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Line Drawings
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Super Line Vase
A simple twently line drawing made in the likeness of a vase that was offered in class. Eachstroke was made slowly and with five point strokes to create tha shape.
“Even simple lines can form a shape when put all together.�
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Many Line WaterBottle
The waterbottle was formed in the same way that the vase of the page before, but instead of being twenty lines, this waterbottle is one hundred of the lines. The lines were done a bit quicker in this picture, causing it to end up with a tilted and zig zag shape.
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Value Drawings
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Liquid Filled Bottle “The idea behind the bottle was to make it look like there was liquid actually within the bottle, without showing that in an odd way.�
For the perfume bottle it was composed of complimentary colors. (Purple and Yellow). On all strokes, but the background I used a .5. The idea behind the bottle was to make it look like there was liquid actually within the bottle, without showing that in an odd way. So I first colored in the liquid part with variations of purple, then went lightly over it with a very light yellow. When following the purple with the very light yellow I made sure to follow the round shape that would be present on the bottle, making sure that the roundness would be evident in the drawing. I picked yellow for the background to contrast the purple bottle that is in the center, to draw the eyes inward.
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Cool Flower “The wooden flower is analogous piece, with the colors being purple and blue.�
The wooden flower is analogous piece, with the colors being purple and blue. During this one I really had no clear idea on how to put in both the different shades of purple and blue, due to there not being many different varities on the wooden flower itself when light was hitting it. Despite that I decided to attempt an actual mix of the blue and purple colors. On the background I chose a mix of the blue and purples to emphasize that those colors was what the piece was about.
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Purple Vase
“The vase was made following a monochromatic value of different shades of purple to flesh out the image.�
The vase was made following a monochromatic value of different shades of purple to flesh out the image. It first started out as a one hundred line drawing. The vase is set against a black background to help intensify the color choice of the purples that are in place on the form of the vase.
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CBL Bubbles “The bubbles were also a way to draw the eye towards the letters which is why they have a bright red color.” 16 - DigiPiece
This is one of the first of three logos that was made for the Community Based Learning logo compeition. The letters were the first part of the logo that were made with the pen tool. Next came the shadow that is behind the letters to draw the eye right to them, so that the main idea of CBL would come across. The bubbles were also a way to draw the eye towards the letters which is why they have a bright red color. The background was finally added to be a curved but concise container for the whole logo. DigiPiece - 17
CBL Contained “The tight container was made to force the eye into the middle of the logos, thus getting the full message across.� 18 - DigiPiece
These two logos were also made for the Community Based Learning logo contest. In these logos they are both based on the same concept of having red stars behinf the text to draw the eyes inwards to the letters. The tight container was made to force the eye into the middle of the logos, thus getting the full message across.
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Frame by Frame
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Video Bottles These bottles were created in a program called Procreate. The program records all the lines that you make when you make them, thus turning it into a frame. By the time you are done you end up with a video. The picture was made after looking at the bottles that we were required to draw in Computer Graphics. Every pieces of the picture was created using multiple colored lines on different layers to form the shapes and dimensions that all of the bottle occupied on the box that they were put on. After forming the shapes with the lines I went over with different values of the colors I selected for each bottle and added them in to increase the dimensional value that each bottle held.
“The program records all the lines that you make when you make them, thus turning it into a frame.�
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Wishing Girl “After the concept was redrawn I took another step and then added in a remake of the original background, giving a dream like wish state.� This girl was also made in procreate, but rather then being based off of a realistic object, she was based off of an image from my imagination. The image from my imagination happened to be a remaking of a girl that I had once made in another art program. Using Procreate, I took the same concept behind he old image and recreated it using what I have learned in terms of values and the shapes of the body. After the concept was redrawn I took another step and then added in a remake of the original background, giving a dream like wish state.
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Other Digital Images
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Burning Away
“I decided that I wanted to use a fire and smoke theme to make myself look like I was on fire.�
This was a picture of myself that I had to make in Digital Imagery during my first semester at SXU. The object was to use brushes to paint over ourselves. I decided that I wanted to use a fire and smoke theme to make myself look like I was on fire. To do this I went and downloaded a smoke brush, a fire brush, and a curved line brush to accomplish this theme. I painted over my skin to give a tanner, darker tone that would match the flames. I clone stamped my face and faded it into the background to emphasize the smoke that was going over the background. Lastly, I used a fire brush over my hair and used multiple hue and saturation effects and painting smoke on the top of it to give an emphasis.
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Hands and Rose
“I started by taking a picture of my hands holding a rose, which then I brought into adobe illustrator and started making the shapes of my hands with the pen tool.”
This piece was made for an art portfolio seminar class that I was a part of. which required the students to make a different piece of art each week. This piece was one of the first ones in the set that I had made for the class. This piece having been made in illustrator was how I first started all of my semester’s pieces in. I started by taking a picture of my hands holding a rose, which then I brought into adobe illustrator and started making the shapes of my hands with the pen tool. Using this method I built shape on top of shape to build my hand and the rose. The squiggles in the background are from my own design and were added onto every piece that was present in this piece’s set.
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Illustrated Kenichi Matsuyama
“This picture of Kenichi Matsuyama is a picture of his portrayel of the character of L from the Death Note live action movie.�
This piece was made using what I have learned a year ago put together with what I have learned my first semester at SXU. Thus, making a tribute piece of art to one of my favorite actors. This picture of Kenichi Matsuyama is a picture of his portrayel of the character of L from the Death Note live action movie. This was made in illustrator by using a pen tool a majority of the time to create multiple types of shapes to form the overall end result of the picture. While layering them all in the process to create different values, making the picture become slowly fleshed out.
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Carousel Horse
“...so that instead of a normal, happy looking horse, I ended up with a dark looking one.� This piece was another piece that was made in the Digital Imagery class that I took first semester. Based off of a picture found the image vault at school, this was made in Corel Painter. What I did to make this was set the picture in the background, then put a mask over it to paint it, thus being able to see the original image that was being panted while I worked. Every so often I would turn off the original drawing and then add in touches that would fix up mistakes that I was not able to see with the picture on. I painted with colors other then the normal ones that were present to make my own version of the carousel horse, so that instead of a normal, happy looking horse, I ended up with a dark looking one.
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Purple Dress
“Each section was made out of simle shapes to help form the whole picture that was made on the charcoal sketch.�
This piece was another one that was made int illustrator. The difference on this one is that it started out as a simple drawing made in charcoal before being scanned and brought into ullustrator. Each section was made out of simle shapes to help form the whole picture that was made on the charcoal sketch. The image was created to be small to fit into a small frame to challenge my abilility to make a smaller scale drawing.
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Master Control
“Once the first intial colors were added in, I went back in and added different values of the same colors to create shading effects on the drawing.�
This piece was made for a final in the Digital Imagery class that I had taken. Thr difference on this was that it was first sketched out onto a notepad and inked with a ballpoint pen. Once inked, it was scanned and brought into Photoshop. Once in Photoshop, it was locked down and given a transparency so that each section could be selected with the pen tool and then colored to fit the specific section of the image in different layers. Once the first intial colors were added in, I went back in and added different values of the same colors to create shading effects on the drawing. Once that was finally done, the background was then added into to form a sstage like atmosphere to emphasize the effect of the puppet man, being attached to the control bar.
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About The Artist
My name is Corina Dawson and I’m a student at Saint Xavier University. Currently, I’m a Graphic Design Major just finshing their first year in college. I mainly use computer programs for most of my art pieces, giving each and every piece a little bit of taste from every program that I use. I’m most proficient with Adobe Illustrator due to having taken a course of Graphic Design my senior year in high school that had gotten me into Graphic Design in the first place.
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