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AmCham Serbia’s traditional landmark event, the Lap Time Conference, was held for the tenth consecutive time in 2022 and was opened by AmCham Serbia President Stefan Lazarević, while Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić and U.S. Ambassador Christopher Hill gave keynote speeches.

The survey that identified the key reform priorities was presented. The vast majority of AmCham companies (86%) believed their business results would meet or exceed projections in 2022, despite the Ukraine crisis. Member companies that have also reported negative impacts of the crisis have faced falling profits (20 percent), revenues (14 percent), and planned investment (16 percent), with effects on employment remaining minimal. AmCham members expected to sustain their current operations in 2023, or even to grow, with 96 percent planning to retain or expand their workforce.


Discussion with relevant government ministers shed light on how to steer reforms towards the removing of key obstacles that hinder faster economic growth in these very challenging times.

FEBRUARY 8, 2023

Amcham Serbia General Assembly Meeting

AmCham ended 2022 with the greatest ever number of member companies. As AmCham Executive Director Vera Nikolić Dimić underlined during the presentation of the AmCham Annual Report, the association boasts 231 international and local companies operating in Serbia, which have collectively invested over €14 billion and employ more than 100,000 Serbian citizens.

AmCham Serbia President Stefan Lazarević emphasized four priority areas that will be in the focus of the association: continuing the digital transformation of society and the economy, fully implementing the green agenda for an environmentally friendly and energy efficient Serbia, enhancing the health care system, and assisting regional initiatives in support of Serbia’s EU integration, including the Open Balkan initiative.

The members’ vote saw Igor Lončarević of KPMG elected Secretary Treasurer, while Marko Martinović of PepsiCo becoming Untitled Governor.

The event’s keynote speaker was U.S. Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill.


Recognizing the significant efforts that companies invest in ESG, AmCham Serbia and consulting firm Kearney launched the ESG Champions initiative in late 2022. It aimed to recognize companies that achieve the best results in environmental protection, social responsibility, and conscientious corporate governance.

The conference saw company IKEA announced and awarded as 2023 ESG Champion.

The award ceremony was followed by three swift panel discussions that brought together business representatives to highlight the importance of developing a green portfolio for enhancing global competitiveness, generational and cultural differences as an opportunity for maximizing business performance, and the best responsible corporate governance practices.

The event highlighted the best ESG practices in the local market and promoted discussion about the common mistakes companies make in implementing ESG strategies and ways to avoid them.


A conference entitled ‘Regional Economic Cooperation – Open Balkan Initiative: What can businesses expect?’ focused on regional economic cooperation platforms and the needs of companies for continued integration. A ministerial panel comprised Serbian Minister for European Integration Tanja Miščević and Serbian Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirović, while representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, National Bank of Serbia, and other relevant institutions shared their views on the panel debates covering the free movement of goods and the free movement of capital. The event also presented research conducted jointly by AmCham in Albania, AmCham North Macedonia, and AmCham Serbia that emphasizes the potential for regional economic integration. It was stressed that some progress has been achieved in terms of the free movement of goods, while improvements are desired in terms of labor market access, the movement of capital, and the liberalization of services.

The importance of attracting foreign investors and improving trade was also highlighted.

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