9 minute read
Successful Job Fair
Pictured (L-R) is Dawn Jerome and Nicole Bissonnette from Biscuits Leclerc and Richard Beaulieu from Hood Packaging. Photos Choose Cornwall
Successful Job Fair
Over 500 people attended the recent Cornwall and Area Job Fair – an encouraging sign to local employers who are looking to add to their rosters.
“We have already hired a couple of people that we met at the Job Fair,” says Richard Beaulieu, Plant Superintendent with Hood Packaging. “We will be expanding production in Cornwall and we are actively recruiting.” Hood Packaging was one of over 40 local employers who exhibited at the job fair. Companies ranged from the largest private sector employer – Walmart Logistics, to food processors such as Leclerc and Olymel, to smaller companies such as Minimax Express. All at the job fair was the City of Cornwall which is also recruiting. This is the eighth consecutive year that a Job Fair has been held in Cornwall. All in all, it was a busy day for both job seekers and employers.
“We were encouraged with the turnout, which far surpassed the numbers we had last fall,” says Carilyne Hebert, Executive Director of the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area, and organizer of the job fair. “Having so many employers in one room is a big draw, and being able to talk directly to company officials about employment opportunities is invaluable.”
There are over 500 open positions in Cornwall right now, ranging from entry level positions to skilled technical positions to management roles. Local job postings can be found on ChooseCornwall.ca
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United Way Centraide SDG Handbags for Hope

Support the United Way’s first-ever online 50/50 raffle, sponsored by Your Credit Union, for a chance to win half the prize money with this YSL handbag!
(CORNWALL) — The Ontario government is calling for submissions for the Council of the Federation Award for Innovation in Mental Health and Addictions Care. This one-time award will be presented in each province and territory for initiatives that positively impact mental health and addictions care and will recognize and support individuals and organizations excelling in this field. I know there are many mental health services and programs that have made a difference to Ontarians in need,” said Jim McDonell, MPP for Stormont-DundasSouth Glengarry. “I encourage these worthy organizations to apply for this great honour.” The award in Ontario provides recognition and support for non-governmental, community, private sector, academic and Indigenous-led initiatives in the province. Indigenous government initiatives are also eligible. The Council of the Federation aims to recognize achievement and innovation and encourage others in the field to be innovative in their work. The award recipient will receive a certificate, signed by the Premier, as well as a $5,000 prize to advance the awarded initiative and foster further innovation. All recipients will be recognized nationally, and the winning initiative will be used as an example to promote innovation and collaboration among all provinces and territories. Award recipients will be announced in summer 2022. Applications will be accepted until April 29, 2022.

Archaeological Management Plan Plan de gestion archéologique NOTICE OF PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE #1
The City of Cornwall’s Planning Division is undertaking the City’s first Archaeological Management Plan (AMP). The AMP will establish a management framework to ensure the future identification, evaluation and conservation of the City of Cornwall’s archaeological resources. A Draft Research and Background Report has been prepared that covers the following topics: • Relevant terrestrial and marine archaeological conditions; • Provincial policy and legislation; • Municipal practices and policies; • Strategies for engagement with Indigenous communities; • The City of Cornwall’s current development planning review process; and • Recommendations to improve the City of Cornwall’s development planning review process. You are invited to attend a Public Open House to learn more about the project, the Draft Research and Background Report, and how to provide input. The Public Open House will be held on:
Thursday May 5, 2022 – 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm (Presentation at 5:30 pm) Cornwall Civic Complex, Salon B (Lower level), 100 Water Street East, Cornwall, ON Note: Kids’ colouring activities will be available.
At the Public Open House, City Staff and WSP-Golder, the City’s archaeological and planning consultant, will be available to answer questions and obtain comments. Should you be unable to attend the Public Open House, the display boards, presentation, and an Online Survey will be made available on the City’s website following the event. For additional information on the AMP, please visit the City’s website at https://www.cornwall.ca/en/do-business/archaeological-management-plan.aspx . The website will be updated with upcoming engagement events, and as reports and the Draft AMP become available. For more information about the AMP project, please contact: Alex Gatien Development Planner City of Cornwall / Ville de Cornwall 100 Water Street East, 2nd Floor, Cornwall, ON K6H 5T9 Tel: 613-930-2787 ext. 2365 Email: agatien@cornwall.ca If you have any accessibility requirements to participate in the Public Open House, please contact: Manon L. Levesque, City Clerk Tel: 613-930-2787 ext. 2316 Email: mlevesque@cornwall.ca Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will be part of the public record.
MEDIA EDITOR: Rick Shaver rshaver@seawaynews.media PUBLISHING ASSISTANT: Jennifer Mayer jmayer@seawaynews.media
MEDIA COORDINATOR: Colleen Parette cparette@seawaynews.media
Stop sitting on the fence
Winston Churchill once said of the fighting that raged early in the Second World War: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
The same can be said of the pandemic, if you squint.
We’re rounding the corner on the sixth wave of this two-year-old pandemic, hoping against hope that the ray of light at the end of this tunnel of frustration means we’re getting back to ‘normal’ – whatever that means.
It is believed that with a combination of vaccinations, boosters and something approaching herd immunity, we are setting ourselves up for the best summer since 2019.
Remember 2019? It was a glorious time when Donald Trump was impeached (the first time), Prince Harry and Megan Markle were still ‘royal’ and local festivals like the Glengarry Highland Games, Ribfest and the Williamstown Fair were staples of summer fun.
Sadly, the last two years have been anything but fun.
As we approach summer 2022, the chances of some pandemic-free outdoor celebrations appear to be set for a pretty exciting return.
But the problem is the province is still rife with COVID. A couple of weeks ago a provincial expert suggested as many as 100,000 (probably more) new cases of COVID were occurring daily in Ontario. Remember when it would increase from 300 to 325 and people would lose their minds? Now were talking tens of thousands of cases every day.
The reason we can afford to be so optimistic this year, is because of those vaccines we noted earlier. And the masking. And the hand-washing. And the social distancing. And the sacrifices.
All of those things, and a host of others, have brought us to a moment where we can actually get a glimpse of a future without words like ‘pandemic’, ‘COVID’ and worst of all ‘lockdown.’
How can we ensure that the summer we so dearly want (and deserve) becomes a reality? By encouraging those still sitting on
501 Campbell Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, ON K6H 6X5 613-933-0014 WWW.CORNWALLSEAWAYNEWS.COM

the fence to get the jab and be part of the solution. Even the most ardent of anti-vax sympathizers should be swayed by the simple fact that tens of thousands of cases of COVID-19 have descended on the province – and yet our health-care system has been able to bend without breaking.
Despite the rise in cases, mask mandates have remained shelved by the government (we still encourage you to wear one, if you feel uncomfortable in certain situations), businesses are open and big plans are in place for this summer.
And perhaps most telling of all – those who have been vaxxed are fine. Just fine.
Sure, people have reported some after effects from getting the shot, like a painful arm, fever/chills and there’s even been some really serious cases of negative side-effects.
But let’s be honest – those small number of issues is nothing compared to the MILLIONS of cases of COVID-19 that have been blunted by the vaccine.
The needle works. If you haven’t got it, get it. Now.

ROOTS: some are very deep
Nick Wolochatiuk Dances with Words
1973-1974: During 13 months vanning through Europe and North Africa, we gazed at the Ukrainian landscape from the Bulgarian border. Being independent travellers, we were not allowed to cross unless escorted. Those were the Cold War days. We paid our respects in many WW II military cemeteries and memorials in Holland, France, Italy, Germany and Tunisia. The fallen of both Allied and Axis armies were buried there. Among them there must have been men and women who could have become my teachers, employers, co-workers or next-door neighbours. At each, whether they were friend or foe, I reflected upon the price of war and felt gratitude I was born about 21 years too late to serve. In each cemetery I was moved, but only to tears in the Canadian war cemeteries. That’s what nationalism and patriotism do, no matter how shallow one’s roots may be. I was born in Canada. So were both of my parents, but their Ukrainian ways were as deep as if they had been born in Ukraine. Where they were born (Ethelbert, Manitoba and Coniston, Ontario) the foods, language and culture were more Ukrainian than Canadian. Only until we moved to Toronto when I was five years of age did I begin to learn English and become exposed to ‘Canadian’ foods such as pizza, spaghetti, tacos, curry and sushi.
At an early 1970 air show at CFB Trenton there was a Ukrainian Air Force aerobatic team. The yellow and blue colours on their MiG-27 aircraft and the sound of distantly familiar Ukrainian being spoken by the pilots stirred something deep within me. I was reminded that Ukrainian was hard-wired in my DNA.
I sometimes attend a bilingual mass at Ottawa’s Ukrainian Catholic church. The ceremony is heavy with unfamiliar ritual, yet I feel comfortable with it.
Once again, war has come to Ukraine. These days, even if your family name is MacDonald, Smith, Van Den Oetelaar or IN THE DISTANCE – Seeing this beautiful Ukrainian church on the far horizon, something within my roots was stirred. My cultural past is buried, but alive. It nourishes my
present. (Photo by Nick Wolochatiuk)
Latreille, your attention and sympathies are directed toward the plight of Ukraine. Most of the civilized world is attempting to do something for that country and its citizens. The brutal foray that Putin has unleashed is not only raining violence and destruction upon Ukraine, but economic harm is beginning to be imposed upon the entire world. May Russia’s decadent oligarchs be relieved of their ill-gotten luxuries. May Putin’s military conscripts be freed of their immoral duties. May Putin get what he deserves. May the citizens of Russia one day have a government that serves them. One day, may I visit the land that is deep within me.