What can you offer them that for limited budgets? the competition can't? - Chapter 4 team experts aim to provide - Every client is a specific and special maximum value to clients for the funds challenge. This is the beauty of this job. We invested. We strive for innovative solutions provide each company and client with high and a creative approach, but these are relaquality support and monitor their developtive categories that depend on the client, its goal and budget. ment. Public relations represent a strategic Over the course of years, we've reached function with growing importance. In the the heights of creativity with very limited time of new technologies, social changes budgets and we've regularly received pats and transformations of business that occur on the back or important praise from all over on a daily basis, successful corporate comEurope, based on the munication represents ratio between funds a comparative advanChapter 4 PR: we invested and results tage and strong supplan communication achieved. On the basis port for a company's strategically, with of my experience, the business goals. strong focus on winning combination inI count among the clients` business goals strengths of Chapter 4, cludes expertise, exceland brands first and foremost, the lent knowledge of the stability and responsiclient and its industry, insight into the best world practises and bility with which we approach projects, given constant development, business focus, good that we invest resources in advising each client planning research, and strong commitment with dedication, without neglecting creativity to implement and evaluate communication and with a clear focus on clients' business. We activities. It isn`t simple, but it's dynamic emphasise the strategic approach to planning and the most beautiful job in the world when and realising communication programmes, one knows and loves it. whether it comes to an annual communication
Doing Business The Right Way
the key message you communicate adjusted to different markets or can it be universal? - We are aware that we must respond to evolving expectations through our business decisions, while talking about our strategy and progress using simple, everyday language that resonates with people everywhere. We do this continuously on the “Coke” is the world's best sold product and Serbian market and all others where we operate, brand name. Today, after so many years, would and one of the examples is how we apply our global you be able to retain this position without any strategy in Serbia to support professional youth marketing investments? Is that possible? development. We have had to take into considera- Marketing is today one of our main tools and it is a common fact that it tion local circumstances, is not possible to do busisuch as high unemployOur role is to see ness without marketing. ment, the needs of youth how to provide the However, it cannot take all and the situation on the labest support and the credit for the success bour market, and have decommunicate our of a company or brand. signed the #Budućnostza5 message properly, The creation of Coke was programme for pupils and which is line with the inspiring, and each phase students, providing them idea of doing business in the history of the brand with the kind of knowledge in the right way, not has brought something and guidance they need. just the easy way different and more interIt is therefore of viesting. Whether it comes tal importance for the to Coke as an inspiration to Andy Warhol, the communications sector to be at the source of iconic Contour glass bottle, Santa Claus, or developments and changes happening across Coca-Cola as the first sponsor of the Olympic the globe, and for us to integrate that precious Games, we are aware of the fact that Coke is knowledge into our business operations and a symbol of pop culture. People have always the beverages that people like. believed our story, primarily because we have never lost focus – on our consumers. We have You have for decades set the benchmark in the always listened carefully to their wishes and area of communication, to the satisfaction of changed in accordance with their habits and all consumers. Has the time come to adjust to lifestyles, so that we can offer beverages they like their wishes and expectations? at any given moment. People today love Fuzetea, - When Coca-Cola was created over 130 years Smartwater or Adez becouse we have built the ago, everything was different. As the world strongest brand loyalty and brand awareness. changes, we know that people expect more from companies. Profitability is important, Serious companies leave nothing to chance when but not at any cost. People are important. it comes to their communications strategy. Is Our planet is important. That is why we've anhanks to our discipline in building brands that people love, combined with an innovative advertising approach, the red and white logo is recognised by as much as 94 per cent of the planet's people.
For a company that was created over 130 years ago and that has more than 500 brands and nearly 4,000 unique products globally, the key to success is in the synergy of the exciting beverages it produces and their unique story
nounced a goal of collecting and recycling the equivalent of every bottle or can we sell globally by 2030. It is for the same reason that we are reducing our water consumption, restoring the Upper Danube and reducing our environmental footprint. We support communities because we want to leave this world a better place. We have been working like that from 1968, when the first Coke was produced in Serbia, and we plan to be even better in the decades ahead. COMMUNICATIONS
Digital Breaks All Boundaries
People talk about InterContinental with great respect because it is a corporation with 13 hotel brands. One of them is Crowne Plaza, which has the highest service ratings thanks to the reviews of satisfied guests and their sharing opinions and recommendations
nnovation and good ideas are an integral part of our operation and essential to our interaction with guests. We do everything with passion, good energy, new and innovative ideas in order to be as successful as possible.
Crowne Plaza is part of the largest hotel corporation in the world. How much can you rely 12
itself. Our priority and our commitment is qualon this, and how much you need to be original and innovative? ity communication with clients and presenting - In the InterContinental Corporation there are new content and services that the hotel offers. more than 5,500 hotels. To work equally well in Asia, America or Europe, to respect all the Do you connect your future to further develspecifics of the region and to retain all the set opment of communication through digital standards, we have to establish, develop and channels? maintain a strong brand strategy. - We should not talk about digital media as We have an important group of experts something in the future. They are our present working at the InterContinental UK base in and should be discussed in real time in the Denham, near London. They provide support to all most positive way. Fantastic instruments are of us who are involved in hotel marketing under available to us in the world of digital media. our brand. It is a great and There are no limits to this important thing to have field. The communication It is not possible to such marketing support, thread has its longest work and be successful and it is essential that our reach thanks to digital, in an industry such relationship with clients is and this leaves anyone in as marketing, and good, that's why we take this business breathless. not be original and care of it. You can send informainnovative. This is an tion, an announcement, important part of an Do hotels like yours need an advertisement or a ideal whole for the additional advertising? position, and you know Crowne Plaza Hotel A recommendation by that you will immediately a satisfied guest is no get to those you targeted longer enough? and further, and that is priceless. There are no - Guest recommendation has always been and more restrictions like other forms of communiwill always remain the basis for all hoteliers to cation, whether we are talking about print or TV assert the quality of their service. Whoever serior dealing with their financial aspects. Digital media and channels have bridged these barriously engages in hotel management knows that the reputation you get on portals where guests ers and have made this sphere of work really rate quality of service is very important. It is limitless, but it is important that conventional not easy to influence such a reputation, except channels of communication survive because through the service you provide. Crowne Plaza they are necessary, each in its own way. is a hotel that has the highest service ratings We at Crowne Plaza have embraced this trend precisely thanks to the reviews of satisfied in the hotel pre-opening phase, continued with it guests and their sharing opinions and recomand improved it. We are absolute leaders in social networks. Our family of followers is numerous mendations on the official websites that deal and organically acquired, and the monthly reach with it. We could calmly rely on this, and not is large. With our followers we are true friends. engage in additional advertising, but with such We communicate, and that means a lot to us. a serious brand, advertising is not just an end in
Brands Learn From Fails, Like People
everyone`s expectations in that "relatione already have an ID card. We all know the story of market commuship" and by communication in all areas of our trade we achieve results and become nications: it is hard to be noticed the place #WhereBrandsGrow. in the crowd of voices. But what some people Of course, learning and motivation are the still don’t understand is that it’s no longer key issues. That’s why over the past decade enough to be simply loud or provocative (if it’s we have witnessed the expansion of various not well-founded, the results are short-lived). forms of event and lecture where successful As an integrated marketing communication ones tell their stories, share insights, tips & agency, we understood this long ago and tricks, while others listen closely and try to turned to – listening. To clients or brands, apply them. No doubt, glorification of success the market, technology, customers, everyhas inspired and motivated many. We do it body’s needs and the languages they speak. too - we educate and We have focused on the gather leaders through essential relationship As final various projects – but between a brand, cusacknowledgement following our philosotomers and all stakethat we are doing the holders, because a phy, we don’t always right thing, we won a relationship is a living talk about success. One prize for "Contributing thing, it changes, reacts of our activities is the and seeks understandstory of - failure. to creating future In practice, a sucing. Every brand is for leaders" by those who us a reflection of such cess story is a good recognize and support an overall relationship. motivator, but it doesn’t such initiatives – the Accordingly, our "DNA show what kind of obSerbian Association of philosophy" is directed stacles we are facing Managers at the entire brand ecoand how to overcome them. What we hear is system, all interlocuthe final result, without what happened tors, and in which the most important role "backstage". This misses the most important is to create communication that responds part of the story ... how to reach the top? Did to the challenges and "pains" of our and our everything look exactly like that? How many brand`s interlocutors. And this is the "whole failures were there on the way? philosophy" of today's communications - to At the end of 2017 with the ICT Hub, listen, understand, connect and erase unwe brought FuckUp Nights to Serbia and necessary boundaries. To talk human. This launched the "Advertising Fail Stories" ediis our identity card. If people find it hard to adjust in times of tion. We talked about failures of the advercontinuous innovation, in a hectic environtising industry, without embellishments, selflessly and honestly. Leaders spoke here as ment, the same applies to brands. So we well. The difference was that we heard what get to know them very well in #DNAHouthey went through to become what they are. seOfBrands, we strategically respond to
This year, DNA Communications will celebrate its 18th birthday. Looking back at the market over the last two decades and everything that happened... we indeed feel proud. We are coming of age. It is not that we have just survived, but we have grown instead, year by year. Changed. That’s what growth is about, isn’t it?
The audience instantly recognized our message and supported us. So far, we have organised 12 events where more than 40 professionals from different industries told us about their failures. If a brand is essentially a complex relationship, then it may be affected by changes in its environment or in some of those involved, and it is forced to grow and evolve. This does not happen only through success, it happens even more through failure. And if we learn from them - we learn the most. Do you agree? COMMUNICATIONS
A New Era Has Begun T
he time of digital has yet to come in our country. Its further and faster growth is expected, which will have to be accompanied by continuous education. That's why the vocational training carried out by IAB Serbia in the digital domain is important, while our annual education at the Direct Media Academy will also play an important role.
The start of 2019 was marked by a change in the visual identity of Direct Media and an announcement that regional marketing will enter a new evolutionary phase. The company is rejoicing about this, as it has the support of the United Group, which – as a technological giant – is constantly in the process of innovating its services and monitoring new trends
In this we have the support of the United Group itself, which – as a technological giant – is constantly in the process of innovating its services and monitoring new trends. The actual method of developing a strategy has changed forever, in line with changes to the media landscape, in the social, economic and technological context, and in our agency we will also experience changes following the establishment of the Data Science department, which I'm sure will shape insights into even better solutions for our partners.
Direct Media marked the beginning of 2019 with a change in its visual identity and an announcement that regional marketing will enter a new evolutionary phase. How will the new era of DIRECT Since 2008, when the adMEDIA United Solutions vertising market reached The recovery of look, and how will the its peak, budgets have the market is also new era of marketing in been getting smaller and occurring in the this region look? smaller. What is the situregion, and it can - With last year's entry ation like today? Have already be said that of Direct Media into we recovered from the a slight increase United Media, or the crisis that hit the world in investments in United Group, a new era 10 years ago? the media through started for us, which we - Despite the current advertising messages expect to bring growth to challenges facing the our partners, both from global economy, the also marked 2018. the ranks of companies year behind us was We will find out and from the ranks of again marked by posihow positive those media outlets, and the tive trends in advertising. developments are entire market of marThe forecasts of several when the reports of relevant research compaketing generally. In this research houses from new development phase, nies suggest that growth our markets arrive as our 'DIRECT MEDIA of investments in adverUnited Solutions' name tising in 2018 will have implies, we've replaced the word “strategy” been between four and six per cent at the global with the word “solution”, because in a digital level compared to the previous year, although era that connects people, platforms and proindividual estimates suggest that growth in the past year was the highest in the last eight years. cesses more and quicker than ever before, we want to provide prompt and smart responses Communication channels have changed comto customer requests, to create solutions not only for communication, but also for business pletely. Print is at its lowest point, online has challenges. gained primacy, and TV is continuing to hold
its own. How do you explain this? Will this trend continue? - The transformation of media brought by the digital must not be viewed with a negative indicator. On the contrary, companies, or their brands, and the media itself can benefit greatly from this. Digital is primarily a technology that changes everything, and then also the way we consume media, and it will not lead to certain media ceasing to exist, at least not for some time to come. Digital merely transforms them. Television is awaited by an even more glorious future in the digital environment, provided it has high quality content available. When it comes to print, the number of subscribers to digital editions of newspapers is on the rise. Likewise, the time people spend reading news in print or in digital is not reducing. These are all relevant indicators that point towards the potential of new models of media operations and, simultaneously, new ways of placing advertising messages.
Do we have enough experts in digital marketing? Are we lagging behind developed markets? - When it comes to serious digital expertise, it seems that the level of knowledge of digital professionals on our market is not aligned with the level of development of the digital advertising market. We have much more digital knowledge than space in which it can be applied. One of the obvious examples is the programmatic lease of media space, which we brought to the The future of the region several years ago, user experience and with all the associated interaction between knowledge, and its full implementation waited a brands and consumers long time for the market lies in the overlapping to mature. of the digital and
The time of pure advertising has passed. Are your customers ready to adapt to trends and new channels of communication and, if so, to what extent? - A few years ago, when analogue world, in Which branch of industry the understanding of the which both offer an is today recording the changes brought about entire spectrum of highest growth and is by the new technologichannels, formats and there sufficient reliance cal revolution was still new possibilities for on the services of prounclear, we applied new advertising advertising models with fessionals in the fields much more reservations. of communications and Today, when it's clear to everyone that physimarketing? What's the situation like on the markets of the region? cal shops will not disappear just because e- According to the data of the Statistical Office commerce exists, our partners also accept of the Republic of Serbia, overall economic activnew solutions with a higher degree of courage. ity in Serbia achieved growth in 2018, with the
construction industry, agricultural production and the housing and food sectors leading the way. When it comes to the other countries of the region, Slovenia can boast of reaching a new milestone in IT, while the tech industries and the energy sector are also recording growth in Bosnia-Herzegovina. In Croatia and Montenegro, as is traditional, growth in tourism has been recorded in the last few years. The World Travel and Tourism Council even declared Montenegro as being one of the world's fastest-growing tourist destinations last year. It is logical that the tech industry, which largely relies on start-up solutions, seeks the support of communications professionals less, and also due to a lack of budgets, just as it is logical that industries that are growing can never reach the level of investment of leaders in advertising, such as telecommunication companies or FMCG giants. As professionals, in the scope of our services we certainly treat every industry as being equally important. New industries bring new professional challenges, for which we are always ready. COMMUNICATIONS
A Good Idea & Freedom Bring Results
It is important for communications to find that fine line between the old and the new world. We can’t ignore communication trends, but we mustn’t accept blindly and uncritically everything that is being served to us
ny idea can be realized, but agencies and their clients should know whom they are talking to, the trends in the industry and in communication channels, and on that basis they can create and realize epic ideas, says Nevena Kurtović, Managing Director of Fussion Communications. Over the past few years, things in the field of communication have been changing from day 16
ideas. The only question is whether they bare to day. Can anyone imagine how your industry revolutionary enough to shake the general and will look like in five years? consumer public, and whether the client has - Communications are changing in each segenough freedom (both in ideas and budget) to ment. Only one thing is permanent and that’s realize such epic ideas, and together with his the need for communications, and I believe agency to stand behind them! Often, we are that will not change either tomorrow or in five required to adapt existing global campaigns years. The message we want to send to the for global brands that are present in our public may remain the same, but the forms country, which often turns out to be inapof communication are constantly changing. The digital era in which we live has made propriate, because this market, our mentality the communication flow faster and easier. and what people expect of brands are differYou used to go on a trip ent from anywhere else. and you really missed So, every idea can be The most successful the people who stayed realized, but agencies communication is, home, and now you can and their clients need among other things, see them, be with them to know whom they are when both sides although in another city talking to, the trends in ... etc., social networks the industry and in comunderstand each other and digital have allowed munication channels, and when we honestly us something we could and on that basis they believe in what we only dream of before. can create and realize communicate, and I On the other hand, they epic ideas together. would most certainly have a negative side that like that to never needs to be dealt with. I Can creativity and an inchange think it is important for novative approach make communications to find up for limited resources that fine line between the old and the new when it comes to large-scale campaigns and world. We can’t ignore communication trends, making integrated communication strategies? but we mustn’t accept blindly and uncritically - Creativity, with the right channel selection, everything that is being served to us. The most and the right time to send the message can successful communication is, among other make up for a smaller budget. For this budgetthings, when both sides understand each restricted approach, it's especially important other and when we honestly believe in what to know where your target group is and what we communicate, and I would most certainly is the best time to place a message to deliver like that to never change. an expected effect. In these cases, we should be not only creative, but also well informed. What are the greatest challenges you face Creativity is certainly not enough, but it is a today? Can any idea be realized? major condition for the success of the cam- The idea is not the problem, there are always paign, even without much money.
We Live In A Digital World
able to imagine this, but young people who are “born” with a mobile phone in their hands certainly can’t. If I now looked at my “digital day”, I would see just a few phone calls, but a lot of pages visited on social networks and a lot of short messages exchanged through various communication services. Not to mention that with the help of technology I struggle every day with city jams by choosing not the shortEveryone is talking about the future, while you est, but the fastest route. And that’s just one in the IT sector are creating it and living in it. Can digital device (smartphone) of at least three you tell us how it looks? What is awaiting us? that I use on daily basis. - This future is essentially The new opportunicreated in a collision beties brought by trends Today, users are like the Internet of Things tween users’ needs and becoming more or Artificial Intelligence the technology on offer. aware of the need to will also increase the The needs require new protect their privacy need for smartphones, as technology, but new techwe will more frequently nologies often create new at least minimally. manage the home heatneeds and so on. MeanThe attractiveness of while we from the IT secing, we will pull the blinds, digital platforms as open windows remotely. tor are trying to provide advertising space will Certainly, there is a negathat future with the right depend on the result tools and infrastructure. tive side, which is above of the struggle ahead It's hard to say how it will all a huge distraction and of us, between digital look, but let's try to guess. inability to focus our atplatforms and their Only one thing is for sure: tention directly if we are users an increasing part of our dependent on clicking lives will take place in the and scrolling. digital world, and especially various services provided either by companies or the state, from Do you think digital resources will become scheduling an appointment at the hairdresser to primary in advertising and communications? issuing documents. - I think it already is, but I also believe it will never completely eliminate other types. It esComputers and smartphones are becoming sentially depends on platforms that will remain smaller, more powerful and accessible, and available. A few years ago, someone suggested communication has never been easier. Can an that books would soon not be printed, but that average person imagine a life without them? hasn’t yet happened. There’s probably something - Those who remember the time before we romantic about paper, and we still love to feel it started to carry a PC in our pockets are still in our fingers. Myself, though I come from the IT he primacy of digital resources in advertising is growing because they quickly and easily reach the target group, but I believe they will never completely eliminate other types and channels of communication. As long as printed magazines exist and as long as there are readers, they will be a space for advertising, says Mirko Grujičić.
Fujitsu is a global technology leader, providing up-to-date digital strategies and information technologies. Without their innovative solutions, developed to meet users’ needs, it is impossible to imagine business or everyday life
world, I still buy daily and weekly papers mainly because I am confident of the work of editors and I believe that in this way I can protect myself from the tabloid clamour that surrounds us. A huge advantage of digital advertising is that you no longer choose the lamppost to stick your ad on, you can leave the choice of target groups to digital platforms. This is how we get sponsored links on our social networks or specially selected banners on the pages we visit. COMMUNICATIONS
Integration Of All Marketing Technologies I
Internet and social media, in particular, have changed advertising techniques forever, making them more advanced and opening the way for new trends
t’s clearly apparent that average users nowadays can see Facebook and Google reminding them over and over again about that beautiful bag they saw last month on an e-commerce website, or showing up a promotion of an event nearby for their favourite band or public speaker. Online platforms are modifying their targeting techniques and the understand-
ing of data retrieved from user interaction. We may have just begun 2019, but there are trends that are catching everyone’s attention and are slated to grow over the next several years. We compiled some of the top trends that businesses should be watching in 2019 and 2020.
that posting video ads and product descriptions increase buying chances by more than 35 per cent. Additionally, people are far more likely to share videos than text. This can get your message to a broader audience way faster than a 1,500-word blog article. Videos represent the perfect format for educating and dispersing knowledge, incorporating both audio and visual THE PERSONALISED techniques to appeal to all senses in parallel. CONSUMER EXPERIENCE Additionally, search engines love videos. Personalisation was a major trend in 2018. Search engines prioriPeople are now more tise video content while willing to interact with Social commerce updating algorithms to any brand offering a personalised experience. change and modify the sales increases by an Consumers do not want way search results are exponential rate every to be a number to busidisplayed and pages year, e-commerce nesses, conversely, they are ranked. Also, video sales are expected want unique and engaging advertising in our curto rise about 250 rent digital era can also experiences. Brands uspercent by 2021. That’s ing actionable data can transfer a large amount of e-commerce alone easily find out informainformation effectively in tion about a group of cona shorter period of time. sumers and target them correctly, based on their demands and desires. LOCATION BASED If done correctly, it’s a win-win situation ADVERTISING IN THE WORLD OF NOW for consumers and business owners—the Marketers now believe that the most up and consumer will find quality, and more personal coming way of advertising is location-based. As and meaningful connection and, as a result, its name may imply, location-based advertising will continue to purchase from the business. means the way of advertising that relies on Of course, creating a personalised experipromulgating a customised and personalised ence needs integration between all marketing technologies to come up with data-driven insights. Personalised consumer data might help in recommending products in similar categories or location-based marketing. As long as brands are willing to develop such kinds of personal experiences, they can positively resonate with consumers and increase their brand loyalty and returns. VIDEO ADVERTISING Some digital marketers overly engaged in attempting to rationalise the use of conventional advertising techniques. The truth is that over half of consumers said that they would like to see more video content on social media from marketers of all sectors. This is a perfect opportunity that must be taken advantage of, especially this year. Moreover, video shares by and large lead to sales. Some of the largest e-commerce marketplaces, like eBay and Amazon, have mentioned
marketing method to be delivered to consumers. While not truly a new advertising concept, GPS and advanced technologies make it way easier than ever before. Digital marketers can focus on where their customers are, and define the most perfect timing in order to reach out for maximum effectiveness in their campaigns. MINGLING ONLINE SHOPPING WITH SOCIAL With the current boost in e-commerce spending paralleled with steep use of social platforms, marketers are beginning to choose social commerce. Social commerce is a form of e-commerce that takes part solely on social platforms. This conversation has consumed digital marketing for some time. However, it wasn’t until recently that marketers began paying attention. Social commerce sales increase by an exponential rate every year, e-commerce sales are expected to rise by about 250 per cent by 2021. That’s e-commerce alone! No doubt social media contributes to these statistics, as the average person spenda more than two hours a day on social networks. Facebook is the biggest contributor to ecommerce at the moment, but other networks are not far behind, as chatbots and social buying buttons become more popular.
Fujitsu Representative office Belgrade; Omladinskih brigada 88b COMMUNICATIONS
Humour Is At The Heart Of Successful Campaigns
Headline agency began its second decade with great ambitions, plans and eagerness to respond to all the challenges of the profession. New communication channels are seen both as a challenge and an opportunity
are troubled mainly by the same problems as a superb job, but because part of the market the rest of the world, we are hard-working, thinks it’s an unnecessary cost. They seem capable and creative. So there is hope we to have a rule - we know our customers best. can fulfil this expectation. It's time to change that and use the new Why am I emphasizing this? Because I possibilities to measure the real value of think we need to be quick to react to new classic media, random and deliberate clickthings and channels of communication. ing on banners, the importance of vloggers I recently read some interesting research and bloggers, target groups vs channels... about combining TV and digital channels. TV But you have to start from people and remains channel number one in the consumer’s their habits. The challenge is through research perception. But the best effects are achieved to evaluate what will interest them and what by a combination of TV will be in their focus commercials and digital in the coming period. Human beings are by media, this doubles the Everything around us nature attracted to possibility of our work is changing quickly and beautiful, cheerful being noticed. we can get left behind.
things, and in an ever more intense world we must look for original and entertaining ideas that touch people’s emotions
ur challenge is to survive as a profession, and not as a secondary branch that fulfils what’s budgeted. We must finally overcome the gap in our profession - who is the client and who the creative or communication expert, says Marina Grihović.
Is the multitude of content also a challenge? - That is one of the main challenges, not only this decade, but also in the previous one, and the next. How to be original, to draw attention, to stand out with authenticity. I believe that dozens of brilliant ideas are made every day around the world, but only a few are lucky to be noticed. What has always been interesting for me is the thread that runs through all successful campaigns - humour.
What are the key challenges in today's communication market? - Since this question is raised every year I am expected to be original. But I’ll try to be honest - our task is to survive. When I say that, I'm not being one bit pessimistic. The communication market exists in both Serbia and the region, we are following trends, we
How much do companies and agencies rely on market research about brand or product perception when developing communication strategies? - Let me add something to the story of new trends. In my view Serbia is left behind mostly in market research. That’s not because there are no tools, experts and agencies that can do
Must a communications specialist be a good psychologist? - Oh, yes ... That's why I say people are the core of the whole process. There’s a lot of talk of artificial intelligence, I would not be surprised that in a year or two psychology is studying the behaviour of certain forms of it. But for now, we stay focused on homo sapiens and its primal need to be happy and satisfied. And let's not forget that human beings are curious and we must pay attention to them. That’s why, in every major project, including digital channels and technical solutions, we always take into account human needs first, so we use these tools to further develop those needs. We who communicate with consumers must convince them that some product is just for them, and for this we certainly need to be not only good communicators, but also psychologists.
Employer Branding In Its Full Breadth And Complexity We're witnessing the fastest and most challenging changes to face the labour market in the last 15 years. Employment has grown, a large number of capable workers have left Serbia, the attractiveness of some professions has risen, while some have declined, the business environment has changed, and the behaviour and expectations of the (un)employed have evolved
ow, then, does one now respond to the main challenge – attracting and retaining high-quality people in our teams, without which there is no further growth, progress or achieving of strategic goals. Although employer branding has been discussed in Serbia as a response to this challenge for years, it is only now becoming a real necessity for dealing strategically and systematically at all levels and in all areas of employment and work. That's why Poslovi Infostud worked during this year – within the scope of its first 'HR Experience' conference, the Vivaldi HR Forum and many HR Meet-ups – to bring together a hundred HR professionals and address a series of topics that highlight the Employer Branding story, and had a great three-day discussion, covering the following directions and topics: In the past few years, there were real deficiencies in just a few areas, while we're now facing them at almost every step. That's why ever more companies are establishing an employer branding function. Its nature ensures that it requires essential understanding and systemic cooperation in the relationship between HR, marketing and PR. Its main task is to engage the entire company on the employer branding challenge.
And why the entire company? What does branding an employer mean, how is it composed and determined? A well-conceived, designed and implemented marketing campaign that attracts candidates and with which we communicate that we feel great at work? PR placed by a company about itself? A system of benefits? Satisfied employees? Pleasant working conditions, culture and atmosphere in the company? Work challenges? The image of a company acquired by a candidate in the selection process after meeting HR? Every employer can find the mix that they consider appropriate for themselves. Although the name indicates a connection with marketing, it is important to emphasise that employer branding is not marketing, although marketing plays an important role in the process, albeit only at the end of the process. The essence of employer branding is in our employees' feelings. The essence is within the company, in its pulse, diagnosis and improving its health; the image carried in the people who work there and the placing of this realistic picture externally. And that's why we can say that employer branding lives in the company. All other strategies, particularly those that try to externally present a beautified reality,
will provide an answer to questions rewill have a short-term effect, resulting in unfulfilled expectations and a loss of garding our strengths and weaknesses; confidence in the company. how we're perceived as an employer by As such, an effective approach to im- prospective candidates and how aligned that image is with reality. proving an employer's brand must start We can then approach the defining of from one's own yard, from 1) analysis of tactical steps in the the internal situation following segments: - how employees feel In the past few years, 1) towards employand what matters to there were real them, whether they're ees (improving the culdeficiencies in just satisfied, committed ture, communication, a few areas, while and engaged, and 2) refinancial and non-finanwe're now facing searching the market's cial working conditions, them at almost every perception of the combenefits etc.) 2) towards canpany as an employer. step. That's why ever These two areas didates – improving more companies of research represent the “candidate experiare establishing an two basic pillars of an ence” (job advertising, employer branding effective employer simple application profunction branding strategy. It cesses, transparency
of selection processes, professionalism of recruiters, information on the progression and outcome of the selection process, the on-boarding process), and creating communication messages for each target group addressed, as well as the most effective promotional channels. If we've defined employer branding as a development strategy, we must be aware that it has much broader implications than growing interest among a higher number of appropriate candidates for work at the company. It has a strong impact on the entire company – both on the improvement felt by employees – through the advancing of processes and systems, communication, engagement, satisfaction, and thus consequently on the company's results and market success. So let's get started today. COMMUNICATIONS
Our Clients Dictate The Challenges This year, JUBMES Bank marks a full four decades of successful business. It has from the very beginning been strategically orientated towards corporate clients, focusing on small and mediumsized enterprises, but not neglecting retail banking
ast year we significantly exceeded our projected goals, so in 2019 we started with great plans and ambitions, and raised our targets, says Anja Vujnović. New technologies and new channels of communication between the brand and the end user have brought new challenges. How is the banking sector bearing it, and your bank in particular? 24
- New technologies have led to significant bank, which primarily concerns e-business. changes in all spheres of our lives. Exposure to Our task is to constantly innovate and, as a large amount of information and changes in much as possible, ease our clients' business communication channels have necessitated the with the bank, because we know that the transformation of business practises in almost challenges also come from ourselves. all industries, including the banking sector. The digital revolution has created radically new Given your target groups, which communicaopportunities for more efficient banking operation channels do you prioritise, and why? - Our focus is still on the business segment, with tions. The altered position of the customer in an emphasis on working with small and mediumthe value chain has made business a two-way sized enterprises. On the communication between other hand, we have not the client and the bank. Digitalisation is neglected retail bankBusiness trends relate not a transient to innovation and proding, and in our offer we phenomenon, but a have all kinds of loans uct customisation, an reality with an even and other products and exceptional level of serservices intended for vice for users of banking greater perspective individuals, without any services, and the develin the future, giving difference compared to opment of alternative it absolute priority in other commercial banks distribution channels. our future business on the market. strategy All of our modern Will the macroeconomelectronic communicaic conditions in which you operate and the expectations of clients tion channels are available to our customers, bring new challenges in the year that has and we continue to improve and develop them. just started? It is noteworthy that, despite all of the available - The bank, our clients and competitors operate alternatives, customers continue to appreciate in stable macroeconomic conditions and on this direct eye contact and the "open door" principle, side there are no new, greater challenges. The i.e. the possibility of consulting with our banking exchange rate of the dinar against foreign curexperts to come up with an optimal solution, whether in personal or business finance. rencies is stable and is not expected to fluctuate Commitment and advisory services before significantly this year. It can be noted that prices the actual act of a banking transaction not only are stable, with the foregone conclusion that serve to solve the particular financial problem, inflation will remain in the planned zone, i.e. but in the long run aim to raise the quality of around the central target value of 3%. the business, i.e. to make life more carefree. However, our clients dictate the chalDedication is an advantage and an added value lenges, with their ever-growing expectations behind the epithet "small bank". for improving the services offered by the
Challenges Are An Opportunity, Not A Problem
planning and a lot of work. On the other hand, it offers me many aspects which I like - contact and collaboration with different people. It is dynamic and provides quick and visible results. The combination of business and creativity, represent the environment which is the most suitable for me and where I can excel. All How specific are the type and channels of professionals in the communication function communication for a company like yours that have the belief that our work can change does not offer everyday goods? the world, but my legal education provides a - Our industry is traditional - if we can say so dimension of rationality, which is important in times of the digital industrial revolution for the job I do. In our given the changes that company, the Lafargehave taken place in reWe live in times of cent years and which are Holcim Group, the cominnovation, renewable fundamentally changing munication function has energy and artificial our business too. a multi-layered mission, intelligence. We have For our company, an from internal commuall become consumers integrated approach, nication and employee through the synergy of engagement to corpoof various media PR, advertising and digirate communication, channels, which of brand positioning and tal communications, has course is reflected marketing. This scope been a winning combinain our company's is very broad, but it oftion. For our customers, communications face-to-face communifers many opportunities. strategy One of the indicators in cation such as a classic how successful we are in conversation, meeting, creating a lasting dialogue is our relationship event or similar, contributes to building a with the key stakeholders. trustful relationship and our reputation.
This year, the Beočin cement plant celebrates an important jubilee 180 years of successful operations. All our employees who today work at Lafarge Serbia are proud of the company's rich tradition, while building a better future
How much has your experience to date contributed to the development of the company, and how much has this impacted on your professional and personal development? - I am proud to be employed by a company with the same values as me personally. When I look back, I'm glad to have had the opportunity to learn from professionals worldwide. It is exciting to work for a globally present leader, where, besides the results achieved, it is also
important how we achieve them. In so doing, I've always kept in mind the local context and our specificity. The jobs I have done have certainly influenced my professional and personal development. I hope that my work and energy have contributed to our positioning, reputation and results. When I look back, I can say that I am satisfied, that I have learned, experienced and seen a lot. All this is a reward for my effort and motivation for my further work.
he most effective communication with the public is a combination of classic and online channels, depending on the target group, and above all on the purpose and content, says Snežana Petrović.
Your position is specific because you communicate every day with the local management, staff, representatives and residents of Beočin, partners, the public and also with members of the Lafarge Holcim group. How demanding is this? - When you are passionate about your work and your working environment is motivational, you don't think about that. My job requires dedication, energy and time, good organisation,
Along with the digital transformation of its businesses, the I&F Grupa has transformed itself in order to offer clients its own vast analytical and technical resources, and to help them translate data into effective communication with consumers. In so doing, the agency follows the best global standards, offering an integrated response to its clients, a one-stop-shop for all their needs
oday, I&F Grupa and its departments work closely with their clients on the joint creation of products and services. This is a new trend of cooperation in which marketing and businesses create strong brands based on the deep understanding of a plethora of digital data about consumer needs and desires.
very human decision is influenced by emotion. This is why stories sell and why we need a good one. But without understanding how, when and where to communicate to consumers, we will not be able to drive maximum success of the story. On top of everything, we really need to understand our clients’ business and their challenges before any action is taken. The best way forward is to ensure maximum collaboration between of all participants in the process, from creating to delivering 26
As of this year, Polaris, our business unit specialized for data analytics & research products, will help clients in better understanding of the story behind numbers and data, in order to communicate more effectively with consumers
We Believe & Invest In Data
stories. In this process, consumer data and all other metrics enable us and brands to delight customers and engage them with brands stories. In a way data and insights are the place where stories and logic integrate. At UM (part of IPG Mediabrands SEE) we have always believed and invested in locally relevant data in order to support our internationally developed tools so that we could utilise them in the right way. We also manage big portion of clients' marketing activities and as a true partner, we need to
understand client's operations and business beyond planning and buying media. In order to help our clients achieve higher effectiveness of media & marketing activities, Polaris has started operating within I&F Grupa as of 2019. Polaris is specialized in data analytics & research products. Our goal is to connect data and technology even further, supported by our vast knowledge and experience, and become ‘first call’ for the clients whenever they have a problem within marketing.
Behind Ideas
The Message Is Primary, The Channel Is Secondary
As businesses change in line with the digital revolution, our agency has everything they need – a creative solution to business problems supported by data
People & Tools To Support Change
s a person who came from the position of a client to an agency, I've had the opportunity to look at this issue from both perspectives. Integration is the path for all agencies and teams to take; it is inevitable primarily because it reflects the needs of the consumers and market surrounding us. Agencies are to a lesser extent already present in the process of business transformation among clients, but not to the extent required. During the past few years, McCann Beograd has been working on the joint creation of products and services with clients, and the role of agencies in this process is invaluable because they primarily represent
the area where marketing and business come together in the best possible way. Agencies are not and will not be included in the part related to financial consulting. That part of the job is not ours. At the same time, all industries and companies are on the path of transformation, driven by the needs of the digital “revolution”. In line with these, we at this agency now have a vast amount of data, processed to yield a deeper understanding of consumers and categories; we have people and tools that allow us to predict trends or cause changes in consumer behaviour. This is what business partners need: a creative solution to business problems supported by data.
It is good for every agency to be digital, but the breadth of digital, and the depth of its individual zones, enables and justifies the existence of specialised agencies
onsidering the number of people who are consumers of digital channels, and the fact that the penetration of these channels is virtually complete, it is good for every agency to be digital. On the other hand, the breadth of digital, and the depth of its individual zones, enables and justifies the existence of agencies that deal exclusively with this discipline, or its individual parts. It is important to realise that the communication that agencies deal with is, by its very definition, is intended for the recipient, while it often happens that this is actually somehow forgotten in the conversation about channels. Users have no active awareness of the channel through which they receive a message. A trend seen increasingly globally, and which I firmly support, is one that sees the global agency scene returning towards the direction of the so-called “one-stop-shop” service, where a client can get all services in one place, but this requires that agencies really have experts for each area of communication. If the client needs so-called 360 communication, which starts from establishing a communication strategy, defining the “consumer journey”, setting up a creative platform, developing creative platforms around channels, devising a media strategy, media planning and realising the media plan, and then measuring success, it is clear that a client needs an agency or agency group that can provide all these services in an integrated way and, more importantly, can manage all processes and knowledge during the campaign in an integrated way, with the aim of further improving the flow of communication.
The Only Constant Is Change
The only constant, it is said, is change – and that’s never been truer than it's been in the worlds of advertising and business consulting over the past few years
e’ve all witnessed a mutual spill over of the services offered by both – agencies threading their way into a world once occupied only by consultancies and the latter acquiring creative competencies from the advertising world. While big consulting firms are recognised for their analytical skills and tech achievements, agencies still have their own ace in the hole – the culture of promoting creativity. They are like right brain and left brain skills, and we all know that we need both sides. As such, instead of being competitive, business consultancy and advertising should be collaborative. Collaboration is the key to getting the best out of their expertise. Today, the consulting and advertising worlds are coming as a reflection of the actual marketplace. Business models are disrupted by the digital revolution, which 28
places companies under pressure to seek results. Within some of these products, we different engagement models with customers, managed to achieve strong corporate social to introduce new services and experiences responsibility impact. powered by technology, driving them to When it comes to digital, we are proud transform their marketing operations. of a project through which McCann Beograd Communication agencies need to contindeveloped an application for the Museum of Contemporary Art that enabled art lovers to uously express their creativity by launching enjoy the artworks while the museum was new products and services. In today’s world, closed. This is how we use technology to raise where every interaction with the customer social awareness of art in modern times. A matters, information about customer becouple of years ago, who would have even haviour can be either a superpower or a lost thought that an agency could provide these opportunity. In order to use such information services on its own? constructively, agenRecognising the imcies need to further Communication develop organised and portance of sustainabilagencies need to predictive data analytity, our Nordic agencies, continuously express Scandinavian Design ics to optimise business their creativity Group (SDG) and Mcperformances. In parby launching new allel, agencies need Cann, developed a very products and services. to strengthen their IT specialised and unique In today’s world, where competencies to build business consultancy every interaction with a competitive team tool that helps our clithe customer matters, able to provide unique ents distinguish their software solutions and brands and increase information about support digital transprofits while creating customer behaviour a better world for the formations. can be either a planet and the people. At the same time, superpower or a lost Recalling the first the role of companies opportunity lines of this article, we and brands in a modcan say one thing for ern society is increassure: clients today require expertise at every ing every day, and we, as I&F Grupa, have single step of their business transformation, recognised that. Our agencies have historiand we, as an agency, need to find a way to cally provided brand consultancy and been respond to that requirement, either by deinvolved in business design services for our clients, although we still need to work veloping our own competencies or through on changing the perception in the eyes of partnership with business consultancy. companies and the public. The world is changing, and we need not McCann Beograd has created new prodonly to address changes, but to initiate them. This brings us to the most important quality ucts for the telecom and food industries, in of the future – agility. order to help them improve their business
We Have Given Shopping A New Dimension Novaston was established as an independent real estate, asset and property platform in which Novaston Marketing Consultancy operates. Among other things it was established to improve the concept of the retail park that exists in other countries
here is no universal solution nor a universal message that can be applied in all situations and markets. Only a true professional, after extensive analysis, can respond creatively to every challenge.
weekends. Experience has shown that we have succeeded in this and that all the retail parks in our country including those that are planned, are organized according to this principle. We plan to use this concept in the region in future.
Thanks to your agency, we have been Is there an universal solution for all situintroduced to the retail park, which is ations and facilities, or must communirelatively new to us. What was your pri- cations be designed and adapted to the requirements of the micro-market and mary message? - The idea was for retail parks to become to a very wide target group? “open-air shopping malls”, because in many - Each retail park is a channel that comSerbian towns they are the only serious municates for itself, and the way of comshopping centres, but also places where munication depends on the location, micro people gather. We started from this idea and macro markets, target groups, and type that consumers want a place where they of park. The situation is not the same if a recan spend quality time tail park is located in a with quality, affordable larger city where there For each retail park, shopping. is strong competition, special tailored To achieve this, so a stronger brand content should alongside standard campaign is needed, campaigns we introor if it is in a smaller be designed, and town but outside the duced other activities communication should centre, so you have such as parties celmatch the needs and to do things that will ebrating retail parks’ desires of consumers attract residents and birthdays, various and tenants, at the change their habits of holidays, a summer same time taking care buying only close to season and periodic of the brand itself home. All activities shopping days and
must be designed and shaped according to the market in which the shopping mall is located and the needs of the target group. This kind of operating, approaching each client and every project carefully and with a unique analysis and custom-made proposal, is what makes our company special. Influencers are increasingly engaged by brands and companies to deliver key messages. Can they bring new consumers? - We are seeing that young people today never let smart phones or tablets out of their hands, and spend their free time watching YouTube videos of their idols in whom they find inspiration. Audiences increasingly trust the content from influencers more than traditional advertisers. According to research from 2018, as many as 94% of experts using this type of marketing consider it extremely useful, and 39% plan to increase investment in this form of communication in the coming period. It has also been revealed that influencer marketing achieves 11 times higher ROI than traditional forms of communication. These results are evidence that it is important to work with influencers and that they can bring new audiences and new consumers. However, we must keep in mind that over time, their role changes and they face new challenges, like any other channel of communication. Today, it is very important to carefully select with whom a company will work, because we have examples that the engagement of certain influencers had a counter-effect. For example, the Australian government faced such a situation when
it decided to invest 600,000 Australian dollars in collaboration with social media influencers as part of its #girlsmakeyourmove campaign. The campaign was launched by the Health department to encourage young women to be active. However, it was discovered that some Instagram influencers, which were paid up to $ 3,000 per post, had previously worked with brands of alcoholic beverages and extreme diet products, which had a counter-effect compared to the one the government wanted to achieve.
Companies should cooperate with influencers, but only with carefully selected, uncompromised ones. Only they can deliver key messages in a truly positive way to the audience, otherwise a counter-effect can be achieved COMMUNICATIONS
The Future Is Digital Pioneering technologies and business models built on them have been an integral part of Siemens' DNA for 170 years. The company has recognized the importance of digitalization as one of the key drivers of economic andsocial progress
ith many projects under its belt and its continuous support to various institutions, Siemens has shown to be a reliable partner not only to Serbian business in the fields of digitalization, electrification and automation but also to the society in general. How much do innovation and technological development change our lives, habits, standards and ourselves? 32
We know that Siemens is active in corporate social responsibility. Which recent action would you like to point out? - Our company's policy is to provide support to various establishments, institutions, and organizations. We believe that a company is successful when it anticipates and meets the needs of the society in which the company operates. A part of this success reflects in the company's contribution Siemens encourages We are convinced that to community developmedia coverage of these the technological society-changing issues. ment through its investchanges taking place Is that why you estabments in corporate today not only affect social responsibility lished the prestigious the lives of every projects. Siemens Press Award? individual, but also As part of our cor- Since its introducpoint to the trends of tion, the Siemens Press porate social responcities, industry and Award has focused on sibility efforts, we energy in the future promoting imporatant have decided to make topics, such as improvdonations to several healthcare institutions ing quality of life through in Serbia, where this type of assistance is of introducing state-of-the-art technologies. great importance. The competition provides the media with This year Siemens has worked on a project the opportunity to cooperate with their coltogether with NURDOR, and our employees leagues in other countries, and take further have participated in donations to this orsteps in their careers by sharing knowledge and experience. ganization. Last year, we organized the "Be The Siemens Press Award, has become a Someone's Santa Clause" project for the tradition in Serbia since its launch in 2010 and Zvecanska Children's Home: our employees has grown over the past four years to become prepared gifts for each child based on what a regional project including Central and Eastthe children wished for in their letters to Santa. In addition to these projects, Siemens ern European countries. With this project, we is dedicated to providing education and wish to contribute to professional and quality support to young people as we believe that journalism by promoting excellence in writing, all talents should get the same chance of improving the quality of reporting and ensuring becoming new leaders. access to relevant topics and subject matters. - Our world is becoming increasingly digitized, from personal devices to complex systems in industry. Siemens strives to ease the transition to industry 4.0 by offering a comprehensive portfolio focusing on individual approach and customized solutions tailored to our clients' needs. The key goal is to offer added value through enhancing quality, service and resource efficiency.
Entire Society Is Behaving Like The Slowly Boiling Frog
We live in times of media tabloidisation and reality programming. Has this led to change in the tastes and expectations of those targetted by marketing messages? Do they pander to the base passions of consumers? - It seems to me that popular culture in Serbia is autistically vulgar and hermetic, while the What is the situation like on the advertising mainstream national media is fake news. The market in Serbia? Are budgets increasing or most visible and influential are those who know are we only seeing the validity of the saying very little, and they act like experts while in re“Small pond, many crocodiles”? - Experts say that when a frog is thrown ality they represent opinion-makers. This is the into boiling water it jumps out immediately, typical spreading of the Dunning-Kruger effect. but in lukewarm water it basks and doesn't The impact of this nonsense and aggression object until it is cooked. on consumers is enorIt seems to me, looking mous. It is so enormous Frogs and crocodiles at the marketing scene that classical culture and aren't only present in Serbia, that the same European cultural trends in agencies – they applies to crocodiles. If successfully play the also dominate with the “fantastic” rate of role of counter-culture. advertisers and economic growth that The answer is yes. sustainable in the Serbian media is They pander to base business terms buzzing about continpassions. Pandering works, while in fact it ues, this year we will doesn't work, because there is no growth, reach the gross social product level that rewards and celebrations, and it would be we had in 1990. We are the first in Europe good for us to reject it. The entire society is to achieve such a result. behaving like the slowly boiling frog from that That's no minor (lack of) success, so to say previous answer. Serbia is a society in which that marketing budgets this year leapt by a every fourth young man considers slapping a few percentage points compared to nothing is girl once as not being violent. fake news. On the other hand, not everything is in the budget. There is a worrying number You announced a year ago that you would be of advertisers (budgets) that consistently introducing an innovative content platform. finance campaigns, year after year, after which Did you succeed in developing that? their market share falls, so they compensate - We're slower than I'd like us to be, but we're for the difference in profit by lowering the continuing to invest in research and developquality of their products and “imperceptibly” lowering criteria. Frogs and crocodiles aren't ment. Nevertheless, we're all contemporaries only present in agencies – they also dominate of the technological revolution and it's not in with advertisers. our nature to be observers. espite satisfying business results, the CEO of agency SVA doesn't hide his concern regarding the marketing and media scene in Serbia, and for the communications market as a whole.
SVA is a creative agency for market communications, public relations and the management of reputations that has already amassed 29 years of experience in using its campaigns to shift boundaries and change views of business, brands, markets, strategies etc. SVA is large enough to respond to any challenge, yet small enough to remain flexible
We Convert Risk Into Opportunity
The UNIQA Group has been operating for more than two centuries as one of the leading European companies, due to its excellent familiarity with opportunities and the strength of its authentic brand. It moves boldly out of its comfort zone and proves surprising again and again with its campaigns
he statement “Don't seek clients for your products, but rather products for your clients” briefly summarises our philosophy. Behind all of our products stands serious investigations, market research and open and transparent communication with clients. 36
Competition among insurers has never been fers? To what extent do you rely on the demands higher, but you are maintaining your positions and expectations of the market? firmly. How are you managing to achieve that? - A particularly important role in this process - The key to the success, continued existence is played by our colleagues in sales. They are a and stability of UNIQA is authenticity, but I'm valuable channel of communication, because convinced that this is also the case with every they know how to listen to users, to understand other brand. However, being authentic in today's their needs, and then to transmit information conditions of stiff competition isn't an easy or that's crucial to improving existing products simple task. The precondition is to know and feel and developing new ones. your brand fully, to have a clear picture – of where This type of communication is at the very you were previously, where you are now and where core of our relationship towards clients, whose you want to be in the future. Only then can you needs have changed significantly compared to have the required self-confidence and courage the period of just a few years ago. Their list of to step far beyond your priorities is today topped comfort zone. A successby the need for time and Traditional channels comfort. Inspired by their ful brand strategy means represent an needs, we've created a that you will sometimes important part of our contact centre that opbe pioneers, that you will communication, as take risks with campaigns, erates 24/7, launched an insurance is still an play with humour, utilise online shop, introduced area where the “live” ambiguous slogans, take a free Viber number for word – on television, on some significant social travel insurance users, radio or in the press issue with no guarantee online payments for insur– is irreplaceable that you will have full ance rates, video footage public support. of assessments of damFor the majority of people, insurance is age and many other innovations that accompany synonymous with conservatism or rigidity and and bolster our offer. tradition, yet, despite this, our UNIQA Group has a very modern and flexible brand strategy. The Many companies have “relocated” their marketumbrella slogan "Take heart for your happiness” ing activities to social networks. Which channels inspires people to embark on new experiences of communication do you rely on? without fear, to be the heroes of their own lives - Social networks bring together billions of and to never give up. We inspire them to think users worldwide, and as such have become an with more optimism and responsibility, more unavoidable channel of communication for most successful and more secure, but also to focus companies. However, traditional channels also on everything that they can achieve knowing represent an important part of our communicathat their back is protected by UNIQA. In this tion, as insurance is still an area where the “live” way, uncertainty is converted into trust, fear into word – on television, radio or in the press – is motivation, risk into opportunities... irreplaceable, which is why we carefully adapt the approach and tone of communication for How do you create your products and your ofeach individual channel.
Holistic Approach To Communications
V + O Communication recently celebrated 10 years of work in Serbia and on this occasion made an internal review of what had been done so far. They were more than satisfied with their own achievements
e recommend all our clients to be proactive in thinking and to constantly work on building their reputation. It does not have to be too expensive, nor too ambitious, but it is important that it has a certain strategic direction and that it is continuous. Some of your campaigns have been adopted as examples of good practice and communication standards worldwide. Does this mean that the communication market in Serbia is not far behind the global market? 38
advantages. First of all, for a company with - Projects we have carried out on the Serbian a good reputation it is easier to attract good market for some multinational companies such staff, they have greater customer loyalty, not as Coca-Cola and Yazaki have been presented to mention the importance of reputation in as examples of good practice at the European the case of due diligence. and global level and adopted as communication However, we see that companies, whether standards for the whole world. from ignorance or lack of awareness of the On the other hand, with various minimportance of communication, often unconistries and institutions, through carefully planned and even more carefully implesciously endanger their reputation or they begin to deal with it only when there is a crisis mented projects, we have established some in the media and the public. It's a reactive standards that are still in place today. From approach. As profescreating a communication strategy for a sionals in this field we As there is a black negotiating chapter on are here to help them sheep in every the environment, supin these situations to flock, so it is in our better survive a crisis. porting the launch of a communications We advocate proactive nationwide campaign industry, there thinking. When things to prevent obesity, to is a huge offer, are set in this way, we the establishment of reduce the possibility some communication but relatively few of error, and if there is standards for various professionals who are an unforeseen situation, companies and institureally devoted and do the plan to deal with it tions. All this speaks in their job responsibly already exists and the favour of the fact that reaction will be timely, the marketing and PR which gives us the possibility of minimizing sector in Serbia do not differ much from the potential consequences. the regional and world scene. Is a complete absence of communication less bad than poorly conveyed messages? - We live in a society of modern technologies where everything has become available and where information spreads rapidly so that if a company decides not to communicate, there is a high likelihood that someone will do it for them, which is as bad as sending a wrong message. It is very important that the reputation you build is well designed and strategically planned, to really help the company to position itself properly on the market and achieve its goals. This has a lot of
We see that many agencies are closing down because they failed to adapt to the demands of the new age. What must a successful agency offer a client today? - With all this in mind, companies will be interested more and more in a holistic approach to communications, to have agencies like V + O, where they will be able to get all-around service in one place. On the other hand, the digital will become much more important, and some new specialized services will become more interesting. Last but not least, absolute commitment to the client is crucial.
Authenticity Appreciated
he greatest challenge in our business is to foster transparent, two-way communication between client and agency. They must know that we are always on the same side - the one that benefits their business.
of communication and marketing? - We are aware how important communication and marketing are and our clients are also becoming aware of it. We are fully dedicated to really taking care of them because they reflect our agency. It is natural for us to be more informed than our clients in terms of innovation in the PR and marketing sector, so we can keep track of them and better adapt to their needs. It is a true pleasure to be in the situation that the leading people in the companies we cooperate with want to hear us out and give us the opportunity to experiment, because they know that we are always on the same side - the one that benefits their business.
We Media Agency has not been on the market for a long time, but you have quickly gained the trust of large clients. What do you think about your agency's work in this period? - I am glad that we fought, came through and now have our place in the sun. We are growing thanks to the great effort, hard work and desire to constantly offer our clients, whether Television has What are the greatest large or small, somenot lost its power, challenges in your busithing new. I am fortuon the contrary, nate to be surrounded ness? because videos by associates who are - To keep aware and to are an increasingly constantly asking for persist. We are moving clear factor in how more, always learning towards digitalization and personally pushing and the situation someconsumers decide to me to be innovative. times changes several shop, since they spend Tr u e , w e w e r e times a day, which is more time than ever fortunate that some very difficult to follow. watching them large clients gave us the Continuous education chance to show what we of staff is needed beknow, and I believe that we have not let them cause we are expected to offer ever better down. What remains is the everyday task of and more innovative content. However, what working hard, learning more and justifying will most likely remain the greatest challenge the trust shown us. lies in developing transparent, two-way client-agency communication, which greatly You have an impressive portfolio of clients. contributes to the excellent relationship Have we become aware of the importance between companies and their clients.
The We Media Agency does not have a long tradition, but its marketing and PR strategies are the talk of the town both among clients and colleagues, because they always offer something new. They are learning every day and are improving themselves to justify the client’s trust
What is the future of communication? - As a person who has spent more than a decade in the world of media, the number one word for me will always be - content. Truth be told, content has lately increasingly moved to digital media, but television is still in the race. Exactly because the offer has never been larger, authenticity is what is valued. So that combined with knowledge, imagination will save us. COMMUNICATIONS