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We Are Investing In Equipment And Quality Of Service

After successes

In 2022, Montenegrin Telekom saw financial growth and higher revenues, the highest growth it its postpaid base on the market, a growth of over 40% in prepaid and excellent results in the summer season. “All in all, 2022 was a very successful year”, says Stjepan Udovičić, CEO of Montenegrin Telekom.


Which project started or implemented in 2022 would you single out as having a special significance for industry and the public?

- The previous year in Telekom was marked by investment worth 15 million euros, so it is difficult to single out one project. If I have to make a priority, then it would be the pioneering launch of the commercial 5G network, the major modernization of the optical network, and the improvement of digital services that we worked on recently.

This gave Telekom the largest 5G and 4G networks in the country at the end of last year – we launched the first 5G network in Montenegro, which is now available to ¾ of the population in almost all towns. In addition, at the auction in which all three mobile operators participated, we leased the most 5G spectrum – the lifeblood of the network – creating conditions for gigabit speeds in the mobile network. In parallel, we brought the optical network to those parts of the country where we did not have such infrastructure until now. This has led to an increase in the fiber optic user base by as much as 17%, and an increase in satisfaction because our fiber optic users have fewer failures, achieve superior speeds - up to 1Gbps - and have a reliable wireless network. Thanks to all these activities we saw an increase in user satisfaction in all categories, so in 2022 we finished with the highest user satisfaction index on the market. Finally, we are particularly proud that eTrust – Telekom's trust services – are recognized as a very important digital service for industry and the public, so last year we received the Chamber of Commerce award for innovation for this platform, and Deutsche Telekom's award, in competition with 22 projects from the whole of DT Group.

What will you be focusing on this year?

- Certainly online and new customer services. But I would go a step further and say that it is time to “zoom out” and expand the picture to all stakeholders, including our staff. You see, companies like Telekom whose shares are traded on the stock exchange are often particularly focused on shareholders so decisions are often made first and foremost with their satisfaction in mind. However, we must not forget the users, to whom Telekom is especially dedicated, but also our staff, whose work brings the company good results. The staff of Crnogorski Telekom therefore have working conditions and benefits that are not offered by many companies in the country, benefits worth several million euros, which cover all aspects of their private lives (from medical treatment, through recreation, to summer and winter holidays) and professional lives (increase in earnings, continuous education, a modern performance management scheme that I believe will make the results even better in the coming years). In this and the following years, we will especially focus on further improving these conditions and remain a company that other Montenegrin employers look up to.

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