Ethics and professionalism are highly sought characteristics in the workplace. Positive values regarding ethics and professionalism, the company is well represented and valued above many others when competing for market base.
Authors: Anjulicar Bonilla Bianca Partidas Neddy Freitez Wendy Pi単a Julio-2013
WHAT IS THE ETHICS? Professional Ethics is to make our actions whether our trade or profession of an honest and with quality. Perform an action using professional ethics involves carrying out each of the procedures involving the process and not skip any steps, as this would not be professional. Apply our knowledge towards society and never for our own benefit at the expense of others or of bad actions. Every professional should have an obligation, moral values and principles which must be all professional, professional ethics is something q is acquired with experience, can be defined as the science that studies the duties legislation and professional rights of each profession. Also called Ethics. By saying not only professional concerns that ethics is only for those with a carton or are professionals, but especially it is intended especially for people who exercise a trade or profession in particular and aims to raise awareness of responsibility , in each and every one of those who practice a profession or trade, this part of the premise that all value is closely related to the idea of a good decision is based or primarily on the basis of man's rational nature. By profession means an occupation that is developed in order to collaborate with the welfare of society. To make this work you need the professional (person exercising it) act responsibly, following the current law requirements that arise for the development of this activity. Professional ethics seeks to regulate the activities carried out within the
framework of a profession. In this sense, it is a discipline that is included within applied ethics and referring to a specific part of reality. This free nature is spiritual and therefore has a will to want moral good. Do good and avoid evil. The profession is a qualified capacity required for the common good, with peculiar socio-economic opportunities, the professional does not have that capacity by simply receiving the title that certifies or gives you a professional quality, no one is professional the title itself, the title expresses only thing is its quality of being as a professional, but not having all the qualities to be ethical, professional title beyond being someone, is the manifestation of what internally intrinsic takes , not by the nature of the person but by their ethical qualities, as the suitability or fitness that gives a new profile to your personality. Professional Being worthy represents excellence, gravity, decorum person who has respect for themselves, so we must follow the basic principles that concern us as: 1. integrity 2. objectivity 3. independence 4. responsibility 5. Observe the legal provisions 7. Competition and professional updating 8. Dissemination and collaboration 9. Respect among colleagues 10. Ethical conduct Ethics Notably, in general, is not coercive (not legal or regulatory sanctions imposed). However, professional ethics may be, in a way, codes of conduct governing an
occupation. The ethics is part of what is known as normative ethics and presents a set of principles and rules binding. Journalism
journalist receive condemnation money to publish a news biased in favor of a particular person, organization or company. In the business world, on the other hand, ethics states that a vendor can not perform operations outside the company for which you work as an employee. Professional ethics derived from a concept known as business ethics that establishes the conditions under which humans must interact with their environment. Both forms are interrelated work since it is so important to provide a fair and make a responsible work as preserve the habitat in which we develop. Within the business ethics there are three branches that define the relationship of the different professionals and their habitat. These are: limited economism, whose key objective is to maximize the benefits while complying with current legislation tax, preserving the environment and trying to meet the social demands of the environment, rational dualism is based on the profit tax principles respecting by rationalist ethical theory that determines what is right and moderate realism, understands that human beings have the capacity to meet the needs of your environment and as such is responsible for establishing an equitable relationship with their environment. The liability of a person is their obligation to answer for their own actions. It is conditioned by the freedom and will. With respect to professional ethics, responsibility compels an individual to develop an ethical and fair work, trying to cooperate as far as possible, for the common good. By: Anjulicar Bonilla
MORAL ETHICS "Living in contradiction with reason itself is intolerable moral status" Consciousness is based on natural law, that is, thanks to our intelligence, humans have a trial through which we can classify an act as good or bad. This is called moral conscience, which makes use of human reason and is based on human nature. Conscience is the duty par excellence. It is reflected in the actions of man, which are moral because they are free. Due to its nature, man has the freedom to decide their actions, which can be good or bad as they think their moral conscience. Moral is the set of principles, standards, norms and values that guide our behavior. Morality makes us act in a certain way and lets us know we should do in a particular situation. It is like a compass that guides us. So morality tells us how to act in society in practical bone of our environment, ethics reflection shows us about doing those actions. Morality has a social base, is a set of rules established within a society and as such, exerts a powerful influence on the behavior of each of its members. Ethics is the theoretical reflection on morality. Ethics is responsible for thoughtfully discuss and substantiate this set of principles or rules which constitute our moral. Basing reflexively that set of principles or rules which constitute our moral and emerges as such in the interior of a person, as a result of his own thoughts and his own choice.
HOW IT AFFECTS THE MORAL ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL LIFE Professional ethics creates the sense of responsibility, in each and every one of those who practice a profession or trade, this part of the premise that all value is closely related to the idea of a good. Ethics helps to do good and avoid doing evil. Being professional does not mean just having a title, the title just shows our quality, but not mean we have enough values to be professional. Considering this, we as future professionals in the field of public accounting must abide by ethics as a life option. Our decisions are supported by others who faithfully believe in ourselves and in our word. The professional ethics, professional conduct compels the things in a way that respects and complies with established moral norms, which relate primarily to the consideration and respect for others. This is characterized by a great sense of honor and class solidarity manifested in the professional association established to ensure the centralization of the service, as well as the moral codes that describe the personality of the profession against the community it serves . The purpose of professional ethics L to ethics of a profession, is the set of rules in terms of which we define as good and bad. The rather refers here to the profession is a community aimed at achieving a certain purpose.
There are three types of conditions or professional ethical imperatives: • Those who have to do with professional competence. The ethics of the profession demands that the person is competent, that is, who has the knowledge skills and attitudes to perform well in your area of expertise. • Ethics are here to recognize that the profession is good only in the moral sense if you put customer service. • When you're part of a community, shares the prestige-or lack thereof-of one member affects the other, do not act individually but collectively. Being ethical is recognized as a member of a community within which there are rights and duties.
The purpose of ethics education must be to develop professional future knowledge, skill, sensitivity and willingness to do that when I acted on behalf of the interests of the community. Professional ethics training does not aspire to the student to study ethics but ethics is made in their profession. The terms of the ethical task of promoting ethical development of future professionals, and we know what the conditions or factors that enable humans to develop ethically, four principles that seem to explain the ethical development. The ethical development depends on the person belonging to a community whose goals, interests, values and norms is identified. Ethics training is developed through a process of practical (action-reflection). Ethics training is greatly influenced by other human individuals, the neighbors that are especially meaningful to the individual. The ethical development is an evolutionary process and progressive adaptation of conflict.
Two important principles: First, education has to be realistic, can not deny the moral conflict; must assume. Second, ethics education must aim to develop the strength and character of professional autonomy. So we can conclude that moral responsibility in the profession is the requirement that there is a moral agent "answer" for their actions, is to suffer the consequences. Liability involves responsibility, which is the title under which an act can be attributed to a person as its author. In ethics, the responsibility is associated with the words: commitment, undertaking, business, competitive and demanding.
By: Wendy Pina
PROFESSIONALISM What is professionalism? Webster's Dictionary defines it as, "the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person." While that definition of professionalism defines the word, it does little to help you to understand which qualities and characteristics are important, or how you can become a recognized professional in your life.
The fundamental profession:
 Great responsibility Professionals deal in matters of vital importance to their clients and are therefore entrusted with grave responsibilities and obligations. Given these inherent obligations, professional work typically involves circumstances where carelessness, inadequate skill, or breach of ethics would be significantly damaging to the client and/or his fortunes.  Accountability Professionals hold themselves ultimately accountable for the quality of their work with the client. The profession may or may not have mechanisms in place to reinforce and ensure adherence to this principle among its members. If not, the individual professionals will (e.g. guarantees and/or contractual provisions).
Based on specialized, theoretical knowledge Professionals render specialized services based on theory, knowledge, and skills that are most often peculiar to their profession and generally beyond the understanding and/or capability of those outside of the profession. Sometimes, this specialization will extend to access to the tools and technologies used in the profession (e.g. medical equipment).
 Institutional preparation Professions typically require a significant period of hands-on, practical experience in the protected company of senior members before aspirants are recognized as professionals. After this provisional period, ongoing education toward professional development is compulsory. A profession may or may not require formal credentials and/or other standards for admission.  Autonomy Professionals have control over and, correspondingly, ultimate responsibility for their own work. Professionals tend to define the terms, processes, and conditions of work to be performed for clients (either directly or as preconditions for their ongoing agency employment).
Clients rather than customers Members of a profession exercise discrimination in choosing clients rather than simply accepting any interested party as a customer (as merchants do). Direct working relationships Professionals habitually work directly with their clients rather than through intermediaries or proxies. Ethical constraints Due to the other characteristics on this list, there is a clear requirement for ethical constraints in the professions. Professionals are bound to a code of conduct or ethics specific to the distinct profession (and sometimes the individual). Professionals also aspire toward a general body of core values, which are centered upon an uncompromising and unconflicted regard for the client's benefit and best interests. Merit-based In a profession, members achieve employment and success based on merit and corresponding voluntary relationships rather than on corrupted ideals such as social principle, mandated support, or extortion (e.g. union members are not professionals). Therefore, a professional is one who must attract clients and profits due to the merits of his work. In the absence of this characteristic, issues of responsibility, accountability, and ethical constraints become irrelevant, negating any otherwise-professional characteristics. Capitalist morality The responsibilities inherent to the practice of a profession are impossible to rationally maintain without a moral foundation that flows from a recognition of the singular right of the individual to his own
life, along with all of its inherent and potential sovereign value; a concept that only capitalism recognizes, upholds and protects.
By: Bianca Partidas
It is considered unethical and incompatible with the exercise worth profession, for a member of the Association of Engineers of Venezuela: 1. Act in any manner which tends to undermine the honor, responsibility and the virtues of honesty, integrity and truthfulness that should underpin to a full exercise of their profession. (Virtues) 2. Violate or permit violate the laws, ordinances and regulations related to full practice. (Illegality) 3. Neglecting the maintenance and improvement of their skills, belittling the confidence that society attaches practice. (Knowledge) 4. Offer to specialty performance and functions for which no have the capacity, qualifications and experience reasonable. (Serious) 5. Dispensing, for friendship, convenience or coercion, compliance mandatory provisions, when the mission is in charge of enforcing them and meet. (Waiver) 6. To offer, solicit or provide professional services for lower wages established as the minimum, by the College of Engineers of Venezuela. (Remuneration)
7. Develop projects and prepare reports with gross negligence or lightness, or judiciously unduly optimistic. (Projects) 8. Signing without consultation drawings prepared by others and take responsibility for projects or jobs that are not under his immediate direction, review or supervision. (Signature) 9. Take charge of works have been done without all the technical studies essential for its proper implementation, or when to perform the same time those listed incompatible with good professional practice. (Works) 10. Attend deliberately or invite bidding for Study and / or projects works. (Tenders) 11. Offer, give or receive commissions or undue compensation, request influences or using them for obtaining or granting of work professionals, or to create situations of privilege in his performance. (Influence) 12. Use of the advantages inherent in a position to compete with renumbered independent practice of other professionals. (Benefits) 13. Damage the reputation or the legitimate interests of other professionals, or unjustifiably attributed try committing professional mistakes others colleagues. (Reputation) 14. Acquiring interests, directly or indirectly collide with those of the company or customer who uses their services or charge without knowledge of stakeholders work in which there are conflicting interests. (Interest) 15. Deliberately contravene the principles of justice and fairness in their Consulting, junior staff and workers, in particular, with Regarding the latter, with respect to the maintenance of conditions Fair Labor and its fair share of the profits. (Justice) 16. Directly or indirectly involved in the destruction of natural resources or skip the corresponding action to avoid the production of facts contribute to environmental degradation. (The atmosphere)
17. Act in any manner that enables or facilitates the recruitment Professional or foreign companies, studies or projects, construction, inspection and supervision of works, when in the judgment of the College of Engineering Venezuela, Venezuela exists in the ability to perform them. (Foreigners) 18. Use studies, projects, plans, reports or other documents, other than the public domain without the permission of the authors and / or owners. 19. Reserved in nature Disclosing technical, financial or professional and disclose without authorization, procedures, processes or characteristics equipment protected by patents or contracts that the duties of professional secret keepers. And use programs, disks, tapes or other media, which are not public domain without permission of the authors and / or owners, or unauthorized use of access codes other people, for their own benefit. (Secret) 20. Submit your customer to your employer to the application of materials or methods experimentation, without previous full knowledge and approval or recommend unneeded services. (Experimentation and services needed) 21. Make or permit any institutional advertising, which may appeal to the public action to professional, personal or participate in television, radio and other means of professional informative nature, or in any way violate the dignity and seriousness of their profession. Just as, use their position to make comments in the media or propaganda materials, equipment and technologies. (Advertisement) 22. Failure to comply with the provisions of the "Rules of Conduct VIC Guild". (Acting Guild)
By: Neddy Freitez