Using since and for

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Using Since and For

Use since + (a specific time) like March 31, or 9:19 a.m., or Tuesday. Examples: I have been studying English since 1993. John has helped me since 10:00 this morning. Those people have been in Europe since August. Note: Because we are talking about a time in the past until now, we have to use have/has + past participle when we use since. ****** Use for + (a length of time) like 1 day, or 3 hours, or 5 years. Examples: I have been studying English for 4 years. John has helped me for 8 hours. Those people went to Europe for 2 months. Note: It is possible to use the past tense when you use for if the action is finished. Check Your Understanding Choose the correct answer. Check your answers below. 1. Leslie has lived here ten years. 2. I haven't seen you last March. 3. We sat and talked 30 minutes. 4. Young-eun studied French nine years. 5. Caroline has been learning Spanish March 1999. 6. We haven't had an earthquake 23 years. 7. I haven't heard from you Saturday. 8. Molly hasn't eaten 7:00 this morning. 9. He played basketball over 20 years. 10. Andre hasn't seen Becky yesterday. Reading Lessons • International Women's Day - A reading comprehension test on the topic of International Women's Day •

Night Study in Korea - A reading comprehension test on the topic of night studying in Korea.

History of Halloween - A reading comprehension test on the topic of Halloween.

Catching a Cold - A reading comprehension test on the topic of catching a cold

Levi's Blue Jeans - A reading comprehension test on the topic of Levi's Blue Jeans

Take a Bath! - A reading comprehension test on the topic of taking a bath.

Summer Solstice - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of the summer solstice

Test Taking Skills - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of 'test taking skills'

Improving Your English - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of Improving your English

Friendship - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of friendship

April Fool's Day - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of April Fool's Day

The Travel Bug - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of The Travel Bug.

English Around the World - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of English Around the World.

Saint Patrick's Day - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of Saint Patrick's Day.

The Alchemist - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of The Alchemist.

Using an English/English Dictionary - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of 'Using an English/English Dictionary'.

English as an International Language - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of 'English as an International Language'.

Presidents' Day - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of Presidents' Day.

St. Valentine's Day - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of St. Valentine's Day.

Ground Hog Day - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of Ground Hog Day

Television Shows - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of Television Shows

Martin Luther King, Jr. - A reading comprehension quiz on the topic of Martin Luther King, Jr.

ESL Reading Comprehension - ESL reading comprehension is important for all new English learners. To understand the basics of everyday life—from newspapers to job applications—a person will need to gain adequate English reading skills.

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Prefixes using pre-, re-, and sub- - Learn about the words that can be created from the prefixes pre-, reand sub-.

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Unicycle, Bicycle, Tricycle, and more - Learn about the prefixes uni-, bi-, tri-, quad-, quint- and more.

Caring Vocabulary - Learn vocabulary relating to the word 'Care'.

Professional Relationship Vocabulary - Learn vocabulary to describe professional relationships.

Marry/ Get Married/ Be Married - Confused how to use the words Marry / Get Married / Be Married? Our guide can help.

Using Die, Died and Dead - Learn how to use the words Die, Died and Dead correctly in a sentence.

American Words/ British Words - Learn the differences between common American and British words.

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English Vocabulary Lessons - How to develop your knowledge of English vocabulary.

istening Lessons • Dogs, Dogs, Dogs - Idioms and phrases using the word 'Dog'. •

Get the phone! - A listening exercise. Listen to the phone conversation and then answer the questions.

Listening Exercise: The Birthday Party - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions about the birthday party.

Listening Exercise: The Fishing Spot - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions about the fishing spot.

Listening Exercise: Asking about Restaurants - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions about the restaurant.

Listening Exercise: The Weather's Great! - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions about the weather.

Listening Exercise: What do you like to do? - A listening exercise: Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions.

Listening Exercise: Movies - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions regarding the movies.

Listening Exercise: Chores - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions about the family's chores.

Listening Exercise: The Job Interview - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions about the job interview.

Listening Exercise: The New Apartment - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions about the new apartment.

Listening Exercise: Let's Take a Picture - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions about the picture.

Listening Exercise: In a Hotel - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions regarding the hotel.

Listening Exercise: Shopping for Clothes - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions about shopping for clothes

Listening Exercise: Telephone Call to a Business - A listening exercise. Listen to the conversation and then answer the questions based on the telephone call.

Listening Exercise: A Thief in the Night - A listening exercise. Listen the conversation and then answer the question about the thief in the night.

English Listening Practice - Listening skills are an essential part of any language. Learn the best ways to practice speaking English.

My favorite Spanish language resources on an ESL website with scrambled exercise like activities.

I love this ESL website! More scrambled exercise to add to your Spanish Language resources list.

Another Spanish language resources for scrambled exercise challenges on this ESL website.

ronunciation Lessons • Intonation - Intonation is the rising and falling sounds of the voice when speaking. •

Intonation (Part 2) - Phrasing - In addition to the intonation of a statement, there is another aspect of speech that indicates meaning -- phrasing.

Intonation (Part 3) - Contrast - Once the intonation of new information is established, you'll soon notice that there is a pattern that breaks that flow. When you want to emphasize one thing over another, you reflect this contrast with pitch change.

Intonation (Part 4) - In any language, there are areas of overlap, where one category has a great deal in common with a different category. In this case, intonation and pronunciation have two areas of overlap.

Intonation (Part 5) - Mood and personality is an extremely important aspect of intonation, as it goes beyond what you are trying to say--it dictates how your listener will relate to you as an individual

Liaisons (Part 1) - In American English, words are not pronounced one by one. Usually, the end of one word attaches to the beginning of the next word. This is also true for initials, numbers, and spelling.

Linking Words Together - When you learn English by reading (as most people do) you tend to speak it word by word. But real English is connected together and pronounced sound by sound.

Linking Words Together (Part 2) - When you learn English by reading (as most people do) you tend to speak it word by word. But real English is connected together and pronounced sound by sound.

Liaisons (Part 4) - When the letter or sound of T, D, S or Z is followed by a word that starts with Y, or its sound, both sounds are connected.

Using æ, ä and uh - Learn how to pronounce the common sounds æ, ä and uh

Silent or Neutral? - The schwa is a neutral sound, (no distinctive characteristics), but it is the most common sound in the English language.

Pronunciation of - The American T is influenced very strongly by intonation and its position in a word or phrase. It can be a little tricky if you try to base your pronunciation on spelling alone.

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Learn ESL Pronunciation - English pronunciation can be tricky indeed—but there are numerous ways to practice and numerous resources to help guide you

ther Lessons • Phrasal Verbs using Do - Learn the many meanings of the verb 'do' •

Phrasal Verbs with Go - Learn the many meanings of the verb "go"

Phrasal Verbs with Come - Learn the many meanings of the verb "come"

Phrasal Verbs with Get - Learn the many meanings of the verb "get"

Phrasal Verbs Using - Learn the many meanings of the verb "take"

Slang and Idioms about Money - There's more than one way to talk about "money"

Idioms with clothes - A lot of English idioms use clothes to describe different situations

Idioms with Numbers - A lot of English idioms use numbers to describe different situations

Idioms that use parts of the body - A lot of English idioms use parts of the body to describe different situations

Idioms using words for weather - There are many different idioms for describing weather

Idioms using the word - The word "heart" can be used to describe many different feelings

Idioms using - Idioms using "as + adjective + as a(n) animal"

Sweet Idioms - Using a "sweet" idiom to describe feelings

Colorful Idioms - A lot of English idioms use colors to describe feelings

Award Winners - These sites are being noted because they are great resources for language students on the web

ther Lessons • Phrasal Verbs using Do - Learn the many meanings of the verb 'do' •

Phrasal Verbs with Go - Learn the many meanings of the verb "go"

Phrasal Verbs with Come - Learn the many meanings of the verb "come"

Phrasal Verbs with Get - Learn the many meanings of the verb "get"

Phrasal Verbs Using - Learn the many meanings of the verb "take"

Slang and Idioms about Money - There's more than one way to talk about "money"

Idioms with clothes - A lot of English idioms use clothes to describe different situations

Idioms with Numbers - A lot of English idioms use numbers to describe different situations

Idioms that use parts of the body - A lot of English idioms use parts of the body to describe different situations

Idioms using words for weather - There are many different idioms for describing weather

Idioms using the word - The word "heart" can be used to describe many different feelings

Idioms using - Idioms using "as + adjective + as a(n) animal"

Sweet Idioms - Using a "sweet" idiom to describe feelings

Colorful Idioms - A lot of English idioms use colors to describe feelings

Award Winners - These sites are being noted because they are great resources for language students on the web

ther Lessons • Phrasal Verbs using Do - Learn the many meanings of the verb 'do' •

Phrasal Verbs with Go - Learn the many meanings of the verb "go"

Phrasal Verbs with Come - Learn the many meanings of the verb "come"

Phrasal Verbs with Get - Learn the many meanings of the verb "get"

Phrasal Verbs Using - Learn the many meanings of the verb "take"

Slang and Idioms about Money - There's more than one way to talk about "money"

Idioms with clothes - A lot of English idioms use clothes to describe different situations

Idioms with Numbers - A lot of English idioms use numbers to describe different situations

Idioms that use parts of the body - A lot of English idioms use parts of the body to describe different situations

Idioms using words for weather - There are many different idioms for describing weather

Idioms using the word - The word "heart" can be used to describe many different feelings

Idioms using - Idioms using "as + adjective + as a(n) animal"

Sweet Idioms - Using a "sweet" idiom to describe feelings

Colorful Idioms - A lot of English idioms use colors to describe feelings

Award Winners - These sites are being noted because they are great resources for language students on the web

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