Corgentum’s Top Five Tweets of the Week of March 12, 2012 These are Corgentum’s top five tweets of the week. Follow Corgentum on twitter @Corgentum
1) Corgentum’s Scharfman Writes Op-ed for Pension & Investments – Due Diligence Lessons from Goldman Resignation Letter
2) MF Global Client list published – spurns controversy for accounting firm KPMG –
3) Citigroup former #hedgefund manager Islam blames “ambulance chasing lawyers” for claims that he / bank misled clients
4) $1.6 million “virtual office” #hedgefund #fraud Sucarato sentenced to 11 years in prison – spent money on teddy bears
5) As Scott Rothstein bankruptcy probe continues role of background player Simony comes into focus
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