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A student once told me that he has never regretted reading the Bible‌ only not reading it!
How to Navigate the Bible
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Hebrews 1:3 tells us that Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory. If we want to get to know God, we must get to know who Jesus is, so that’s precisely what we are going to do. Booya. In this Connect’Lit, we will get to know Jesus through the gospel of Luke, focusing mainly on His interactions with other people. Our prayer is that you would regularly make time to connect with the living God ‘cause He wants to connect with you!
Week 1 DAY 1: Pray
Take a minute to pray in your own words for God to teach you.
Luke 1:26-38 (Mary & Angel) Mary is young, very young. It is thought that she is 13 or 14 years old. As you read, put yourself in the room…what do you see? What does the angel look like? What does Mary’s face look like? What do you think Mary is thinking?
1. What does this passage tell you about Jesus?
• Keep in mind that God is willing to be born into the world in a way that seems sketchy to others. He chose to come to this world.
2. What does it tell you about you?
• How must God feel about you to send His son to be born, knowing that one day He will be murdered for you?
3. How does it apply to your life?
• How can Mary’s response to the Angel help us know what our response to God needs to be when He invites us to something?
Thank God for three people in your life you are grateful for.
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DAY 2: Family Time Pray
Hey there God. I love you. Amen.
Luke 3:21-22 (Jesus’ Baptism)
1. What does this passage tell you about Jesus?
2. What does it tell you about you?
• If we believe in Jesus Christ, we are God’s sons and daughters. What is God’s response to us as His children?
3. How does it apply to your life?
• In the Bible, we are called to be like Jesus; Jesus was baptized. If you believe and have not been baptized perhaps it is time.
If you enjoy art, do your best to draw the scene at Jesus’ baptism.
Take a moment to tell God what you love about who He is.
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DAY 3: There is something that is so powerful about prayer. 1 Thessalonians
5:17 tells us to “pray continually.” Prayer is simply talking to God. Take a few minutes right now to slow down and focus on talking to Him. Here are a few different elements we can incorporate into our prayer time:
”God you are ____________, God you have ____________.”
”God, I have (name sin* here). Please forgive me for making that choice and help me not repeat it again today.”
”God I want/need you to _________ for me or someone I care about”
This is when we say something like, “Your will be done,” to communicate that we trust God and His timing for everything we have named above.
*Sin = making the wrong choice, choosing to live how we want not how God wants us to. When in doubt ask: Was/is that choice loving – to God, others, me.
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Week 2 DAY 1: Pray
Take a moment to ask Jesus to forgive you for your sin. Now invite Him to teach you through His word.
Luke 5:1-11 Jewish boys dreamed about following a Rabbi, a religious teacher, but they had to be elite. They had to have straight A’s in all honors classes. The men that Jesus called to follow Him did not get the grades. They were failures in others’ eyes. Yet Jesus, God in the flesh, invited them to follow Him.
1. What does this passage tell you about Jesus?
2. What does it tell you about you?
3. How does it apply to your life?
• Jesus has created you on purpose, with great purpose. Do you know what that purpose is? Regardless of what others say or what kind of grades you get He says, “I value you, I believe in you, I love you, and I want you to follow me.”
Thank God for this incredible love that He has for you.
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DAY 2:
Philippians 4:6-7
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends (surpasses) all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” • Take a few minutes to ask yourself if you are anxious or worried about anything. • Then tell God about your worries and ask Him to replace your anxiety and worry with peace. • Thank God that He is there for you in your anxious moments, and in every other moment.
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DAY 3: Family Time Pray
Thank God for four things that He has given you today.
Luke 5:12-13 People who had leprosy, a terrible skin disease that destroys nerves and the sense of touch, were considered unclean in Jesus’ day. If someone who did not have leprosy touched someone with it, they too were considered unclean. Jesus touched this man who likely had not been touched for a very long time. He is powerful enough to heal him by speaking, Jesus did not have to touch him, yet he did!
Read Part 2
Luke 5:30-32
1. What do these passages tell you about Jesus?
2. What do they tell you about you? How are you like the unclean man? • If sin makes us unclean, would that keep Jesus from us?
3. How do they apply to your life?
• If Jesus touched and healed this unclean man, do you think He is willing to be with you and touch you even though others may keep their distance from you?
Take a moment to tell God what you love about who He is.
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Week 3
DAY 1: Sometimes I just need to get outside. There is something about fresh air that is so good. Allow me to encourage you to get outside and to go for a walk. As you walk, spend the first 5 minutes being quiet, try to just be in God’s presence. Then invite God to bring things or people to mind to pray about or to pray for. • Mark 1:35 “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”
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DAY 2: Pray
“Father thank you for your letter to us, the Bible. Please teach me more about who you are as I read your letter.”
Luke 9:10-17 It’s interesting to realize in this passage that the people were so hungry to learn from Jesus that they followed him out into the middle of nowhere…despite not having food and shelter. They were making sacrifices to be with Jesus.
1. What does this passage tell you about Jesus?
2. What does it tell you about you?
• Are you longing to learn about Jesus as “hungrily” as the 5,000?
3. How does it apply to your life?
• How will you put yourself in a place to learn more about God? Where is God inviting you to have faith that he can provide what you need if though it doesn’t seem like there is enough?
Thank God for three people in your life you are grateful for.
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DAY 3: Family Time Pray
“I want to know you more, LORD. Please open my eyes and my heart to you.”
Luke 10:30-37 When Jesus tells this story, He is telling it to a religious leader (a Pharisee). Pharisees viewed Samaritans as lower class, as less then, as nobodies. This story is an underdog story, and Jesus chooses to make the underdog Samaritan the hero, not the religious guy (Priest, Levite).
Read Part 2
Luke 5:30-32
1. What do these passages tell you about Jesus?
• Hint: it is subtle, kinda hidden…pay attention to who He makes the hero…is the one who looks like they have it all together and know all there is to know about God and life?
2. What does it tell you about you?
• Who are you more like, the religious or the Samaritan, and why?
3. How does it apply to your life?
• Who can you be a ‘good Samaritan’ to?
Take a moment to tell God what you love about who He is.
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Week 4 DAY 1: Pray
Yup…do this before you start reading.
Luke 13:10-17 The “Sabbath” day refers to a day of the week where we are to rest and be refreshed in our relationship with God. Jesus healing on the Sabbath violated some laws that the Pharisees held onto adamantly and, in turn, made them quite upset. In so doing, Jesus sends quite a strong message to them and us all: I care more about people than I do religious rules.
1. What does this passage tell you about Jesus?
2. What does it tell you about you?
3. How does it apply to your life?
Take a picture of something that you are thankful for or represents something/someone you are thankful for and post it to Instagram or Facebook. Caption it with what you are thankful for.
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DAY 2: Family Time Pray
In your own words, invite God to use this time to meet with you and teach you.
Luke 15:1-7 OK. You are right. This is not an interaction Jesus has with someone else. However, it is a story - a parable - that He tells that shows us so much of who He is and who His heart aches for.
1. What does this passage tell you about Jesus?
2. What does it tell you about you?
3. How does it apply to your life?
• What family members or friends do you have in your life who don’t believe in Jesus? Pray for them and think about how you can show them the love that Jesus has for them.
Take a moment on your own to write down the top three things you are thankful for. After everyone in your family is done writing down what they are thankful for, share them with each other.
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DAY 3: There is something that is so powerful about prayer. 1 Thessalonians
5:17 tells us to “pray continually.” Prayer is simply talking to God. Take a few minutes right now to slow down and focus on talking to Him. Here are a few different elements we can incorporate into our prayer time:
”God you are ____________, God you have ____________.”
”God, I have (name sin* here). Please forgive me for making that choice and help me not repeat it again today.”
”God I want/need you to _________ for me or someone I care about”
This is when we say something like, “Your will be done,” to communicate that we trust God and His timing for everything we have named above.
*Sin = making the wrong choice, choosing to live how we want not how God wants us to. When in doubt ask: Was/is that choice loving – to God, others, me.
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Week 5 DAY 1: Pray
Open my mind and heart to hear specifically what you have for me in the passage I am about to read.
Luke 18:35-43 This is such an AWESOME short passage. Its like a Snickers… so packed with deliciousness that if you want to really enjoy, it you have to eat it slowly. So, I want you to read it three times pausing between each reading. While you pause answer one of the questions.
1. What does this passage tell you about Jesus? • What does Bartimaeus do in this passage? • What is Jesus’ response?
2. How does it apply to your life?
3. How do you need to cry out to God for help?
Thank God that He is bigger than any hardship we can or will face in this life.
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DAY 2: Have you ever found yourself wanting to pray, but without words? There
is a book in the Bible called Psalms that is all someone’s prayers to God. Today I want to encourage you to pray through a Psalm. Find Psalm 103:1-5 read through it to get familiar, then read it aloud as a prayer from you to God.
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DAY 3: Family Time Pray
“Please open our eyes to your presence with me even now as we read this passage together.”
Luke 19:1-10 I don’t know if you do, but let’s say you get money every day to buy lunch at school. Now let’s say there is a bully who catches onto the fact that you buy lunch every day and he/she corners you every day and demands you give them some of your cash. If you refuse they will get their other, bigger bully friends to beat you up. What would you think of that bully? Ya! You wouldn’t call them a friend. That is how people viewed Zacchaeus, the tax collector, because he was pretty much like the bully I described.
1. What does this passage tell you about Jesus? • Who is Jesus for in this passage?
2. What does it tell you about you?
• How are you like Zacchaeus…how do you mistreat others?
3. How does it apply to your life?
• Perhaps you need to allow this passage to remind you that, regardless of the choices you have made, God loves you and fights for you. • Who do you know at school who is disliked, pushed off to the side, ignored, glared at? How will you be their friend the way Jesus befriended Zacchaeus?
Take a moment to thank God for the grace (undeserved favor) He shows people like Zacchaeus, who are also people like us.
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Week 6 DAY 1: Pray
Get started by talking to God.
Luke 21:1-4 What can you buy for 2 pennies? Not much, right? Jesus sees a woman tithe, (give to God) 2 copper coins worth less than two pennies and he says, “Did you see that? Did you see that!? That was generosity! That’s what I’m talking about.” I have to think the disciples had a dumb look on their faces while they scratched their heads in confusion thinking, “What is He talking about?!”
1. What does this passage tell you about Jesus?
• Who is Jesus for? The wealthy, the powerful, or the humble, the generous, those who LOVE Him?
2. What does it tell you about you?
3. How does it apply to your life?
• How are you generous to God in the way you spend your time, in how you use the talent He has given you, and in how you give your money?
Pray & Praise
Ask God to show you how He wants you to use your time, treasure, and talent AND thank Him for empowering you to be a differencemaker in our world.
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DAY 2: Family Time Pray
Take a minute to see how you can pray for each other, then pray.
Luke 23:26 Jesus has been arrested, tried, and falsely convicted. He has been beaten almost to death. He is bleeding a lot from His open wounds on His body. Jesus’ body is weak. The Roman guards force Him to carry the wooden cross that they will soon nail Him to. Before long, He reaches physical exhaustion. Simon is walking by when a guard tells Him to help Jesus carry His cross. Simon helps lift the heavy cross and carry it side by side with Jesus, inevitably looking Him in the eye….
1. What does this passage tell you about Jesus?
• What made Jesus decide to carry a cross that He will ultimately be killed on?
2. What does it tell you about you?
• For Jesus to pay the incredible, pain-FULL price to rescue us from our sin, what must He think about us?
3. How does it apply to your life?
• You must choose to accept this. • How will you share this radical, sacrificial love with others?
Take a moment to tell God what you love about who He is.
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DAY 3: Psalm 46:10 Says “Be still and know that I am God.” Being still can be unnerving, uncomfortable, and can feel unproductive. However, to be still is to remind ourselves that we are a human being NOT a human doing. To be still is important and even healthy. This is one way to pray…how can we ever hear what God wants to say if we are always talking. Find a place that is distraction free…and don’t bring your phone, or iPod with you. Now sit. As you sit just remind yourself that God is with you and that He loves you.
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Week 7
DAY 1: Family Time Pray
“LORD, I thank you that you are powerful, so powerful that death could not hold you down. You died, but you conquered death when you came back to life. This gives us hope for our days on this planet and certainly for eternity that follows. I love you!”
Luke 24:36-43
1. What does this passage tell you about Jesus?
2. What does it tell you about you?
• What would your response have been if you were one of the disciples in that room?
3. How does it apply to your life?
• Is there an area where you want to see God do something supernatural? Is there an area of life where you doubt God?
Thank God for three people in your life you are grateful for.
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DAY 2: Did you know that it was only through Jesus’ death that we were given
the freedom to talk directly to Him? The result is as Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Here are a few different elements we can incorporate into our prayer time:
”God you are ____________, God you have ____________.”
”God, I have (name sin* here). Please forgive me for making that choice and help me not repeat it again today.”
”God I want/need you to _________ for me or someone I care about”
This is when we say something like, “Your will be done,” to communicate that we trust God and His timing for everything we have named above.
*Sin = making the wrong choice, choosing to live how we want not how God wants us to. When in doubt ask: Was/is that choice loving – to God, others, me.
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