Project Proposal Business Networking - Mobile Application Development
Table of Contents Summary!
Risk Analysis!
Key Personnel!
Financial Resources!
Marketing Plan!
Summary There is no doubt that the technological advances of our time will continue to evolve; thus, finding more efficient and cost-effective ways of replacing age old practices. In this case, industry professionals, worldwide, are becoming more inclined to use modern day technologies for the ease of use in behavioral and economical aspects of every day life. For this reason, I’ve identified an industry opportunity to improve how business-minded creators, innovators, and gifted individuals alike, ‘connect’ with each other to establish business-networking relationships. This opportunity comes at a time when our society has more options than ever to network for the sake of companionship, business opportunities, or just plain ole curiosity. So, in aspiration to address the need to simplify how people network, I’ve developed a comprehensive 5-phase project life cycle (i.e. initiate, plan, execute, control, and close) that outlines the specific scope, associated cost, time estimates, and risk analysis to assist my endeavors. My anticipated objective is to build a core project team of diverse subject matter experts (i.e. relevant to project tasks) to assist in the projects launch of a successful crowdfunding campaign on To explain, the projects proposal outlines my intent to raise a funding goal of $40K dollars (stretch goal = $50K) to begin the prototyping design for all three mobile application operating systems (i.e. iOS, Android, Windows). Optimistically, once we successfully meet project goals, the intent is to move the project forward into the development, testing, and launch phases of the plan. With all things considered, the estimated business networking – mobile application development budget stands at $157,995.00 (i.e. labor, production, administrative, and marketing fees), with revenue forecast at $239,400.00 (i.e. crowdfunding support and upgrade services), and a projected profit of $81,405.00 (i.e. total expense – total revenue = total profit).
Introduction With the long-lived aspiration to become an entrepreneur, I recently discovered a clever idea during a productive brainstorming session with my fellow academic cohorts. To explain, my vision is to develop a mobile application designed to address an industry-wide opportunity to improve ‘networking’ among business-minded people. Unlike existing social media sites (i.e. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube) that promote business in general (i.e. micro-blogging, job search, business platform offerings, interest & influence gauging), my business networking - mobile app will seek to connect business-minded people in search of potentially qualified industry professionals; specifically, to address ‘immediate’ project needs. This opportunity has inspired me to envision a design concept with a user interface that features an initial registration/sign-in process. The registration process would ideally be linked to a user’s existing business social media account(s) (i.e. LinkedIn). This would ensure quality assurance and safety for customers; preventing random people from creating accounts. At this point, you have a basic ‘editable’ profile that outlines your name, age, location (i.e. zip code/ city/state), professional industry (i.e. category), and skills. Keep in mind; the location tab will be ‘editable’ as it depicts the location radius a user seeks to “Network” (i.e. similar to the mobile app Tinder) within. Unlike ‘Tinder’ that focuses on dating, this website/app (e.g. Connect) will be a place where people network based on their desired industry profession within the location radius of their choice. In addition, users will also have the option to start networking by selecting one of three account categories: 1) Fast and Cheap (FREE – basic service), 2) Good and Cheap ($2.99), 3) Good and Fast ($4.99). The account categories will depict which level of access you have to potential network profiles. Once a user profile is established, users will then come to the main screen where they will encounter a single user’s profile (i.e. within the same category, desired location, and industry/ skill) where the user will have visibility to see the simple profile data of the potential network contact on the same screen, with the option to swipe left (i.e. no connection) or swipe right (i.e. connect). In this case, if a user chooses to connect with another user, he/she will not be able to collaborate on a topic unless the other user also chooses to connect with said user. Once both have connected, the tool will bring both users together as a “Connect” and they will have the opportunity to network, via an open discussion forum (i.e. messenger environment). Connected users will have the option to include other ‘Connects’ within their existing network (e.g. both parties) that will allow others to join conversations in play; only if said individual choses to invite such connects within their network. Otherwise, connected individuals in a users network will be limited to their own individual connects. As a precaution, users will have the option to block network contacts if they choose (i.e. for whatever reason). All-in-all, users will be able to build their visual-network diagrams based on ideas or existing projects with the help of a social-capital meter linked to their network – “Connects.” 4
With my business networking – mobile app concept in mind, I’ve created a complete project proposal (e.g. project plan) that highlights how I intend to initiate, plan, execute, control, and launch my projects vision. In particular, the project proposal will address the following project elements: 1) Needs/Problems, 2) Goals/Objectives, 3) Risk Analysis, 4) Timeline, 5) Budget, 6) Key Personnel, 7) Financial Resources, 8) Marketing Plan, and 9) Appendix. Reference - Project Plan
Needs/Problems Since the business world’s transformation to the digital era, formal networking practices among small and large-scale businesses, to include individual professionals alike, have noticed a slight decline in their efficiency and effectiveness to establish worthy network contacts due to new informal practices. In particular, formal networking practices, commonly recognized within small and large-scale organizational structures, tend to focus on traditional face-to-face engagements that lead to weekly/monthly meetings to exchange business leads and referrals. Furthermore, said practices depend on ‘circles of influence’ associated within their internal networked business community that rely on hierarchical and traditional managed approaches. These approaches tend to be CLOSED, SELECTIVE, and CONTROLLING. In turn, this style of business networking seems to impact the overall networking experience in general. On the other hand, informal networking (e.g. ‘Good ol boy network’ – US) relies heavily on the technological advances of our time; thus, utilizing a combination of online networking (i.e. social networks and company specific business forums), mobile applications services/tools, and nontraditional face-to-face methods. On that note, a recent study by research analyst - Sunil Gupta, found that “users spend on average, 82% of their mobile minutes with mobile apps and just 18% with web browsers.” And as a result of informal networking practices, people tend to adopt better business networking strategies as they promote OPEN, RANDOM, and SUPPORTIVE networking opportunities. In addition, research from [] suggests that – “All networking activities are not created equal. The differences determine your success.” In this case, the subject comparison is Intentional Networking vs. Traditional Networking. For the purpose of explaining the two approaches, I’ve provided a reference image (Image a) and a blocked description (Image b) of each below. (Image a)
(Image b) - Meanwhile, although there are many online business networking services available to address the general need to connect people (i.e. social networking), there aren’t very many (if any) mobile application tools that specifically focus on connecting people to their local community with the sole interest of finding business opportunity associated to an individuals industry profession and expertise (e.g. skills). With all things considered, I strongly feel that the business networking – mobile app concept, designed for intentional networking, will be able to generate economic value in the business community of creators, innovators, and business-minded people as a complimentary tool to the existing social media networks.
Goals/Objectives Overall, I intend to continue my research efforts on business networking behaviors (i.e. positive and negative), build a core project team (i.e. diverse group of skilled concept believers), and launch an effective crowdfunding campaign to establish validation of the mobile app concept and gain sponsorship within the local business communities. Most importantly, meet funding goals to outsource design efforts to build prototype.
Risk Analysis
Timeline Strategic Outlook Estimated - Total Project Time = 61.85 weeks
Start Date: 4/1/2014 – End Date: 2/7/2015
Tactical Outlook - Breakdown Conceptualize (1.0) – Total Time = 1 week/40hrs (Phases: 1.1 & 1.2)
Project Management (2.0) – Total Time = 30.85 weeks/1234hrs (Phases: 2.1 - 2.4)
(Phase: 2.5)
(Phase: 2.6)
Prototyping (Design) (3.0) – Total Time = 16.5 weeks/660hrs
(Phase: 3.1)
(Phase: 3.2)
(Phase: 3.3)
To help guide viewers...
The following Mobile Application Development Team (MADT) chart will aid viewers understanding of the breakdown process associated to the Prototyping (Design), Develop, Test & Launch phases. *Please note: the total time breakdown for Phases 3.4 - 3.7 are already included in the Prototyping (3.0) total time listed above. All phases (i.e. 4.1 - 6.2) pertaining the following ACTIVITIES & TASKS have been estimated based on research from’s “App Cost Estimator.” (Resource tasks will be outlined in the Budget section)
Mobile Application Development Team (MADT) - Timeline
(Formula used: 18 weeks x % = Total weeks/per activity) 19
(Phase: 3.4 - 3.7)
(Phase: 4.1 & 4.2)
(Phase: 5.1 & 5.3)
(Phase: 6.1 & 6.2)
Mobile Application Development Team (MADT) Personnel Tasks linked to MADT - Timeline (Phases 3.4 - 6.2)
Itemized Expense breakdown linked to MADT - Timeline
And then... 34
Key Personnel
Financial Resources After conducting research analysis on a variety of crowdfunding sites, I’ve selected Kickstarter as my way to get a ‘foot in the door’ within the local Orlando, Fl business community and by presenting my project concept that will be supported by a wealth of content (i.e. social media campaign, videos, imagery, infographics). Kickstarter has a simple ‘All or Nothing’ funding process that allows project creators to define a project crowdfunding time-period (i.e. 90 days) with the option to set a dollar amount for the total funds required to kick-start your project. If the project is successfully funded by the end of the set time-period, Kickstarter applies a 5% fee + a deduction from the Account Management (i.e. Amazon) fees of 3-5%, then the project creator gets the total funding pledged by supporters. Most importantly, Kickstarter’s reputation within the crowdfunding community is highly visible due to their successes thus far. For this reason, I will have a higher chance of gaining followers and influence within the kickstarter community of diverse audiences. And to ensure I’m effective, I’m prepared to create engaging content to deliver with my marketing campaign. My approach for the ‘Rewards’ allows Kickstarter supporters (e.g. pledgers) to contribute to one of the three options listed as: 1) Fast and Cheap, 2) Good and Cheap, 3) Good and Fast. • Due to existing industry competitor strategies to create a Business Networking - Mobile App that does not have the common ‘Ad Space’ financial revenue lines, I’ve decided to stay competitive and not use them as well (for the time being).
Rewards... With the separate cost associated to develop each mobile application design prototype (i.e. iOS, Android, Windows), I’ve created a rewards program that focuses on a Goal and a Stretch Goal that allows mobile device users to contribute to the device rewards package that best supports their interest. With this in mind, my Goal is to raise $40K to support the basic design prototype for three device types (i.e. iOS, Android, Windows). And in effort to reach the Stretch Goal of $50k, I’ll provide clear guidance to contributors stating that which ever device has the most funding support, in the event that pre-defined project funding goals are met within deadlines, will be released first (prototyping phase for testing and upon App store approval to the public).
Marketing Plan In order to capitalize on the most effective marketing techniques for crowdfunding, I will deploy a social media marketing strategy that will involve engaging in three particular audiences. In this case, I will reach out to my existing
Social Media...
personal network of friends, family, and acquaintances (i.e. coworkers and neighbors), any subscribers, followers, or fans I am connected to via my social media platforms, and the new target audience that I seek to establish relations with.
From here, it’s important that I start in ‘early’ engagement practices with my core supporters/ connectors within my inner circle of influences (i.e. family and friends). For this reason, I will need to focus my messages and/or content to the specific group of audiences that I seek to engage with to spread the awareness of my project ideas. For instance, I will not send the same type of messages to my close family members that I would send to my age-old friends/ acquaintances. In particular, it’s critical that I send different types of content/messages to the variety of target audiences that I’ll seek to support my project. And in most cases, I’ll have to start building fans and followers with the same interest in my project efforts as there is a small chance that my existing network of people I am linked to on social media will not support the cause.
Crowdfunding... 40
Here’s a few resources I will have on my crowdfunding site to make it stand out: •Video Pitch •Contact & Full Bio (linked to Blog and Facebook project page) •Engaging Content about support team & sponsorship •Supportive Video content from industry professionals (i.e. TED Talks)
Appendix Ntt=176531747095693018836798831681155957&N=11+4294948930&Ntk=P_EPI,2 +business+networking +sites&source=bl&ots=QGqtpaZXWq&sig=8cubiaElMu0SLHeN_rhSVQrzeV4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jOotU4P5M
MPE0gGYt4HQCg&ved=0CEcQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=problems%20with%20existing%20business %20networking%20sites&f=false