Grass Route Community Action! Nina Cooper Paignton, Devon
Hi, I’m Nina Cooper and I’ve been working in Blatchcombe, Paignton in Devon for the last 12 months, meeting many people in the local community who have been developing plans of action, running projects and events, and forming groups. In this time, the network of community members has developed and people have mobilised and become empowered to start making changes in their neighbourhoods. The impact of these changes have been far reaching and some could even affect the
When the Planning Committee Meeting met at the Riviera
whole of Torbay.
International Centre, two volunteers from the Action Group were given two and a half minutes each to speak on behalf of
For example whilst door knocking, I met a retired couple who
their community. Both speakers were amazing and gave many
cited amongst other concerns, plans to build on a green space
reasons as to why the access road should not run through
nearby where horses are kept. They were particularly worried
Luscombe Road. They were definitely listened to as it was
about a proposal to create an access road which would create
decided that the plans needed to be deferred whilst more
extra traffic and make an already busy and hazardous junction
research took place. The Action Group is planning to carry out
more dangerous and further “clog up” Kings Ash Hill!
their own research into the road too, including the amount of users it already has. Their fight has not finished yet!
Some residents have septic tanks* which run off and drain onto the site and are concerned about being forced onto using mains
I am planning to continue my work with the Torbay Community
sewers by the developers. I encouraged them to speak to their
Trust in this area, supporting the current projects and groups and
neighbours and find out if others felt the same. The result was
engaging more of the community to continue to make a change
outstanding and the neighbourhood was soon mobilised, deliv-
in Torbay.
ering leaflets, and door knocking and 47 people turned out at the local Community Partnership meeting to voice their concerns. A local Action Group was born and the Highways, Surveyors and
*A septic tank is a key component of the septic system; a small-scale
the Council Planning Dept attended the next meeting. It was
sewage treatment system common in areas with no connection to main
very lively to say the least!
sewage pipes provided by local governments or private corporations.
team attending the Council Planning Meeting
Horse field, site proposed for new development