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WHERE TO BUY This issue’s stockists
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AA Place for Everything 01244 680 501 aplaceforeverything.co.uk Abode Living 01273 621116 abodeliving.co.uk Abstract House abstracthouse.com Aga 0800 111 6477 agaliving.com Amara 0800 587 7645 amara.com Amazon amazon.co.uk Andrew Martin 020 7225 5100 andrewmartin.co.uk Annie Sloan 01865 803168 anniesloan.com Anthropologie 0800 0026 8476 anthropologie.com AO.com 0161 4701100 Argos 0345 640 2020 argos.co.uk Arista Living aristaliving.com Atkin and Thyme 020 3768 7775 atkinandthyme.co.uk Audenza 0116 298 6393 audenza.com
BB&Q 0333 014 3098 diy.com Back To The Grain 01273 480866 backtothegrain.co.uk Best at Flooring 0113 537 7146 bestatflooring.co.uk Blake & Bull 01225 541006 blakeandbull.co.uk Bluebellgray 0808 164 0130 bluebellgray.com Bombay Duck 020 8749 3000 bombayduck.com Boots 0345 609 0055 boots.com Brabantia 01275 819119 brabantia.com Burlington Bathrooms 0845 539 0055 burlingtonbathrooms.com
CC&T Publishing ctpub.com Carpetright 0330 333 3444 carpetright.co.uk Cherith Harrison 07711 851608 cherithharrison.com Cico Books 020 7025 2200 rylandpeters.com Cole & Son 020 8442 8844 cole-and-son.com Cox & Cox 0330 333 2123 coxandcox.co.uk Cuckooland.com 01305 231231 cuckooland.com Cult Furniture 020 8185 6960 cultfurniture.com
DDaisy Park 01769 579077 daisypark.co.uk Danetti 020 3588 1380 danetti.com Debenhams 0344 800 8877 debenhams.com DeLonghi 01908 067550 delonghi-cookers.co.uk Desenio 020 3318 2047 desenio.co.uk
Where to SHOP
Find out where to get your favourite buys in this issue
Discount Appliance Centre 01636 335552 discountappliancecentre.com
Dobbies Garden Centres
0131 561 6406 dobbies.com Dowsing & Reynolds 0113 819 9985 dowsingandreynolds.com
Drift Linens
instagram.com/driftlinens Dulux 0333 222 7171 dulux.co.uk Dunelm 0345 165 6565 dunelm.com Dwell 0845 675 9090 dwell.co.uk
EEarthborn 01928 734171 earthbornpaints.co.uk Esse 01282 813235 esse.com Etsy etsy.com
FFarrow & Ball 01202 876141 farrow-ball.com Flying Tiger flyingtiger.com Frontline Bathrooms 0845 470 2424 frontlinebathrooms.co.uk Furniture Choice 0800 035 0070 furniturechoice.co.uk
GGarden Trading 01993 845559 gardentrading.co.uk Gardena gardena.com George Home 0800 952 0101 george.com Gisela Graham 020 7708 4956 giselagraham.co.uk Graham and Green 01225 418200 grahamandgreen.co.uk
Great Little Trading Co
0344 848 6000 gltc.co.uk Gumtree gumtree.com
HH&M Home 0344 736 9000 hm.com Habitat 0344 499 4686 habitat.co.uk Hampton Plumbing 020 8979 3956 hamptonheatingplumbing.co.uk Harvey Maria 0845 680 1231 harveymaria.co.uk Hobbycraft 0330 026 1400 hobbycraft.co.uk Homebase homebase.co.uk Homesense 01923 473561 homesense.com
II Love Wallpaper 01429 869980 ilovewallpaper.co.uk Ikea 020 3645 0000 ikea.co.uk Impey Showers 01460 256080 impeyshowers.com Industville 020 7971 7871 industville.co.uk
JJane Clayton & Company 01761 404505 janeclayton.co.uk JD Williams 0871 231 2000 jdwilliams.co.uk
John Lewis & Partners
0345 604 9049 johnlewis.com Joseph Joseph 020 7261 1800 josephjoseph.com
KKaleidoscope 0333 200 8018 kaleidoscope.co.uk Kalinko kalinko.com Kitchen Stone Workshop 01903 723981 kitchen-stone-worktop.co.uk
LLa Redoute 0800 096 6888 laredoute.co.uk Lakeland 015394 88100 lakeland.co.uk Laura Ashley 0333 200 8009 lauraashley.com Lola Design 01904 675514 loladesignltd.com Lovely Craft Club lovelycraftclub.co.uk
MM&Co mandco.com M&S 0333 014 8000 marksandspencer.com Mad Hatter Interiors 01926 257230 madhatterinteriors.co.uk Made 0344 257 1888 made.com Matalan 0333 004 4444 matalan.co.uk Melody Maison 01302 741000 melodymaison.co.uk Merlyn 0808 101 1429 merlynshowering.com Mint & May mintandmay.co.uk Miss Print 020 8591 5463 missprint.co.uk Montpellier 0333 323 4473 montpellier-appliances.com My Furniture 0800 092 1636 my-furniture.com
NNeon Sheep neon-sheep.com Neptune 01793 427300 neptune.com Newlife Appliances 0330 058 0980 newlifeappliances.co.uk Next Home next.co.uk Nordic Nest 020 3002 1196 nordicnest.com Not Just Jugs 020 7254 9996 notjustjugs.co.uk
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Oliver Bonas 020 8974 0110 oliverbonas.com
PPaperchase 020 3322 4788 paperchase.co.uk Poundland 0800 731 5622 poundland.co.uk Primark 020 7495 0420 primark.co.uk R Red Candy 0121 224 7728 redcandy.co.uk Rex London 020 8746 2473 rexlondon.com Rinkit 01903 726077 rinkit.com Robert Dyas robertdyas.co.uk Rockett St George 01444 253391 rockettstgeorge.co.uk Rose & Grey 0161 926 8763 roseandgrey.co.uk
SSainsbury’s Home 0800 636262 sainsburyshome.co.uk Sara Miller saramiller.london Sass and Belle 020 7228 0281 sassandbelle.co.uk Shimu 0800 088 6800 shimu.co.uk Soak 0333 004 6333 soak.com Squires 01252 333666 squiresgardencentres.co.uk Studio 0371 200 0378 studio.co.uk Style Library 020 3457 5862 stylelibrary.com
White mounts make a gallery wall stand out against a dark backdrop

Surface View 0118 922 1327 surfaceview.co.uk Swoon 020 3319 6332 swooneditions.com
TTap Warehouse 01202 556655 tapwarehouse.com Tesco 0800 323 4050 tesco.com/direct Thames & Hudson 020 7845 5000 thamesandhudson.com
The Contemporary Home
0845 130 8229 tch.net
The French Bedroom
Company 01444 415430 frenchbedroomcompany.co.uk The Hairpin Leg Co 01666 818222 thehairpinlegcompany.co.uk The Rug Seller 0845 634 3477 therugseller.co.uk Thornback & Peel 020 7831 2878 thornbackandpeel.co.uk TK Maxx 01923 473561 tkmaxx.com Topps Tiles 0800 783 6262 toppstiles.co.uk 2LG Studio 020 3590 5386 2lgstudio.com Twyford Cookers 01568 611124 twyford-cookers.com
VValue Lights 0161 837 6095 valuelights.co.uk Very 0844 822 2321 very.co.uk Victorian Plumbing 0345 862 2878 victorianplumbing.co.uk VictoriaPlum.com 0344 804 4848 Villa Nova 01623 756699 villanova.co.uk Vonhaus 0161 833 5442 vonhaus.com
WWallpaper Direct 430886 01323 wallpaperdirect.com Wayfair 0800 169 0423 wayfair.co.uk West Elm 0800 404 9780 westelm.co.uk Wickes 0330 123 4123 wickes.co.uk Wilko 0800 032 9329 wilko.com Windsor Browne 01302 741009 windsorbrowne.co.uk
XS Stock
Yates Building Contractors
07956 322189
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