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Less than a month before 21st May, when it marks Independence Day, Montenegro received its 43rd government, led by Prime Minister Dr Dritan Abazović. Since he took office on 28th April, members of his cabinet have set to work with great optimism and even greater plans and ambitions, all with the aim of providing their compatriots with stability, progress and a better life.

The United States, all EU member states and 32 non-EU countries have issued a Declaration on the Future of the Internet, which sets priorities for an open, free, global, interoperable, reliable and secure internet. The Declaration on the Future of the Internet was presented in Washington DC and attended by former Montenegrin Minister of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media Tamara Srzentić.
The principles of the Declaration include obligations to protect the human rights and freedoms of all people; promoting a global internet that encourages the free flow of information; promoting inclusive and accessible connectivity so that all people benefit from the digital economy; building trust in the global digital ecosystem, including privacy protection; and protecting and strengthening multi-stakeholder access that ensures the internet benefits all.
“Montenegrins are ready to use digital tools and services, while a large number of companies are already feeling the benefits of existing online content. However, there is a need to accelerate the development of digital services that are simple and facilitate access to the public administration. Digital literacy is growing, and two-thirds of citizens confirm that they have skills in using the internet. At the same time, awareness of and trust in e-services are growing, with 52% of the public and 64% of companies stating that they have full confidence in the security of e-services.” This was the conclusion of research presented at a conference on the current state, experience and future of the digital transformation of the public administration in Montenegro, organised under the scope of the project E-services and Digital Infrastructure in Response to COVID-19, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP in cooperation with the Montenegrin Ministry of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media. This Ministry also provided 10,000 electronic ID card readers as an incentive to the digitalisation process.

Under the scope of the project Technical Assistance for Capacity Support to the Transport Sector and EU Acquis Alignment in Montenegro, the Ministry of Capital Investment, in cooperation with the Police Directorate Department of Traffic Safety, organised the new training of trasport police officers to record data on traffic accidents in accordance with the CADaS protocol. A new form of the Investigation Report was prepared, containing all the necessary data in accordance with EU requirements, with instructions on the use of the new report. Forty transport police officers were trained on the collecting of data on traffic accidents in road accident investigations. The training of 40 further officials and the implementation of the new report will enable comparability of data on traffic accidents across the EU, as well as improved analysis of the current situation and identification of road safety problems, resulting in strategic documents and improved road safety management.

“Better living and working conditions, but also the appreciation of scientific research work, are needed to keep young scientists in Montenegro and those who have returned to their country from abroad,” said Minister of Science and Technological Development Biljana Šćepanović, speaking about the completion of works on the Science and Technology Park and the future plans of this newly formed Ministry.

Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Admir Adrović met with UNDP Resident Representative in Montenegro Daniel Gašparikov to discuss social protection, the Social Welfare Information System ISSS and the so-called e-social card, the protection of persons with disabilities and genderbased violence.
They agreed that the scope of this department's work is of great importance to the public, as it includes care for the most vulnerable and the fairer distribution of material benefits and social services.
The Government of Montenegro intends to pay special attention to social policy, which is high on the list of priorities. UNDP Resident Representative Gašparikov stressed the UNDP's readiness to continue supporting the Ministry in implementing social protection policies.
Funds allocated for the implementation of agricultural policy measures for 2022 amount to 50.9 million euros, of which allocations from the national budget are 35.9 million euros, up 33% on last year and 47% more than in 2020. Direct payments for crop production for all arable land have been increased from 220 to 250 euros/ha, with an additional 10 euros/ha for young farmers and a total commitment of 3.2 million euros. A sum of 5.5 million euros has been earmarked for direct payments for livestock production, which has enabled premiums to be increased this year. The premium per head in cattle breeding has been increased from 75 to 85 euros per head, and direct payments for the dairy sector related to on-farm processing and milk purchased by companies have increased from 25% to 33%. Premiums in pig breeding have been increased from 60 to 100 euros, and the premium per head of pregnant pure-breed heifers of known origin has increased from 50 to 150 euros. To strengthen the livestock fund, the Ministry has allocated a million euros for the purchase of highly productive pregnant heifers, where the subsidy will be 70%, and over 30% more funds have been allocated for the purchase of higher quality seed for artificial insemination. A special focus was placed on the development of roads and rural infrastructure and the procurement of machinery.

Minister of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism Ana Novaković Đurović has exchanged information with the Head of the Office of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Montenegro Remon Zakaria on projects to expand the Regional Water Supply System and wastewater management, but also on energy and energy efficiency projects and improving the efficiency of water supplies by replacing asbestos-cement pipes. “In the coming period, we will pay special attention to EBRD projects that can contribute to the further development of Montenegro's infrastructure in terms of waste management, because resolving open issues in this area is vital to meeting the requirements of Chapter 27 and accelerating the European integration process,” announced Minister Novaković Đurović.
Zakaria pointed out to Minister Novaković that he expects more intensive cooperation, not only to complete existing projects, but also to strengthen local government capacities in order to develop and make use of the infrastructure built.