The Corne¬ Daily Sun Vol. 128, No. 140
24 Pages – Free
Job Prospects Brighter For Recent C.U.Grads By AKANE OTANI Sun News Editor
Sweating it out | More than 40 protesters stage a sit-in outside President David Skorton’s office Wednesday in opposition to the University’s relationship with the FLA.
Skorton Tells FLA Activists To End ‘Hyperbolic Claims’ By SYLVIA RUSNAK
The most recent graduates of Cornell appear to have entered a less bleak labor market than Cornellians in previous years: For the third consecutive year since 2008, the University saw an increase in the number of students who reported finding employment within six months after their graduation. According to data recently obtained
See FLA page 5
See JOBS page 4
Sun Staff Writer
Spurning a call from President David Skorton to stop its “demands for action” and “hyperbolic claims,” a student group dedicated to achieving Cornell’s disaffiliation from the Fair Labor Association protested outside of Skorton’s office for two hours on Wednesday. “When you issue ‘demands for action’ and make hyperbolic claims, it undermines the very relationship you, my administrative colleagues and I have worked so hard to establish,” Skorton wrote in a letter Monday to the Sweatfree Cornell Coalition, that was obtained by The Sun. “I hope that you will agree that thoughtfulness and partnership … are the only ways together we will reach our shared goal: the protection of workers’ rights.” Still, the SCC, conducted a sit-in on Wednesday in Day Hall. Their mission: to convince Skorton to sever ties with “We are asking the University why after the FLA, an organization that attempts to bring together mula decade of the FLA silencing workers’ tiple interested parties to improve working conditions and voices, we continue to pay the FLA and protect worker’s rights worldto lend our name to the organization.” wide. The SCC claims the FLA’s code of conduct does not align Casey Sweeney ’13 with the University’s labor standards. “We’re asking the University why after a decade of the FLA silencing workers’ voices, we continue to pay the FLA and to lend our name to the organization,” said Casey Sweeney ’13, a member of CSAS. On March 13, the University Assembly passed a resolution recommending that “the University cancel its affiliation with and financial support of the FLA until the FLA, once notified of the University’s concerns and expectations, corrects the policies and practices” that do not adhere to the University’s code of conduct for labor practices. In response to concerns raised by the UA and the SCC, Skorton sent a letter on March 21 to Auret Van Heerden, president and chief executive officer of the FLA, in which he warned that “Cornell’s future affiliation with the FLA will be determined by the FLA’s will-
from Cornell Career Services, 53.5 percent of the Class of 2011 had a job six months after graduating, compared to 50 percent in the Class of 2009 — showing perhaps the first signs of recovery from the worst recession since the Great Depression. The news may come as a relief to those preparing to walk across the stage after the economy swallowed up 7.9 million jobs with the stock market
$44,000 2007
Students Defend Study Drug Use By KERRY CLOSE
With the installation of nets on seven campus and city bridge sites set to begin this summer, the University will hire a contractor for the project within the next month, according to Associate University Architect Andrew Magré ’91. The University has received all necessary approvals for constructing the nets, Magré said. The only
remaining steps before work can begin, in addition to hiring a contractor, is determining the best way to install the nets –– which involves deciding which bridge to first work on and the order of installing the nets on other bridges. Six of the nets will be built under the bridges; a seventh will be built around the Suspension Bridge. In January, Cornell announced its intention to See BARRIERS page 5
News Alien Encounter?
Cornell researchers recently identified three Earth-like planents, all of which, they said, could host life. | Page 3
Sun News Editor
Three of a Kind
It was several days before spring break, right in the middle of prelim season — a stressful time that forces many Cornellians to resort to all-night study sessions and drastic measures to stay awake. Henry ’14 was no exception. Henry, a biology major on the pre-med track, was finishing a “hell week” in terms of schoolwork: He had just completed two exams and was facing a difficult organSee STUDY DRUGS page 6
University Prepares for Summer Net Construction Sun Senior Writer
Mona G. explains the necessary criteria for requesting and partaking in a threesome. | Page 9
Dining Love for Lot 10
The Sun reviews Lot 10 Kitchen and Lounge, the new restuarant on South Cayuga Street in the Commons. | Page 11
Arts Stoked for Summer
Sarah Angell ’13 previews music festivals taking place around the country this summer. | Page 10
Sports No Horsing Around
Bronwyn Scrivens ’12 and Georgiana de Rham ’15 will compete at the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association’s national tournament. | Page 24
Prep for nets | After selecting a contractor, Cornell will remove fences from Cornell and City owned bridges and install means-restriction nets.
Showers HIGH: 70 LOW: 59
2 THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
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Postal Information: The Cornell Daily Sun (USPS 132680 ISSN 1095-8169) is published by THE CORNELL DAILY SUN, a New York corporation, 139 W. State St., Ithaca, N.Y. 14850. The Sun is published Monday through Friday during the Cornell University academic year, with three special issues: one for seniors in May, one for alumni in June and one for incoming freshmen in July, for a total of 144 issues per year. Subscription rates are: $137.00 for fall term, $143.00 for spring term and $280.00 for both terms if paid in advance. First-class postage paid at Ithaca, New York. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Cornell Daily Sun, 139 W. State St., Ithaca, N.Y. 14850.
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GERHARD RICHTER PAINTING (5/4) 9:15 THE KID WITH A BIKE (PG13) 7:20 / 9:20 IN DARKNESS (R) 7:00 Ends Thursday BEING FLYNN (R) 9:35 Ends Thursday SALMON FISHING IN THE YEMEN (PG13) 7:15 / 9:25 JEFF WHO LIVES AT HOME (R) 7:30 / 9:30 PINA (PG) 9:10 Ends Thursday THE ARTIST (PG13) 7:10 Ends Thursday THE LAST WALTZ (PG) (Thurs. 5/10) 7:00 Starts Friday: THE DEEP BLUE SEA / DAMSELS IN DISTRESS
THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012 3
C.U. Marks Death of Netanyahu, Dept.Chair, ‘Captivating’ Prof By EMMA COURT Sun Senior Writer
Benzion Netanyahu — father of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, controversial historian, and former chair of what is now Cornell’s Department of Near Eastern Studies — died Monday at the age of 102. His former co-workers at Cornell described Netanyahu, who served as a professor of Jewish studies in the 1970s, as a scholarly man with rigorous standards for his fellow academics and his students. Raymond Scheindlin, who also taught Hebrew studies at Cornell in the ’70s, described Netanyahu as an intimidating but learned man who was “very, very precise in everything he did, with extremely high standards for academic qualifications.” “If you disagreed with him in person, you had better be ready with your footnotes,” Scheindlin said. “He was a hard person to argue with.” In addition to his professorial duties, Netanyahu played a role in building and re-energizing the department of Semetic languages and literatures in its early years, Scheindlin said. Netanyahu first came to Cornell in 1971 after the founding chair of what is now the Department of Near Eastern Studies retired, according to Alfred Ivry, who was a professor of medieval Jewish and Islamic philosophy at the time. When the department was founded, Cornell administrators had been concerned that lobbyists for judaic and arabic causes would try to influence the academic study of the topic, Ivry said. Netanyahu’s belief that Israel should take a hard-line position in the IsraeliPalestinian conflict is widely believed to have influenced his son’s political decisions. But Netanyahu’s influence can be traced back further, to when he played a key role in the Zionist movement in the U.S. in the 1940s, lobbying prominent American politicians to support a Jewish state in the Middle East, according to a press release from the Israeli Prime Minister’s office. Despite his controversial work as a
historian and strong political views on Israel, Netanyahu was able to maintain a neutral academic environment at Cornell, according to Ivry. “He didn’t force his ideas on the department, and didn’t try to move the department to any type of politicization,” Ivry said. “This has unfortunately been the case at other universities, with apologists for ethnic groups.” Neil Goldsman ’81, who took a class Netanyahu taught in the 1970s on modern Israel, said he still draws upon what he learned in the class to this day. “[Netanyahu] was an extremely captivating teacher and conveyed much of the history of Israel through personal anecdotes,” Goldsman said in an email. “It was a real privilege to learn about this history from someone that experienced much of it first hand.” Ivry, however, described Netanyahu’s leadership style as “authoritarian in demeanor,” saying that the Near Eastern studies department lacked a participatory atmosphere during his tenure as its chair. “There was nothing wrong with it, but he was a strong type of leader — that was his style,” Ivry said. “It wasn’t a clubhouse kind of department.” Still, he maintained that Netanyahu helped set the department along a successful path. “It was a small department but wellrun, and [Netanyahu] continued to impress upon the University the legitimacy of such a department and its place in academic life,” Ivry said. “In recent years, the University has supported the department. It is now relatively small but has a graduate program and some very fine scholars.” Despite holding different views than Netanyahu did, Scheindlin said that the educator ultimately stood out as a distinguished scholar. “I don’t see Jewish history or Israeli history the way he did,” Scheindlin said. “But I had to respect his scholarship, his intellect and his standards.” Emma Court can be reached at
Like father, like son | Kickerenzion Netanyahu, left, pictured with his son, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, died on Monday at the age of 102.
Harvard University will collaborate with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to launch a virtual learning initative that will make lecture videos, class exercises and quizzes available online to the public free of charge, The Harvard Crimson reported. The president of Princeton University
Will you ... come to my concert?
Sam Breslin ’12, decked in bright yellow balloons, hands out quarter cards on Ho Plaza Wednesday to promote the Hangovers’ a capella concert on May 3.
C.U. Team Finds Earth-Like Planets By JONATHAN SWARTZ Sun Staff Writer
E.T. has not been found, but Cornell astronomers may be taking a step in the right direction. Using data collected from the NASA Kepler Mission, which examined a portion of the Milky Way galaxy, a team of Cornell researchers recently identified three Earth-like planets, all of which, they said, could host life. The findings were published online April 23 in Astrophysical Journal Letters. According to Phillip Muirhead Ph.D. ’11, the lead author of the study and a current researcher at California Institute of Technology, the astronomers used the Cornell-built Triple Spectrograph — a state-ofthe-art instrument that allows astronomers to efficiently measure the properties of stars — to identify “planet candidates,” or bodies that resemble the Earth in size, mass and temperature. “We found that these particular [three] planet candidates reside at distances from their star where they receive an amount of light similar to the Earth,” he said. “Therefore, we say that these planets reside in their star’s ‘habitable zones.’” Prof. James Lloyd,
astronomy, another coauthor of the paper, said that access to light indicates that the planets are strong candidates for hosting life. “There are good reasons to believe that life is common in the sense that it probably occurs many times throughout the Universe, but the Universe is a big place, so we need to know where to look,” he said. “These three planets make the top of the list of the best places we know to look.” Bárbara Rojas-Ayala Ph.D. ’12 another of the study’s co-authors, who is now a researcher at the American Museum of Natural History, said that liquid water is essential for life on Earth — but, with the technology currently available to scientists, it is impossible to distinguish whether these planets contain water. “With the current technology, it is not possible for us to observe the atmospheres and surfaces of these planets. Therefore, we cannot know for sure if they even have conditions favorable for life as we know it,” Rojas-Ayala said. “Still, these planets should be the preferred targets for future space telescopes to study their atmospheres.” Lloyd said that the researchers hope their work will inspire other scientists to point their telescopes in
has approved the recommendation of a Princeton committee to ban freshmen from rushing fraternities and sororities. The new policy will go into effect Sept. 1, according to The Daily Princetonian. Although the number of international students enrolled at Columbia University
the direction of these new planet candidates. “There are many more planets being found by Kepler on an ongoing basis, and the same kind of characterization to determine their sizes and temperatures is needed,” he said. “We will need to find out in detail whether the planets have atmospheres, [if they] can support life and, ultimately, if they do.” Muirhead said that astronomers can use space telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope to study these plants’ atmospheres. “If we detect signatures of life, such as oxygen and methane, that would provide evidence for extraterrestrial life in the Universe,” he said. Lloyd touted the collaborative nature of the project, which brought together the techniques developed by two of his graduate students in their Ph.D. theses. “[This research is] a great example of how science can be greater than the sum of its parts,” he said, “And how the work of graduate students on some very narrow details makes the difference in a really important problem: knowing which planets are potentially habitable.” Jonathan Swartz can be reached at
increased dramatically over the last several years, The Columbia Daily Spectator reported that the university has seen a decrease in the number of international students who receive financial aid from the university. — Compiled by Manu Rathore
4 THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012
Class of 2011 Sees Signs of Improving Job Market crash and protesters took to the streets — first in Zuccotti Park, then elsewhere, including Ithaca — in the Occupy movement. “The economy is very slowly picking up steam, and most segments of the labor market are benefiting from this, including college graduates,” said Prof. John Abowd, economics, director of the Labor Dynamics Institute at Cornell. For the second consecutive year, salaries continued to rise. Figures from postgraduate reports that surveyed alumni at comparable time frames showed that the median salary of Class of 2011 graduates, $52,000, bypassed that of the Class of 2010, at $50,000, and the Class of 2009, at $46,030. Within the University, however, some of the seven undergraduate schools fared better than others: the College of Arts and Sciences, saw its mean salary rise 5.3 percent, from $45,119
to $47,495 in a year — the highest rate of increase in salaries. The College of Human Ecology, meanwhile, saw its graduates’ salaries dip from $41,840 to $40,936. Graduates of the College of Architecture, Art and Planning trailed the other six undergraduate colleges in earnings — for at least the sixth year in a row — with a mean salary of $38,262. With slightly better job prospects overall, fewer students are going to graduate schools to wait out a shaky economy compared to those who graduated during the recession, according to data from Cornell Career Services. Six months after graduating from Cornell, 30.3 percent of the Class of 2011 reported they were attending graduate school — a slight dip from previous years, when 34.3 percent of the Class of 2009 said they were enrolled in graduate school. “When people thought the job market was really bad, it was sort of a good time to go to grad-
uate school,” said Prof. Ronald Ehrenberg, industrial and labor relations. Now, Ehrenberg said, he sees more students securing job offers earlier on in their senior year. “I have a lot of students who I teach in the fall, and I was stunned at how many of them already had jobs by [fall semester],” Ehrenberg said. Because a Bachelor’s degree from Cornell has continued to maintain strong economic value, Ehrenberg said, students at the University have, by and large, been sheltered from the worst of the recession. “I think that Cornell students have not felt as much of the pain that many graduates from lesser schools have felt,” he said. Perhaps backing Ehrenberg’s words, the employers hiring the most Cornellians in the Class of 2011, according to Cornell Career Services, included top recruiters such as Bank of America Merill Lynch, Citi, Goldman Sachs, Google, J.P.
Morgan and Chase and Teach for America. The fear of unemployment may have also encouraged more students to take advantage of career advising on campus, as Cornell Career Services has seen demand for its services dramatically surge in recent years. While the University’s postgraduate report from 2007 stated that the office saw 11,630 individuals through both appointments and its walk-in advising services, its latest report stated that the number of students seeking career advising had since grown to 16,501. Just weeks before seniors flood Schoellkopf Stadium in their gowns and caps, Cornell economists’ forecasts for their future, while not guaranteed to be bright, looked more positive than in prior years. The economy may be picking up as students prepare to enter the job market. Although Abowd said the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ March employment report — which stated that
the unemployment rate was little changed at 8.2 percent — was “discouraging,” he said he expects its April report will “be better.” Additionally, Abowd said that he believes employment figures for March will be “revised upwards” in the Bureau’s next report. Ehrenberg said he was confident that “Cornell students are really well-positioned” for the labor market when they graduate. “You see horror stories in newspapers about students emerging from college with thousands of dollars of debt, but that's just not going to happen here,” he said. “Because of our financial aid policies, there is sort of a cap on the amount of debt that students can wind up with.” “I think things will be fine for our students,” Ehrenberg added. “Coming to Cornell is a great deal.” Akane Otani can be reached at
Continued from page 1
THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012 5
Students Press Cut Ties With FLA C.U.Will Begin Installing FLA
Continued from page 1
ingness to change [three particular] policies and practices.” Van Heerden issued a response on April 16 in which, for the most part, he counters Skorton’s three charges one by one. In his letter to the FLA, for instance, Skorton requested that the organization require companies to pay workers’ severances in the event of a factory closing. In reply, van Heerden agreed that workers have the right to receive severance and defended the FLA’s Code of Conduct and Compliance Benchmarks, which he said “include many provisions to protect workers facing termination.” However, he said that although the FLA already requires that factories have severance funding in place and that the FLA’s affiliates are encouraged to also help workers become “reincorporated” in the job market, “we cannot mandate these for companies any more than a university could be required to compensate displaced workers if any of its licensees went out of business.”
According to Powers, severance funding is a problem because when factories close, the owners often disappear overnight or are not in a financial position to pay. “This is the issue that’s going to get a lot of attention,” he said. The second request outlined in Skorton’s letter asked that the FLA’s board of directors revise its current voting system for affiliated companies from a supermajority to a simple majority vote to prevent large corporations from stamping out FLA activity that threatens their own interests. “These corporations will never approve [certain] changes because simply put they want the FLA there to whitewash their practices,” WalterWarner said. Van Heerden countered that the current system “makes it impossible for any one constituency to exert undue influence” and claimed that “no decision has ever been vetoed or forced through by any one group.” Skorton also asked that during investigations into labor practices, workers be interviewed off-site rather than in the factory, noting that interviews conducted at
worksites deprive the workers of anonymity and expose them to “potential acts of retaliation from management or co-workers.” However, van Heerden defended onsite interviews as integral for “representative sampling,” which he said is “critical to ensuring that all voices are heard.” He added that prior to all interviews, management is informed that retaliation against workers will “immediately be addressed.” In his letter to the SCC Monday, Skorton wrote that he will meet with administrators and faculty members to carefully consider the decision of whether to disaffiliate with the FLA over the next few weeks. However, the SCC’s sit-in Wednesday reflected students’ continued frustration with the administration’s slow response. “Our issue is that [Skorton] is not prioritizing this very urgent concern that we have,” COLA President Molly Beckhardt ’14 said. While Skorton has not yet made an official decision on whether to disaffiliate with the FLA, “he will be consulting
faculty and administrators who have some expertise in this area, and he’ll be issuing a response at some point,” said Mike Powers, senior director for University Communications. Still, student activists expressed serious disappointment with what they see as inaction on the part of the University. “We were under the impression that if the FLA’s response was inadequate that we would disaffiliate,” said Jake Walter-Warner ’12, a member of COLA. “[The FLA’s] letter, literally, indicated no willingness to change whatsoever and just justified the practices that they currently have.” About an hour into the demonstration, Powers said Skorton agreed to meet with the students on May 14, at a time and location to be determined. “We’re really grateful that President Skorton has agreed to meet with us,” Sweeney said. “That’s what we requested and why we’re here today.” Sylvia Rusnak can be reached at
Bridge Nets This Summer BARRIERS
Continued from page 1
install the nets over the summer. The University will remove each black fence — the barrier currently in place on all of the bridges near campus — once the net at that site is complete, bringing hope to many involved in the debates over how to best reduce suicides at Cornell and at college campuses nationwide. “We’ll be working with the contractor to determine the sequencing [of which bridges to work on first] and staging for each of the bridges,” Simeon Moss ’73, deputy University spokesperson, told The Sun in January. “The goal is to be completed by the end of the year,” he said. “We’re hoping to have at that stage the nets … in place, and the temporary fencing that’s there now will have been removed.” Installations of the nets — which will be accompanied by the placement of cameras and heat sensors to determine if someone or something is caught in the net — will not begin on all seven bridges simultaneously, in order to minimize traffic disruptions. “The goal is to not affect traffic — pedestrian and vehicular traffic — as much as possible, so we’d like to avoid closing lanes on multiple bridges that span a single gorge simultaneously,” Magré said. “We will be very sensitive to traffic patterns.”
Workers known as “riggers” will need to use harnesses in order to attach the nets to steel struts — steel beams that stick out from the side of the bridge — that extend 15 feet from the side of the bridge. “In order to install the cable steel mesh, you’ll generally have riggers out there on ropes,” Magré said. “They’re going to be there over the bridge extended over the gorge on ropes or in baskets and they essentially have to take this mesh — this net — and connect it to the steel struts.” The panels had to be designed in consultation with the Ithaca Fire Department, which has a training simulator for rescuers to practice recovering a person trapped in one of the nets. “[We had to] make sure … the nets meet their specifications, and are compatible with their rescue techniques,” Magré said. The fire department had input in determining the thickness of the stainless steel cable used in the nets and the size of the net openings, according to Magré. “The dynamics of the mesh system are such that if you were to land into the net, first off, the 15-foot drop would not be a pleasant experience into the mesh,” Magré. “Once you’re in the net, it’s very difficult to move around in it because of its springiness.” Joseph Niczky can be reached at
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6 THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012
Students Who Use Study Drugs Deny Habit Is Unethical STUDY DRUGS
Continued from page 1
ic chemistry prelim for which he said he did not have “sufficient time” to prepare. Henry turned to what he and many others consider a “popular trend on campus”: study drug use. In the five days leading up to the exam, Henry repeatedly took 10milligram doses of Adderall to help him focus on his studies –– a decision he said allowed the information he needed to cram “come much more easily.” “When I was on [Adderall], I felt a lot of energy and … I was really able to focus,” said Henry, who along with other students quoted in this story as using drugs, have had their names changed for fear of legal recourse. “All the information I was processing made a lot of sense, much more sense.” Henry also said he believes Adderall made the material he was struggling to learn “more interesting.” “Everything was fascinating,” Henry said. “The material that I
struggled to get through previous- Dittman, associate director of moral implications of taking the ly … I now understood … I was community relations at Gannett. drugs. enjoying myself. I spent eight In addition to criticizing study Hillary ’13, who said she uses hours in the library and it was the drug usage on the basis of the Vyvanse –– a drug that is used to greatest time of my week.” medical risks it poses for students, treat Attention Deficit Other students echoed Henry’s Dittman also questioned the ethi- Hyperactivity Disorder –– several sentiments, saying that despite cal implications of taking these times per semester, said she does their illegality and adverse health drugs. not believe study drug usage is effects, use is not unethical. “It’s not the shortcut,” Dittman unethical, comparing it to “drink“It’s less unethical to take said. “It’s about not taking owner- ing five Mountain Dews.” Adderall to study than to “I think it’s completeblow cocaine to have a good “[Drug use is] not the shortcut ... ly convoluted that people are looking from study time,” he said. drugs from an ethical The “study drugs” phe- It’s about not taking ownership standpoint,” she said. “It nomenon –– which refers to for a problem.” doesn’t give you any the illegal use of non-preintrinsic academic advanscribed prescription drugs, Sharon Dittman tage. I think it would be such as Adderall and Ritalin, pretty magical if it could actually to enhance concentration for acad- ship for a problem.” emic purposes –– became popular, Still, Henry said that the acade- make you any smarter.” Claire ’14, who said she is an particularly among college stu- mic pressures he faces at Cornell “occasional Adderall user,” also dents, around 10 to 15 years ago, justify his usage of study drugs. according to officials from “I was doing it to … help said she did not believe study drug Gannett Health Services. myself succeed,” he said. “[Cornell usage is “morally wrong.” “I felt great, I learned the mateWhile Gannett officials said is] such a competitive culture they have not observed a signifi- [that] you feel the need to do rial much better, so I figured why cant increase in the use of study whatever you have to get ahead, to not?” she said. “Why go back to doing things the old way?” drugs at Cornell in the past 10 to stay ahead.” Despite the fact that many stu15 years, they said these drugs have Henry added that he thought been a “consistent presence” on the benefits of taking study drugs dents consider it an effective study campus, according to Sharon outweighed the perceived negative tool, Gannett officials said that
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study drug usage is not a widespread phenomenon on campus. According to a survey put out by the American College Health Association in the spring of 2010, only 3.7 percent of Cornell students admitted to having used a non-prescribed drug, with the specific purpose of enhancing academic performance, in the past year. Greg Eells, director of counseling and psychological services for Gannett, said that “there’s no reason for [participants] not to be” honest when filling out the survey. Despite their perceived popularity, Eells said the efficacy of study drugs is debatable. He suggested that there was a placebo effect associated with the drugs — people often believe the drugs have helped them become more academically successful because they expected that result before they took the drug, he said. “The expectancy of the drug has a huge impact on how people experience it,” Eells said. Andrew ’14 said that his experience taking Focalin –– which also normally treats ADHD symptoms –– helped him gain “immense concentration,” which he said he “wasted because I just watched Taekwondo videos for about four hours.” “It was like drinking a lot of coffee … but without the jitters,” Andrew said. “It’s not that [the drugs] didn't work … I just gravitated toward what I thought was more interesting at the time.” Dave ’12, who said he uses Adderall in desperate academic situations, echoed this sentiment. “On Adderall, you’re more calm and concentrated than if you just drink coffee,” he said. “But if you’re procrastinating, you’ll procrastinate for six hours.” Dittman also questioned whether study drug use allows students to truly benefit from their Cornell educations. “Is it an education where you’re really invested in your own learning or preparation, or is it performance?” Dittman said. “This is a real discussion for all of higher ed.” However, Andrew justified her study drug usage, saying she takes Vyvanse only during “crunch time”: when she is forced to pull all-nighters to complete schoolwork. “It gives you the illusion that you’re in a good mood and you’re energetic, when it’s five in the morning and you should feel like shit,” she said. Kerry Close can be reached at
THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012 7
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The Hardest Part of Breaking Up Is Getting Back Your Stuff I
have been avoiding the subject of break-ups because it seemed too easy to be cynical about. In fact, I’m pretty sure cynicism was invented by someone plagued with a broken heart. Today, however, I am resigning myself to talking about the miserable, grief-stricken suckers who have been callously thrown in the reject pile (sucks to be you). Break-ups can be pretty rough. There are a lot of casualties — mostly things like t-shirts and C.D.s but once, caught up in all the trials and tribulations of a break-up, I left my undies at my ex’s. That was the worst. I thought about asking him to return that coveted pair of panties but, “Wanna get coffee? Could you bring my black Victoria Secret thong (the one with the little dog embroidered on the corner of it) with
time you drive by (which, if you’re as unlucky as I am, was two-three times a day one summer. Phuck you, dear internship that paid me too much money to do not enough work, for being placed precariously close to my ex’s summer job). I’m sorry in advance for those of you who will make yourself sick over someone who I suspect is not worth it. But there is no pill to take, no cream to apply, no shot that can be administered that will make this process progress any faster. You just have to stop being a little bitch and get over it. Sorry, what I meant to say is, “I usually act like a huge loser after I get dumped so I totally can relate. And I’m sorry if the aforementioned descriptions of a sloppy Hazel have disheartened and depressed
Senior Editor
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Hazel Gunapala
Senior Editor
Ann Newcomb ’13 Erin Jefferson ’14 Fiona Modrak ’13 Zac Peterson ’14 Rebecca Harris ’14 Liz Camuti ’14 Dani Abada ’14 Daveen Koh ’14 Sydney Ramsden ’14 Manu Rathore ’15 Danielle Sochaczevski ’15
Appropriately Cynical
Standing strong on editorials To the Editor: Re: “Protecting Our Independence,” Opinion, April 27 I fully agree with the Sun’s April 27 editorial. The Sun’s ringing defense of free expression is even more commendable when juxtaposed against a quote that appeared on this very editorial page two years ago: “We deny that Cornell should provide such unrestrained First Amendment rights to its students in the first place.” (“To Eliminate Discrimination,” Opinion, Feb. 11, 2010) I understand that an organization like The Sun faces challenges in terms of institutional memory, and I know that nobody on the Editorial Board in Feb. 2010 remains on the board today. But the Classes of 2012 and 2013 are still on the Hill. Friday’s editorial would have carried a lot more weight had it explicitly repudiated the position adopted by the 127th Editorial Board. Going forward, I urge the current Editorial Board to adhere to the unequivocal stance it took on Friday for the remaining ten months of its term — no matter what circumstances or events may take place. Any retreat, however slight, would be a signal to the Cornell community that the only free expression that’s truly important to the Daily Sun is its own. I trust that isn’t the case. Matt Carberry ’03
JOIN THE OPINION SECTION Do you have unique and well-formed opinions? Do you like to write?
Apply for a bi-weekly opinion column for Fall 2012.
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Applications can be found at Deadline is August 1.
you, too? That’d be great; it’s my fav,” just sounded weird. By now, most of us have been dumped. Our illusions of love have been shattered like the screen on my old iPhone (R.I.P. baby boy), and so we know how to put ourselves back together after someone has torn us down. It seems hard. No, it is hard. But I have this theory that when you get older, you become more immune to heartbreak. That might just be wishful thinking though. Old people probably feel just as wretched when they hear those fateful words: It’s not me, it’s you (I also have this theory that old people are more honest ...). Anwhoodles, when love kicks the shit out of me, I usually start out with some wallowing. I let the self-pity take over and let me tell you, it’s gross. Sooner or later I realize that I’m better than this (!) and so begins the next phase, during which binge drinking, chain smoking and all other things deemed “cool” by our dazed society are fair game. This will last until I stop waking up feeling proud and start waking up feeling disgusted by the man, or trash can full of puke, I wake up next to. It’s the best post-break-up stage. The semi-schizophrenic breakdown (SSB) is also worth mentioning here. The SSB is that ongoing internal struggle during which you simultaneously hate your ex, want to win him back and make him insanely jealous. It will take over your life. It will give you the unfortunate ability to relate to Taylor Swift songs. No, really, it will. The SSB will hold you hostage. It’ll make you want to text your ex constantly (I hope you can resist). It’ll coerce you into stalking his Facebook until you have memorized every wallpost a girl has left him in the last month. It’ll make you consider dropping by his place of employment every
you, I (along with my buddy Angela) just found this topic to be rather timely.” After four years, me and my main squeeze, the Big Red, are calling it quits. I’ve already decided to keep some of his things (no underwear, but some cutlery from West campus). This parting of ways will be hard on me. I will miss Cornell and I will miss our mutual friends — the ones who have seen me at my roughest but liked me enough to hang around for the ride. And so I want to take a hot minute to thank a few of my home girls and boys. Thanks to: Anyone who has ever enjoyed reading my column — you have excellent literary taste. Bonny, my fake boyfriend, for all the dates, G-chats and international adventures. Dan and Eric, whom I can always count on for a debaucherous evening. Dan-Dan and Hallie, for continually inspiring me to dress fashionably yet sleep naked. Jorge, for so much more than I can say in this tiny bit of space. Mike, for reminding me that decent men exist. And for letting me pee while handcuffed to you. Peter, my big hunk o’ man, for not running away, even after being exposed to so many of my weirder facets. You are the peanut butter to my jelly. Becca, Siobhan and Emily, the strangest people I know ... I just kidding. Thank you for making my life so much more interesting. I love you. Friends forever?
Hazel Gunapala is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences. She may be reached at Appropriately Cynical appears alternate Thursdays this semester.
THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012 9
earest readers, this is my final sex column. I know, I know you’re all crying. It’ll be fine! Maybe next year I’ll write about a more broad subject matter. So I was going to write a column recounting the good, the bad and the ugly experiences that resulted from my sex column writings, but it was turning out to be boring and I didn’t even want to read it. What is something I would want to read about? Then it hit me: sex music. I’ve always been one to prefer some background music while doing the dirty, and through my college career I’ve been on an epic quest to find great music to bang to. While I have in no way reached the end to this journey, this is what I have come up with so far. First of all, let’s get all thoughts of the bow-chica-wow-wow genre out of our heads. That shit makes sex corny and lame. Also, like all opinion columns, this is my opinion. You can have sex to Ke$ha for all that I care. So let’s get down to it (if you will). A Tribe Called Quest: There is something about putting on some Tribe with the volume kind of low that makes you feel like you’re doing exactly what you should be doing at that moment. Especially if you’re about to, or have just had sex. It makes you feel like you should be in a half-sketchy smokefilled room full of
The Final Sex Column sex. Or something. The Naked And Famous: Great for when it’s a weird time like 4 a.m., not when you’re done from a night of partying, but when you just find yourself having sex in the middle of the night and you need some jams to jam to while you’re jamming.
example, “Blues Music” and “Sweet Sugar Mama” are great, “Cold Beverage” and “Booty Call” are not so great. Jack Johnson: Not that I’ve ever had sex to Jack Johnson, but I feel like if you were completely in love and you
Fleet Foxes: I know it’s not the sexiest of music, but it’s so good I just want to have sex to it. They’re upbeat but not too upbeat, romantic but not overtly so. It kind of makes you feel like you’re having sex on a grassy meadow on a hillside, and I don’t mean Libe Slope, although I do hope one day to have sex on Libe Slope … but I digress. Classically Sexy Almost Retro HipHop: (No, this is not the name of some great new hipster band). Now usually I’m not one for sexin’ to music that basically has instructions as to how to do your sexin’, but some of these songs are just too perfect for grinding to pass up: “Ignition (Remix)” - R. Kelly (an obvious choice), “Grind With Me” Pretty Ricky, “How Do U Want It” 2Pac, “Bump n’ Grind” - R. Kelly. You get the picture. G. Love and the Special Sauce: Hailing from Philly, G. Love is twangy, blues-y and sexy, just how I like my lovers. Only some of his songs are appropriate for banging though. For
Nirvana to put you in Nirvana. It’s angsty, it’s angry, it’s perfect for those times when you kind of hate the person you’re having sex with for some reason but that just makes them sexier. For example, break up sex. Blast some Cobain and you’re good to go.
Morgan T. After Midnight call sex “making love,” then Jack would be pretty appropriate. It could be pretty cute, but again, I’ve never personally experienced it. It could get weird for all that I know. Sam Cooke: Seriously check this guy out. He’s what you should be listening to when you’re sitting on a porch on a cool summer night wearing gingham. The air is a little humid. It’s groovy enough for the bedroom, but still background-y enough that you can lose yourself in whatever you’re doing so you can do it right. Nirvana: I apologize for this bad joke in advance — there is nothing like I’m pretty into this site. It has a great variety of tunes to get it on to, and I highly recommend checking it out. Just don’t check it out for the first time right before you need some sex music. You don’t want someone naked in your bed, ready to have sex with you, while you’re dicking around on your laptop. Be prepared. Of course, at a certain point if the sex is half-decent, no one is hearing the music. Morgan T. is a junior in the College of Human Ecology. She may be reached at After Midnight appears alternate Thursdays this semester.
Three’s Company
o, you want to have a threesome, a ménage à trois. How does one get two other people naked in bed with them? No, roofies are never the answer, so what then? Persistence! If you ask just once for an orgy, there will be a few laughs, awkward stares, and then you’ll find yourself unsatisfied, wondering why no one will take you seriously. The magic number of times to ask for an orgy is six. Any less and you cannot be sure if your friends are just being timid. Any more and you should probably enroll in nymphomaniacs anonymous. Threesomes are like snowflakes. When the elements
Mona G. One Night Stand come together they form an intimate, crystalline structure, which is completely unique. As they all have different outcomes, you must ask yourself what your preferred threesome would be. Guys: Have you always dreamed of boobies upon boobies lightly dusting your body while you are pleasured both manually and orally? Yes. Yes you have. Girls: Have you always dreamed of two sets of strong arms vying for your attention, while your body is showered with kisses from both the neck down and the toes up? Yes. At least I have. But, do straight people ever desire a threesome with a member of the same sex? Well, if my math is working out correctly, in a threesome of straight people, there has got to be some same-sex loving.
I would argue that in a threesome there must be touching of all parties involved. I assumed that a threesome with two boys meant at least they would have a little butt touching or nipple licking, but with some research, I found this was just my dirty little mind at work. I recently found out that someone I am close with, and occasionally very close with, has been a participant in one of these bonding experiences. We will call this dude Crafty Paul. Now Crafty Paul was at a party at his fraternity annex when a girl began to come on to him. First this was innocent, a game of beer pong together, but then she began to really exhibit her interest. She was flirting with him, but Crafty Paul, being a sly cat, knew that she had had relations with his good friend who was just at the other side of the beer pong table. Crafty Paul was puzzled by the calm look his friend was shooting him while this chick caressed his chest during the middle of the game. The game ended and the friend, we will call him Dunk, walked over to the girl and Paul to congratulate the winners. Afterwards, he casually invited the two of them to his bedroom. Crafty Paul felt he was about to embark on quite the adventure, but he was ready for it. He knew that his friend was down for whatever and whoever was going to go down that night. Paul remembers thinking that he, “wanted to do something legendary with the seniors before they left.” Well now that their story is in the paper, I would say it has made legendary status.
Congrats. Crafty Paul said that he began by rubbing the girl’s thigh while Dunk made out with her. I thought that they would have stripped off the girl’s clothing slowly and then proceeded to get naked, but in reality they all drunkenly tripped over pants and clumsily unhooked bras. She began to trail her kisses down near Dunk’s dunkeroo and put it in her mouth. This was not a pleasing sight for Crafty and his member slowly began to lose its stiffness. He found, unfortunately, that he was far too straight to stay hard while witnessing another dick in such close proximity. Sadly, Crafty Paul sneakily creeped out of the room to let the rest of the deed to be performed in privacy. When having a “bonding experience” with a couple, it is hard to know where that fine line exists between bonding and ruining your friendship. What happens if you start to pleasure his girl while she goes down on him? She’s enjoying herself and your friend is loving the attention. Then all of a sudden, she stops giving him head and looks longingly at you. Shit! She’s gonna cum, you remember that your friend told you that she never cums when he goes down on her. What becumes of this conundrum? This is the reason that one should never be intimate with a friend’s significant or even not so significant other. Some of us know how to turn down an invitation of this kind, other, more horny bastards, take the chance and run with it, just to ruin friendships and relationships. What then, are the right circumstances for a threesome? Sexy strangers! Yes, this is the ultimate threesome. Mona G. is a junior in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. One Night Stand appears alternate Thursdays this semester. Feedback and submissions may be sent to
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS 1 River movement 5 You can count on them 10 Braff of “Scrubs” 14 Cleanse 15 Does a scrapbooking task 16 Away from the wind 17 Tension-easing activity 19 Breathing organ 20 In accordance with 21 Road trip respite 22 Triangular architectural feature 23 Music to a collector’s ears 28 Pursue quietly 30 IRS business designation 31 Partner of ciencias 32 Perfect 36 Warsaw __ 37 Drink suggested by the starts of 17-, 23-, 47- and 58-Across 39 Ancient gathering place 41 Fried, filled tortilla 43 All-out 44 Be gaga over 46 Keystone State team, familiarly 47 New Orleans tourist spot 52 Patron saint of girls 53 Campaigned 54 www address 57 Men’s clothing cut 58 Starlet’s benefactor, perhaps 62 Alien-seeking org. 63 Circle 64 Thunder sound 65 African antelope 66 Mixer that completes 37Across 67 Start of North Carolina’s motto DOWN 1 Turn on a griddle 2 Doily material 3 Outclass
37 Olympic sport in 48 Obvious flirt 4 “Charlotte’s __” 5 Cut taker which belts are 49 Kwanzaa 6 White-wine worn principle cooking liquids 38 Second word of 50 Alternate song 7 Diving bird many fairy tales recording 8 Hook shape 40 They’re rolled in 51 Less grilled, say 9 Leb. neighbor Spain 55 Nutritional figs. 10 Big name in 42 Chocolate critters 56 Singer Lovett restaurant 43 Turn over 58 Hem, say surveys 45 Company with a 59 Sch. founded by 11 Out spokesbaby Jefferson 12 Yo-Yo Ma’s 47 __ profundo: low 60 Heater instrument voice 61 King Kong, e.g. 13 Abductee of Paris ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 18 Skating venues 22 George who famously asked Knute Rockne to “win just one” for him 24 Ellington’s “__ Song Go Out of My Heart” 25 Eyepieces 26 Thing to pass in class 27 Word with gum or rain 28 Gullible sort 29 Gillette’s __ II 33 “Tender __ Night” 34 Rebellious dispositions 05/03/12 35 Wassailer’s song
By Bart Beisner (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Mr. Gnu
Piled Higher and Deeper
Sun Sudoku
Puzzle #2...1...
Fill in the empty cells, one number in each, so that each column, row, and region contains the numbers 1-9 exactly once. Each number in the solution therefore occurs only once in each of the three “directions,” hence the “single numbers” implied by the puzzle’s name. (Rules from /Sudoku)
May 9, 2012
by Garry Trudeau
Travis Dandro
by Jorge Cham
10 THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012
THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012 11
The Corne¬ Daily Sun
Dining Guide
Your source for good food
Lot 10 Hits High and Low Notes By BRANDON HO Sun Staff Writer
Dining at Lot 10 Kitchen and Lounge, the new restaurant / bar / music venue located on South Cayuga Street in the Commons, was indeed a bewildering experience. What would become one of my most confounding dining experiences began as soon as I stepped inside the restaurant. The host’s toothy smile was so welcoming it felt like I had arrived at the club floor of a luxury hotel waiting to be pampered. She noticed my dismay at being assigned a lousy table and immediately volunteered a seat closer to the glass windows facing Cayuga Street. On the other hand, my server was so stern it felt like I had landed in jail waiting for my last supper. “You dined here before?” he bellowed without a slight hint of a smile. Worse still, the culinary vocabulary that he had used to describe the tapas-only menu was limited to “awesome,” “delicious” and “great.” The white table cloth and the dim light from our table candle upped the restaurant’s romantic factor a few notches. However, it was also sadly negated by the awful emerald green interior paint, a large, dubi-
ous graffiti panel sitting against a wall and awkward space dividers that looked like bargains from a garage sale. I’ve never had such mixed feelings about food before. I loved the spicy shrimp on crostini as much as I hated it. The fleshy shrimp were kissed gently by a light sautée that kept the shrimp supple and moist. The bread was toasted so perfectly that I had to resist the urge to ask my stern server for more. Yet the hot sauce generously coating each shrimp just about set our palates on fire. I felt the need to call 911 again when digging into the messy glob (and tongue-twister) that is the sweet and spicy Cajun barbecued pulled chicken over a shaved carrot-celery salad topped with blue cheese and crisp chicken crackling. The numbing spiciness of the chicken caused my favorite bleu cheese to sneak past my taste buds unnoticed. Although I appreciated the dish’s raw vegetables for slightly cooling my palate, I wished they were dressed in some acid to counter the chicken’s oiliness. Evidently, many dishes served at Lot 10 simply lack finesse. In another dish of seared scallops, the anorexic-looking mollusks, no taller than three quarters stacked
together, were tough and fishy, if not slightly burnt on the surface. I must admit that most dishes at Lot 10 looked beautiful; they were all artfully plated and thoughtfully presented before our eyes. My dining companion and I had to literally turn each plate of food 360 degrees in order to appreciate its craft before eating, as if it was precious work of art on auction. If only the dishes tasted as delicate as they looked and as creative as they sounded; many plates
simply failed to live up to their promising executions. Although braised short-rib is a favorite that is difficult to blunder, Lot 10 nevertheless managed to miss the mark. The meat was just not tender enough – the fat was supposed to melt in the mouth but remained rubbery to the bite. Surprisingly, the sautéed greens and polenta cake that accompanied the tiny hunk of meat were tasty revelations. The wilted greens were bursting with garlic flavor and the wedge of grilled parmesan polenta was creamy and smoky. It’s these little wonders that are unfortunately overpowered by the plate’s main event that sustain some flickering hope that Lot 10 is still an establishment capable of great things. I will recommend one dish that is delicious all around and does not have any weak points: the pork tenderloin. This dish was the best pork I’ve eaten in a while. The slightly pink meat was seasoned so impeccably that the dish bordered on perfect. The topping of tomato
marmalade that accompanied the pork — sweet enough to spread on toast for afternoon tea — imparted a tangy yet candied flavor to the succulent meat slices. The bed of root vegetable hash underneath the meat had the condensed flavors of sweet potato, carrots, apple and all — it was like a magnet that kept attracting my fork toward it until the plate was scraped clean. There is no doubt that Lot 10 has huge potential, as a few sparks of brilliance in the kitchen have shown. The bar is no doubt a winner too, headed by a bartender with impressive showmanship and creativity in concocting some wildly sophisticated cocktails. Still, the incongruities of Lot 10 are glaring, from the décor, to the food to the service. Only time will tell if this new kid on the block will get its act together. Oddly enough, I have this feeling that Lot 10 will be sticking around for years to come. Brandon Ho can be reached at
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Community Corners • 903 Hanshaw Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 257-4144 • Cocktails, Lunch, Dinner • Private dining room available Reservations suggested
12 THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday May 3, 2012
Mexican food:
— Compiled by Dina Khatib ’15, Sun Staff Writer
A day that many students never expected to see during their time at Cornell finally arrived in 2012: the opening of Chipotle. With That Burrito Place and Viva Taqueria not quite pleasing students’ burrito cravings, many rejoiced at this fast food franchise’s opening in February, despite its slightly hard-to-reach location downtown. Chipotle, which prizes itself for serving “food with integrity,” is well-liked for its commitment to providing local, family-farmed and organic ingredients whenever possible. This rare characteristic amongst fast foods, combined with its extensive assortment of tasty ingredients, provides little else to be desired. Though the menu is simple with four primary choices—burrito, burrito bowl, tacos, or salad—there are endless ways to customize one’s own creation. The employees are devoted to pleasing their customers, adding additional quantities of ingredients when requested and even making special off-the-menu items (ask for a quesadilla or nachos the next time you go!). Additionally, here’s a cool tip for customers with iPhones: download the Chipotle app and use it to place your order, with all of its intricate specifications, ahead of time to avoid waiting in line!
Asian food:
‘Must take’ class: INTRODUCTION TO WINES
THIS IS CORNELL, and this is Ithaca. We curse it for its multitude of inclines and frequent snowfall. We praise it for its vibrant, quirky surroundings and natural beauty. Yet we often fall so deeply into the routine of papers, projects and prelims that we tend to forget about it altogether. The Best of Cornell, a collaboration between the Social Media, Arts and Entertainment, and Photo departments of The Sun, aims to spotlight a few of the noteworthy attractions of Cornell and the city of Ithaca. We present to you the results of this year’s Best of Cornell survey, in which over 500 of our readers have cast votes in over 20 categories. This list is by no means exhaustive; we hope to stimulate discussion and thought. But most of all, we hope this compilation will inspire a newfound appreciation for all that Cornell and the City of Ithaca have to offer.
Place to take a nap between classes:
If you’re looking for possibly the quietest place on campus to study, Uris Library’s Cocktail Lounge is your place. You can hear a pin drop in there and the people coming down the stairs never realize that everyone in the room can hear their embarrassing conversation as they enter the lounge. This treasure of a place is literally built into the side of the slope, and has huge panels of glass as an entire wall so you can gaze out at the slope and the gothics as you study. The cocktail lounge, apart from having such a classy name, is also well known for being the best place to nap on campus. There something about the combination of the silence and the sun streaming in through those windows that makes the atmosphere in there perfect for laying down on some random couch and closing your eyes. Then you doze off for who knows how long until someone wakes you up because you’re either drooling on the furniture or you had a visible dream about Scarlett Johansson. Hands down the best place to study or sleep on campus. To find it, just go into Uris Hall, left down the stairs, right past the group study room, and straight down the stairs into this academic’s haven of a glass box.
— Compiled by Zach Reisler ’14, Sun Contributor
Want to see more?
Check out:
— Compiled by Brandon Ho ’12, Sun Staff Writer
Every semester, Cornell seniors clamor for one in 700 spots in the prolific Introduction to Wines class at the Hotel School. Why? Because we love a good challenge and want to see if we can pass the most failed course at Cornell. Because we love memorizing elaborate wine laws, indecipherable German wine labels and a gazillion grape names – only to forget all of it the moment we leave the exam hall. Because we all harbor hopes that the course will bless us with a certain aura of class that would dazzle our partners when we order a chic Sauvignon Blanc to go with steak. Truth be told, the Introduction to Wines class is a useful initiation into the complex world of wine. Professor Stephen Mutkoski, who has taught the course for 30 years, is a distinguished figure in the beverage industry and manages to guide you through the stodgy maze of wines with humor and clarity. You sip six to seven tiny pours of wine from a particular region of the world each week and there are only two (rather challenging) multiple choice exams throughout the course. Introduction of Wines has truly become a rite of passage for Cornellians since 1972.
— Compiled by Rehan Dadi ’15, Sun Staff Writer
In a small university town with Thai restaurants in abundance, the legendary Taste of Thai remains undeniably the top choice. Located conveniently and centrally on the Ithaca Commons, the over-the-top kitschy Thai décor sets the stage for a great dining experience. Taste of Thai offers a wide range of dishes on its menu, and never disappoints, no matter what you order. For vegetarians, meat can be substituted by mock chicken or tofu, and many options are also available for wheat-free types. Recommended appetizers include Hoi Mang Phu Nung (Steamed Mussels) and Plaa Muk Tod (Fried Calamari). The Tom Yum soup can be ordered fiery hot and is great for fighting winter blues. In main dishes, the Pad Thai and the Panang Curry are outstanding. The Pad Prik King (green beans & bell peppers) is wonderful, and all the fish dishes are worth trying, especially Jungle Catfish. Most dishes range from $10-15. Desserts options are limited, but try the exotic and subtle Sweet Black Sticky Rice. The restaurant has a large seating capacity, even so, it's packed with students, faculty, and Ithaca locals on weekends. Reservations are a good idea, especially for large groups, and the restaurant also has lunch specials and does takeouts.
THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday May 3, 2012 13
Clothing store:
— Compiled by Katherine Carreño ’13, Sun Staff Writer
Whether or not you adopt the lifestyle and dress of today’s Bohemian, i.e. “the Hipster,” is no real matter when choosing to enter the artsy-grunge mecca that is Urban Outfitters. At Urban there’s something for everyone. This place evokes a certain je ne sais quois. It’s young. It’s trendy. It doesn’t care, ‘cuz it’s young, man. This season it’s all about the neon: neon pants, neon mini dresses, socks, v-cuts, you name it. You’ll also find delicate, feminine designs juxtaposed with mild yet undeniably psychedelic prints. Dudes can get their funny T-shirt fix here and embrace their inner child in the form of a Cookie Monster beanie. Urban is all about selfexpression and standing out; however, so don’t count on finding your interview outfit here. If you’re not browsing clothes, do peruse through Urban’s book collection, for these speak particularly to the soul of the college student —provided he/she is into dirty humor, sarcasm, a cute animal or two and ornate and embellished covers that evoke a classic 1800’s vibe. The intricacies lure you in, but seeing the words “shit” or “Twitter” emblazoned in ornate gold print on these pseudo-classics will make you laugh. Quickly flip through Hot Guys and Baby Animals or learn to curse in several different languages while your friend is trying on that cloud-print cut-out dress. As an added plus, the quiet city/town locale of Ithaca means that the sale rack is usually stocked with choice (price) cuts.
— Compiled by Gina Cargas ’14, Sun Staff Writer
It’s a snowy Monday in December. Or February. Or hell, late April. You’ve spent your morning waxing poetic on Marxist philosophy and are dying for a little something warm to protect against the Ithacation, not to mention your future as an underemployed Arts grad. So where do you head? The answer, of course, is the Temple of Zeus. An independent cafe with the friendliest staff in Ithaca, Zeus is a hub for caffeine-addled grad students, humanities majors with alternative haircuts, and soup enthusiasts from all across campus. Whether it’s mouthwatering Creole Red Bean or widespread favorite Choklay’s Lentil, the soup at Zeus puts Cornell Dining’s attempts to shame. It’s just a small, unassuming room in the basement of Goldwin Smith, but Zeus still attracts droves of starving soup fans ready to line up before the kitchen even opens. Just make sure you’re there before noon. Soup goes quick.
14 THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012
THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012 15
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16 | The Corne¬ Daily Sun | Thursday, May 3, 2012
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Musical Nirvana A Preview of Summer Music Festivals
SARAH ANGELL Sun Staff Writer
As another semester on the hill swiftly comes to a close, the promise of summer and all of its carefree, sun-drenched wonderment looms large on the horizon. Although the campus may be bogged down by the mounting dread of impending exams and real-life responsibilities, Slope Day grants us a brief but glorious interlude — music, good times and some welldeserved mischief are the rule, and we students are always more than happy to comply. As the sun sets over the slope Friday evening, through hazy minds and pounding headaches many of us will sigh and think, “I cannot wait until next year.” But, worry not, Sun reader! You need not wait until next year for that magical blend of live music, good cheer and the intoxicating influence of sunshine and a substance or two. Summer is upon us, and with it, the beginning of the music festival season. For up to four days at a time, the essence of Slope Day is replicated on an exponential scale all over the United States, with musical titans of such acclaim and talent that they make Taio Cruz look like, well …Taio Cruz. With the Sun’s summer music festival preview as your guide, place a flower in your hair and go in search of whatever musical nirvana awaits you. Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival, June 7-10 at Great Stage Park in Manchester, TN: For more than 10 years now, Bonnaroo has dominated the American music festival scene, tantalizing young and old alike to journey to the back-roads of Tennessee for a weekend full of sunburnt, unbridled joy. This year an 80,000 strong crowd will battle painfully long entrance lines and the unrelenting 100°F heat, knowing that it’s well worth it to experience the otherworldly magic infused in every inch of the site’s 700 acres. Somehow, the organizers have managed to book a lineup that’s even better than last year’s. This year’s bill is a perfect blend of massive headliners, up-and-coming artists and an incredible mid-tier roster to keep everybody dancing. No matter the genre, Roo seems to have it covered: there are enough big names (Radiohead, RHCP, Phish and the Beach Boys), indie stars (Bon Iver, St. Vincent, Tune-Yards and Phantogram), hip-hop heavyweights (The Roots, Black Star and Ludacris) folk favorites (Avett Brothers and Kenny Rogers) and electronic DJs (Skrillex, SBTRKT and Major Lazer) to keep any and every fan satisfied. The Governors Ball Music Festival, June 23-24, Randall’s Island in New York, NY: For the first time ever, Governors Ball will be expanding to a two-day event, promising double
the fun for all of those in attendance. With twice the acts, the Ball still offers the luxury of no overlapping sets, so thankfully festival-goers can check their FOMO at the door. With a stacked lineup comprised of 26 must-see acts, Saturday will bring the fun with an EDM and hip-hop heavy schedule, while Sunday’s more mellow, largely indie-inclined bill should provide a much needed dose of chill. Notable acts on Saturday include Chromeo, Atmosphere, Passion Pit and Santigold, with Beck, Built to Spill, Cults and Devandra Banhart bringing up the rear on Sunday. With such a stellar range of talent and the rare opportunity to never have to choose between shows, missing any of these performances would border on the criminal. Electric Forest, June 28-July 1, Double JJ Ranch in Rothbury, MI: Initially named Rothbury Festival when it ran for two summers in 2008 and 2009, after a hiatus in 2010 the Electric Forest festival returned last summer with a new name, but the same good-hearted mission and lively spirit. With a lineup centered on jam bands by day and an electronicinfused roster by night, Electric Forest provides enough positive vibes and booming beats to satisfy hippies and basshead alike. At the center of the festival, both literally and figuratively, is the magical world of Sherwood Forest — filled with secret gardens, art showcases and many a hammock to rest in, at night the forest COURTESY OF PITCHFORK comes alive with AND BONNAROO MUSIC FESTIVALS jaw-dropping light displays and surprises at every turn. When it comes to creating a completely immersive, fantastical environment, Electric Forest is heads above the competition, with theatrics unrivaled by even the blockbuster American festivals. This year’s lineup features three shows by The String Cheese Incident and 2 shows by STS9, as well as performances by Thievery Corporation, Bassnectar, Girl Talk, Ghostland Observatory, 12th Planet, Borgore and Mimosa, among others. Surrender yourself to the forces of Sherwood Forest, and good times will surely follow. Pitchfork Music Festival, July 13-15, Union Park in Chicago, IL: Pitchfork has long been an institution in the indie music world, celebrated by some as a definitive tastemaker and discounted by others as self-important hipster scum. Regardless of where you stand on the website’s merits, or lack thereof, when it comes to their annual music festival in Chicago, Pitchfork is definitely doing something right. Rejecting the unsettling trend in recent years of skyrocketing ticket prices, Pitchfork Music Festival still maintains its goal of
providing avid fans with an affordable, positive festival experience centrally premised on a mutual love of music. With a three-day pass costing a mere $110 and individual day passes at just $45, one can pick and choose which days to attend without worrying about breaking the bank. Many of the website’s favorites comprise the lineup this year, including Vampire Weekend, Beach House, Real Estate, Sleigh Bells, Dirty Projectors and Hot Chip. Up and coming artists such as A$AP Rocky, Nicolas Jaar and Grimes round up the bill, ensuring that many a PBR-drinking, skinny-jean wearing soul will be pleased. Lollapalooza, August 3-August 5, Grant Park in Chicago, IL: In recent years, many have lamented that Lollapalooza has lost its credibility. The combination of overpriced tickets, a pop-heavy lineup that draws unsettling crowds and the expansion of the festival grounds to almost unnavigable proportions led many to believe that founder Perry Farrell has lost sight of the music and become just another greedy, capitalistic drone. The release of the 2012 lineup laid accusations temporarily to rest, with a return to the eclectic mix of acts big and small that initially made Lollapalooza so great. The headliners alone will make any fan of rock-and-roll go weak in the knees, with RHCP, The Black Keys, Black Sabbath and a solo Jack White shining atop the bill. Many of the biggest names from 2012 will also grace Grant Park with their talents, including M83, Avicii, The Weeknd, Frank Ocean, Justice, Florence + The Machine and Madeon, among many illustrious others. With tickets going at record speed, be sure to grab one while you still can. Set to the glorious backdrop of Chicago’s iconic skyline and the shores of Lake Michigan, Lolla’s return to grace will surely be one to remember. Electric Zoo, August 31-September 2, Randall’s Island Park in New York, NY: Since 2009, Electric Zoo has beckoned ravers the world over to take part in what is the biggest Labor Day party around. The festival offers up acts that run the gauntlet of all of electronic music’s many different styles and subgenres, with house, trance and dubstep all accounted for. During each of the weekend’s three days, festival-goers can push their bodies to the limit, with 12 relentless hours of music transforming Randall’s Island into one big, beautiful dance floor. This year’s lineup is as consistent as ever, with what seems like every big name in the EDM movement included in the bill. Titans such as David Guetta, Tiesto, Benny Bennassi and Above & Beyond will headline, while party favorites Dada Life, Bingo Players, Steve Aoki, Wolfgang Gartner, Knife Party and Bloody Beetroots will make your ears bleed, but only in the best way possible. Toss in recent Grammy winner Skrillex, everyone’s favorite DJ to both love and hate, and Electric Zoo really is a snapshot of who’s who in the electronic world. If you still have any energy left over after the non-stop mayhem of O-week, then break out the glowsticks and neon pacifiers and throw caution to the wind at Electric Zoo. Sarah Angell is a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences. She can be reached at
Thursday, May 3, 2012 | The Corne¬ Daily Sun | 17
The Best and Worst of Coachella I
’ve spent two weeks out of Indio’s desert sun, but the effects ate a comfortable circumferSANTI SLADE / of Coachella withdrawal are still raging strong. How do I ence from the pushy crowd) for SUN STAFF ILLUSTRATOR cope with the syndrome’s symptomatic inattention and the entire set, which started 30 melancholia? Hours and hours (and hours) of the Coachella minutes late. I don’t care if Weekend Two live stream on Youtube. Strangely, very little has you’ve been resurrected from changed performance-wise between weekend one (holla!) and the dead; you don’t keep a weekend two. Of course, half-listening to St. Vincent crowd sweaty crowd waiting for that surf to a never-debuted track while pumping out differential long, cutting into the length of problem sets at my desk ain’t the same as the real thing, but it’s your set. Then throughout, all I’ve got to keep me distracted before Slope shenanigans. So Ocean, the notorious perfecas I relive my week of truancy spent in the California sun, I tionist, kept cutting off his solidify my list of the best sets, the worst sets and everything band to adjust the monitors and check the sound. Okay, so in between. it’s cool that Ocean kicked off THE BEST Jeff Mangum: So much was riding on this set — his first the night with a cover of Bob West Coast performance in over a decade. The J.D. Salinger Dylan’s “Long Time Gone,” of indie rock came aboard a barren stage (all photography and but I mean, let’s be honest, video were forbidden for this recluse) and the next 50 minutes aren’t we all just gathered here were absolute perfection. Such earnestness. Such sincerity. A so we can rage during that one voice equal parts sour and sweet, like honey and struck sheet line about Coachella during metal. Like a small tin horn stuck in Kurt Cobain’s throat. In “Novacane?” AWOLNATION: Because I other words, it was as mind-blowing as a single man singing over simple chord structures could ever be. As the flannel-clad was in the front row during the previous set, I wanted to keep Scott Spilane of Neutral Milk Hotel surprised the stage with my prized position on the main stage and so I stayed for the several other brass and accordion players, Mangum broke into next act, AWOLNATION. I thought, “Hey, they can’t be that “In an Aeroplane Over the Sea.” He shouted for the audience bad…I mean, I like that one song, “Sail.” Oh, how wrong I to join him in the strangest, most beautiful and most surreal was. Zero visuals. Zero energy. Zero stage presence. Was I front row for the worst set ever? I was sing-along there fucking front row for the worst set ever. ever was. As I Did I feign an oncoming heat stroke so I looked around could get security to pull me over the the stammering front row barricade to escape their crowd, I kid you unbearable wailing? Perhaps … not, there were DISAPPOINTMENTS tears on several Profanity Radiohead: Let’s start with the visufans’ faces. als — 18 screens hoisted above the Bon Iver: I Prayers band playing skittering close-ups of love me some drumsticks and hands. Not the most Justin Vernon, but I guess I never expected a spectacular live performance out stimulating of sights, especially after Swedish House Mafia of beardy prog-folk sound. I anticipated woolly ambience, had flamethrowers and Santigold had intergalactic spacesomething to soothe me after an exhausting Day Two, but men with dancing horses on the same stage. Nevertheless, what I received was orchestral and lushly arranged folk songs it’s Radiohead, so I persevered. What I got was two straight full of intimacy, power and drifting optimism. Needless to say, hours of placid almost-hits. As my friend puts it, “He’s I am now contemplating a “Skinny Love”- inspired tattoo of fucking Thom Yorke; he can do whatever he wants, and if Thom Yorke wants to play two hours of his songs that are “Be patient, be fine, be balanced be kind” on my ribcage. just sleepy re-utterances of five words just repeated over THE WORST Frank Ocean: Don’t get me wrong. I want to have Frank and over in a manner Pitchfork will probably describe as Ocean’s babies. Dude’s a pimp — but his set was downright ‘haunting,’ then that’s what’s going to happen and I know awkward. I had to leave M. Ward 20 minutes early just to we still won’t leave.” We didn’t leave and we were rewarded squeeze through the packed crowd. I ended up standing next thrice with “Karma Police,” “Paranoid Android” and to Redfoo of LMFAO (with his Krusty the Clown hair to cre- “Everything in its Right Place” but otherwise had to sit
Alice Wang
through a lot of the rhythmic, dub-infected The King of Limbs. Call me a cheap date but I really just wanted a rousing live performance of “High and Dry.” I mean, it’s not like I asked for “Creep.” PLEASANT SURPRISES Childish Gambino: If it was possible to impregnate someone with eyesex, I’m pretty sure I’d be carrying Childish Gambino’s baby right now. Just a few sweaty Coachella-goers short of front row, I swooned a bit as we maintained some serious eye contact during the crowd-erupting cut of “You See Me” (where Danny Brown and Kendrick Lamar surprised the stage). Considering Donald Glover has a well-documented case of yellow fever (“Forget these white girls / I need some variation / Especially if she very Asian”), I’d say I’m halfway in his pants already. But besides our intense spiritual (and physical and lyrical) connection, Gambino / Glover just oozes talent. He’s got immense character, and he plays to the crowd. Not only did the rapper-actor-writer triple threat play all the hits off Camp and his EP during his set, but he also did some throwbacks off Culdesac, which had all the Gambino-haters impressed by his crazy energy. Plus, Gambino loves to improv during his cuts, with the most memorable adlib at the end of “Heartbeat” when he goes, “I wish we never fucked, and I mean that, but not really ‘cause you let me eat you out at the back of the Coachella bus.” Alice Wang is a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences. She can be reached at Profanity Prayers appears alternate Thursdays this semester.
Amazing Grace
ew artists have touched the hearts of many with only one album as much as Jeff Buckley has done. When he passed away at the tender age of 30 in a drowning accidental, Buckley had only released Grace, a career-defining record that is critically acclaimed as one of the greatest albums of all time. Grace is indeed a magical experience; the album has many facets that penetrate your soul — Buckley’s gifted songwriting, ethereal voice spanning close to three octaves, heart-wrenching emotion and top-notch guitar work. Covering all spectrums of emotion, it sends you into euphoria and tears. The music has enlightened and touched me, and holds a special place in my musical discography. Grace is surprisingly, at least from what I’ve encountered, quite unheard of even among my more musically inclined peers. Buckley is almost universally known for his cover of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah,” which is the best track on the album. Actually, I don’t consider it a cover at all —“Hallelujah” is Jeff Buckley’s song. The raw emotion that pervades the recording chills to the bone, and if you don’t get teary eyed listening to it straight through, I would question your humanity. The track is not necessarily indicative of Buckley’s gifted vocal range; Buckley does not over-sing, and he does not need to. Whenever I listen
to this track, I swear that Buckley is singing right to me — picture the lowest of the lows in your life, and you will undergo a cathartic experience. When you finish the song, you will realize there is certainly hope in this world, regardless of the trials or annoyances you’re facing. I am not particularly religious, but if I compared Grace to anything it would be to a spiritual experience. The album and title track are aptly named as such, and there is religious imagery in songs like “Corpis Christi Carol,” “Eternal Life” and, of course, “Hallelujah.” Although Buckley is widely perceived to have been religiously apathetic, there is no doubt that there is something
Matt Samet This Album Will Change Your Life divine about the themes and soundscapes explored in Grace. “Dream Brother” is a captivating foray into psychedelic rock and “So Real” is a haunting slow-burner about a past relationship that evokes a dream-like state. Buckley’s music takes you on a spiritual pilgrimage of sorts and never lets you go. This is exactly what real music must feel and
sound like, and I have never experienced this same feeling with any other album. Similar feelings pervade the rest of the record. Songs like “Last Goodbye” and “Lover You Should’ve Come Over” are also emotional roller coasters that take you on a musical journey into your inner psyche. Listening to Buckley, you cannot help but drift off into the distance and contemplate your life at hand. Buckley himself did not have a particularly easy life — his estranged father Tim died of a drug overdose at age 28. Buckley also struggled as he lived with his single mother in multiple homes in Orange County and dealt with his potential success in a fickle musical world. Grace was clearly a personal album for Buckley. Themes of loss, regret, and hope are found throughout Grace, and if I had any theory on what Buckley was trying to accomplish with this stellar album, I would say he was coming to terms with his life. Unfortunately, Buckley left us much too soon, but only few could have accomplished as much as he did. Grace did not introduce me to a whole new genre of music, provide me with the soundtrack of my childhood, an escape from reality, or any other typical criteria for most people’s favorite albums. It is difficult for me to sit and listen to it in its entirety; the album
is simply too powerful and emotional for a regular day. It is impossible to resist being brought deep down into Buckley’s often melancholy, yet ultimately relatable life. And that’s why I find grace exquisite and unusual. But I will never forget the first time I was completely drawn into Buckley’s world, and how it slowly became my own. To me, Grace is the pure work of a man simply playing the music from his heart, singing for redemption and praying for his “saving grace.” Of course, this is only my interpretation. Still, which albums these days actually cause you to question what they really mean, but most importantly, to question your own life? This is why Grace is, to me, quite simply one of the greatest albums of all time. Matt Samet is a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences. He can be reached at
18 THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012
THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012 19
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20 THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012
THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012 21
Red Preps for IHSA How a Polo Match Can Inspire Us EQUESTRIAN
Continued from page 24
until the morning of the competition. “The level of horse talent here is far beyond anything any other part of the country has ever seen,” Mitchell said. In order to prepare for the different types of mounts they may be given, both Scrivens and de Rham have been practicing on a variety of horses. The riders recently practiced on horses from Georgia Southern University, and they also traveled to the Interscholastic Equestrian Association nationals and rode some of the horses there, according to Scrivens. The IEA is the high school version of the IHSA. “It’s always nice to have a good ride on an unfamilar horse,” de Rham said. This year, the Red brought two rookies — freshmen Mary Beth Hannon and Sofia Steinberger — to volunteer to help out during the competition. “The girls that are there helping are putting a lot of effort in … they’re doing it out of the goodness of their heart[s] and representing our team in a positive manner,” Fink said. “I’m glad that they’re here and able to see what’s going on and bring that message back to the team so we all have something to work towards next year,” Kowalchik said. “I think it’s really important for everyone to see at some point why we’re doing this.” Unfortunately for the Red, this
will be its last show with Mitchell. After a 13 year career at Cornell, Mitchell will be moving to Randolph College to become the director of its riding program next year. “I think we really are all happy for him and the opportunity for him and his family,” Kowalchik said. “It’s obviously a huge loss to the program but he is and will remain committed to finding us a quality replacement.” The players are sad to see him go, because he has had a positive impact on their time riding at Cornell, according to Fink, “He’s really provided a lot of mentorship … he’s really guided me through my college career and my riding career … and I think has been an inspiring leader,” she said. “Hopefully the replacement will be able to fill his shoes because … that’s a tall order.” The team does not yet know who its new coach will be. Still, rather than dwelling on the uncertainties of the future, the riders are focusing their energy on succeeding at nationals and enjoying the competition. “I think no matter how we finish off here we’re both pretty happy just to get to ride … we’re the lucky ones who actually get to go into the ring and show what we’ve got and what we’ve worked for all year,” Scrivens said. “They’ve made it to the top now, so now they just get to enjoy it and I hope they do because they’ve worked hard and they deserve it,” Kowalchik said. Ariel Cooper can be reached at
Continued from page 24
was the first time ever that an all-black polo team won the championship. Numerous major media outlets have picked up on the story including ESPN, Sports Illustrated, CNN, CBS and HBO, precisely because an all-black team managed to win a championship in a traditionally whitedominated sport. Of course, not many black people play polo — not many white people play polo either for that matter. Polo has traditionally been a sport for the elite — the 1 percent if you will — and is often called the “Sport of Kings.” Recognizing who usually plays polo then, what’s surprising isn’t that a team of black lower-class athletes won a championship in a sport dominated by white upper-class players, it’s that they got a chance to play to begin with. Their opportunity to play the sport wasn’t a product of achieving the American Dream, but their championship highlights the workings of the American Dream within sports. It’s a nice reminder that anybody on the playing field, or court, or rink, or pitch, etc., if given the chance and possessing the talent and work ethic,
can excel regardless of background. By the way, this year Kareem Rosser’s former team once again won the men’s championship — this time with two black males and a female. That’s the beauty of sports. It’s the perfect example of the type of meritocracy that the American Dream is supposed to embody. Assuming the rules of the game aren’t rigged, the meritocracy should work just fine. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case in sports or outside of sports. Outside of sports the conditions that are supposed to be conducive to the American Dream have probably always been less than perfect — maybe they’ve never been perfect and never will be. Many of you who are reading this might be concerned about this as you look forward to life post-graduation. It’s hard to be optimistic about the promise of the American Dream, but perhaps we shouldn’t lose hope by imaging the possibilities. Sports stories like Kareem Rosser’s provide a vision for what the American Dream and what a meritocracy can look like. Brian Bencomo is a Sun Staff Writer. He can be contacted at Out of Left Field appears alternate Thursdays this semester.
Club Lacrosse Sets New Team Standards CLUB LAX
Continued from page 24
changes in expectations for all of the players. “Joe has set a new standard … This year we had more expectations and more accountability, which fosters more of a commitment to the team and its success,” Solomon said. “We all care more about the team, and it results in trying harder in games…there’s that extra effort to make the team that much better.” “Our team the past three years should have been awesome, but we’d go out there and just make
mental errors,” Shevlin said. “The seniors have really done a good job to get the entire team focused this year.” Hopes are high that this year will set a new standard for the team that will continue into the future. “We’ve got a talented group of younger guys that will keep it going,” Benci said. “Once you’ve got the commitment level started, you can keep upping expectations and keep getting better.” Rebecca Velez can be reached at
22 THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 3, 2012
For this last installment of 10 Questions, columnist Alex Kuczynski-Brown ’12 sat down with center fielder Brian Billigen ’12 of the Cornell baseball team. They discussed the upcoming Ivy League Championship Series, Slope Day (obviously), the evolution of his nickname, Pittsburgh sports, Don Draper, and why he would fight Barry Bonds if given the opportunity. 1. First off, I have to offer my congratulations to you guys for winning your second-straight Ivy League division title and tying a program record for season victories. How does it feel to be hosting the Ivy League Championship Series for the first time ever? It feels pretty special. I think they introduced the Ivy Championship [Series] in the mid-90s, and we’ve never hosted it. We won the division title my freshman year, had to go to Dartmouth — pretty tough to play in that kind of environment, so it will be nice to have the entire school be able to watch us at home. It feels pretty special. You guys face Dartmouth this weekend in a best-of-three series. How does having a doubleheader on Saturday affect your Slope Day plans? We have to still meet with the team about that. I think we might try to get everybody off-campus just to get away from the distractions ... maybe do a team event on Friday, just all of us have a BBQ or something at the coach’s house just to keep everybody [from] getting into Slope Day trouble. Seeing as how this is the last 10 Questions of the year, I have to ask about Slope Day: What’s your opinion on this year’s headliner? It’s Taio Cruz, correct? Yeah. I didn’t even know — someone had to tell me recently. I’ve only been to one Slope Day in my four years, and that was last year. Last year — so Nelly? I love Nelly, that was great. That was the best one in my opinion. Yeah, definitely. I heard Drake wasn’t that good live, and I heard — I forget ... Pussycat Dolls freshman year, that was a little questionable. Yeah. But Taio Cruz, I know maybe one song, so it’s not really a great start. Is it safe to say you would prefer Childish Gambino? Yeah, I know somebody on the Slope Day committee; they offered him, and I got so excited. He’s one of my favorite artists. Not many people on my team appreciate when I put him on in the locker room or in the car or anything — they get [annoyed] ... but I love him. Would you say that’s your go-to pump-up music before games? Yeah definitely. I have a couple songs that I play on every bus ride and on every walk to the field, and there’s a couple Childish songs. 2. I understand you’re a nut when it comes to Pittsburgh sports, but you’re not a Pirates fan? Unfortunately I am, but I don’t have much to cheer for. The excitement I get for the Steelers and Penguins isn’t there because they don’t win. If they win, yeah, I’ll be excited, but there’s not much to cheer for when they lose a lot. I can understand that, as a Philadelphia fan — there have been many ups-anddowns for our teams over the course of my lifetime. Are you a Flyers fan? I will readily admit, I am a bandwagon
Flyers fan. So right now of course I’m all “Go Flyers” ... and on that note, I was wondering if you had anything to say about the Penguins’ loss to the Flyers in the NHL playoffs? It was tough — I got a little annoyed, a little angry — they blew a bunch of leads ... I wish they would have won, but I’ve let it go. Now you can cheer for the superior Pennsylvania team. Of course, of course. Absolutely. 3. Why does everyone call you “Beans”? Long story — I’ve maybe told it 100 times in the past four years. Freshman year I was not a big partyer, not a big drinker at all. But I would go to all the baseball parties — we throw a lot of parties in the offseason. I’d have a good time, enjoy myself, and all the seniors were wondering “How could he have a good time if [he’s] not going to ... enjoy the festivities?” And one time, just randomly I went to a movie with a couple of the senior guys, and I came back and there was a party going on. I had a box of candy with me from the movie, and they see me — they’re all ... having a good time — and they go, “Oh, this is how you have a good time — you’re always having sugar, you always have a sugar high.” “Sugar” got switched to “Jelly Beans,” “Jelly Beans” got shortened to “Beans.” So there’s a whole story built around it, and it’s just been four years of evolution. What is a “Bean Dip”? “Bean Dip” is when — I’m assuming Brandon [Lee] ’12 or Houston [Hawley] ’13 told you this one — it’s when I meet somebody in Collegetown, and we’re going to go somewhere as a team. I run into somebody I know and I just disappear with that person. I just leave and they have no idea where I went, and I don’t see them until the next morning or later that night, and they’re like “Where the hell did you go?” So they [nicknamed that] a “Bean Dip.” What kind of people are you disappearing with? Just other friends I guess. It’s a wide variety of people. Are there places where you usually end up, or is it just totally random? Fall semester it was pretty random ... honestly, I didn’t have a preference of
where I ended up, but I usually ended up at CTP and then going home. Would you say a “Bean Dip” is what caused you to leave $200 worth of chips on the table in Atlantic City over Fall Break? Yeah, I would say that was it, but it wasn’t because I met anybody, it was just because I got lost getting back to the table. I’ve never been to Atlantic City, but if it’s anything like Vegas I can understand you getting lost. It was my second night there, and I went to the bathroom and could not find my way back to where the chips were. So I ended up getting lost in the hotel and ended up right outside our hotel room not knowing where any of my stuff was, so Jeeter [Ishida] ’12 — I had to call Jeeter — and he stole my chips, got my jacket, and brought it back up to the room for me because I completely just forgot where everything was. 4. You’re a senior as far as I know, so why is it that some of your teammates consider you a freshman because this is your “first year of college”? I’ve been tied down my last three years in college; I had girlfriends at home, so they say this is my first year out to the college wild, so I’ve tried to enjoy it as much as possible — try to fit four years of fun into one year. How’s that been working out for you? Fall semester was a good time. A little wild, a little crazy. It’s nice that we’re winning this semester, too. I’m having a wide variety of fun. Pat Lewicki ’12 started his email to me with “I hope your senior year is going as well as Brian Billigen's is,” so I took that as a positive indication. Yeah definitely. I’ve made some good decisions, I’ve made some bad decisions but they all worked out. 5. Do you play any sports besides baseball? I played basketball in high school, and we play some pick-up games here and there. We actually won the intramural flag football [championship] my sophomore year, which was fun. That’s a prestigious title. We got a couple tee-shirts, it was pretty nice. What about golf? I golf, yeah. We actually go every year
for my birthday, which is actually next Friday. Oh, happy birthday in advance! Thank you. Me, Rick Marks ’12, Houston, Spenser [Souza] ’13 — all of us, we might have a lot of guys actually, because everybody I talk to wants to go. We’ll have a good time and relax on the course. It’s a nice way to celebrate my birthday. One of your teammates described your golf game as the “Tiger Woods of the baseball team.” I didn’t know if this was a reference to your golfing ability, or your relationships with women. Well, my golfing ability isn’t good. I try to hit the ball as far as I can, and I have a short temper when it comes to me making bad shots. I know Tiger has a short temper too, so that might be it. Or if someone wants to say that about [me] offthe-course, it might be that too, I’m not sure. Whenever people talk about their subpar golfing ability, I always ask “Are you better than Charles Barkley?” Have you seen him golf? I have. He can probably hit the ball straighter than me, but I can definitely hit it farther. 6. Are you a Mad Men fan? Love Mad Men. What are your thoughts on Don Draper? He’s my idol. Me and Pat watch it every week; we sometimes try to pretend we’re on the show when we’re watching it — get some whiskey in a glass and watch it, just to get more in the atmosphere of Mad Men. It’s pretty nice, we enjoy it. I don’t watch the show, but what is it about Don Draper that makes him such an inspiring figure? He’s a man’s man. He worries about himself first; he had a family, but he kind of ruined that. I actually kind of want to do what he does job-wise, which is another catch. But other than that, he has a good time, never worries about anyone else. Alex Kuczynski-Brown can be reached at
To see the last three questions, visit
Commanding attention | Senior Brad Billigen talks about everything from sports to beans to his freshman-like behavior .... three years later. OLIVER KLIEWE / SUN SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER
THE CORNELL DAILY SUN | Thursday, May 5, 2011 23
Maneesha Chitanvis W. Soccer Position: Forward Stats: • Led the team with five goals and two assists for 12 total points • Earned repeat All-Ivy Honors •Named to the Fall All-Academic Ivy Squad
Nick D’Agostino M. Hockey Position: Defenseman Stats: • Awarded the Crimson Cup by his team this year • Served as alternate captain •Had 20 points this season, including eight goals
Jaime Laird W. Squash Stats: • Named to the All-Ivy League First Team • Named a Women’s Squash AllAmerican by the College Squash Association
Johnathan Gray
Branden Van Loon
M. Basketball
M. Polo
Position: Guard Stats: • Fourth on the team in scoring with 8.8 points per game • Named to the U.S. Virgin Islands National Team
Katie Kellner XC/Track
the junior members of the team in game starts as wells as points.
Laura Fortino W. Hockey
Steve Mock M. Lacrosse
Steve Bosak Wrestling
Position: Defense Stats: •Named first team All-American for the third straight year • Member of the Canadian team that won the 2012 IHF World Championship
Position: Attack Stats: • Named Ivy League Player of the Week after his seven point contribution to the Big Red’s wins over Denver and Penn in late March
Weight Class: 184 Pounds Stats: • Was an NCAA All-American and was an EIWA Finalist in 2012 •Won the 2012 NCAA Championship
Rishi Jalan
Greg Miller
Lauriane Rougeau
M. Squash Stats: • Finished with a 12-2 record for the season which was the second best on the squad
Braden Birch M. Hockey Weight Class: Defenseman Stats: •Finalist for the ECAC Best Defensive Defensemen Award • In 19 league games, Birch was on the ice for just three of the 29 goals given up by Cornell
M. Hockey Position: Forward Stats: • Posted 31 points on the season, the highest on the team. • One of three finalists for ECAC Hockey Men’s Best Defensive Forward Award
Kyle Dake Wrestling Weight Class: 157 Pounds Stats: •Placed third at the Olympic Freestyle Wrestling Team Trials •Won NCAA Championship, named All-American and was the EIWA Champion, all in 2012
W. Hockey Position: Defenseman Stats: • Named ECAC’s Best Defensive Defensemen, also named to the Ivy League and ECAC Hockey First Teams
Brenton Peters Baseball Position: Infielder Stats: •Collected three doubles and two RBIs to beat Binghamton, 9-5, on April 25 at home
Caroline Salisbury W. Lacrosse
Stats: •Named to the All-Ivy Academic Team • Received the team’s Clarence Spindler Award for most valuable member
Position: Attack Stats: • Named second team All-Ivy • Second highest scorer on the team with 59 points • Recorded a hat trick eight times this season
Rick Pflasterer
Kristen Towne
M. Soccer
On the prowl | Attacker Steve Mock has started in 12 games and scored 27 points so far this season. He leads
Stats: • Served as captain of the squad this season • Started in the national semifinals, in which he scored a goal against top-seeded UVA
Position: Goalkeeper Stats: • Tallied 6 shutouts and 81 minutes of a 7th shutout • Set a single season record with his goals against average (.598)
Position: Catcher Stats: •Hit a two-out single in the 14th inning on April 28 against Princeton, as the Red won the longest game in team history.•
McKenna Archer
Clare Fitzpatrick
Gymnastics Stats: • Placed third in vault at the 2012 USA Gymnastics Women’s CollegiateNational Championships • Earned her first All-America honors on vault with a careerhigh 9.875
Striking fast | Forward Maneesha Chitanvis led the team in goals for two straight seasons.
W. Basketball Event: Forward Stats: • Led the team with 10. 8 points per game while also grabbing 6.9 rebounds per game • Ranked 12th in the Ivy League in scoring
The Corne¬ Daily Sun
Two Riders to Show at National Tournament Scrivens, de Rham qualify for IHSA individual slots
By ARIEL COOPER Sun Staff Writer
While the equestrian team’s season may be over, two riders are still in the saddle, getting ready to compete against some of the best collegiate riders in the United States at this week’s Intercollegiate Horse Show Association national competition. Senior Bronwyn Scrivens and freshman Georgiana de Rham both qualified as individuals for this competition. Scrivens will be competing in the Cacchione class as her region’s high point rider, while de Rham will show in intermediate fences. This is the first time that Cornell has had a rider in the Cacchione class, according to head coach Chris Mitchell. “I’m really, really excited,” Scrivens said. “It’s kind of an honor to be here and be a part of it, [but] it’s going to be really competitive because its the top 36 riders in the nation.” The Cacchione class has three rounds and is the highlight of the competition, according to Mitchell. In the first round, riders send their horses over fences. Then, in the second round, 24 riders are called back to show on the flat. Finally, either all or a portion of the remaining competitors are called back for a last test. Mitchell is confident in Scrivens’ ability, but the competition will be fierce. “Bronwyn has an excellent shot to move on,” he said. “Winning it all it’s hard to predict at that level, [but] my expectation honestly is [for her] to be in the top ten and she has every legitimate shot of getting there.” Mitchell also has high hopes for de Rham. “Georgi has a great chance of winning … [she]’s been riding really well, she’s been working really hard … and she’s got
GEORGIANA DE RHAM an excellent shot to win it all,” he said. As a freshman, qualifying for nationals is a rarity. “It’s kind of crazy, I’m kind of shocked that it happened,” she said. “I can’t really believe that I have [qualified for nationals].” However, de Rham is not letting the pressure get to her. “I’m just trying to enjoy it,” she said. “It’s really fun to be here.” This year, the show is being held at a fairground in Raleigh, North Carolina. According to Mitchell, 86 horses from schools across the country will be participating in the competition. The Red even contributed two of its own horses to the show. “Having our horses there and the horse show organizers asking us to provide our horses says a lot about our riding program and the quality of the horses,” said senior co-captain Katie Fink.
Fink has never been to nationals, but she said she is very proud of her teammates. “Getting to nationals is a huge accomplishment and the girls who made it there should be very proud because we are very proud of them,” she said. Although the riders have never seen many of the horses that will be in the drawings this week, the quality of the horses at the show and the extra time they are given to prepare has them looking forward to finding out who their mounts will be. According to junior co-captain Emily Kowalchik, who travels to nationals every year to school the Red’s horses, there are three full days to prepare the horses and riders for nationals. During a regular season show, the horses are not prepared See EQUESTRIAN page 21
Club Lax Earns Spot at Nationals Sports and the American Dream CLUB LACROSSE
By REBECCA VELEZ Sun Staff Writer
On Saturday, the men’s club lacrosse team dominated the previously-undefeated Cortland team, 10-7, earning a spot at the National College Lacrosse League National tournament. The team is currently ranked No. 13 in the nation, sporting a 9-2 record. “We generally have one or two games a weekend,” said senior captain Joe Benci. “This is definitely the best season we’ve had in years.” Cornell is a member of the Division I Empire East Conference, and generally competes against other teams in New York State and the northeast. This past weekend’s game against Cortland was the second time that the two teams faced each other this year. “We played them before and were winning the entire game … but they slowly crept back and went up with a minute and a half left,” Benci said. “It was a really disappointing loss, and we thought we wouldn’t be able to qualify [for nationals] after it.” With a 5-3 win over Syracuse and 12-5 victory against Albany, Cornell was able to secure a spot in the playoffs. In their second meeting this season, Cornell faced off against Cortland in a game which would determine which team would qualify for nationals and earn a first place finish in the Empire East conference. The team went into the match aware of the challenge it was facing, but determined to finish the game with a different outcome. “Cortland’s seniors have only lost two games in their entire career,” Benci
said. “Our win against them was number three. It was the first time we’ve beaten them in the regular season in five or six years, and we won pretty decisively. It was a huge win.” “We really took it to Cortland with a revenge mentality,” said senior Colin Shevlin. “We went up, 4-1, at the end of the first half and we didn’t let up against them the entire game. It was definitely the best game we’ve played since I’ve been at Cornell.” This Saturday Cornell faces Delaware in the first round of the national championship. “They’re the higher seed, and a pretty good team,” Benci said. “They’ve beaten some of the top teams, so it’ll be a good challenge.” “We do a good job of playing up to teams,” said senior Rob Solomon. “It’ll be stiff competition this weekend, but
we’re expecting a good game on Saturday.” Twenty-five members of the team will travel down to Annapolis, Md. this weekend for the game. Members of the team are excited for the chance to compete at such a high level, according to Tom Hayford, grad. “We’ve only lost twice this entire season, and every loss we’ve avenged” he said. “I can’t think of a better way to end a season and a career.” The team’s success comes in part from a new standard of commitment and play that Benci has demanded from the team. As captain and president, Benci is not only in charge of organizing and coaching the team, but also is competing as a player. The team’s success this year stems from his
See CLUB LAX page 21
Rising in the ranks | The Cornell men’s club lacrosse team is now ranked
13th in the nation with a 9-2 record on the season.
’ve been thinking about the American Dream a lot lately. I’ve read about Jay Gatsby striving toward achieving it in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s eponymous novel, and I’ve seen it embodied by Don Draper in Mad Men. I’ve heard it touted in the rhetoric of politicians on the left and the right, and I’ve witnessed the efforts of friends try to make it a reality for undocumented immigrant youth. As I understand it, the American Dream promises the oppor-
Brian Bencomo Out of Left Field tunity to be a successful and happy person through your own hard work and regardless of your background. It’s the ideal of a meritocracy. American sports offer similar promises. I like to think of the world of sports as a microcosm for the American Dream on the playing field. I’ve written about this before as I saw it in Sugar — a movie about a kid from the Dominican Republic who comes to America to play baseball. In fact, there are a lot of sports movies that tell similar stories — Rocky, Glory Road, Moneyball and The Blind Side to name just a few. They’re all hard-luck stories about underdogs who overcome the odds to be successful. The underdog story really is the American Dream in a nutshell, and the world of sports is littered with such stories. I thought I would write about one of these stories for my last column in The Sun. It involves a future Cornellian, so I thought it would be especially cool to mention it. It’s the story of Kareem Rosser — an African American kid from the inner-city of Philadelphia who led an all-black polo team last year to win the National Interscholastic Polo Championship (for middle and high school kids). It See BENCOMO page 21