1 minute read


Springtime certainly feels like the most dramatic time of change in the year. The daylight hours get longer and temperatures slowly warm up as winter gradually releases its grip.

Changes can be seen all over the place. Bulbs like snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils all come into bloom and trees and bushes start budding with new growth. At the time of writing this myself and my family are going through one of the most sizeable changes it is possible to have, that of the arrival of a brand new family members. My wife is pregnant and due any day with our second child.


Just like the changes from Winter to Spring, there is so much about this big change that we’re excited about. Not least our daughter who is getting ever more excited about becoming a big sister. Change in our lives is one of those things, like death and taxes, that is absolutely guaranteed. Change is also quite daunting and at times very difficult to deal with. This goes without saying when it comes to negative changes like losing a job or the passing of a loved one, but change in

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