Why top executive search firms conducting virtual interviews?

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Why top executive search firms conducting virtual interviews?

Why top executive search firms conducting virtual interviews?

With advancements made in technology, the executive search firms followed suit by adopting and incorporating the new technologies which save time and increases the overall efficiency of the recruitment process. One such tool is virtual interviews which are being used by the executive search firms in Bangalore as a way to reduce the applicant pool. Softwares such as Zoom, Google Hangout, Skype etc. are being used by the recruiters to reach a diverse set of applicants globally and screen the prospective hires in a cost efficient manner.

Why top executive search firms conducting virtual interviews? Considering the ongoing pandemic COVID 19, the virtual interviews became the necessary requirement to ensure that the hiring efforts are not affected due to the pandemic. In a virtual interview, the job interview is done by utilizing the video technology for the purpose of enabling remote conversations between the top executive search firms and the potential hires using the softwares listed above. Conducting the virtual interviews comes with a number of added benefits. Here are the top reasons for executive recruiters to opt for virtual interviews: Cost effective A number of expenses are being incurred for conducting a physical interview, which includes cost of bringing the interviewer and interviewees at the same platform or the expenses of organizing tea, coffee and lunch for the candidates as well as interviewer and other support staff services. With virtual interviews in place, the cost incurred on aforementioned things gets deducted and at the same time a satisfactory level of human interaction is formed.

Why top executive search firms conducting virtual interviews? Flexibility in schedules As a best practice in recruitment, the candidates are required to meet the entire interview panel in a single day and this usually calls for a problem for the candidates if they are studying or currently in another job or remotely located to come to a particular site for interviewing. The problem of interview schedule can be smartly avoided by opting for a virtual interview. Both the parties can conduct the interview irrespective of where they are.

Modern technology The modern technology has given us a number of softwares which can be easily used for the purpose of staying connected with the people to facilitate the recruitment programs. Video conferencing software such as Zoom is used in the recruitment process. This is the reason the executive searchers these days are investing heavily in tools and resources which aid in giving a modern outlook to the recruitment process.

Why top executive search firms conducting virtual interviews?

Convenient Some of the administrative stress of the face to face interview can also be done away with virtual interview. There need not be any meeting room or travel arrangements for interviewer and candidates. A video conference can do the needful.

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