1 minute read

Foreign predatory buying of EU crucial industries

03'+)/13'&#503:$6:+/) 0(%36%+#-+/&6453+'4 CLAIRE HOLLIER

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Commission states that the guidelines will operate in the public interest, in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation, since ‘protection of public health is recognized as an overriding reason in the general interest’ under EU law.

Member States consider that predatory investment, eg. Vulture purchases by investors outside the EU when stock markets have slum down, is also viewed as contrary to public security, not only public health.

This increased awareness to retain resources into the EU, may well lead to the revisiting of policies in favour of governments taking over equity stakes in companies considered vital for the Member State and the EU.

If anything, this pandemic has led to the revisiting of stringent competition and state-aid rules and adjusting to a framework of justifiable state-intervention – attributing more weight to public security, public health and the retention of EU assets.

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