Learning The Basics Of Retained Executive Search And Its Value In Modern Business Organizations
Executive search firms have come to play a vital role in helping business organizations find the right kind of candidates for various vacant posts within the companies. However, like most other industries, this sector has also developed its own set of specializations. One such specialization which is being highly utilized by modern business organizations is “retained executive search�. Cornerstone International Group us one of the most reliable and efficient recruitment companies offering its services in China. The company is known for its core competency in the field of retained executive search and helps the client organizations to find the most capable and deserving candidates for senior management positions.
What Is Retained Executive Search Put in the simplest words, retained executive search is a specialized form of management consulting, wherein the client organization hires the services of an executive search firm for finding the most suitable candidates to fill senior level posts within the company. The partnership between the executive search firm and the hiring company is based on the understanding that the former will provide the benefit of industry specific experience and unique approach to help find the right candidates for the hiring company’s leadership role. The most important thing to remember is that the retained search firm does not represent the individual executive but rather works on behalf of the hiring organization. Value Of Retained Executive Search Hiring the services of one of the top executive search firms in China, such as Cornerstone International Group adds value to the process of finding the most appropriate senior level executives in the following ways. We help in establishing a confident and proactive relationship with the candidates who might be suitable for the job but are not currently active in seeking a change. Our expertise in the field helps us develop the interest of the suitable candidates in the job, without actually bringing the hiring company into picture and at the same time offering comprehensive information to the candidates. We constantly offer inputs and services that not only reinforce the interest of the desirable candidates but also intensify it to the level that they become eager to grab the opportunity. We carry out extensive communication with the individual senior executives to not only provide them with regular and prompt updates but also to inform them about the challenges and other attractive aspects associates with the position. Most importantly, we make sure to maintain a high level of transparency in the candidate –consultant relationship without hurting the interest of the hiring company.