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Always At The



Comtrade System Integration has existed for more than 20 years as part of the Comtrade Group, which has been operating successfully for more than three decades. In Serbia, CTSI has two technology campuses, and the Ljubljana office manages all the company's capacities located in Serbia and B-H.

Working with industry leaders allows us to be positioned at the source of information on upcoming trends and technologies, and thus prepare well, which is a very important aspect of our dynamic IT industry ~ explains Mr Milićević.

■ We know that Comtrade System Inte-

gration is the leading regional system integrator. What does it mean to work with you?

- In the two decades of our operations, we have achieved the highest partner status with global IT giants like Microsoft, IBM, CISCO, HP, VMware, DELL and many others. This tradition of successful collaboration is also reflected in hundreds of clients from financial institutions, private and large business systems, TELCO industry actors and numerous public institutions, who have had the opportunity to witness the quality of our services in over 1,000 delivered projects. This is due to the expertise and dedication of our engineers, solution architects, business analysts and other highly qualified experts we employ in Serbia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

A common condition on certain calls for bids and tenders is the formal status that the bidder company should have with a particular vendor, where the statuses we have achieved over the years - Microsoft Gold, IBM Platinum, CISCO Gold, DELL Titanium - are just some of the competitive advantages that enable us to be successful.

■ We know that in Serbia as many as 73%

of banks and more than 40 public institutions use your services. Are you similarly positioned and competitive in Slovenia?

The strategic direction of our future development is aimed at parallel development of our own solutions, for our existing and future clients

- We have two technology campuses in Serbia, where, in addition to developers, our colleagues from the field of business analytics and business support processes work. Our strength is evenly distributed throughout the region, which has been recognised by numerous clients from Slovenia, such as the NLB Group, Triglav, SID Bank and many others.

The history of our company is also deeply interwoven with the tradition that Comtrade has in Slovenia: companies that until recently were members of the group, Comtrade Solution Engineering and HYCU, were actually mostly created in the acquisition of Slovenian company Hermes Soft Lab in 2008. So, at the level of the group, as well as the Integration System, the Slovenian market has been very well known for almost 15 years.

■ You help companies improve their

business models, but so do others. What is your competitive advantage?

- Thanks to the size of our company, by which I mean the range of the portfolio, Comtrade System Integration is practically a ‘one-stop-shop’ for our clients and all their IT needs. Also, sharing certain capacities that other companies in the CT group brought has added value, CTSI today has the opportunity to offer custom development services in addition to operating as a system integrator, which relieves us of the pressure of depending on any vendor. Of course, we are still a system integrator and relations with our vendors are invaluable, but the strategic direction of our future development is aimed at parallel development of our own solutions, for our existing and future clients.

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