Good Design, Bad Design

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by corey rome

good design

bad design

good design bad design by corey rome

good design:


New Museum

The New Museum was designed by Tokyo-based architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa/ SANAA. The building is located in New York, NY, and was commissioned in 2002. The design of this contemporary art museum is “good� for a number of reasons. Firstly, the design is incredibly eye catching among the buildings around it, largely traditional brownstones.

The aluminum exterior of the building creates a sense of mystique, while also being incredibly elegant. When you look at it, you can tell that this is an art museum. The design is original and unique in its execution, tailored specifically to the New Museum itself.

The variable shape of ea ch floor stack er is clever ed on each and beautiful. othIt’s slightly ja ibly contemp rring, but incr orary and u edn ique. The b to a very sm uilding is li all plot of lan m ited d, and the st use of space acks allow fo while also giv r good ing the buildin g its unique e dge.

The interior of the building is incredibly well designed as well. It is designed to either merely be showcasing art, or itself to be part of the art, depending on the variable nature of the exhibit.

bad design:

Boston City Hall

Boston City Hall was designed by Kallmann McKinnell & Knowles with Campbell, Aldrich & Nulty, and Lemessurier Associates. The brutalist building is located in Boston, MA, was built in 1968. The building includes the office of the mayor of Boston and the Boston City council. I find this design to be “bad” for a number of reasons. The brutalist building is located in an area known for its historical buildings. The concrete and brick combination does not work well and there are indents and extents for things like windows that seem to be randomly placed without any thought. The bottom half of the building is incredibly chaotic whereas the top is rather symmetrical.

ing, which people claim is an eye sore and unfriendly.

The building has caused

hich further draws attention to the build

n ever since its construction. This is partially because the

d mass outrage from the people of Bosto

building is surrounded by a large plaza,





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The interior of the building is also incredibly unfriendly, with poor lighting an

nd many poor design choices, such as combining brown tiles and concrete.

good design bad design by corey rome

design I fall 2017 professor: jeanne verdoux final booklet

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