E2E LEADS TO TRIPLE-WIN A total of 1,678 young people have so far completed 127 on-the-job training programmes, with more than 77 per cent of the young people who completed the training immediately gaining employment within the same company. The results of E2E are seen through young people who are satisfied to have gained employment and companies that are happy to find motivated young workers overwhelming interest, with the E2E fulfilling a niche and leading to a triple-win,” says E2E Project Director Oliver Streit. This eight-year project has a total value of 28.7 million euros and the 2nd phase (2020-2023) has seen Switzerland and Serbia continue to contribute jointly to
Based on the experiences of the 132 companies involved in this training in previous years, we see overwhelming interest, with the E2E fulfilling a niche and leading to a triple-win
he “Education to Employment” (E2E) project, a multi-annual partnership project of two governments, Swiss and Serbian, which was designed to support the development of an environment conducive to improved youth employment, published a new April 2022 call for employers, entitled “Employees to Fit your Business”. Since 2016, together with the relevant ministries and institutions, the private sector, CSOs and local governments, the E2E project has been advocating the improvement
of employment policies that would enable young people to gain an inclusive and sustainable position on the labour market. “I believe that the response of employers within the scope of the fourth call, Work-Based Learning (WBL) Training Platform, is now already astonishing and indicates that more companies are seeking qualified young workers, which is an area where the E2E - with its structured approach to training - has proven successful. So far, based on the experiences of the 132 companies involved in this training in previous years, we see
project implementation, namely the Swiss Government with 8.9 million euros and the Government
of Serbia with 4.5 million euros. A total of 1,678 young people have so far completed 127 on-the-job training programmes, with more than 77 per cent of the young people who completed the training immediately gaining employment. “We want to influence the modernisation of youth employment, so that by learning through practical work young people will acquire skills that are in demand and that will help them find their future job faster and easier. At the same time, we help companies find new and adequate personnel who will acquire the necessary competencies required on the labour market. This is a unique opportunity to create a youth employment support system that’s tailormade just for Serbia, and our results are seen through satisfied, employed young
people, as well as through happy companies that find a motivated, young workforce,” says Streit.