Core Learning PD Brochure

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Educational Services | 313 West Winton Avenue, Hayward, California 94544

Core Learning Professional Development


Professional Development At-A-Glance Conferences Title


Date Time

Common Core-Aligned ELA/ELD Materials Fair

Coaches, administrators, teachers


8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

English Learner Conference

Coaches, administrators, teachers


8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Full-Day Workshops Title


Date Time

Academic Vocabulary Development

ELA, SS, Sci, Core Teachers (3-12)


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Argument Writing for the Common Core (Elementary)

TK-5 Teachers


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Argument Writing for the Common Core (Secondary)

ELA, SS, Sci, Core Teachers (6-12)


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Teaching Grammar with the Common Core

ELA, SS, Sci, Core Teachers (3-12)


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

ELA/ELD Framework Workshop

ELA, SS, Sci, Core Teachers (TK-12)


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Argument Writing for the Common Core (Elementary)

ELA, SS, Sci, Core Teachers (TK-5)


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Argument Writing for the Common Core (Secondary)

ELA, SS, Sci, Core Teachers (6-12)


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Partial-Day Workshops Title


Date Time

Core Six Strategies (Elementary)

ELA, SS, Sci, Core Teachers (TK-5)


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Core Six Strategies (Secondary)

ELA, SS, Sci, Core Teachers (6-12)


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Google Apps for Literacy

ELA, SS, Sci, Core Teachers (3-5)


3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Creating SBAC-like Performance Tasks

ELA, SS, Sci, Core Teachers (3-12)


8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Google Apps for Literacy

ELA, SS, Sci, Core Teachers (6-12)


3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.





Date Time

ERWC High School Series (Martinez USD)

High School ELA teachers


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

ERWC High School Series (Solano COE)


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

ERWC High School Series


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

ERWC for Returning Teachers (ACOE)

High School ELA teachers


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

ERWC Middle School Series (ACOE)

Middle School ELA teachers


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

ERWC High School Series (San Mateo COE)


8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.


4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Critical Reading Strategies for the Common Core

High School ELA teachers

High School ELA teachers

High School ELA teachers


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

ELA/Science/Social Studies Teachers (6-12)


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Common Core Curriculum Module Development with LDC ELA/Science/Social Studies Teachers (3-12)


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Core Learning Professional Development



Date Time

CORE Coaching Network

Content area coaches, district administrators


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Summits Title


Date Time

Common Core Summit (K-5)

Parents/ Teachers/ Students


9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Common Core Summit (6-12)

Parents/ Teachers/ Students


9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Problem Solving Institute

Parents/ Teachers/ Students


9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.




Core Coaching Network

Partial Day Workshops Title


Date Time

Navigating the Common Core

Teachers/ Coaches/ District Personnel


4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Building a Rigorous Math Classroom

Teachers/ Coaches/ District Personnel


4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Facilitating High Level Math Discussions

Teachers/ Coaches/ District Personnel


4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Transform Practice with Lesson Study

Teachers/ Coaches/ District Personnel


4:00 – 6:00 p.m.


Core Learning Professional Development



Audience: TK-12 administrators, coaches, and teachers Date: 10-3-14 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Has the recent deluge of CCSS-aligned materials left you feeling overwhelmed? ACOE’s ELA/ELD materials fair provides a structured environment so that you can navigate your way through a variety of CCSS aligned materials. Participants will: • View a wide variety of TK-12 supplemental and SBE recommended materials and online programs • Learn more about these materials and programs through structured 30-minute presentations • Receive free samples of materials and get their questions answered by publisher representatives The Alameda County Office of Education will host a wide range of online ELA and ELD programs and materials— both core and supplemental—for grades TK-12. Publishers will have their materials on display and each publisher will give a 30-minute presentation on their materials. Come and view State Board of Education recommended ELA programs (Reading Wonders and English 3D ) as well as SBE recommended ELD programs (Inside, Reach, California on Our Way to English). Supplemental materials include non-fiction leveled readers, National Geographic, What’s Happening in the US. Online programs include Lexia Core 5 and Reading Assistant. Additional core curriculum such as Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) for high school and middle school will also be there!


English Learner Conference with Keynote Kate Kinsella

Audience: TK-12 administrators, coaches, teachers, and board members Date: 2-21-14 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. Are you looking for research-based strategies and approaches to teaching the CCSS to ensure that your English learners are able to meet these rigorous standards? Do you want clear examples of lessons that show how to effectively integrate the new ELD standards? If so, please join educators throughout Alameda County for ACOE’s English Learner Conference, where you will be provided with many practical, research-based strategies that you can implement immediately in your classroom. Participants will: • Be exposed to high quality, engaging mini lessons aligned with the CCSS for ELA/Literacy and the New ELD Standards • Learn about the important role that vocabulary development plays in the CCSS • Practice strategies that explicitly teach academic language and foster academic language use in the classroom Come hear Kate Kinsella, this year’s keynote speaker, inspire educators to up the level of academic discourse in their classrooms through her clear and explicit modeling of research-based strategies to ensure that our English learners engage in meaningful academic discourse throughout the school day. Dr. Kinsella will follow up with two break-out sessions. Additional break out sessions will address teaching math to English learners and creating thematic units aligned with the CCSS and New ELD Standards.

Core Learning Professional Development

FULL-DAY WORKSHOPS Academic Vocabulary Development

Audience: ELA/Science/Social Studies Teachers (Grade 3-12) Date: 10-7-14 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Do you want to learn how to hold BOTH yourself and your students accountable for using academic vocabulary in your classroom? Then join us for the Academic Vocabulary Development workshop! Participants will: • Learn to model academic language verbally for their students • Engage in strategies to teach students academic language explicitly • Discover techniques to promote students’ use of academic language in class • Have time to incorporate what they have learned into their own lessons and unit plans • Leave the workshop with a wide array of teaching materials and techniques that are classroom-ready The Common Core State Standards have created demanding expectations for our students. By teaching both Tier 2 (cross-curricular) and Tier 3 (domain-specific) academic vocabulary to students, teachers can support their students in meeting the demands of all of the Common Core Strands: reading, writing, language, and speaking & listening.

Argument Writing for the Common Core (Elementary) Audience: Multiple Subject Teachers (Grades TK-5) Dates: 10-23-14, 4-23-15 Time: 8:30 a.m – 3:00 p.m.

Do your students struggle when asked to provide reasons for their opinions? This session will focus on the importance of getting students to master the art of opinion/argument writing.

In order to be college and career ready, students need to master argument writing independently and ondemand! The Common Core calls for students to be able to formulate a written argument that is supported by textual evidence. Elementary students need to write opinions with reasons early on and this workshop will show teachers how. Enhanced by technology, and utilizing the Literacy Design Collaborative’s Task Templates, participants will leave the workshop with tasks and activities ready for classroom use. This session has been designed specifically for TK-5 teachers.

Argument Writing for the Common Core (Secondary)

Audience: ELA/Science/Social Studies Teachers (Grades 6-12) Dates: 10-22-14, 5-5-15 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


Literacy Offerings

Do your students struggle when asked to cite textual evidence? This session will focus on the importance of getting students to master the art of the argument. Participants will: • Learn about the special place of argument outlined in the Common Core State Standards for ELA & Literacy • Explore how to leverage argument writing across curriculum to ensure students meet the demands of the English Language Arts Smarter Balanced Assessment • Collaboratively create engaging Common Core aligned performance tasks and activities for immediate classroom use In order to be college and career ready, students need to master argument writing independently and ondemand! The Common Core calls for students to be able to formulate a written argument that is supported by textual evidence. This workshop will provide participants with the information and tools they need to meet this challenge head on. Enhanced by technology, and utilizing the Literacy Design Collaborative’s Task Templates, participants will leave the workshop with tasks and activities ready for classroom use. This session has been designed specifically for secondary content teachers.

Participants will: • Learn about the special place of opinion/argument writing outlined in the Common Core State Standards for ELA & Literacy • Explore how to leverage opinion writing in the instructional day to ensure students meet the demands of the English Language Arts Smarter Balanced Assessment • Collaboratively create engaging Common Core aligned performance tasks and activities for immediate classroom use


Core Learning Professional Development


Teaching Grammar with the Common Core


Do you feel frustrated when you see the same grammatical errors appear, time and time again, in your students’ writing? In this workshop…

Core Six Strategies (Elementary)

Audience: ELA/Science/Social Studies Teachers (3-12) Date: 12-4-14 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Participants will: • Learn to teach grammar like they have never taught it before…rhetorically! • Shift their perspectives on when and why grammar rules can be broken • Learn to improve their students’ writing by making students aware of their writing choices • Understand how to give more valuable feedback on student writing This course veers away from the traditional drill-and-kill approach, to one that is more Common Core appropriate: we will focus on teaching grammar through students’ writing. In this way, teachers will be able to promote stronger grammatical skills while ensuring the application of these skills in their students’ written products.

ELA/ELD Framework Workshop

Audience: K-12 teachers, coaches and administrators Date: 1-26-14 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Are you curious about how ELD will be taught in light of the CCSS and the New ELD Standards? What does integrated ELD really mean? In this workshop, participants will: • Learn about the new ELA/ELD Framework • Gain a better understanding of why the ELD standards were created to work in tandem with the ELA Framework • Learn how academic language should be taught • What an integrated ELD lesson looks like This workshop will give participants an overview of the philosophy and research behind the creation of the CCSS ELA standards and ELD standards and how these standards should be implemented in the classroom.

Audience: Multiple Subject Teachers (Grades TK-5) Date: 12-9-14 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. You have seen the new standards, but what instructional strategies will actually help to implement them into meaningful instruction? In this session… Participants will: • Be exposed to an overview of six powerful strategies that are aligned to the Common Core • Dive deeply into two of the strategies • Leave with ready-to-use classroom activities that can be applied to tomorrow’s lesson plan The Core Six is a powerful resource for classroom instruction in the age of aligning to the Common Core State Standards. Each of the six strategies is backed by research, and is easy to implement in any content area and any grade level. These are strategies that teachers can use again and again.

Core Six Strategies (Secondary)

Audience: ELA/Science/Social Studies Teachers (6-12) Date: 12-9-14 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. You have seen the new standards, but want to learn instructional strategies that will help you implement the CCSS effectively? In this session… Participants will: • Be exposed to an overview of six powerful strategies that are aligned to the Common Core • Dive deeply into 3 of the strategies • Leave with ready-to-use classroom activities that can be applied to tomorrow’s lesson plan The Core Six is a powerful resource for classroom instruction in the age of the Common Core State Standards. Each of the six strategies is backed by research, and is easy to implement in any content area and any grade level. These are strategies that teachers can use again and again. There will be breakout sessions for elementary and secondary teachers.


Core Learning Professional Development

Multiple Subject Teachers (Grades 3-5) Date: 1-15-15 Time: 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Have you always heard great things about Google apps, but never had time to explore them? If so, this workshop is for you. Participants will: • Learn about a plethora of Google apps for elementary literacy instruction • Have the opportunity to explore how to incorporate these apps into their instruction in a guided environment This partial-day workshop will provide a useful overview of the apps that Google provides to support teachers and students. Teachers will be exposed to a handful of key applications that will enhance student engagement and collaboration, as well as save teachers time. This session has been designed specifically for elementary teachers (grades 3-5).

Google Apps for Literacy (Secondary)

Audience: ELA/Science/Social Studies Teachers (Grades 6-12) Date: 3-9-15 Time: 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Have you always heard great things about Google apps, but never had time to explore them? Then this workshop is for you. Participants will: • Learn about a plethora of Google apps for secondary literacy instruction • Have the opportunity to explore these apps and how to use them with their students in a guided environment This partial-day workshop will provide a useful overview of the apps that Google provides to support teachers and students. Teachers will be exposed to a handful of key applications that will enhance student engagement and collaboration, as well as save teachers time. This session has been designed specifically for secondary teachers.


Google Apps for Literacy (Elementary)

Creating SBAC-like Performance Tasks

Audience: Multiple Subject and ELA/Science/Social Studies Teachers (Grades 3-12) Date: 3-3-15 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 12:30p.m. Are you interested in learning how to write performance tasks aligned to the new SBAC Assessments? This session will focus on how to write clear teaching tasks that will put both you and your students on track for success with the SBAC Performance Tasks and beyond! Participants will: • Deconstruct a SBAC Performance Task to deepen understanding of the demands of the assessment • Explore common pitfalls associated with developing CCSS aligned performance tasks • Collaborate with colleagues to write clear, SBAC-like Performance Task for your content Through interactive hands on activities and enhanced by technology, this session will guide participants through a process to create a Common Core aligned Performance Task for immediate classroom use.


Core Learning Professional Development


SERIES Audience: High School English Teachers and Coaches

Audience: High school English teachers who have already attended a 3.5 day ERWC workshop Date: 8-18-14 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Are you a high school English teacher who is ready to implement engaging non-fiction texts using a curriculum that fosters critical thinking and evidence-based argumentation? If so, the ERWC High School Series is just right for you.

Are you an experienced ERWC teacher who attended a 3.5 day workshop before the summer of 2013? If so, come join a community of experienced ERWC teachers to learn about the newest version of the 12th Grade Expository Reading and Writing Course!

Participants will:

Participants will:

• Learn how to implement the 12th Grade Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) lessons in their classrooms • Examine connections between the 12th Grade ERWC curriculum and the skills necessary meet the demands of the CCSS, career and college. • Acquire strategies and knowledge of what it means to read and write rhetorically through a relentless focus on the text • Learn the ways in which ERWC modules strategically develop the ability of students to integrate and build knowledge from complex texts through all strands of reading, writing, speaking/listening and language

• Learn about the many changes and improvements to the newest edition of the 12th grade ERWC curriculum • Receive a copy of semester one and semester two binders • Acquire additional strategies and knowledge of what it means to read and write rhetorically through a relentless focus on the text

ERWC High School Series (Martinez USD)

The ERWC high school curriculum was created collaboratively by high school teachers and CSU professors in 2005 to better prepare high school students for the demands of college reading and writing. Participants will learn research-based strategies that emphasize the indepth study of expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing. They will become familiar with the ERWC curriculum and have a chance to implement the curriculum with support and guidance during the series. Series 1: San Mateo County Office of Education Dates: December 4-5, 2014 & February 3 & April 30, 2015 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and 4:30-7:00 p.m. on April 30 only Series 2: Martinez Dates: August 4- 5 & October 14, 2014 & March 17, 2015 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 – 7:00 pm on March 17 only Series 3: CSU East Bay/Alameda County Office of Education Dates: August 11-12 & November 19, 2014 & January 21, 2015 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. on January 21 only Series 4: Solano County Office of Education Dates: August 6-7 & November 13, 2014 & January 22, 2015 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. on January 22 only 8

ERWC for Returning Teachers

The latest edition of the 12th Grade ERWC contains several major changes including new modules, revised versions of modules from the previous edition, and an even more integrated approach to teaching grammar. Other exciting improvements include a stronger focus on formative assessment, speaking and listening, and the use of digital media.

ERWC Middle School Series (ACOE)

Audience: Middle school ELA teachers (Social studies teachers are also welcome!) Date: 10-21-14, 1-8-15, 3-26-15 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Are you a middle school English teacher who is ready to implement a thoughtfully created curriculum aligned to the CCSS that fosters critical thinking and evidence-based argumentation? Is so, the ERWC Middle School curriculum and series is just right for you. Participants will: • Gain the knowledge and skills necessary to implement ERWC modules and strategies in their classrooms • Learn what it means to read and write rhetorically through a relentless focus on the text • Examine the ways in which ERWC modules strategically develop the ability of students to integrate and build knowledge from complex texts through all strands of reading, writing, speaking/listening and language • Understand the ways in which ERWC methodology and materials are aligned to Common Core The ERWC high school curriculum was created collaboratively by high school teachers and CSU professors in 2005 to better prepare high school students for the demands of college reading and writing. Due to its overwhelming popularity, and in light of the CCSS, district leaders and teachers requested the creation of middle Core Learning Professional Development

This session will guide participants through a process for designing Common Core aligned curriculum using Literacy Design Collaborative’s Core Tools, a free, vetted online module creation tool and curriculum library. Please note that this session requires participants to bring a laptop computer or tablet device and is a 2-day series.

Critical Reading Strategies for the Common Core (Secondary)


Audience:ELA/Science/Social Studies Teachers (6-12) Dates: 1-21-15 & 3-19-15 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Are you ready to learn new strategies to teach your students to read closely and critically? If you are interested in teaching your students critical reading strategies that will help them comprehend increasingly complex texts, this workshop is for you. Participants will: • Learn strategies to support students in gaining a deeper understanding of informational text • Participate in collaborative activities that model good teaching practices • Practice these strategies with their colleagues • Develop lessons using these strategies for use in their classrooms This series focuses on the explicit teaching of active reading strategies across content areas. Using AVID and other sound pedagogical practices and materials, teachers will be able to help their students annotate, analyze, and write about complex texts, which in turn will help support students’ College and Career Readiness.

Common Core Curriculum Module Development with Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)

Audience: Multiple Subject and ELA/Science/Social Science Teachers (Grade 3-12) Dates: 2-12-15 & 5-19-15 Time: 8:30 – 3:00 p.m.

CORE Coaching Network

Audience: Content area instructional coaches and other school/district instructional leaders Dates: 10-14-14 02-10-15 11-18-14 03-10-15 12-09-14 04-14-15 01-13-15 06-02-15 Time(s) 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. If you are an instructional leader who enjoys learning and networking with other leaders in the county, then this workshop is for you. Participants will: • Learn and be able to share best leadership practices for adult learning, as well as for facilitating school-wide and/ or district-wide transformation • Develop a strong community through shared expertise and time to network with neighboring districts • Deepen their Common Core content knowledge • Advance their design and delivery for 21st century curriculum, instruction, and professional development, including cutting-edge technology tools • Strengthen their systems thinking and strategic planning practices


school modules. Participants will learn research based strategies that emphasize the in-depth study of expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing. They will become familiar with the ERWC middle school curriculum and have a chance to implement the curriculum with support and guidance during the series.

The CORE Coaching Network is a powerful forum that will equip you with the tools you need to implement the Common Core in a way that is meaningful. Come join us!

Do you have great ideas about curriculum but need some tools to get the work done more efficiently? This workshop will guide participants through a curriculum development process that utilizes a dynamic online framework and module creation tool. Participants will: • Review and reflect on the shifts required for Common Core Literacy Standards and assessments • Utilize Literacy Design Collaborative’s Core Tools to design performance tasks and Skills Ladder resulting in a CCSS aligned module for classroom instruction • Identify and apply strategies for differentiation 9

Core Learning Professional Development


Math Professional Development

SUMMITS Common Core Summit (K-5) Audience: Parent/Teacher/Student Date: 10-11-14 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

How will the CCSS affect teaching and learning in mathematics? Participants will: • Learn about new topics under Common Core • Understand Common Core Homework — Parents: How to Help Your Child with CC Homework — Teachers: Supporting Student Learning through Strategic Homework Assignments In this training, participants will discover how the Common Core State Standards will affect math teaching and learning for students. Topics will include the critical areas of focus for each grade; classroom structures to support rigorous discussions and learning; deepening student understanding (and clarifying misconceptions); and what to expect as a student and parent for this year. There will be breakout sessions for various stakeholder groups.

Problem Solving Institute: How the Common Core Mathematical Practices Relate to the Maker Movement Audience: Parents/ Teachers/ Students Date: TBD Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Come make something! The Mathematical Practices addressed in the Common Core Standards prepare our students to become problem-solvers in every facet of their lives. • Deepen understanding of the possibilities for Making in the classroom • Learn problem solving strategies that can help solve any problem • Experience problematic problems The Mathematical Practices addressed in the Common Core State Standards prepare our students to become problem-solvers in every facet of their lives. This is a day dedicated to the fun and exciting world of Problem Solving, where students, teachers, and parents will have various opportunities to apply their math and problemsolving skills. Come and experience an assortment of non-traditional problems to work your thinking muscles and understand why the Mathematical Practices must be an integral part of every math classroom. All participants will leave with strategies and tools to improve student problem-solving abilities.

Common Core Summit (6-12)

Audience: Parents/ Teachers/ Students Date: 2-28-15 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. What do students need to be successful in college? This summit brings together parents, teachers, and students with university faculty to answer the question, “What do students need in math to be successful in college?” Expect to have your assumptions questioned and leave with a new plan of success for your student(s). • Hear first hand what professors and admissions officers are looking for • Learn about the course options students have to build these skills besides AP Calculus How will the new standards affect students’ journeys towards becoming 21st century citizens and decisionmakers? A panel discussion with college professors and admissions officers as well as employers will address how the shifts involved with Common Core implementation empower students to be more successful after high school. Breakout sessions will address some primary considerations, including grade-specific areas of focus and resources to support student learning; trajectories and expectations of institutions of higher education; and opportunities for parents and students to clarify mathematical misconceptions. 10

Core Learning Professional Development

Navigating the Common Core: Plan, Prioritize, and Implement

Audience: K-5 Teachers/ Instructional Coaches/ District Personnel Date: 10-16-14 Time: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Develop a better understanding of Common Core and resources for implementing CCSS at your site/classroom. • New Topics Under Common Core: Cohesion and Critical areas of focus • Support and Resources — for teachers to support students Participants will leave this workshop with an overview of the content for their grade level, as well as a deeper understanding of how grade-specific critical areas of focus fit in the larger progression of mathematical learning for their students. Topics will include strategies and resources to support CCSS implementation in the classroom.

Building a Rigorous Math Classroom: Strategies for Success with Common Core

Audience: 6-12 Teachers/ Instructional Coaches/ District Personnel Date: 11-06-14 Time: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. In this interactive workshop, participants will experience strategies to facilitate rigor in the classroom. From choreographing classroom discussions to technology that supports rigorous student thinking, this session will address what a rigorous math classroom mightshould look like and how to achieve it. • Use Describe rigor in relation to Webb’s Depth of Knowledge framework to measure and assess rigor of assessment items or student tasks • Scaffold student success with high Depth of Knowledge problems How do you know if your classroom is rigorous? What should observation protocols address in order to ensure rigor? Discussion and tools for teachers as well as administrators looking to to support teachers in pursuing conceptual understanding, procedural fluency and problem-solving skillsapplications for their students.


Facilitating High Level Math Discussions: Create an Environment of Productive Conversations Audience: K-5, 6-8 Teachers/ Instructional Coaches/ District Personnel Date: 1-22-15 Time: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

In this interactive workshop, participants will experience strategies to orchestrate productive mathematical conversations that help students build understanding and make connections. • Anticipate student responses and prepare guiding questions • Make connections between student’s disparate responses • Coordinate presentations to maximize understanding



Academic discussions that further student thinking usually don’t happen accidentally. What can you as a teacher be doing to ensure that essential concepts are being highlighted and explored by students? How do you set up a lesson to make sure those fruitful discussions are happening? We will discuss specific tactics that help ensure that students are the key players in making mathematical meaning in the classroom.

Transform Practice with Lesson Study: Learn How to Create Your Own Lesson Study Community Audience: K-5, 6-8 Teachers/ Instructional Coaches/ District Personnel Date: 3-12-15 Time: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Lesson Study is an in depth look at one lesson that is planned, observed, and debriefed by a group of teachers that has the possibility to transform the practice at your school. • ACOE provides framework, space, manages network of participating educators • Train the Trainers: how to lead your own Lesson Study/PLC at your school site

Core Learning Professional Development

The Common Core Learning Team Jamie Marantz, Executive Director Jamie joined ACOE in 2013 after more than 20 years in public education in the greater Bay Area. She began her career as a high school science teacher in Oakland and Berkeley. She transitioned out of the classroom, serving as a middle school assistant principal and later as principal of Edna Brewer Middle School where she successfully turned around the school in 5 years. She continued her leadership in Oakland Unified, serving as an Executive Director for one of the Middle School Networks. Her final post before joining ACOE was Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction for North Monterey County Unified School District. Jamie is excited to bring her expertise in curriculum design, instructional pedagogy, systems reform, and professional development for teachers and administrators to fulfill ACOE Core Learning’s mission, to support and inspire schools and districts as they work to incorporate the shifts embodied in the new Common Core State Standards, NGSS, ELD and 21st Century skills.

Sasha Kirkman Sasha joined ACOE after serving in various roles in public education for almost 20 years. Sasha was an English and Social Studies teacher in NY City and Bay Area public schools and went on to collaborate with educators as a Literacy Specialist and Instructional Coach focusing on developing students’ College and Career Readiness skills. Currently Sasha works on supporting districts with ELA Common Core implementation utilizing a Universal Design for Learning approach where all students are invited to the table of rigorous scholarship. Sasha is also honored to serve the State of California as a member of the Statewide Network of Educators charged with populating and vetting resources for the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium’s Digital Library.


Juwen Lam Juwen Lam joined the ACOE team in July 2013. Currently, she supports the strategic planning and implementation of Common Core Math Standards for districts and schools in Alameda County. Juwen has served as both elementary and secondary mathematics teacher in the Oakland Unified School District and English teacher in Tianjin, China. She has extensive experience with system wide district leadership in assessment, demography and school portfolio management. Prior to joining ACOE, Juwen was the Director of Assessment at the Stupski Foundation where she researched the impact of growth mindsets on student achievement in a nationwide learning lab of schools.

Celine Liu After more than a decade as a successful math teacher in extremely diverse classrooms Celine joined the ACOE team in 2014 to support math instruction for teachers, schools, and districts serving the diverse students in Alameda County. Her passion around math education is anchored in a vision for community and individual transformation, with equity, economic and social justice serving as guiding principles behind all of her educational work. She is excited about the current shifts in math education and how they will increase the educational opportunities for our emerging young leaders.

Core Learning Professional Development

Nathalie Longree Nathalie LongrĂŠe-Guevara joined ACOE in 2002 as a coordinator of a federal grant to restructure a middle school in Alameda County to better meet the needs of their English learners. In this role, she provided intensive staff development in the areas of SDAIE, ELD, and literacy; coached teachers; and supported school-wide services for English learners and their families. For the past nine years, Nathalie has served as the literacy coordinator where she has been able to use her passion and expertise in the area of language development and literacy to support students, teachers, and schools in Alameda County. She is the Region IV Lead for the Expository Reading and Writing Course for middle and high school, Alameda County Spelling Bee Coordinator, and GATE coordinator. She is deeply committed to collaborating with and supporting teachers as schools transition to the Common Core State Standards. Prior to her service at ACOE, Nathalie worked as a teacher, site administrator, university professor, professional developer, and curriculum writer.

James Town

Maria Vlahiotis Maria Vlahiotis joined the ACOE team in August 2014 as a Literacy Specialist. In this role, she is responsible for developing and delivering Common Core-aligned literacy and ELD professional development throughout the Alameda County, for educators teaching grades TK-12. Maria’s teaching experience includes serving as an English Teacher and ELD Department Head at El Camino High School in South San Francisco, as well as working as the Lead Sophomore English and ELD 3 Teacher at Dublin High School. Prior to joining ACOE, Maria was the Dublin High School Technology Coach, as well as the Dublin Unified School District Secondary Literacy Coach. Maria is excited to bring her passion for working with educators, as well as incorporating technology into literacy instruction, to the ACOE Core Learing team.

Michael Lee Adriene Metoyer-Leonard Juanita Parker

James Town is currently a Math Specialist in the Core Learning Division of the Alameda County Office of Education. Before spending a year as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow, he worked as a High School Math and Engineering teacher in California for seven years and started an Engineering Academy at his school. As a Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Senior Fellow, he has had the opportunity to work on their Engineering Task Force whose purpose is to promote and support quality Engineering Education around the country. He has presented at numerous conferences, including the NCTM Annual Conference and the California Math Council Conference - South. He received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California, M. Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Vermont, and became National Board Certified in AYA Mathematics in 2012.


Core Learning Professional Development

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